988 resultados para Z-source


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second moment measurements are carried out on [(CH,),N], CdI, in the temperature range 77 to 400 K. The results are interpreted based on a molecular dynamical model of randomly reorienting methyl groups and isotropically tumbling tetramethyl ammonium group. The relaxation data show contributions from spin-rotation interaction at high temperatures and presence of inequivalent methyl groups. The correlation times and associated activation energies, connected with this model, are calculated from the data. The structure in the absorption line and in the free-induction decay signal at 77 K indicates the possibility of tunnelling motion of the methyl groups. Im Temperaturbereich 77 bis 400 K werden an [(CH,),N],CdI, Protonen-Spin-Gitter-Relaxationsexperimente (bei Larmorfrequenzen von 10,20 und 30 MHz) und Messungen des zweiten Moments durchgefiihrt. Die Ergebnisse werden an Hand eines molekularen dynamischen Modells sich statistisch umorientierender Methylgruppen und isotrop taumelnder Tetramethyl-Ammoniumgruppen interpretiert. Die Relaxationswerte zeigen Beitriige von Spin-Rotations-Wechselwirkung bei hohen Temperaturen und die Anwesenheit von inaquivalenten Methylgruppen. Die Korrelationszeiten und verknupften Aktivierungsenergien, die mit diesem Model1 verbunden sind, werden am den Werten berechnet. Die Struktur in der Absorptionslinie und im Abklingsignal der freien Induktion bei 77 K zeigt die Moglichkeit einer Tunnelbewegung der Methylgruppen.


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A novel zig-zag (Z) structure is proposed for poly d(GC).poly d(GC). The proposed model closely resembles the crystal structure of d(CG)3.


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Fiji leaf gall (FLG) caused by Sugarcane Fiji disease virus (SCFDV) is transmitted by the planthopper Perkinsiella saccharicida. FLG is managed through the identification and exploitation of plant resistance. The glasshouse-based resistance screening produced inconsistent transmission results and the factors responsible for that are not known. A series of glasshouse trials conducted over a 2-year period was compared to identify the factors responsible for the erratic transmission results. SCFDV transmission was greater when the virus was acquired by the vector from a cultivar that was susceptible to the virus than when the virus was acquired from a resistant cultivar. Virus acquisition by the vector was also greater when the vector was exposed to the susceptible cultivars than when exposed to the resistant cultivar. Results suggest that the variation in transmission levels is due to variation in susceptibility of sugarcane cultivars to SCFDV used for virus acquisition by the vector.


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Micropropagation is unequalled for the rapid clonal propagation of improved cultivars from several Australian breeding programmes. This has been particularly true of the pineapple breeding programme, but it has also found an important role in the strawberry breeding programme where high-health mother stock is of paramount concern. In the banana and ginger industries, while access to new cultivars has been of importance, micropropagation has been adopted by the industry to ensure that planting materials are free from serious pests and diseases. Bananas can be used as planting material as early as the first generation ex vitro and is responsible for the establishment of laboratories and nurseries specializing in the production of pathogen-tested plants. The ginger industry, on the other hand, has used micropropagated plants as a source of disease and pest-free stock to establish a clean 'seed' scheme based on the production of conventional planting material.


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The frequency range of the current source inverter (CSI) is limited by the slow commutation process in the inverter circuit. A method to reduce the commutation time and to limit the commutation capacitor voltage is proposed. A brief description of the conventional CSI and a detailed analysis of the commutation intervals of the proposed circuit are given. The experimental waveforms observed in the laboratory verify the validity of the analysis.


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Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) represent a major class of toxic pollutants because of their carcinogenic and mutagenic characteristics. People living in urban areas are regularly exposed to PAHs because of abundance of their emission sources. Within this context, this study aimed to: (i) identify and quantify the levels of ambient PAHs in an urban environment; (ii) evaluate their toxicity; and (iii) identify their sources as well as the contribution of specific sources to measured concentrations. Sixteen PAHs were identified and quantified in air samples collected from Brisbane. Principal Component Analysis – Absolute Principal Component Scores (PCA- APCS) was used in order to conduct source apportionment of the measured PAHs. Vehicular emissions, natural gas combustion, petrol emissions and evaporative/unburned fuel were the sources identified; contributing 56%, 21%, 15% and 8% of the total PAHs emissions, respectively, all of which need to be considered for any pollution control measures implemented in urban areas.


