692 resultados para Zwitterionic micelles


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Background: The treatment of solid tumours and angiogenic ocular diseases by photodynamic therapy (PDT) requires the injection of a photosensitiser (PS) to destroy target cells through a combination of visible light irradiation and molecular oxygen. There is currently great interest in the development of efficient and specific carrier delivery platforms for systemic PDT. Objective: This article aims to review recent developments in systemic carrier delivery platforms for PDT, with an emphasis on target specificity. Methods: Recent publications, spanning the last five years, concerning delivery carrier platforms for systemic PDT were reviewed, including PS conjugates, dendrimers, micelles, liposomes and nanoparticles. Results/conclusion: PS conjugates and supramolecular delivery platforms can improve PDT selectivity by exploiting cellular and physiological specificities of the targeted tissue. Overexpression of receptors in cancer and angiogenic endothelial cells allows their targeting by affinity-based moieties for the selective uptake of PS conjugates and encapsulating delivery carriers, while the abnormal tumour neovascularisation induces a specific accumulation of heavy weighted PS carriers by enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect. in addition, polymeric prodrug delivery platforms triggered by the acidic nature of the tumour environment or the expression of proteases can be designed. Promising results obtained with recent systemic carrier platforms will, in due course, be translated into the clinic for highly efficient and selective PDT protocols.


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The task-specific ionic liquid betainium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [Hbet][Tf2N], was used to dissolve metal oxides and hydroxides. The crystal structures of the resulting metal betaine bistriflimide complexes exhibit a rich structural variety. A trimeric structure was found for the cobalt(II) compound, [Co-3(bet)(8)(Hbet)(2)(H2O)(2)][Tf2N](9)[Hbet], a tetrameric structure for the manganese(II) and zinc(II) compound, [Mn-4(bet)(10)(H2O)(4)][Tf2N](8) and [Zn-4(bet)(10)(H2O)(2)][Tf2N](8), respectively, a pentameric structure for the nickel(II) compound, [Ni-5(bet)(12)(H2O)(6)][Tf2N](10), an oxo-hydroxo-cluster formation for the lead(II) compound, [(Pb4O)Pb(OH)(bet)(8)(Tf2N)3] [Tf2N](4)center dot MeOH, and a polymeric structure for the silver(I) compound, [Ag-2(bet)(2)(Tf2N)Ag-2(bet)(2)][Tf2N](3). The zwitterionic nature of the betaine ligand and the weakly coordinating ability of the bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [Tf2N]- anion facilitates the incorporation of metal ions into oligonuclear and polynuclear metal complexes.


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A substantial set of ion-driven molecular logic gates are implemented in turn by arranging the association between easily available lumophores and receptors in detergent micelles.


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Uranium(VI) oxide has been dissolved in three different ionic liquids functionalized with a carboxyl group: betainium bis[trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, 1-(carboxymethyl)-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, and N-(carboxymethyl)-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide. The dissolution process results in the formation of uranyl complexes with zwitterionic carboxylate ligands and bis[trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide (bistriflimide) counterions. An X-ray diffraction study on single crystals of the uranyl complexes revealed that the crystal structure strongly depends on the cationic core appended to the carboxylate groups. The betainium ionic liquid gives a dimeric uranyl complex, the imidazolium ionic liquid a monomeric complex, and the pyrrolidinium ionic liquid a one-dimensional polymeric uranyl complex, Extended X-ray absorption fine structure measurements have been performed on the betainium uranyl complex. The absorption and luminescence spectra of the uranyl betainium complex have been studied in the solid state and dissolved in water, in acetonitrile, and in the ionic liquid betainium bistriflimide. The carboxylate groups remain coordinated to uranyl in acetonitrile and in betainium bistriflimide but not in water.


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The kinetics of the recovery of the photoinduced transient bleaching of colloidal CdS in the presence of different electron acceptors are examined. In the presence of the zwitterionic viologen, N,N'-dipropyl-2,2'-bipyridinium disulphonate, excitation of colloidal CdS at different flash intensities generates a series of decay profiles which are superimposed when normalized. The shape of the decay curves are as predicted by a first-order activation-controlled model for a log-normal distribution of particles sizes. In contrast, the variation in flash intensity in the presence of a second viologen, N,N'-dipropyl-4,4'-bipyridinium sulphonate, generates normalized decay traces which broaden with increasing flash intensity. This behaviour is predicted by a zero-order diffusion-controlled model for a log-normal distribution of particle radii. The photoreduction of a number of other oxidants sensitized by colloidal CdS is examined and the shape of the decay kinetics interpreted via either the first- or zero-order kinetics models. The rate constants and activation energies derived using these models are consistent with the values expected for an activation- or diffusion-controlled reaction.


