897 resultados para algoritmo calcolo taglie pazienti traiettorie Scout validazione
Abstract Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sensori-motor neurological disorder characterzed by paraesthesia, dysaesthesia and irresistibile urge to move the legs especially at night. Its prevalence is much higher among dialysis patients at 12 to 62% compared to 3 to 9% in the general population. In our study we investigated the association between RLS and cardiovascular events risk and laboratory parameters in End-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients on dialysis. We studied 100 ESKD patients undergoing hemodialysis that were enrolled in an 18-months prospective observational study. The main outcomes were the association of RLS with new cardiovascular events and cardiovascular mortality. RLS affected 31% of the study population. It was associated with female gender, gradual reduction in residual dieresis, lower albumin (P=0.039) and inflammation, but not the dialysis parameters spKt/V and URR. During observation, 47% of patients experienced new cardiovascular events (64.5% with and 39.1% without RLS; P=0.019). Mortality was 20.0% in all patients, 32.3% in those with and 14.5% in patients without RLS (P=0.04). This study confirmed the high prevalence of RLS among dialysis patients and the associations between the severity of RLS and the risk of new cardiovascular events and higher short-term mortality. Abstract Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sensori-motor neurological disorder characterzed by paraesthesia, dysaesthesia and irresistibile urge to move the legs especially at night. Its prevalence is much higher among dialysis patients at 12 to 62% compared to 3 to 9% in the general population. In our study we investigated the association between RLS and cardiovascular events risk and laboratory parameters in End-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients on dialysis. We studied 100 ESKD patients undergoing hemodialysis that were enrolled in an 18-months prospective observational study. The main outcomes were the association of RLS with new cardiovascular events and cardiovascular mortality. RLS affected 31% of the study population. It was associated with female gender, gradual reduction in residual dieresis, lower albumin (P=0.039) and inflammation, but not the dialysis parameters spKt/V and URR. During observation, 47% of patients experienced new cardiovascular events (64.5% with and 39.1% without RLS; P=0.019). Mortality was 20.0% in all patients, 32.3% in those with and 14.5% in patients without RLS (P=0.04). This study confirmed the high prevalence of RLS among dialysis patients and the associations between the severity of RLS and the risk of new cardiovascular events and higher short-term mortality.
Background: MPLC represents a diagnostic challenge. Topic of the discussion is how to distinguish these patients as a metastatic or a multifocal disease. While in case of the different histology there are less doubt on the opposite in case of same histology is mandatory to investigate on other clinical features to rule out this question. Matherials and Methods: A retrospective review identified all patients treated surgically for a presumed diagnosis of SPLC. Pre-operative staging was obtained with Total CT scan and fluoro-deoxy positron emission tomography and mediastinoscopy. Patients with nodes interest or extra-thoracic location were excluded from this study. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression with complete immunohistochemical analisis was evaluated. Survival was estimated using Kaplan-Meyer method, and clinical features were estimated using a long-rank test or Cox proportional hazards model for categorical and continuous variable, respectively. Results: According to American College Chest Physician, 18 patients underwent to surgical resection for a diagnosis of MPLC. Of these, 8 patients had 3 or more nodules while 10 patients had less than 3 nodules. Pathologic examination demonstrated that 13/18(70%) of patients with multiple histological types was Adenocarcinoma, 2/18(10%) Squamous carcinoma, 2/18(10%) large cell carcinoma and 1/18(5%) Adenosquamosu carcinoma. Expression of EGFR has been evaluated in all nodules: in 7 patients of 18 (38%) the percentage of expression of each nodule resulted different. Conclusions: MPLC represent a multifocal disease where interactions of clinical informations with biological studies reinforce the diagnosis. EGFR could contribute to differentiate the nodules. However, further researches are necessary to validate this hypothesis.
Nella presente ricerca si ipotizza che la nascita pretemine con elevata immaturità, in assenza di danni neurologici permanenti, comporti un differente sviluppo neuro-evolutivo e diverse traiettorie nei primi 18 mesi di vita con una più alta frequenza di ritardi rispetto ai bambini nati a termine. Metodo. E’ stato esaminato lo sviluppo psicomotorio di 17 bambini pretermine con età gestazionale estremamente bassa (ELGA) e di 51 bambini pretermine con età gestazionale molto bassa (VLGA, 29-31) confrontati con 11 bambini nati a termine (FT), comparabili per caratteristiche socio-culturali, mediante le Scale Griffiths a 3, 6, 9, 12 e 18 mesi di vita (età corretta per ELGA e VLGA). E’ stato inoltre esaminato lo sviluppo cognitivo, motorio e linguistico dei 17 pretermine ELGA e degli 11 bambini FT mediante le Scale Bayely-III a 12 e 18 mesi di vita. Infine per la valutazione delle competenze comunicative-linguistiche, è stato somministrato il questionario “Primo Vocabolario del Bambino” -PVB somministrato ai genitori dei bambini ELGA e FT dagli 8 ai 18 mesi. Risultati. L’analisi multilivello ha mostrato che i nati ELGA e VLGA hanno traiettorie evolutive differenti rispetto ai nati FT nello sviluppo psicomotorio e in quello comunicativo-linguistico con punteggi significativamente più bassi e con una percentuale più elevata di ritardi lievi e moderati che si evidenziano già a partire dal primo anno di vita e aumentano tra i 12 e i 18 mesi. Conclusioni. La nascita pretermine con elevata immaturità comporta un rischio per lo sviluppo delle funzioni di base nei primi 18 mesi di vita anche in assenza di danno neurologico. Le ripetute valutazioni e l’uso di strumenti diretti e indiretti hanno permesso di effettuare un’accurata valutazione delle specifiche competenze esaminate. Questi risultati dimostrano l’importanza di condurre follow-up continuativi per monitorare lo sviluppo delle funzioni di base, individuare precocemente i bambini con ritardo e avviare interventi abilitativi precoci.
