389 resultados para Yawed Cylinders
Hochgeladene semiflexible kationische und anionische Polyelektrolyte wurden mit niedermolekularen Tensiden zu Polyelektrolyt-Tensid-Komplexen (PETK) umgesetzt und in organischen Lösungsmitteln mit Streumethoden und Rasterkraftmikroskopie charakterisiert. Die synthetisierten PETK wurden anschließend, mit dem Ziel einer strukturkontrollierten Komplexbildung, für die Bildung von Interpolyelektrolytkomplexen (IPEK) in organischen Lösungsmitteln verwendet und anhand ihres Komplexbildungsverhaltens mit wässrigen Systemen verglichen. Die Umsetzung von zylindrischen Polymerbürsten mit Poly(styrolsulfonat)-, bzw. Poly(2-vinylpyridinium)-Seitenketten mit entgegengesetzt geladenen Tensiden verlief, trotz einer Graftingdichte von eins, quantitativ. Mit Streumethoden konnte gezeigt werden, dass die gebildeten PETK in Lösung als molekulare Zylinder vorliegen. Die Synthese von pUC19-DNA-Tensidkomplexen (DNA-TK), die sich in Alkoholen gut lösen, ist nur in stark basischer Lösung gelungen. Während der Charakterisierung der DNA-TK mit Streumethoden zeigte sich eine starke Abhängigkeit des Trägheitsradius von dem Verhältnis DNA-/Salz+. Die Bildung von IPEK aus hochgeladenen Polyelektrolyt-Bürsten bzw. PETK-Bürsten wurde an verschiedenen Beispielen in Wasser und DMF durchgeführt und mit Streumethoden verfolgt. Alle Systeme zeigten ein zu der IPEK-Bildung von linearen Polyelektrolyten analoges Komplexbildungsverhalten. Bei der Komplexierung von Poly(styrolsulfonat)-Bürsten-Tensidkomplexen mit kommerziellen Polyamidoamin-G5-Dendrimeren (PAMAM) oder Poly(ethylenoxid) modifizierten Poly(ethylenimin)-Bürsten hingegen wurden über den gesamten Gewichtsbruchbereich mit Streumethoden und AFM zylindrische Aggregate gefunden, die den Dimensionen der Poly(styrolsulfonat)-Bürsten-Tensidkomplexe entsprechen. Durch statistische Höhenanalyse der AFM-Bilder wurde ein linearer Zusammenhang zwischen der Komplexhöhe und dem Gewichtsbruch an PAMAM, bzw. PEI-PEO gefunden, der auf die Zunahme der Molmasse der Komplexe durch Wachstum entlang des Zylinderdurchmessers hindeutet. Die Bildung von Aggregaten, mit mehr als einem Polyanion, wurde nicht beobachtet.
Biologische Membranen sind Fettmolekül-Doppelschichten, die sich wie zweidimensionale Flüssigkeiten verhalten. Die Energie einer solchen fluiden Oberfläche kann häufig mit Hilfe eines Hamiltonians beschrieben werden, der invariant unter Reparametrisierungen der Oberfläche ist und nur von ihrer Geometrie abhängt. Beiträge innerer Freiheitsgrade und der Umgebung können in den Formalismus mit einbezogen werden. Dieser Ansatz wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit dazu verwendet, die Mechanik fluider Membranen und ähnlicher Oberflächen zu untersuchen. Spannungen und Drehmomente in der Oberfläche lassen sich durch kovariante Tensoren ausdrücken. Diese können dann z. B. dazu verwendet werden, die Gleichgewichtsposition der Kontaktlinie zu bestimmen, an der sich zwei aneinander haftende Oberflächen voneinander trennen. Mit Ausnahme von Kapillarphänomenen ist die Oberflächenenergie nicht nur abhängig von Translationen der Kontaktlinie, sondern auch von Änderungen in der Steigung oder sogar Krümmung. Die sich ergebenden Randbedingungen entsprechen den Gleichgewichtsbedingungen an Kräfte und Drehmomente, falls sich die Kontaktlinie frei bewegen kann. Wenn eine der Oberflächen starr ist, muss die Variation lokal dieser Fläche folgen. Spannungen und Drehmomente tragen dann zu einer einzigen Gleichgewichtsbedingung bei; ihre Beiträge können nicht mehr einzeln identifiziert werden. Um quantitative Aussagen über das Verhalten einer fluiden Oberfläche zu machen, müssen ihre elastischen Eigenschaften bekannt sein. Der "Nanotrommel"-Versuchsaufbau ermöglicht es, Membraneigenschaften lokal zu untersuchen: Er besteht aus einer porenüberspannenden Membran, die während des Experiments durch die Spitze eines Rasterkraftmikroskops in die Pore gedrückt wird. Der lineare Verlauf der resultierenden Kraft-Abstands-Kurven kann mit Hilfe der in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Theorie