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Thaumastocoris peregrinus is a recently introduced invertebrate pest of non-native Eucalyptus plantations in the Southern Hemisphere. It was first reported from South Africa in 2003 and in Argentina in 2005. Since then, populations have grown explosively and it has attained an almost ubiquitous distribution over several regions in South Africa on 26 Eucalyptus species. Here we address three key questions regarding this invasion, namely whether only one species has been introduced, whether there were single or multiple introductions into South Africa and South America and what the source of the introduction might have been. To answer these questions, bar-coding using mitochondrial DNA (COI) sequence diversity was used to characterise the populations of this insect from Australia, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa and Uruguay. Analyses revealed three cryptic species in Australia, of which only T. peregrinus is represented in South Africa and South America. Thaumastocoris peregrinus populations contained eight haplotypes, with a pairwise nucleotide distance of 0.2-0.9% from seventeen locations in Australia. Three of these haplotypes are shared with populations in South America and South Africa, but the latter regions do not share haplotypes. These data, together with the current distribution of the haplotypes and the known direction of original spread in these regions, suggest that at least three distinct introductions of the insect occurred in South Africa and South America before 2005. The two most common haplotypes in Sydney, one of which was also found in Brisbane, are shared with the non-native regions. Sydney populations of T. peregrinus, which have regularly reached outbreak levels in recent years, might thus have served as source of these three distinct introductions into other regions of the Southern Hemisphere.


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This study assessed the levels of two key pathogens, Salmonella and Campylobacter, along with the indicator organism Escherichia coli in aerosols within and outside poultry sheds. The study ranged over a 3-year period on four poultry farms and consisted of six trials across the boiler production cycle of around 55 days. Weekly testing of litter and aerosols was carried out through the cycle. A key point that emerged is that the levels of airborne bacteria are linked to the levels of these bacteria in litter. This hypothesis was demonstrated by E. coli. The typical levels of E. coli in litter were similar to 10(8) CFU g(-1) and, as a consequence, were in the range of 10(2) to 10(4) CFU m(-3) in aerosols, both inside and outside the shed. The external levels were always lower than the internal levels. Salmonella was only present intermittently in litter and at lower levels (10(3) to 10(5) most probable number [MPN] g(-1)) and consequently present only intermittently and at low levels in air inside (range of 0.65 to 4.4 MPN m(-3)) and once outside (2.3 MPN m(-3)). The Salmonella serovars isolated in litter were generally also isolated from aerosols and dust, with the Salmonella serovars Chester and Sofia being the dominant serovars across these interfaces. Campylobacter was detected late in the production cycle, in litter at levels of around 107 MPN g(-1). Campylobacter was detected only once inside the shed and then at low levels of 2.2 MPN m(-3). Thus, the public health risk from these organisms in poultry environments via the aerosol pathway is minimal.


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Poly(dG-Me5dC) is known to exhibit a B→Z transition in the presence of very high concentrations of NaCl. For the first time, we report the presence of a Z-structure in sodium concentrations as low as 0.5 mM. A novel Z B Z transition is observed as the salt concentration is gradually increased. The role of water structure in B to Z transitions is discussed.


