964 resultados para ab initio MD


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Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation is one of the most important computational techniques with broad applications in physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, materials design and biological science. Traditional computational chemistry refers to quantum calculations based on solving Schrodinger equations. Later developed Density Functional Theory (DFT) based on solving Kohn-Sham equations became the more popular ab initio calculation technique which could deal with ~1000 atoms by explicitly considering electron interactions. In contrast, MD simulation based on solving classical mechanics equations of motion is a totally different technique in the field of computational chemistry. Electron interactions were implicitly included in the empirical atom-based potential functions and the system size to be investigated can be extended to ~106 atoms. The thermodynamic properties of model fluids are mainly determined by macroscopic quantities, like temperature, pressure, density. The quantum effects on thermodynamic properties like melting point, surface tension are not dominant. In this work, we mainly investigated the melting point, surface tension (liquid-vapor and liquid-solid) of model fluids including Lennard-Jones model, Stockmayer model and a couple of water models (TIP4P/Ew, TIP5P/Ew) by means of MD simulation. In addition, some new structures of water confined in carbon nanotube were discovered and transport behaviors of water and ions through nano-channels were also revealed.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werdenMolekulardynamik-Simulationen zur Untersuchung derstatischen Eigenschaften von amorphenSiliziumdioxidoberflächen (Siliziumdioxid) durchgeführt. Da das von van Beest, Kramer und van Santen vorgeschlagene,sogenannte BKS-Potential für Bulksysteme optimiert wurde und an Oberflächen deutlichandere Ladungsverteilungenauftreten als im Bulk, ist die Anwendbarkeit diesesPotentials für Oberflächensystemefraglich. Aus diesem Grund haben wir untersucht, inwieweitsich die Oberflächeneigenschaften von Systemen, die mit Hilfe des BKS-Potentials äquilibriertwurden, durch ein Nachrelaxieren mit einer ab-initio-Simulation (Car-Parrinello-Methode)ändern. Mit Hilfe der Kombination aus BKS- und Car-Parrinello-Methode (CPMD)konnten wir feststellen, daß sich die Systeme aufgrund des Nachrelaxierens in z-Richtungweiter ausdehnen. Desweiteren zeigte sich insbesondere bei kleinen Ringen (kommen nur ander Oberfläche vor), daß es deutliche Abweichungen in den Geometrien (Atomabstände,Winkel usw.) zwischen der reinen BKS- und der kombinierten BKS-CPMD-Methode gibt. Anhand vonCPMD-Simulationen konnten wir zeigen, daß es durch die Wechselwirkung eines Wassermolekülsmit einem 2er-Ring zum Aufbrechen dieser Ringstruktur und zur Bildung von zweiSilanolgruppen (SiOH) kommt. Desweiteren stellten wir fest, daß es sich hierbei um eineexotherme Reaktion (Energiedifferenz 1.6 eV) handelt, für die eineEnergiebarriere von 1.1 eV überwunden werden muß. Ferner ergab sich, daß die an der Bildung des2er-Ringes beteiligten, stark deformierten Tetraeder nach dem Aufbrechen dieserRingstruktur eine nahezu ideale Tetraederform annehmen.


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Computer simulations have become an important tool in physics. Especially systems in the solid state have been investigated extensively with the help of modern computational methods. This thesis focuses on the simulation of hydrogen-bonded systems, using quantum chemical methods combined with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. MD simulations are carried out for investigating the energetics and structure of a system under conditions that include physical parameters such as temperature and pressure. Ab initio quantum chemical methods have proven to be capable of predicting spectroscopic quantities. The combination of these two features still represents a methodological challenge. Furthermore, conventional MD simulations consider the nuclei as classical particles. Not only motional effects, but also the quantum nature of the nuclei are expected to influence the properties of a molecular system. This work aims at a more realistic description of properties that are accessible via NMR experiments. With the help of the path integral formalism the quantum nature of the nuclei has been incorporated and its influence on the NMR parameters explored. The effect on both the NMR chemical shift and the Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants (NQCC) is presented for intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The second part of this thesis presents the computation of electric field gradients within the Gaussian and Augmented Plane Waves (GAPW) framework, that allows for all-electron calculations in periodic systems. This recent development improves the accuracy of many calculations compared to the pseudopotential approximation, which treats the core electrons as part of an effective potential. In combination with MD simulations of water, the NMR longitudinal relaxation times for 17O and 2H have been obtained. The results show a considerable agreement with the experiment. Finally, an implementation of the calculation of the stress tensor into the quantum chemical program suite CP2K is presented. This enables MD simulations under constant pressure conditions, which is demonstrated with a series of liquid water simulations, that sheds light on the influence of the exchange-correlation functional used on the density of the simulated liquid.