reproduziert werden, wenn der Einfluss von Adhäsion zwischen Spitze und Membran vernachlässigt wird. Bezieht man diesen Effekt in die Rechnungen mit ein, ändert sich das Resultat erheblich: Kraft-Abstands-Kurven sind nicht länger linear, Hysterese und nichtverschwindende Trennkräfte treten auf. Die Voraussagen der Rechnungen könnten in zukünftigen Experimenten dazu verwendet werden, Parameter wie die Biegesteifigkeit der Membran mit einer Auflösung im Nanometerbereich zu bestimmen. Wenn die Materialeigenschaften bekannt sind, können Probleme der Membranmechanik genauer betrachtet werden. Oberflächenvermittelte Wechselwirkungen sind in diesem Zusammenhang ein interessantes Beispiel. Mit Hilfe des oben erwähnten Spannungstensors können analytische Ausdrücke für die krümmungsvermittelte Kraft zwischen zwei Teilchen, die z. B. Proteine repräsentieren, hergeleitet werden. Zusätzlich wird das Gleichgewicht der Kräfte und Drehmomente genutzt, um mehrere Bedingungen an die Geometrie der Membran abzuleiten. Für den Fall zweier unendlich langer Zylinder auf der Membran werden diese Bedingungen zusammen mit Profilberechnungen kombiniert, um quantitative Aussagen über die Wechselwirkung zu treffen. Theorie und Experiment stoßen an ihre Grenzen, wenn es darum geht, die Relevanz von krümmungsvermittelten Wechselwirkungen in der biologischen Zelle korrekt zu beurteilen. In einem solchen Fall bieten Computersimulationen einen alternativen Ansatz: Die hier präsentierten Simulationen sagen voraus, dass Proteine zusammenfinden und Membranbläschen (Vesikel) bilden können, sobald jedes der Proteine eine Mindestkrümmung in der Membran induziert. Der Radius der Vesikel hängt dabei stark von der lokal aufgeprägten Krümmung ab. Das Resultat der Simulationen wird in dieser Arbeit durch ein approximatives theoretisches Modell qualitativ bestätigt.
Abstract Originalsprache (englisch) Visual perception relies on a two-dimensional projection of the viewed scene on the retinas of both eyes. Thus, visual depth has to be reconstructed from a number of different cues that are subsequently integrated to obtain robust depth percepts. Existing models of sensory integration are mainly based on the reliabilities of individual cues and disregard potential cue interactions. In the current study, an extended Bayesian model is proposed that takes into account both cue reliability and consistency. Four experiments were carried out to test this model's predictions. Observers had to judge visual displays of hemi-cylinders with an elliptical cross section, which were constructed to allow for an orthogonal variation of several competing depth cues. In Experiment 1 and 2, observers estimated the cylinder's depth as defined by shading, texture, and motion gradients. The degree of consistency among these cues was systematically varied. It turned out that the extended Bayesian model provided a better fit to the empirical data compared to the traditional model which disregards covariations among cues. To circumvent the potentially problematic assessment of single-cue reliabilities, Experiment 3 used a multiple-observation task, which allowed for estimating perceptual weights from multiple-cue stimuli. Using the same multiple-observation task, the integration of stereoscopic disparity, shading, and texture gradients was examined in Experiment 4. It turned out that less reliable cues were downweighted in the combined percept. Moreover, a specific influence of cue consistency was revealed. Shading and disparity seemed to be processed interactively while other cue combinations could be well described by additive integration rules. These results suggest that cue combination in visual depth perception is highly flexible and depends on single-cue properties as well as on interrelations among cues. The extension of the traditional cue combination model is defended in terms of the necessity for robust perception in ecologically valid environments and the current findings are discussed in the light of emerging computational theories and neuroscientific approaches.
