998 resultados para alpha-SiAlON-SiC composites
The HERG K+ channel has very unusual kinetic behavior that includes slow activation but rapid inactivation. These features are critical for normal cardiac repolarization as well as in preventing lethal ventricular arrhythmias. Mutagenesis studies have shown that the extracellular peptide linker joining the fifth transmembrane domain to the pore helix is critical for rapid inactivation of the HERG K+ channel. This peptide linker is also considerably longer in HERG K+ channels, 40 amino acids, than in most other voltage-gated K+ channels. In this study we show that a synthetic 42-residue peptide corresponding to this linker region of the HERG K+ channel does not have defined structural elements in aqueous solution; however, it displays two well defined helical regions when in the presence of SDS micelles. The helices correspond to Trp(585)-Ile(593) and Gly(604)-Tyr(611) of the channel. The Trp(585)-Ile(593) helix has distinct hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. The Gly(604)-Tyr(611) helix corresponds to an N-terminal extension of the pore helix. Electrophysiological studies of HERG currents following application of exogenous S5P peptides show that the amphipathic helix in the S5P linker interacts with the pore region of the channel in a voltage-dependent manner.
A Lei n?? 12.527 de 2011, conhecida como Lei de Acesso ?? Informa????o (LAI), regulamentou o direito constitucional de qualquer pessoa solicitar informa????es de interesse particular, ou de interesse coletivo ou geral, a ??rg??os e entidades p??blicas de todas as esferas e Poderes. Para facilitar e desburocratizar o envio das solicita????es e das respostas no ??mbito da LAI, a Controladoria-Geral da Uni??o desenvolveu o e-SIC (Sistema Eletr??nico do Servi??o de Informa????o ao Cidad??o), um sistema ??nico, dispon??vel na web e de f??cil acesso ao cidad??o, que funciona como porta de entrada, no ??mbito do Poder Executivo Federal, para os pedidos de acesso ?? informa????o. Para o solicitante, o sistema ?? a garantia de que os procedimentos previstos na lei ser??o atendidos; para o ??rg??o, a seguran??a de que cumpriu seu papel. O sistema j?? registrou mais de 100.000 pedidos de acesso ?? informa????o direcionados a 281 ??rg??os e entidades do Poder Executivo Federal
Elastin isolated from fresh bovine ligaments was dissolved in a mixture of 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-2-propanol and water and electrospun into fiber membranes under different processing conditions. Fiber mats of randomly and aligned fibers were obtained with fixed and rotating ground collectors and fibrils were composed by thin ribbons whose width depends on electrospinning conditions; fibrils with 721 nm up to 2.12 m width were achieved. After cross-linking with glutaraldehyde, -elastin can uptake as much as 1700 % of PBS solution and a slight increase on fiber thickness was observed. The glass transition temperature of electrospun fiber mats was found to occur at ~ 80 ºC. Moreover, -Elastin showed to be a perfect elastomeric material, and no mechanical hysteresis was found in cycle mechanical measurements. The elastic modulus obtained for oriented and random fibers mats in a PBS solution was 330 ± 10 kPa and 732 ± 165 kPa, respectively. Finally, the electrospinning and cross-linking process does not inhibit MC-3T3-E1 cell adhesion. Cell culture results showed good cell adhesion and proliferation in the cross-linked elastin fiber mats.
Composites of styrene–butadiene–styrene (SBS) block copolymer with multiwall carbon nanotubes were processed by solution casting to investigate the influence of filler content, the different ratios of styrene/butadiene in the copolymer and the architecture of the SBS matrix on the electrical, mechanical and electro-mechanical properties of the composites. It was found that filler content and elastomer matrix architecture influence the percolation threshold and consequently the overall composite electrical conductivity. Themechanical properties aremainly affected by the styrene and filler content. Hopping between nearest fillers is proposed as the main mechanism for the composite conduction. The variation of the electrical resistivity is linear with the deformation. This fact, together with the gauge factor values in the range of 2–18, results in appropriate composites to be used as (large) deformation sensors.
Composites of styrene–butadiene–styrene (SBS) block copolymer with multiwall carbon nanotubes were processed by solution casting to investigate the influence of filler content, the different ratios of styrene/butadiene in the copolymer and the architecture of the SBS matrix on the electrical, mechanical and electro-mechanical properties of the composites. It was found that filler content and elastomer matrix architecture influence the percolation threshold and consequently the overall composite electrical conductivity. The mechanical properties are mainly affected by the styrene and filler content. Hopping between nearest fillers is proposed as the main mechanism for the composite conduction. The variation of the electrical resistivity is linear with the deformation. This fact, together with the gauge factor values in the range of 2–18, results in appropriate composites to be used as (large) deformation sensors.
The origin of the electrical response of vapor grown carbon nanofiber (VGCNF) + epoxy composites is investigated by studying the electrical behavior of VGCNF with resin, VGCNF with hardener and cured composites, separately. It is demonstrated that the onset of the conductivity is associated to the emergence of a weak disorder regime. It is also shown that the weak disorder regime is related to a hopping depending on the physical properties of the polymer matrix.
The influence of the dispersion of vapor grown carbon nanofibers (VGCNF) on the electrical properties of VGCNF/epoxy composites has been studied. A homogeneous dispersion of the VGCNF does not imply better electrical properties. The presence of well distributed clusters appears to be a key factor for increasing composite conductivity. It is also shown that the main conduction mechanism has an ionic nature for concentrations below the percolation threshold, while above the percolation threshold it is dominated by hopping between the fillers. Finally, using the granular system theory it is possible to explain the origin of conduction at low temperatures.