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Development of empirical potentials for amorphous silica Amorphous silica (SiO2) is of great importance in geoscience and mineralogy as well as a raw material in glass industry. Its structure is characterized as a disordered continuous network of SiO4 tetrahedra. Many efforts have been undertaken to understand the microscopic properties of silica by classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In this method the interatomic interactions are modeled by an effective potential that does not take explicitely into account the electronic degrees of freedom. In this work, we propose a new methodology to parameterize such a potential for silica using ab initio simulations, namely Car-Parrinello (CP) method [Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2471 (1985)]. The new potential proposed is compared to the BKS potential [Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1955 (1990)] that is considered as the benchmark potential for silica. First, CP simulations have been performed on a liquid silica sample at 3600 K. The structural features so obtained have been compared to the ones predicted by the classical BKS potential. Regarding the bond lengths the BKS tends to underestimate the Si-O bond whereas the Si-Si bond is overestimated. The inter-tetrahedral angular distribution functions are also not well described by the BKS potential. The corresponding mean value of theSiOSi angle is found to be ≃ 147◦, while the CP yields to aSiOSi angle centered around 135◦. Our aim is to fit a classical Born-Mayer/Coulomb pair potential using ab initio calculations. To this end, we use the force-matching method proposed by Ercolessi and Adams [Europhys. Lett. 26, 583 (1994)]. The CP configurations and their corresponding interatomic forces have been considered for a least square fitting procedure. The classical MD simulations with the resulting potential have lead to a structure that is very different from the CP one. Therefore, a different fitting criterion based on the CP partial pair correlation functions was applied. Using this approach the resulting potential shows a better agreement with the CP data than the BKS ones: pair correlation functions, angular distribution functions, structure factors, density of states and pressure/density were improved. At low temperature, the diffusion coefficients appear to be three times higher than those predicted by the BKS model, however showing a similar temperature dependence. Calculations have also been carried out on crystalline samples in order to check the transferability of the potential. The equilibrium geometry as well as the elastic constants of α-quartz at 0 K are well described by our new potential although the crystalline phases have not been considered for the parameterization. We have developed a new potential for silica which represents an improvement over the pair potentials class proposed so far. Furthermore, the fitting methodology that has been developed in this work can be applied to other network forming systems such as germania as well as mixtures of SiO2 with other oxides (e.g. Al2O3, K2O, Na2O).


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The binary H2SO4−H2O nucleation is one of the most important pathways by which aerosols form in the atmosphere, and the presence of ternary species like amines increases aerosol formation rates. In this study, we focus on the hydration of a ternary system of sulfuric acid (H2SO4), methylamine (NH2CH3), and up to six waters to evaluate its implications for aerosol formation. By combining molecular dynamics (MD) sampling with high-level ab initio calculations, we determine the thermodynamics of forming H2SO4(NH2CH3)(H2O)n, where n = 0−6. Because it is a strong acid−base system, H2SO4−NH2CH3 quickly forms a tightly bound HSO4−−NH3CH3+ complex that condenses water more readily than H2SO4 alone. The electronic binding energy of H2SO4−NH2CH3 is −21.8 kcal mol−1 compared with −16.8 kcal mol−1 for H2SO4−NH3 and −12.8 kcal mol−1 for H2SO4−H2O. Adding one to two water molecules to the H2SO4−NH2CH3 complex is more favorable than adding to H2SO4 alone, yet there is no systematic difference for n ≥ 3. However, the average number of water molecules around H2SO4−NH2CH3 is consistently higher than that of H2SO4, and it is fairly independent of temperature and relative humidity.