Timing of waiting list entrance for patients with cystic fibrosis in need of pulmonary transplant: the experience of a regional referral centre Objective: Evaluation of parameters that can predict a rapid decay of general conditions of patients affected by Cystic Fibrosis (CF) with no specific criteria to be candidate to pulmonary transplant. Material and methods: Fifteen patients with CF who died for complications and 8 who underwent lung transplantation in the 2000-2010 decade, were enrolled. Clinical data 2 years before the event (body max index, FEV1%, number of EV antibiotic treatments per year, colonization with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), pseudomonas aeruginosa mucosus, burkholderia cepacia, pulmonary allergic aspergilosis) were compared among the 2 groups. Results: Mean FEV1% was significantly higher and mean number of antibiotic treatment was lower in deceased than in the transplanted patients (p<0.002 and p<0.001 respectively). Although in patients who died there were no including criteria to enter the transplant list 2 years before the exitus, suggestive findings such as low BMI (17.3), high incidence of hepatic pathology (33.3%), diabetes (50%), and infections with MRSA infection (25%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (83.3%) and burkholderia cepacia (8.3%) were found with no statistical difference with transplanted patients, suggesting those patients were at risk of severe prognosis. In patients who died, females were double than males. Conclusion: While evaluating patients with CF, negative prognostic factors such as the ones investigated in this study, should be considered to select individuals with high mortality risk who need stricter therapeutical approach and follow up. Inclusion of those patients in the transplant waiting list should be taken into account.
During this internship, the α-alkylation of branched aldehydes was taken into consideration. An enantiopure Betti’s base derivative was used as catalyst, applying a new concept in catalysis: organocatalysis. The Betti’s base may be of particular interest for organic chemists working in the field of “reactions catalysed by enantiopure small organic molecules”, in particular for the ones interested in enantiopure primary amines. The potential of secondary amines as catalysts has certainly been known for years. It is indeed more innovative to conduct reactions using primary amine derivatives as catalyst. In this work, the efficacy of the primary amine was checked first. Then, the focus was set on finding optimal reaction conditions. Finally, to have a more complete picture of the structure of the compounds used in the project, experimental and computational IR spectra were compared, after the method was validated. Durante il periodo di tirocinio è stata presa in esame la reazione di α-alchilazione di aldeidi branched, utilizzando un derivato dell’ammina di Betti come catalizzatore enantiopuro ed applicando un nuovo tipo di catalisi: l’organocatalisi. Questi composti possono essere di particolare interesse per lavori in chimica organica, nel campo delle reazioni catalizzate da “piccole” molecole organiche, in particolare da ammine primarie a chiralità definita; la potenzialità delle ammine secondarie chirali come catalizzatori è certamente nota da anni, ma innovativo è condurre il tutto con l’impiego di un derivato amminico primario. Altri aspetti significativi sono gli apparenti e innumerevoli vantaggi, dal punto di vista economico ed ambientale, oltre che operativo e sintetico, derivanti dal nuovo tipo di catalisi. In un primo momento è stata verificata l’efficacia dell’ammina primaria sintetizzata nella reazione in progetto, quindi sono state individuate le condizioni di reazione ottimali. Infine, per un’analisi più completa di alcune molecole organiche e dopo un’opportuna validazione del metodo utilizzato, sono stati ottenuti a livello computazionale gli spettri IR delle molecole di sintesi prodotto e catalizzatore.
Approfondimento di tecniche di controllo ottimo per problemi di regolazione e di inseguimento di modello. Sintesi e implementazione di un algoritmo che si occupi del controllo della dinamica laterale di una vettura attraverso il sistema di aerodinamica mobile.
Several studies showed that sleep loss/fragmentation may have a negative impact on cognitive performance, mood and autonomic activity. Specific neurocognitive domains, such as executive function (i.e.,prefrontal cortex), seems to be particularly vulnerable to sleep loss. Pearson et al.(2006) evaluated 16 RLS patients compared to controls by cognitive tests, including those particularly sensitive to prefrontal cortical (PFC) functioning and sleep loss. RLS patients showed significant deficits on two of the three PFC tests. It has been recently reported that RLS is associated with psychiatric manifestations. A high prevalence of depressive symptoms has been found in patients with RLS(Rothdach AJ et al., 2000). RLS could cause depression through its adverse influences on sleep and energy. On the other hand, symptoms of depression such as sleep deprivation, poor nutrition or lack of exercise may predispose an individual to the development of RLS. Moreover, depressed patients may amplify mild RLS, making occasional RLS symptoms appear to meet threshold criteria. The specific treatment of depression could be also implicated, since antidepressant compounds may worsen RLS and PLMD(Picchietti D et al., 2005; Damsa C et al., 2004). Interestingly, treatments used to relieve RLS symptoms (dopamine agonists) seem to have an antidepressant effects in RLS depressed patients(Saletu M et al., 2002&2003). During normal sleep there is a well-regulated pattern of the autonomic function, modulated by changes in sleep stages. It has been reported that chronic sleep deprivation is associated with cardiovascular events. In patients with sleep fragmentation increased number of arousals and increased cyclic alternating pattern rate is associated with an increase in sympathetic activity. It has been demonstrated that PLMS occurrence is associated with a shift to increased sympathetic activity without significant changes in cardiac parasympathetic activity (Sforza E et al., 2005). An increased association of RLS with hypertension and heart disease has been documented in several studies(Ulfberg J et al., 2001; Ohayon MM et al., 2002).