743 resultados para Woodhouse, Annie


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In the last years extreme hydrometeorological phenomena have increased in number and intensity affecting the inhabitants of various regions, an example of these effects are the central basins of the Gulf of Mexico (CBGM) that they have been affected by 55.2% with floods and especially the state of Veracruz (1999-2013), leaving economic, social and environmental losses. Mexico currently lacks sufficient hydrological studies for the measurement of volumes in rivers, since is convenient to create a hydrological model (HM) suited to the quality and quantity of the geographic and climatic information that is reliable and affordable. Therefore this research compares the semi-distributed hydrological model (SHM) and the global hydrological model (GHM), with respect to the volumes of runoff and achieve to predict flood areas, furthermore, were analyzed extreme hydrometeorological phenomena in the CBGM, by modeling the Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) which is a SHM and the Modèle Hydrologique Simplifié à I'Extrême (MOHYSE) which is a GHM, to evaluate the results and compare which model is suitable for tropical conditions to propose public policies for integrated basins management and flood prevention. Thus it was determined the temporal and spatial framework of the analyzed basins according to hurricanes and floods. It were developed the SHM and GHM models, which were calibrated, validated and compared the results to identify the sensitivity to the real model. It was concluded that both models conform to tropical conditions of the CBGM, having MOHYSE further approximation to the real model. Worth mentioning that in Mexico there is not enough information, besides there are no records of MOHYSE use in Mexico, so it can be a useful tool for determining runoff volumes. Finally, with the SHM and the GHM were generated climate change scenarios to develop risk studies creating a risk map for urban planning, agro-hydrological and territorial organization.


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Este trabalho trata do primeiro Squamata (Lacertilia, Teiidae) do Pleistoceno superior do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e atribuído ao gênero Tupinambis. O material (MCN-PV 2184) é uma hemimandíbula direita, basicrânio, três vértebras dorsais, rádio e ulna esquerdos de um mesmo indivíduo, e provém da Formação Touro Passo, cujos répteis eram antes representados apenas por Testudines. O espécime apresenta as sinapomorfias dos Teiidae e muitas características das espécies recentes de Tupinambis, mas dintingue-se pelo maior tamanho e pelos seguintes caracteres: tubérculo basal mais horizontalizado, dentário e esplenial muito altos, coronóide relativamente baixo, articular com margem ventral marcadamente côncava, e crista adutora muito proeminente, pelo que a face lateral do articular está voltada látero-ventralmente.


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Edgard Morin (Auto-critique), Annie Kriegel (Ce que j'ai cru comprendre) e Claude Roy (Moi, je) percorrem passo a passo, desde a infância, as trilhas que o levaram ao PCF; os três participaram da resistência anti-nazista ao lado da União Soviética, ocasião da entrada em comunismo. Seguem-se as descrições de uma lenta asfixia moral em que os depoimentos fazem perceber como a rede das necessidades internas à subjetividade. Este artigo, analisando as autobiografias de três intelectuais franceses no momento em que dão criticamente conta de seu passado comunista procura apreender a figura histórica toda negativa da relação a si nas assim chamadas contra-sociedades comunistas durante o período stalinista.


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The phylogenetic relationships of the order Pleuronectiformes are controversial and at some crucial points remain unresolved. To date most phylogenetic studies on this order have been based on morpho-anatomical criteria, whereas only a few sequence comparisons based studies have been reported. In the present study, the phylogenetic relationships of 30 flatfish species pertaining to seven different families were examined by sequence analysis of the first half of the 16S mitochondrial DNA gene. The results obtained did not support percoids as the sister group of pleuronectiforms. The monophyletic origin of most families analyzed, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae, Achiridae, Pleuronectidae and Bothidae, was strongly supported, except for Paralichthyidae which was clearly subdivided into two groups, one of them associated with high confidence to Pleuronectidae. The analysis of the 16S rRNA gene also suggested the monophyly of Pleuronectiforms as the most probable hypothesis and consistently supported some major interfamily groupings.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os valores encontrados para a viscosidade sanguínea tendem a aparecer com diferenças significativas, de acordo com o sexo, avançar da idade e uso de substâncias. Pelo fato de o sangue ser um fluido não newtoniano, não podemos expressar sua viscosidade em termos absolutos sem que sejam levadas em conta as condições em que a mensuração é feita. Estudos anteriores destacaram a importância esta medida, considerando o efeito da idade, o uso de substâncias, bem como sua relação com Fluxo Sanguíneo Regional Cerebral, o que pode indicar correlação com declínios cognitivos. Entretanto, a prática médica carece ainda de um método simples e clinicamente prático para a verificação desta medida, além de valores de referência. Como passo inicial no sentido de padronizar os procedimentos e condições do processo de medição, avaliamos a quantidade mínima de amostra necessária para a medição da viscosidade sanguínea, utilizando este equipamento. Um total de 20 amostras de sangue foram coletadas de indivíduos saudáveis, entre 18 e 60 anos, em tubos com EDTA, e cada amostra dividida em 9 sub-amostras (de 600μl, 550μl, 500μl, 450μl, 400μl, 350μl, 300μl, 250μl e 200μl), totalizando, portanto, um total de aproximadamente 180 medições. A quantidade de 200 μl apresentou diferenças significativas com relação à primeira medida obtida, quando comparada com todas as demais quantidades (p<0,001), o que indica que com o uso desta quantidade, não é possível obter resultados confiáveis, pois existe alteração nos valores de VS obtidos relacionada à quantidade de material utilizado. Considerando a menor quantidade, bem como, que estivesse dentro da faixa de variação aceitável de 0,2 mPa.s, e a qual não apresentasse diferença significativa quando comparadas às demais (p>0,05), foi verificada a quantidade de 250 μl como a mais eficiente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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The Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), or human herpesvirus 8, is a gammaherpesvirus etiologically linked to the development of Kaposi sarcoma, primary effusion lymphomas, and multicentric Castleman disease in humans. KSHV is unique among other human herpesviruses because of the elevated number of viral products that mimic human cellular proteins, such as a viral cyclin, a viral G protein-coupled receptor, anti-apoptotic proteins (e.g. v-bcl2 and v-FLIP), viral interferon regulatory factors, and CC chemokine viral homologues. Several KSHV products have oncogenic properties, including the transmembrane K1 glycoprotein. KSHV K1 is encoded in the viral ORFK1, which is the most variable portion of the viral genome, commonly used to discriminate among viral genotypes. The extracellular region of K1 has homology with the light chain of lambda immunoglobulin, and its cytoplasmic region contains an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM). KSHV K1 ITAM activates several intracellular signaling pathways, notably PI3K/AKT. Consequently, K1 expression inhibits proapoptotic proteins and increases the life-span of KSHV-infected cells. Another remarkable effect of K1 activity is the production of inflammatory cytokines and proangiogenic factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor. KSHV K1 immortalizes primary human endothelial cells and transforms rodent fibroblasts in vitro; moreover, K1 induces tumors in vivo in transgenic mice expressing this viral protein. This review aims to consolidate and discuss the current knowledge on this intriguing KSHV protein, focusing on activities of K1 that can contribute to the pathogenesis of KSHV-associated human cancers. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR