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The binary H2SO4-H2O nucleation is one of the most important pathways by which aerosols form in the atmosphere, and the presence of ternary species like amines increases aerosol formation rates. In this study, we focus on the hydration of a ternary system of sulfuric acid (H2SO4), methylamine (NH2CH3), and up to six waters to evaluate its implications for aerosol formation. By combining molecular dynamics (MD) sampling with high-level ab initio calculations, we determine the thermodynamics of forming H2SO4(NH2CH3)(H2O)n, where n = 0-6. Because it is a strong acid-base system, H2SO4-NH2CH3 quickly forms a tightly bound HSO4(-)-NH3CH3(+) complex that condenses water more readily than H2SO4 alone. The electronic binding energy of H2SO4-NH2CH3 is -21.8 kcal mol(-1) compared with -16.8 kcal mol(-1) for H2SO4-NH3 and -12.8 kcal mol(-1) for H2SO4-H2O. Adding one to two water molecules to the H2SO4-NH2CH3 complex is more favorable than adding to H2SO4 alone, yet there is no systematic difference for n ≥ 3. However, the average number of water molecules around H2SO4-NH2CH3 is consistently higher than that of H2SO4, and it is fairly independent of temperature and relative humidity.


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Peptide nucleic acids (PNA) are mimics of nucleic acids with a peptidic backbone. Duplexes and triplexes formed between PNA and DNA or RNA possess remarkable thermal stability, they are resistant to nuclease cleavage and can better discriminate mismatches. Understanding the mechanism for the tight binding between PNA and oligonucleotides is important for the design and development of better PNA-based drugs.^ We have performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of 8-mer PNA/DNA duplex and two analogous duplexes with chiral modification of PNA strand (D- or L-Alanine modification). MD simulations were performed with explicit water and Na$\sp{+}$ counter ions. The 1.5-ns simulations were carried out with AMBER using periodic boundary and particle mesh Ewald summation. The point charges for PNA monomers were derived from fitting electrostatic potentials, obtained from ab initio calculation, to atomic centers using RESP. Derived charges reveal significantly altered charge distribution on the PNA bases and predict the Watson-Crick H-bonds involving PNA to be stronger. Results from NMR studies investigating H-bond interactions between DNA-DNA and DNA-PNA base pairs in non-polar environment are consistent with this prediction. MD simulations demonstrated that the PNA strand is more flexible than the DNA strand in the same duplex. That this flexibility might be important for the duplex stability is tested by introducing modification into the PNA backbones. Results from MD simulation revealed dramatically altered structures for the modified PNA-DNA duplexes. Consistent with previous NMR results, we also found no intrachain hydrogen bonds between O7$\sp\prime$ and N1$\sp\prime$ of the neighboring residues in our MD study. Our study reveals that in addition to the lack of charge repulsion, stronger Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds together with flexible backbone are important factors for the enhanced stability of the PNA-DNA duplex.^ In a related study, we have developed an application of Gly-Gly-His-(Gly)$\sb3$-PNA conjugate as an artificial nuclease. We were able to demonstrate cleavage of single stranded DNA at a single site upon Ni(II) binding to Gly-Gly-His tripeptide and activation of nuclease with monoperoxyphthalic acid. ^