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Peritonsillar abscess formation is an uncommon complication of infectious mononucleosis (IM). Early case reports implicated corticosteroids in the development of such abscesses, however, subsequent studies suggested that these drugs do not promote the formation of abscesses at several sites outside the central nervous system. It has recently been demonstrated that zwitterionic polysaccharides, in bacterial capsules, form complexes with CD4(+) T lymphocytes leading to abscess formation. A patient is presented who developed peritonsillar abscess a few days after initiation of corticosteroid therapy for IM; the medical literature was reviewed in respect of this subject. It appears that the occurrence of these abscesses in IM is not strongly linked to corticosteroid treatment. The authors, therefore, recommend that steroids should not be withheld from patients with severe IM on the basis that they may precipitate the development of peritonsillar abscess.


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A number of tetraalkylammonium and tetraalkylphosphonium amino acid based ionic liquids (AAILs) have been successfully used and recycled for the reactive extraction of naphthenic acids from crude oil and crude oil distillates. Spectral studies show that the mechanism by which this occurs is through the formation of a zwitterionic complex. Therein, the amino acid anion plays a key role in the formation of this complex. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Drug flux across microneedle (MN)-treated skin is influenced by the characteristics of the MN array, formed microconduits and physicochemical properties of the drug molecules in addition to the overall diffusional resistance of microconduits and viable tissue. Relative implication of these factors has not been fully explored. In the present study, the in vitro permeation of a series of six structurally related ionic xanthene dyes with different molecular weights (MW) and chemical substituents, across polymer MN-pretreated porcine skin was investigated in relation of their molecular characteristics. Dyes equilibrium solubility, partition coefficient in both n-octanol or porcine skin/aqueous system, and dissociation constants were determined. Results indicated that for rhodamine dyes, skin permeation of the zwitterionic form which predominates at physiological pH, was significantly reduced by an increase in MW, the skin thickness and by the presence of the chemically reactive isothiocyanate substituent. These factors were generally shown to override the aqueous solubility, an important determinant of drug diffusion in an aqueous milieu. The data obtained provided more insight into the mechanism of drug permeation across MN-treated skin, which is of importance to both the design of MN-based transdermal drug delivery systems and of relevance to skin permeation research.


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Fluorescence microscopy serves as a valuable tool for assessing the structural integrity and viability of eukaryotic cells. Through the use of calcein AM and the DNA stain 4,6-diamidino-2 phenylindole (DAPI), cell viability and membrane integrity can be qualified. Our group has previously shown the ultra-short cationic antimicrobial peptide H-OOWW-NH2; the amphibian derived 27-mer peptide Maximin-4and the ultra-short lipopeptide C12-OOWW-NH2 to be effective against a range of bacterial biofilms [1], displaying potential for use in the prevention of medical device-related infections [2]. Analysis of fluorescence micrographs, after staining with calcein AM and DAPI, shows the likely mode of cytotoxic action of cationic antimicrobial peptides and lipopeptides are via directmembrane disruption in eukaryotic cells. Selectivity is towards cidal action against prokaryotic cells, whose membranes are anionic in composition, such as those of bacteria, rather than for neutral zwitterionic membranes of eukaryotic cells. Membrane selectivity is determined by a multitude of physical parameters, particularly charge and hydrophobicity. The charge of the antimicrobial determines the extent of the initial electrostatic interactions with both prokaryotic and eukaryotic membranes, with a larger cationic charge favoring antimicrobial action. Tailoring of these properties is likely to be the key in successfully transferring antimicrobial peptides from laboratory experiments into clinical practice as safe pharmaceutical formulations.


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Na+ near membranes controls our nerve signals, besides several other crucial bioprocesses. We demonstrate that fluorescent PET (photoinduced electron transfer) sensor molecules target Na+ in nanospaces near micellar membranes with excellent discrimination against H+. They find that Na+ near anionic micelles is concentrated by factors of upto 160. Sensor molecules which are not held tight to the micelle surface find a Na+ amplification factor of 8 only. These findings are strengthened by the employment of control compounds whose PET processes are permanently ‘on’ or permanently ‘off’.