Dry limited amplitude vibrations flow-transition induced vibrations were experienced on a helically-filleted tube, in a previous study performed by Kleissl and Georgakis (2012). These vibrations have never been reported in previous studies. A deep study on the same inclined-yawed cable configuration has been performed, in order to investigate and further understand the nature of these vibrations. The investigation has been carried out through passive-dynamic wind tunnel tests in the Climatic Wind Tunnel at FORCE Technology, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark. The results are carried out in terms of aerodynamic damping and peak to peak amplitude at different flow velocities and different boundary conditions. The latter are done by testing the model with and without the spray system installed in the wind tunnel cross section, in order to understand and evaluate the influence of the spray system on the start of the vibrations mechanism and on the flow turbulence. The gained experiences are finally presented for the use in future testing activities with the purpose of improving the performance of passive-dynamic tests.
Since the publication of the book of Russell and Burch in 1959, scientific research has never stopped improving itself with regard to the important issue of animal experimentation. The European Directive 2010/63/EU “On the protection of animals used for scientific purposes” focuses mainly on the animal welfare, fixing the Russell and Burch’s 3Rs principles as the foundations of the document. In particular, the legislator clearly states the responsibility of the scientific community to improve the number of alternative methods to animal experimentation. The swine is considered a species of relevant interest for translational research and medicine due to its biological similarities with humans. The surgical community has, in fact, recognized the swine as an excellent model replicating the human cardiovascular system. There have been several wild-type and transgenic porcine models which were produced for biomedicine and translational research. Among these, the cardiovascular ones are the most represented. The continuous involvement of the porcine animal model in the biomedical research, as the continuous advances achieved using swine in translational medicine, support the need for alternative methods to animal experimentation involving pigs. The main purpose of the present work was to develop and characterize novel porcine alternative methods for cardiovascular translational biology/medicine. The work was mainly based on two different models: the first consisted in an ex vivo culture of porcine aortic cylinders and the second consisted in an in vitro culture of porcine aortic derived progenitor cells. Both the models were properly characterized and results indicated that they could be useful to the study of vascular biology. Nevertheless, both the models aim to reduce the use of experimental animals and to refine animal based-trials. In conclusion, the present research aims to be a small, but significant, contribution to the important and necessary field of study of alternative methods to animal experimentation.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to compare the long-term outcomes of implants placed in patients treated for periodontitis periodontally compromised patients (PCP) and in periodontally healthy patients (PHP) in relation to adhesion to supportive periodontal therapy (SPT). MATERIAL AND METHODS: One hundred and twelve partially edentulous patients were consecutively enrolled in private specialist practice and divided into three groups according to their initial periodontal condition: PHP, moderate PCP and severe PCP. Perio and implant treatment was carried out as needed. Solid screws (S), hollow screws (HS) and hollow cylinders (HC) were installed to support fixed prostheses, after successful completion of initial periodontal therapy (full-mouth plaque score <25% and full-mouth bleeding score <25%). At the end of treatment, patients were asked to follow an individualized SPT program. At 10 years, clinical measures and radiographic bone changes were recorded by two calibrated operators, blinded to the initial patient classification. RESULTS: Eleven patients were lost to follow-up. During the period of observation, 18 implants were removed because of biological complications. The implant survival rate was 96.6%, 92.8% and 90% for all implants and 98%, 94.2% and 90% for S-implants only, respectively, for PHP, moderate PCP and severe PCP. The mean bone loss was 0.75 (+/- 0.88) mm in PHP, 1.14 (+/- 1.11) mm in moderate PCP and 0.98 (+/- 1.22) mm in severe PCP, without any statistically significant difference. The percentage of sites, with bone loss > or =3 mm, was, respectively, 4.7% for PHP, 11.2% for moderate PCP and 15.1% for severe PCP, with a statistically significant difference between PHP and severe PCP (P<0.05). Lack of adhesion to SPT was correlated with a higher incidence of bone loss and implant loss. CONCLUSION: Patients with a history of periodontitis presented a lower survival rate and a statistically significantly higher number of sites with peri-implant bone loss. Furthermore, PCP, who did not completely adhere to the SPT, were found to present a higher implant failure rate. This underlines the value of the SPT in enhancing the long-term outcomes of implant therapy, particularly in subjects affected by periodontitis, in order to control reinfection and limit biological complications.