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La presente tesis comprende un estudio de metales líquidos, Li, Pb y eutéctico Li17Pb en el ámbito de la tecnología de fusión nuclear. Uno de los problemas fundamentales en futuros reactores de fusión es la producción y extracción de tritio en la denominada envoltura regeneradora (blanket en inglés). Dicho blanket tendrá dos propósitos, la extracción del calor generado por las reacciones de fusión para su posterior conversión en energía eléctrica así como la producción de tritio para realimentar el proceso. Dicha producción se realizará mediante el “splitting” del Li con los neutrones provenientes de la fusión. Esta reacción produce tritio y helio por lo que la interacción del T y el He con el metal líquido, con los materiales estructurales así como con el He es un problema fundamental aun no bien entendido y de gran importancia para futuros diseños. Los capítulos 1 2 y 3 presentan una introducción a dichos problemas. El capítulo 1 introduce al lector en la tecnología de fusión nuclear. El segundo capítulo explica en mayor detalle el uso de metales líquidos en reactores de fusión, no solo en blankets sino también como primera pared, divertor etc, lo que se denomina en general “plasma facing materials”. Por último se ofrece una breve introducción a las técnicas de dinámica molecular clásica (CMD) y un breve resumen de los potenciales más usados. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo utilizando simulación atomística mediante potenciales semi-empíricos del tipo átomo embebido (EAM). La Tesis consta de 4 partes bien definidas. En primer lugar se verificó la idoneidad de los potenciales tipo EAM para simular las propiedades de los metales Li y Pb en fase líquida. Dicho estudio se detalla en el Capítulo 4 y en su extensión, el Apéndice 1, en el que se estudia los límites de validez de esta aproximación. Los resultados de dicho estudio han sido publicados y presentados en diversos congresos internacionales. Un resumen de la metodología seguida fue publicado como capítulo de libro en Technofusión 2011. Los resultados se presentaron en diversos congresos internacionales, entre ellos ICENES 2011, (Artículo en ICENES Proceedings) ICOPS-SOFE 2011, en una presentación oral etc. El trabajo ha sido aceptado recientemente en Journal of Nuclear Materiales (Fraile et al 2012). La segunda parte y más importante comprende el desarrollo de un potencial para el estudio de la mezcla de ambos metales. Éste es el trabajo más novedoso e importante dado que no existía en la literatura un potencial semejante. Se estudiaron dos aproximaciones distintas al problema, un potencial tipo EAM/cd y un potencial EAM/alloy. Ambos potenciales dan resultados satisfactorios para la simulación del eutéctico (y concentraciones de Li menores que el 17%). Sin embargo el sistema LiPb en todas las concentraciones es un sistema que se aparta enormemente de una solución ideal y dicho potencial no daba buenos resultados para mezclas PbLi con concentraciones de Li grandes. Este problema fue solventado mediante el desarrollo de un segundo potencial, esta vez tipo EAM/alloy (segunda parte del Capítulo 5). Dicho trabajo será enviado a Physical Review Letters o a Phys. Rev. B, y una extensión junto con un estudio detallado de las propiedades del eutéctico de acuerdo con nuestras simulaciones se enviará a continuación a Phys. Rev. B. En tercer lugar se estudió el problema de la difusividad del H en metales líquidos aprovechando distintos potenciales existentes en la literatura. El problema del H en metales líquidos es importante en metalurgia. En dicho capítulo se estudió la difusividad del H en Pd, Ni y Al con potenciales tipo EAM, y también con un potencial más sofisticado que tiene en cuenta la dependencia angular de las interacciones (ADP por sus siglas en inglés). De este modo disponemos de un estudio detallado del problema con diferentes modelos y diferentes metales. La conclusión apunta a que si se compara con los resultados experimentales (muy escasos) los resultados obtenidos mediante CMD dan valores bajos de la difusividad del H. Las razones de dicho desacuerdo entre simulación y experimentos se detallan en el Capítulo 6. Este trabajo ha sido presentado en una presentación oral en el reciente congreso internacional “Trends on Nanothecnology” TNT 2012 celebrado en Madrid. El trabajo será publicado en un futuro próximo. Por último, como se dijo anteriormente, el estudio del He, la formación de burbujas en metales líquidos, su difusión nucleación y cavitación es otro problema deseable de ser estudiado mediante técnicas atomísticas. Para ello es necesario el desarrollo de diversos potenciales, He-Li, He-Pb y un potencial ternario Pb-Li-He. Para ello se han realizado simulación ab initio de los sistemas Pb+He y Li+He. Dicho estudio pretende calcular las fuerzas entre los átomos del metal (Pb o Li) con intersticiales de He. De este modo aplicaremos el “force matching method” (FMM) para el desarrollo de dichos potenciales. En el Capítulo 7 se detallan los resultados obtenidos referidos a las posiciones más favorables de las impurezas de He dentro de redes cristalinas de Pb y Li así como el efecto de tener en cuenta el acoplo spin-orbita (SOC en inglés). El análisis de los resultados en términos de transferencia de carga y análisis de las densidades electrónicas, así como la creación de los potenciales mencionados está en progreso. En conjunto la tesis presenta un estudio de los diversos problemas relacionados con el uso de metales líquidos en reactores de fusión y representa un primer paso en la determinación de parámetros de gran importancia para el diseño de blankets y sistemas de primera pared. Con la simulación MD de dichos problemas mediante, importante, potenciales realistas, valores de difusión, solubilidad etc de especies ligeras, H (o sus isotopos) y He en metales líquidos podrá ser calculada complementando así la base de datos que presenta enormes incertidumbres.


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Simulações de sais de carbonato fundidos pelo método de Dinâmica Molecular (MD) foram efetuadas com o modelo polarizável de cargas flutuantes (FC). O modelo de cargas flutuantes implementa os efeitos de polarização pelo método de Lagrangiano estendido, onde as variáveis extras são as próprias cargas parciais do íon poliatômico. O modelo FC foi parametrizado por meio de cálculos ab inito, aplicado ao ânion carbonato. Cálculos de Química Quântica ab initio foram utilizados para corroborar o modelo proposto para o ânion carbonato. Os sistemas investigados consistem em misturas de carbonatos alcalinos fundidos, Li2CO3/K2CO3, os quais são utilizados como eletrólitos em células a combustível. As simulações MD foram utilizadas para verificar o efeito da polarização dos ânions sobre a estrutura e dinâmica do líquido. Estudamos o efeito da inclusão de polarização sobre a condutividade do eletrólito.