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Esta dissertação teve como objectivo principal a preparação de novos materiais luminescentes contendo lantanopolioxometalatos. Foram utilizados polioxometalatos (POMs) do tipo Keggin, Wells-Dawson e [Ln(M5O18)2]9- com M (VI) = W, Mo contendo diferentes iões lantanídeo. Foram sintetizados materiais híbridos orgânico-inorgânicos com base em lantanopolioxometalatos e ligandos orgânicos. O efeito da coordenação destes ligandos orgânicos na luminescência dos iões lantanídeo (efeito de antena) foi investigado para os ácidos picolínico e 3-hidroxipicolínico. Os estudos de fotoluminescência destes materiais permitiram mostrar a existência de um processo de sensitização da emissão dos iões lantanídeo através de fenómenos de transferência de energia dos ligandos e do POM para o centro emissor. No caso particular dos materiais híbridos contendo POMs do tipo Wells-Dawson, a introdução do ligando orgânico levou à intensificação da absorção de energia através do POM, a qual era praticamente inexistente nos correspondentes lantanopolioxometalatos. Prepararam-se nanocompósitos do tipo “core/shell” contendo POMs e híbridos orgânico-inorgânicos como núcleo rodeados por uma camada de sílica. Os nanocompósitos preparados apresentam uma estrutura “core/shell” bem definida com um diâmetro médio de aproximadamente 35 nm. As técnicas de microscopia electrónica, nomeadamente o mapeamento por EDX, permitiram confirmar a presença dos POMs no núcleo das nanopartículas de sílica. A biofuncionalização destes nanocompósitos com um anticorpo foi estudada, com vista à potencial aplicação destes sistemas como biomarcadores ópticos. Os estudos de microscopia de fluorescência permitiram observar a emissão do Eu3+ presente nas nanopartículas biofuncionalizadas com o anticorpo, utilizando excitação na zona do ultravioleta. Estes resultados reforçam a viabilidade da aplicação destes sistemas como marcadores celulares em alternativa a “quantum dots” e corantes orgânicos. No âmbito dos nanomateriais, foi também preparado um material constituído por partículas de Na9[Eu(W5O18)2] de dimensões nanométricas, utilizando micelas invertidas como nanoreactores, de forma a limitar o tamanho das partículas. Foi realizada a preparação de novos materiais lamelares luminescentes por intercalação de POMs e respectivos materiais híbridos em argilas aniónicas de zinco e alumínio. A intercalação foi realizada através de um método de troca aniónica directa usando uma argila contendo nitrato como anião precursor. O estudo por difracção de raios-X revelou-se uma técnica fundamental na caracterização destes materiais, nomeadamente através da determinação da altura de galeria. A partir deste parâmetro foi possível verificar a orientação da espécie intercalada na argila. No caso da intercalação do anião do tipo Keggin, o estudo por RMN de 31P MAS permitiu identificar a espécie intercalada na argila. As propriedades de luminescência foram estudadas para a generalidade dos novos materiais preparados.


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In order to overcome the problems associated with low water solubility, and consequently low bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), herein we explore a modular ionic liquid synthetic strategy for improved APIs. Ionic liquids containing l-ampicillin as active pharmaceutical ingredient anion were prepared using the methodology developed in our previous work, using organic cations selected from substituted ammonium, phosphonium, pyridinium and methylimidazolium salts, with the intent of enhancing the solubility and bioavailability of l-ampicillin forms. In order to evaluate important properties of the synthesized API-ILs, the water solubility at 25 °C and 37 °C (body temperature) as well as octanol–water partition coefficients (Kow's) and HDPC micelles partition at 25 °C were measured. Critical micelle concentrations (CMC's) in water at 25 °C and 37 °C of the pharmaceutical ionic liquids bearing cations with surfactant properties were also determined from ionic conductivity measurements.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry


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The use of buffers to maintain the pH within a desired range is a very common practice in chemical, biochemical and biological studies. Among them, zwitterionic N-substituted aminosulfonic acids, usually known as Good’s buffers, although widely used, can complex metals and interact with biological systems. The present work reviews, discusses and updates the metal complexation characteristics of thirty one commercially available buffers. In addition, their impact on biological systems is also presented. The influences of these buffers on the results obtained in biological, biochemical and environmental studies, with special focus on their interaction with metal ions, are highlighted and critically reviewed. Using chemical speciation simulations, based on the current knowledge of the metal–buffer stability constants, a proposal of the most adequate buffer to employ for a given metal ion is presented.


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Self-assembly is a phenomenon that occurs frequently throughout the universe. In this work, two self-assembling systems were studied: the formation of reverse micelles in isooctane and in supercritical CO2 (scCO2), and the formation of gels in organic solvents. The goal was the physicochemical study of these systems and the development of an NMR methodology to study them. In this work, AOT was used as a model molecule both to comprehensively study a widely researched system water/AOT/isooctane at different water concentrations and to assess its aggregation in supercritical carbon dioxide at different pressures. In order to do so an NMR methodology was devised, in which it was possible to accurately determine hydrodynamic radius of the micelle (in agreement with DLS measurements) using diffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY), the micellar stability and its dynamics. This was mostly assessed by 1H NMR relaxation studies, which allowed to determine correlation times and size of correlating water molecules, which are in agreement with the size of the shell that interacts with the micellar layer. The encapsulation of differently-sized carbohydrates was also studied and allowed to understand the dynamics and stability of the aggregates in such conditions. A W/CO2 microemulsion was prepared using AOT and water in scCO2, with ethanol as cosurfactant. The behaviour of the components of the system at different pressures was assessed and it is likely that above 130 bar reverse microemulsions were achieved. The homogeneity of the system was also determined by NMR. The formation of the gel network by two small molecular organogelators in toluene-d8 was studied by DOSY. A methodology using One-shot DOSY to perform the spectra was designed and applied with success. This yielded an understanding about the role of the solvent and gelator in the aggregation process, as an estimation of the time of gelation.