The aim was to compare eight types of luting agents when used to bond six indirect, laboratory restorative materials to dentin. Cylinders of the six restorative materials (Esteticor Avenir [gold alloy], Tritan [titanium], NobelRondo [feldspathic porcelain], Finesse All-Ceramic [leucite-glass ceramic], Lava [zirconia], and Sinfony [resin composite]) were ground and air-abraded. Cylinders of feldspathic porcelain and glass ceramic were additionally etched with hydrofluoric acid and were silane-treated. The cylinders were luted to ground human dentin with eight luting agents (DeTrey Zinc [zinc phosphate cement], Fuji I [conventional glass ionomer cement], Fuji Plus [resin-modified glass ionomer cement], Variolink II [conventional etch-and-rinse resin cement], Panavia F2.0 and Multilink [self-etch resin cements], and RelyX Unicem Aplicap and Maxcem [self-adhesive resin cements]). After water storage at 37°C for one week, the shear bond strength of the specimens (n=8/group) was measured, and the fracture mode was stereomicroscopically examined. Bond strength data were analyzed with two-factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Newman-Keuls' Multiple Range Test (?=0.05). Both the restorative material and the luting agent had a significant effect on bond strength, and significant interaction was noted between the two variables. Zinc phosphate cement and glass ionomer cements produced the lowest bond strengths, whereas the highest bond strengths were found with the two self-etch and one of the self-adhesive resin cements. Generally, the fracture mode varied markedly with the restorative material. The luting agents had a bigger influence on bond strength between restorative materials and dentin than was seen with the restorative material.
Background: This investigation describes experimental tests of the biomechanical features of a new resorbable bone adhesive based on methacrylate-terminated oligolactides enhanced with osteoconductive β-tricalcium phosphate. Material and Methods: 51 New Zealand white rabbits were randomised to an adhesive group (n = 29) and a control group (n = 22). An extra-articular bone cylinder was taken from the proximal tibia, two stripes of adhesive were applied and the cylinders were replanted. After 10 and 21 days, 3 and 12 months tibial specimens were harvested and the cylinder pull-out test was performed with a servo-hydraulic machine. Additionally the pull-out force was evaluated with the bone-equivalent Ebazell® after 5, 10 and 360 minutes in 14 specimens each. Results: Average pull-out forces in the adhesive group were 28 N after 10 days (control: 57 N), 155 N after 21 days (216 N), 184 N after 3 months (197 N) and 205 N after 12 months (185 N). Investigations with Ebazell® showed almost identical pull-out forces after 5 min, 15 min and 360 min. Adhesive forces were as high as 125 N/cm2 of adhesive surface and more than 1200 N/g of adhesive mass. Conclusions: The adhesive investigated here has a very good primary adhesive power, compared to the literature data, achieved after only 5 minutes. Even in moist surroundings the adhesive capacity remains sufficient. The adhesive has to prove its resorptive properties in further investigations and in first line its medium-term and long-lasting biocompatibility. Furthermore, biomechanical features will have to be compared to those of conventional fixation techniques.
We present an experimental and numerical study examining the dynamics of a gravity-driven contact line of a thin viscous film traveling down the outside of a vertical cylinder of radius R. Experiments on cylinders with radii ranging between 0.159 and 3.81 cm show that the contact line is unstable to a fingering pattern for two fluids with differing viscosities, surface tensions, and wetting properties. The dynamics of the contact line is studied and results are compared to previous studies of inclined plane experiments in order to understand the influence substrate curvature plays on the fingering pattern. A lubrication model is derived for the film height in the limit that ε = H/R≪1, where H is the upstream film thickness, and in terms of a Bond number ρgR3/(γH), and the linear stability of the contact line is analyzed using traveling wave solutions. Curvature controls the capillary ridge height of the traveling wave and the range of unstable wavelength when ε = O(10-1), whereas the shape and stability of the contact line converge to the behavior one observes on a vertical plane when ε ≤ O(10-2). The most unstable wave mode, cutoff wave mode for neutral stability, and maximum growth rate scale as 0.45 where = ρgR2/γ ≥ 1.3, and the contact line is unstable to fingering when ≥ 0.56. Using the experimental data to extrapolate outside the range of validity of the thin film model, we estimate the contact line is stable when <0.56. Agreement is excellent between the model and the experimental data for the wave number (i.e., number of fingers) and wavelength of the fingering pattern that forms along the contact line.