Four dispersion methods were used for the preparation of vapour grown carbon nanofibre (VGCNF)/epoxy composites. It is shown that each method induces certain levels of VGCNF dispersion and distribution within the matrix, and that these have a strong influence on the composite electrical properties. A homogenous VGCNF dispersion does not necessarily imply higher electrical conductivity. In fact, it is concluded that the presence of well distributed clusters, rather than a fine dispersion, is more important for achieving larger conductivities for a given VGCNF concentration. It is also found that the conductivity can be described by a weak disorder regime.
In this work it is demonstrated that the capacitance between two cylinders increases with the rotation angle and it has a fundamental influence on the composite dielectric constant. The dielectric constant is lower for nematic materials than for isotropic ones and this can be attributed to the effect of the filler alignment in the capacitance. The effect of aspect ratio in the conductivity is also studied in this work. Finally, based on previous work and by comparing to results from the literature it is found that the electrical conductivity in this type of composites is due to hopping between nearest fillers resulting in a weak disorder regime that is similar to the single junction expression.
Thermoplastic elastomer/carbon nanotube composites are studied for sensor applications due to their excellent mechanical and electrical properties. Piezoresisitive properties of tri-block copolymer styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS)/ carbon nanotubes (CNT) prepared by solution casting have been investigated. Young modulus of the SBS/CNT composites increases with the amount of CNT filler content present in the samples, without losing the high strain deformation on the polymer matrix (~1500 %). Further, above the percolation threshold these materials are unique for the development of large deformation sensors due to the strong piezoresistive response. Piezoresistive properties evaluated by uniaxial stretching in tensile mode and 4-point bending showed a Gauge Factors up to 120. The excellent linearity obtained between strain and electrical resistance makes these composites interesting for large strain piezoresistive sensors applications.
This work demonstrates that the theoretical framework of complex networks typically used to study systems such as social networks or the World Wide Web can be also applied to material science, allowing deeper understanding of fundamental physical relationships. In particular, through the application of the network theory to carbon nanotubes or vapour-grown carbon nanofiber composites, by mapping fillers to vertices and edges to the gap between fillers, the percolation threshold has been predicted and a formula that relates the composite conductance to the network disorder has been obtained. The theoretical arguments are validated by experimental results from the literature.
The influence of the dispersion of vapor-grown carbon nanofibers (VGCNF) on the electrical properties of VGCNF/ Epoxy composites has been studied. A homogenous dispersion of the VGCNF does not imply better electrical properties. In fact, it is demonstrated that the most simple of the tested dispersion methods results in higher conductivity, since the presence of well-distributed nanofiber clusters appears to be a key factor for increasing composite conductivity.
The energy harvesting efficiency of electrospun poly(vinylidene fluoride), its copolymer vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene and composites of the later with piezoelectric BaTiOon interdigitated electrodes has been investigated. Further, a study of the influence of the electrospinning processing parameters on the size and distribution of the composites fibers has been performed. It is found that the best energy harvesting performance is obtained for the pure poly(vinylidene fluoride) fibers, with power outputs up to 0.03 W and 25 W under low and high mechanical deformation. The copolymer and the composites show reduced power output due to increased mechanical stiffness. The obtained values, among the largest found in the literature, the easy processing and the low cost and robustness of the polymer, demonstrate the applicability of the developed system.
Poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3,([PVDF]1−x/[PZT]x) composites of volume fractions x and (0–3) type connectivity were prepared in the form of thin films. PZT powders with average grain sizes of 0.2, 0.84, and 2.35 μm in different volume fraction of PZT up to 40 % were mixed with the polymeric matrix. The influence of the inorganic particle size and its content on the thermal degradation properties of the composites was then investigated by means of thermo-gravimetric analysis. It is observed that filler size affects more than filler concentration the degradation temperature and activation energy of the polymer. In the same way and due to their larger specific area, smaller particles leave larger solid residuals after the polymer degradation. The polymer degradation mechanism is not significantly modified by the presence of the inorganic fillers. On the other hand, an inhibition effect occurs due to the presence of the fillers, affecting particularly the activation energy of the process.
The variation of the physical properties of four differ- ent carbon nanofibers (CNFs), based-polymer nano- composites incorporated in the same polypropylene (PP) matrix by twin-screw extrusion process was investigated. Nanocomposites fabricated with CNFs with highly graphitic outer layer revealed electrical isolation-to-conducting behaviors as function of CNF’s content. Nanocomposites fabricated with CNFs with an outer layer consisting on a disordered pyro- litically stripped layer, in contrast, revealed better mechanical performance and enhanced thermal sta- bility. Further, CNF’s incorporation into the polymer increased the thermal stability and the degree of crystallinity of the polymer, independently on the filler content and type. In addition, dispersion of the CNFs’ clusters in PP was analyzed by transmitted light opti- cal microscopy, and grayscale analysis (GSA). The results showed a correlation between the filler concentration and the variance, a parameter which measures quantitatively the dispersion, for all composites. This method indicated a value of 1.4 vol% above which large clusters of CNFs cannot be dispersed effectively and as a consequence only slight changes in mechanical performance are observed. Finally, this study establishes that for tailoring the physical properties of CNF based-polymer nanocomposites, both adequate CNFs structure and content have to be chosen.