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Background: Salmonella enterica serotype Virchow is the most common cause of invasive nontyphoid salmonellosis in North Queensland, particularly in infants, but the zoonotic source is unknown. This study aimed at determining (i) the prevalence of the introduced Asian house gecko, Hemidactylus frenatus, in houses in North Queensland and (ii) whether they were a potential source of Salmonella Virchow. Methods: Asian house geckos were collected in a random survey of houses in Townsville, North Queensland. Gut contents underwent microbiological analysis within 2 h of removal using both direct plating and enrichment broth methods. Any organism found to be a presumptive Salmonella spp. was then sent to a reference lab for confirmation of genus/species, serotyping, and phage typing if indicated. Results: One hundred Asian house geckos were collected from 57 houses. Geckos were present in 100% of houses surveyed, and prevalence of Salmonella in large intestinal contents was 7% (95% confidence interval 2, 12%). Three serotypes were found: Virchow (phage type 8), Weltevreden, and an untypable subspecies 1 serotype 11:-:1,7. Conclusion: Since Salmonella Virchow (phage type 8) is associated with invasive disease, the introduced Asian house gecko may play a significant role in the epidemiology of sporadic salmonellosis in places invaded by these peridomestic reptiles. These results justify more detailed epidemiological studies on the role of the Asian house gecko in sporadic salmonellosis and development of evidence-based strategies to decrease this potential zoonotic hazard.


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We consider the asymmetric distributed source coding problem, where the recipient interactively communicates with N correlated informants to gather their data. We are mainly interested in minimizing the worst-case number of informant bits required for successful data-gathering at recipient, but we are also concerned with minimizing the number of rounds as well as the number of recipient bits. We provide two algorithms, one that optimally minimizes the number of informant bits and other that trades-off the number of informant bits to efficiently reduce the number of rounds and number of recipient bits.


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Spectroscopic studies on pd(CG)3 and pd(GC)3 have been carried out to elucidate the sequence dependence and effect of free 5'-phosphate on the B to Z transition. Unlike d(CG)3, pd(CG)3 fails to undergo salt-induced B to Z transition at ambient temperature. Model building studies have been carried out to determine the inhibitory role of the 5'-phosphate group, but have been unsuccessful.


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Reaction of 2-pyridinecarboxaldehyde [(Py)CHO] with Cu(NO3)2·2.5H2O in the presence of 4-aminopyridine and NaN3 in MeOH lead to an incomplete double-cubane [Cu4{PyCH(O)(OMe)}4(N3)4] (1) in 87% isolated yield, representing a rare type of metal cluster containing bridging hemiacetalate ligand [pyCH(O)(OMe)]−1 which was characterized by single crystal structure analysis and variable temperature magnetic behavior.


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Postnatal myofibre characteristics and muscle mass are largely determined during fetal development and may be significantly affected by epigenetic parent-of-origin effects. However, data on such effects in prenatal muscle development that could help understand unexplained variation in postnatal muscle traits are lacking. In a bovine model we studied effects of distinct maternal and paternal genomes, fetal sex, and non-genetic maternal effects on fetal myofibre characteristics and muscle mass. Data from 73 fetuses (Day153, 54% term) of four genetic groups with purebred and reciprocal cross Angus and Brahman genetics were analyzed using general linear models. Parental genomes explained the greatest proportion of variation in myofibre size of Musculus semitendinosus (80-96%) and in absolute and relative weights of M. supraspinatus, M. longissimus dorsi, M. quadriceps femoris and M. semimembranosus (82-89% and 56-93%, respectively). Paternal genome in interaction with maternal genome (P<0.05) explained most genetic variation in cross sectional area (CSA) of fast myotubes (68%), while maternal genome alone explained most genetic variation in CSA of fast myofibres (93%, P<0.01). Furthermore, maternal genome independently (M. semimembranosus, 88%, P<0.0001) or in combination (M. supraspinatus, 82%; M. longissimus dorsi, 93%; M. quadriceps femoris, 86%) with nested maternal weight effect (5-6%, P<0.05), was the predominant source of variation for absolute muscle weights. Effects of paternal genome on muscle mass decreased from thoracic to pelvic limb and accounted for all (M. supraspinatus, 97%, P<0.0001) or most (M. longissimus dorsi, 69%, P<0.0001; M. quadriceps femoris, 54%, P<0.001) genetic variation in relative weights. An interaction between maternal and paternal genomes (P<0.01) and effects of maternal weight (P<0.05) on expression of H19, a master regulator of an imprinted gene network, and negative correlations between H19 expression and fetal muscle mass (P<0.001), suggested imprinted genes and miRNA interference as mechanisms for differential effects of maternal and paternal genomes on fetal muscle.