INTRODUCTION: Osteoporosis is not only responsible for an increased number of metaphyseal and spinal fractures but it also complicates their treatment. To prevent the initial loosening, we developed a new implant with an enlarged implant/bone interface based on the concept of perforated, hollow cylinders. We evaluated whether osseointegration of a hollow cylinder based implant takes place in normal or osteoporotic bone of sheep under functional loading conditions during anterior stabilization of the lumbar spine. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Osseointegration of the cylinders and status of the fused segments (ventral corpectomy, replacement with iliac strut, and fixation with testing implant) were investigated in six osteoporotic (age 6.9 +/- 0.8 years, mean body weight 61.1 +/- 5.2 kg) and seven control sheep (age 6.1 +/- 0.2 years, mean body weight 64.9 +/- 5.7 kg). Osteoporosis was introduced using a combination protocol of ovariectomy, high-dose prednisone, calcium and phosphor reduced diet and movement restriction. Osseointegration was quantified using fluorescence and conventional histology; fusion status was determined using biomechanical testing of the stabilized segment in a six-degree-of-freedom loading device as well as with radiological and histological staging. RESULTS: Intact bone trabeculae were found in 70% of all perforations without differences between the two groups (P = 0.26). Inside the cylinders, bone volume/total volume was significantly higher than in the control vertebra (50 +/- 16 vs. 28 +/- 13%) of the same animal (P<0.01), but significantly less (P<0.01) than in the near surrounding (60 +/- 21%). After biomechanical testing as described in Sect. "Materials and methods", seven spines (three healthy and four osteoporotic) were classified as completely fused and six (four healthy and two osteoporotic) as not fused after a 4-month observation time. All endplates were bridged with intact trabeculae in the histological slices. CONCLUSIONS: The high number of perforations, filled with intact trabeculae, indicates an adequate fixation; bridging trabeculae between adjacent endplates and tricortical iliac struts in all vertebrae indicates that the anchorage is adequate to promote fusion in this animal model, even in the osteoporotic sheep.
The similarity of periodontitis and peri-implantitis demands for the utilization of similar principles for the treatment. Different decontamination methods were available cleaning of implant surfaces contaminated with bacteria. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of various decontamination methods on reosseointegration on contaminated implants. Six mongrel dogs were used. The mandibular 1st molars and all premolars were removed bilaterally. Three months later, experi- mental implants with different surface characters were installed in each sides of the mandible. The implant consisted of two parts; the implant body and an exchangeable intraosseous implant cylinder. After osseointegration, experimental peri-implantitis was induced by cotton ligatures until the bone loss reached the junction of the two segments of the implant. After debridement of the bone defects, three treatment models were performed; (i) contaminated cylinders were removed, pristine cylinders were placed; (ii) contaminated cylinders were cleaned in situ with saline and (iii) contaminated cylinders was removed, cleaned with saline, sterilized by autoclaving. All implants were covered with membranes. After 3 months, histological evaluations were accomplished. The results indicated that in situ saline therapy demonstrated a significant difference at SLA surfaces in bone-implant-contact. Treatment of contaminated implants in situ with saline resulted in resolution of peri-implantitis and bone fill in defects.
BACKGROUND: Diagnosis and prognosis in breast cancer are mainly based on histology and immunohistochemistry of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) material. Recently, gene expression analysis was shown to elucidate the biological variance between tumors and molecular markers were identified that led to new classification systems that provided better prognostic and predictive parameters. Archived FFPE samples represent an ideal source of tissue for translational research, as millions of tissue blocks exist from routine diagnostics and from clinical studies. These should be exploited to provide clinicians with more accurate prognostic and predictive information. Unfortunately, RNA derived from FFPE material is partially degraded and chemically modified and reliable gene expression measurement has only become successful after implementing novel and optimized procedures for RNA isolation, demodification and detection. METHODS: In this study we used tissue cylinders as known from the construction of tissue microarrays. RNA was isolated with a robust protocol recently developed for RNA derived from FFPE material. Gene expression was measured by quantitative reverse transcription PCR. RESULTS: Sixteen tissue blocks from 7 patients diagnosed with multiple histological subtypes of breast cancer were available for this study. After verification of appropriate localization, sufficient RNA yield and quality, 30 tissue cores were available for gene expression measurement on TaqMan(R) Low Density Arrays (16 invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), 8 ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and 6 normal tissue), and 14 tissue cores were lost. Gene expression values were used to calculate scores representing the proliferation status (PRO), the estrogen receptor status and the HER2 status. The PRO scores measured from entire sections were similar to PRO scores determined from IDC tissue cores. Scores determined from normal tissue cores consistently revealed lower PRO scores than cores derived from IDC or DCIS of the same block or from different blocks of the same patient. CONCLUSION: We have developed optimized protocols for RNA isolation from histologically distinct areas. RNA prepared from FFPE tissue cores is suitable for gene expression measurement by quantitative PCR. Distinct molecular scores could be determined from different cores of the same tumor specimen.