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We present the first formal report on the squamate assemblage from Parque Nacional de Ubajara. This park contains the most important cave complex in the state of Ceara in northeastern Brazil, called Provincia Espeleologica de Ubajara. The material comes from the Urso Fossil cave at Pendurado Hill. All previously reported fossil remains found in this cave are tentatively attributed to the Quaternary (late Pleistocene-early Holocene). Probably only Arctotherium brasiliense represents a relictual fossil bear from the late Pleistocene megafauna. The taxa recognized in this paper belong to Tropidurus sp., Ameiva sp., cf. Epicrates, and cf. Crotalus durissus, adding to the knowledge of the Brazilian Quaternary squamate fauna as a whole, and contribute to a major taxonomic refinement of the squamate assemblages from the early Holocene of northeastern Brazil.


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The taxonomic positions of two thermophilic actinomycetes isolated from an arid Australian soil sample were established based on an investigation using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. The organisms had chemical and morphological properties typical of members of the genus Amycolatopsis and formed distinct phyletic lines in the Amycolatopsis methanolica 16S rRNA subclade. The two organisms were distinguished from one another and from the type strains of related species of the genus Amycolatopsis using a range of phenotypic properties. Based on the combined genotypic and phenotypic data, it is proposed that the two isolates be classified in the genus Amycolatopsis as Amycolatopsis thermophila sp. nov. (type strain GY088(T)=NCIMB 14699(T)=NRRL B-24836(T)) and Amycolatopsis viridis sp. nov. (type strain GY115(T)=NCIMB 14700(T)= NRRL B-24837(T)).


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The taxonomic positions of three thermophilic actinomycetes isolated from arid soil samples were established by using a polyphasic approach. The organisms had chemical and morphological features that were consistent with their classification in the genus Amycolatopsis. 16S rRNA gene sequence data supported the classification of the isolates in the genus Amycolatopsis and showed that they formed distinct branches in the Amycolatopsis methanolica subclade. DNA-DNA relatedness studies between the isolates and their phylogenetic neighbours showed that they belonged to distinct genomic species. The three isolates were readily distinguished from one another and from the type strains of species classified in the A. methanolica subclade based on a combination of phenotypic properties and by genomic fingerprinting. Consequently, it is proposed that the three isolates be classified in the genus Amycolatopsis as representatives of Amycolatopsis granulosa sp. nov. (type strain GY307(T)=NCIMB 14709(T)=NRRL B-24844(T)), Amycolatopsis ruanii sp. nov. (type strain NMG112(T)=NCIMB 14711(T)=NRRL B-24848(T)) and Amycolatopsis thermalba sp. nov. (type strain SF45(T)=NCIMB 14705(T)=NRRL B-24845(T)).


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Abstract Objectives To evaluate the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) types, and risk factors for HPV positivity across cervix, vagina and anus, we conducted a study among 138 women with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Goal Compare the prevalence of different HPV types and the risk factors for HPV positivity in three sites. Results The most frequently detected HPV types in all sites were, in decreasing order, HPV16, 53, 18, 61 and 81. Agreement between the cervix and vagina was good (kappa 0.60 – 0.80) for HPV16 and 53 and excellent (Kappa > 0.80) for HPV18 and 61. HPV positivity was inversely associated with age for all combinations including the anal site. Conclusion In HIV positive women, HPV18 is the most spread HPV type found in combinations of anal and genital sites. The relationship of anal to genital infection has implications for the development of anal malignancies. Thus, the efficacy of the current HPV vaccine may be considered not only for the cervix, but also for prevention of HPV18 anal infection among immunossuppressed individuals.