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Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we explore the structural and dynamical properties of siRNA within the intercalated environment of a Mg:Al 2:1 Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) nanoparticle. An ab initio force field (Condensed-phase Optimized Molecular Potentials for Atomistic Simulation Studies: COMPASS) is used for the MD simulations of the hybrid organic-inorganic systems. The structure, arrangement, mobility, close contacts and hydrogen bonds associated with the intercalated RNA are examined and contrasted with those of the isolated RNA. Computed powder X-ray diffraction patterns are also compared with related LDH-DNA experiments. As a method of probing whether the intercalated environment approximates the crystalline or rather the aqueous state, we explore the stability of the principle parameters (e.g., the major groove width) that differentiate both A- and A'- crystalline forms of siRNA and contrast this with recent findings for the same siRNA simulated in water. We find the crystalline forms remain structurally distinct when intercalated, whereas this is not the case in water. Implications for the stability of hybrid LDH-RNA systems are discussed.


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This PhD project has expanded the knowledge in the area of profluorescent nitroxides with regard to the synthesis and characterisations of novel profluorescent nitroxide probes as well as physical characterisation of the probe molecules in various polymer/physical environments. The synthesis of the first example of an azaphenalene-based fused aromatic nitroxide TMAO, [1,1,3,3-tetramethyl-2,3-dihydro-2-azaphenalen-2-yloxyl, was described. This novel nitroxide possesses some of the structural rigidity of the isoindoline class of nitroxides, as well as some properties akin to TEMPO nitroxides. Additionally, the integral aromatic ring imparts fluorescence that is switched on by radical scavenging reactions of the nitroxide, which makes it a sensitive probe for polymer degradation. In addition to the parent TMAO, 5 other azaphenalene derivatives were successfully synthesised. This new class of nitroxide was expected to have interesting redox properties when the structure was investigated by high-level ab initio molecular orbitals theory. This was expected to have implications with biological relevance as the calculated redox potentials for the azaphenalene ring class would make them potent antioxidant compounds. The redox potentials of 25 cyclic nitroxides from four different structural classes (pyrroline, piperidine, isoindoline and azaphenalene) were determined by cyclic voltammetry in acetonitrile. It was shown that potentials related to the one electron processes of the nitroxide were influenced by the type of ring system, ring substituents or groups surrounding the moiety. Favourable comparisons were found between theoretical and experimental potentials for pyrroline, piperidine and isoindoline ring classes. Substitution of these ring classes, were correctly calculated to have a small yet predictable effect on the potentials. The redox potentials of the azaphenalene ring class were underestimated by the calculations in all cases by at least a factor of two. This is believed to be due to another process influencing the redox potentials of the azaphenalene ring class which is not taken into account by the theoretical model. It was also possible to demonstrate the use of both azaphenalene and isoindoline nitroxides as additives for monitoring radical mediated damage that occurs in polypropylene as well as in more commercially relevant polyester resins. Polymer sample doped with nitroxide were exposed to both thermo-and photo-oxidative conditions with all nitroxides showing a protective effect. It was found that isoindoline nitroxides were able to indicate radical formation in polypropylene aged at elevated temperatures via fluorescence build-up. The azaphenalene nitroxide TMAO showed no such build-up of fluorescence. This was believed to be due to the more labile bond between the nitroxide and macromolecule and the protection may occur through a classical Denisov cycle, as is expected for commercially available HAS units. Finally, A new profluorescent dinitroxide, BTMIOA (9,10-bis(1,1,3,3- tetramethylisoindolin-2-yloxyl-5-yl)anthracene), was synthesised and shown to be a powerful probe for detecting changes during the initial stages of thermo-oxidative degradation of polypropylene. This probe, which contains a 9,10-diphenylanthracene core linked to two nitroxides, possesses strongly suppressed fluorescence due to quenching by the two nitroxide groups. This molecule also showed the greatest protective effect on thermo-oxidativly aged polypropylene. Most importantly, BTMIOA was found to be a valuable tool for imaging and mapping free-radical generation in polypropylene using fluorescence microscopy.