This study investigates the compressive properties of concrete incorporating Mature Fine Tailings (MFTs) waste stream from a tar sands mining operation. The objectives of this study are to investigate material properties of the MFT material itself, as well as establish general feasibility of the utilization of MFT material in concrete mixtures through empirical data and visual observations. Investigations undertaken in this study consist of moisture content, materials finer than No. 200 sieve, Atterburg Limits as well as visual observations performed on MFT material as obtained. Control concrete mixtures as well as MFT replacement mixture designs (% by wt. of water) were guided by properties of the MFT material that were experimentally established. The experimental design consists of compression testing of 4”-diameter concrete cylinders of a control mixture, 30% MFT, 50% MFT and 70% MFT replacement mixtures with air-entrainer additive, as well as a control mixture and 30% MFT replacement mixture with no air-entrainer. A total of 6 mixtures (2 control mixtures, 4 replacement mixtures) moist-cured in lime water after 24 hours initial curing were tested for ultimate compressive strength at 7 days and 28 days in accordance to ASTM C39. The test results of fresh concrete material show that the addition of air-entrainer to the control mixture increases slump from 4” to 5.5”. However, the use of MFT material in concrete mixtures significantly decreases slump as compared to controls. All MFT replacement mixtures (30%, 50%, and 70%) with air-entrainer present slumps of 1”. 30% MFT with no air-entrainer presents a slump of 1.5”. It was found that 7-day ultimate compressive stress was not a good predictor of 28-day ultimate compressive stress. 28-day results indicate that the use of MFT material in concrete with air-entrainer decreases ultimate compressive stress for 30%, 50% and 70% MFT replacement amounts by 14.2%, 17.3% and 25.1% respectively.
This technical report discusses the application of the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) and Cellular Automata (CA) simulation in fluid flow and particle deposition. The current work focuses on incompressible flow simulation passing cylinders, in which we incorporate the LBM D2Q9 and CA techniques to simulate the fluid flow and particle loading respectively. For the LBM part, the theories of boundary conditions are studied and verified using the Poiseuille flow test. For the CA part, several models regarding simulation of particles are explained. And a new Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) algorithm is introduced to simulate particle motion in the Boolean model. The numerical results are compared with a previous probability velocity model by Masselot [Masselot 2000], which shows a satisfactory result.
PURPOSE: This retrospective study reports the clinical outcome following placement of extraoral implants in severely resorbed posterior ridges to support distal-extension removable dentures. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Consecutively treated patients with partially or completely edentulous ridges, with available bone height in the posterior region of 6 mm or less, were included in the study. Implants originally intended for extraoral use (Straumann) were placed in second molar regions and allowed to heal for 4 to 6 months before abutment connection. At recall appointments, the peri-implant hard and soft tissues were evaluated. Complications with implant components, as well as mechanical and structural failures of the prostheses, were recorded. Two-year survival rates were calculated and life table analyses undertaken. RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients (19 women and 10 men; average age 61.2 years, range, 44 to 75 years) were included in the study. Forty-seven extraoral implants in 26 patients were placed in the second molar site of the mandible. Two extraoral implants in 2 patients failed during the osseointegration phase, yielding an 8-year cumulative success rate of 91.8%. The mean distance from the extraoral implants to the most distal tooth/implant was 28.1 mm (range, 16.7 to 39.2 mm). Twenty-three extraoral implants were restored with magnets, 18 with ball anchors, and 4 with conical cylinders. Replacement of abutments and retention elements was necessary in 2 patients. Four abutments in 2 patients were disconnected from the restorations. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of the employed research design, extraoral implants may be used successfully to provide support for distal-extension removable dentures in severely resorbed posterior alveolar ridges.