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The redox potentials of 25 cyclic nitroxides from four different structural classes (pyrrolidine, piperidine, isoindoline, and azaphenalene) were determined experimentally by cyclic voltammetry in acetonitrile, and also via high-level ab initio molecular orbital calculations. It is shown that the potentials are influenced by the type of ring system, ring substituents and/or groups surrounding the radical moiety. For the pyrrolidine, piperidine, and isoindolines there is excellent agreement (mean absolute deviation of 0.05 V) between the calculated and experimental oxidation potentials; for the azaphenalenes, however, there is an extraordinary discrepancy (mean absolute deviation of 0.60 V), implying that their one-electron oxidation might involve additional processes not considered in the theoretical calculations. This recently developed azaphenalene class of nitroxide represents a new variant of a nitroxide ring fused to an aromatic system and details of the synthesis of five derivatives involving differing aryl substitution are also presented.


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Cyclic nitroxide radicals represent promising alternatives to the iodine-based redox mediator commonly used in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). To date DSSCs with nitroxide-based redox mediators have achieved energy conversion efficiencies of just over 5 % but efficiencies of over 15 % might be achievable, given an appropriate mediator. The efficacy of the mediator depends upon two main factors: it must reversibly undergo one-electron oxidation and it must possess an oxidation potential in a range of 0.600-0.850 V (vs. a standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) in acetonitrile at 25 °C). Herein, we have examined the effect that structural modifications have on the value of the oxidation potential of cyclic nitroxides as well as the reversibility of the oxidation process. These included alterations to the N-containing skeleton (pyrrolidine, piperidine, isoindoline, azaphenalene, etc.), as well as the introduction of different substituents (alkyl-, methoxy-, amino-, carboxy-, etc.) to the ring. Standard oxidation potentials were calculated using high-level ab initio methodology that was demonstrated to be very accurate (with a mean absolute deviation from experimental values of only 16 mV). An optimal value of 1.45 for the electrostatic scaling factor for UAKS radii in acetonitrile solution was obtained. Established trends in the values of oxidation potentials were used to guide molecular design of stable nitroxides with desired E° ox and a number of compounds were suggested for potential use as enhanced redox mediators in DSSCs. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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ZnO nanoparticles with highly controllable particle sizes(less than 10 nm) were synthesized using organic capping ligands in Zn(Ac)2 ethanolic solution. The molecular structure of the ligands was found to have significant influence on the particle size. The multi-functional molecule tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane (THMA) favoured smaller particle distributions compared with ligands possessing long hydrocarbon chains that are more frequently employed. The adsorption of capping ligands on ZnnOn crystal nuclei (where n = 4 or 18 molecular clusters of(0001) ZnO surfaces) was modelled by ab initio methods at the density functional theory (DFT) level. For the molecules examined, chemisorption proceeded via the formation of Zn...O, Zn...N, or Zn...S chemical bonds between the ligands and active Zn2+ sites on ZnO surfaces. The DFT results indicated that THMA binds more strongly to the ZnO surface than other ligands, suggesting that this molecule is very effective at stabilizing ZnO nanoparticle surfaces. This study, therefore, provides new insight into the correlation between the molecular structure of capping ligands and the morphology of metal oxide nanostructures formed in their presence.


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"There once was a man who aspired to be the author of the general theory of holes. When asked ‘What kind of hole—holes dug by children in the sand for amusement, holes dug by gardeners to plant lettuce seedlings, tank traps, holes made by road makers?’ he would reply indignantly that he wished for a general theory that would explain all of these. He rejected ab initio the—as he saw it—pathetically common-sense view that of the digging of different kinds of holes there are quite different kinds of explanations to be given; why then he would ask do we have the concept of a hole? Lacking the explanations to which he originally aspired, he then fell to discovering statistically significant correlations; he found for example that there is a correlation between the aggregate hole-digging achievement of a society as measured, or at least one day to be measured, by econometric techniques, and its degree of techno- logical development. The United States surpasses both Paraguay and Upper Volta in hole-digging; there are more holes in Vietnam than there were. These observations, he would always insist, were neutral and value-free. This man’s achievement has passed totally unnoticed except by me. Had he however turned his talents to political science, had he concerned himself not with holes, but with modernization, urbanization or violence, I find it difficult to believe that he might not have achieved high office in the APSA." (MacIntyre 1971, 260)