973 resultados para Weibull distribution function


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We propose as energy-constrained sandpile model with random neighbors. The critical behavior of the model is in the same universality class as the mean-field self-organized criticality sandpile. The critical energy E-c depends on the number of neighbors n of each site, but the various exponents do not. For n = 6, we got that E-c = 0.4545; and a self-similar structure of the energy distribution function with five major peaks is also observed. This is a natural result of system dynamics and the way the system is disturbed.


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Metallographic characterisation is combined with statistical analysis to study the microstructure of a BT16 titanium alloy after different heat treatment processes. It was found that the length, width and aspect ratio of α plates in this alloy follow the three-parameter Weibull distribution. Increasing annealing temperature or time causes the probability distribution of the length and the width of α plates to tend toward a normal distribution. The phase transformation temperature of the BT16 titanium alloy was found to be 875±5°C.


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Optical emission spectra from a low-pressure Ar plasma were studied with high spatial resolution. It has been shown that the intensity ratios of Ar lines excited through metastable levels to those excited directly from the ground state are sensitive to the shape of electron energy distribution function. From these measurements, important information on the spatial variation of plasma parameters can be obtained. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)01629-0].


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A time-resolved Langmuir probe technique is used to measure the dependence of the electron density, electron temperature, plasma potential and electron energy distribution function (EEDF) on the phase of the driving voltage in a RF driven parallel plate discharge. The measurements were made in a low-frequency (100-500 kHz), symmetrically driven, radio frequency discharge operating in H-2, D-2 and Ar at gas pressures of a few hundred millitorr. The EEDFs could not be represented by a single Maxwellian distribution and resembled the time averaged EEDFs reported in 13.56 MHz discharges. The measured parameters showed structure in their spatial and temporal dependence, generally consistent with a simple oscillating sheath model. Electron temperatures of less than 0.1 eV were measured during the phase of the RF cycle when both electrodes are negative with respect to the plasma.


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In this paper we demonstrate a new concept in the production of negative hydrogen ions in a low-pressure multicusp discharge. The discharge voltage is modulated to produce a non-Maxwellian, hot-electron plasma during the current pulse, followed by a cool Maxwellian electron plasma in the post discharge. This procedure, of separating in time the required hot and cold electron plasmas required for volume H- production, is called a temporal filter. The time evolution of the electron energy distribution function is measured using the time-resolved second derivative of a Langmuir probe characteristic. Time-resolved measurements of the negative ion density are made using laser photodetachment. The measurements show that the negative ion density in the center of the source, at a gas pressure of 0.07 Pa, increases by a factor of 2 when the discharge is switched off. At this low pressure the average H- beam current extracted from the source, when operated with a discharge current of 1 A in the pulse modulated mode exceeds the H- beam current from a 5 A continuously operated source. The increase in efficiency of the pulsed source is explained in terms of a two-step H- production mechanism.


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In this paper, we introduce an efficient method for particle selection in tracking objects in complex scenes. Firstly, we improve the proposal distribution function of the tracking algorithm, including current observation, reducing the cost of evaluating particles with a very low likelihood. In addition, we use a partitioned sampling approach to decompose the dynamic state in several stages. It enables to deal with high-dimensional states without an excessive computational cost. To represent the color distribution, the appearance of the tracked object is modelled by sampled pixels. Based on this representation, the probability of any observation is estimated using non-parametric techniques in color space. As a result, we obtain a Probability color Density Image (PDI) where each pixel points its membership to the target color model. In this way, the evaluation of all particles is accelerated by computing the likelihood p(z|x) using the Integral Image of the PDI.


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The propagation of ion acoustic shocks in nonthermal plasmas is investigated, both analytically and numerically. An unmagnetized collisionless electron-ion plasma is considered, featuring a superthermal (non-Maxwellian) electron distribution, which is modeled by a ?-(kappa) distribution function. Adopting a multiscale approach, it is shown that the dynamics of low-amplitude shocks is modeled by a hybrid Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers (KdVB) equation, in which the nonlinear and dispersion coefficients are functions of the ? parameter, while the dissipative coefficient is a linear function of the ion viscosity. All relevant shock parameters are shown to depend on ?: higher deviations from a pure Maxwellian behavior induce shocks which are narrower, faster, and of larger amplitude. The stability profile of the kink-shaped solutions of the KdVB equation against external perturbations is investigated. The spatial profile of the shocks is found to depend upon the dispersion and the dissipation term, and the role of the interplay between dispersion and dissipation is elucidated.


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The linear and nonlinear properties of large-amplitude electron-acoustic waves are investigated in a magnetized plasma comprising two distinct electron populations (hot and cold) and immobile ions. The hot electrons are assumed to be in a non-Maxwellian state, characterized by an excess of superthermal particles, here modeled by a kappa-type long-tailed distribution function. Waves are assumed to propagate obliquely to the ambient magnetic field. Two types of electrostatic modes are shown to exist in the linear regime, and their properties are briefly analyzed. A nonlinear pseudopotential-type analysis reveals the existence of large-amplitude electrostatic solitary waves and allows for an investigation of their propagation characteristics and existence domain, in terms of the soliton speed (Mach number). The effects of the key plasma configuration parameters, namely the superthermality index and the cold electron density, on the soliton characteristics and existence domain, are studied. The role of obliqueness and magnetic field is discussed.


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Aiming to establish a rigorous link between macroscopic random motion (described e.g. by Langevin-type theories) and microscopic dynamics, we have undertaken a kinetic-theoretical study of the dynamics of a classical test-particle weakly coupled to a large heat-bath in thermal equilibrium. Both subsystems are subject to an external force field. From the (time-non-local) generalized master equation a Fokker-Planck-type equation follows as a "quasi-Markovian" approximation. The kinetic operator thus defined is shown to be ill-defined; in specific, it does not preserve the positivity of the test-particle distribution function f(x, v; t). Adopting an alternative approach, previously introduced for quantum open systems, is proposed to lead to a correct kinetic operator, which yields all the expected properties. A set of explicit expressions for the diffusion and drift coefficients are obtained, allowing for modelling macroscopic diffusion and dynamical friction phenomena, in terms of an external field and intrinsic physical parameters.


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Real plasmas are often caracterized by the presence of excess energetic particle populations, resulting in a long-tailed non-Maxwellian distribution. In Space plasma physics, this phenomenon is usually modelled via a kappa-type distribution. This presentation is dedicated to an investigation, from first principles, of the effect of superthermality on the characteristics of dusty plasma modes. We employ a kappa distribution function to model the superthermality of the background components (electrons and/or ions). Background superthermality is shown to modify the charge screening mechanism in dusty plasmas, thus affecting the linear dispersion laws of both low- and higher frequency DP modes substantially. Various experimentally observed effects may thus be interpreted as manifestations of superthermality. Focusing on the features of nonlinear excitations (solitons) as they occur in different dusty plasma modes, we investigate the role of superthermality in their propagation dynamics (existence laws, stability profile) and characteristics (geometry).


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Space plasmas provide abundant evidence of highly energetic particle population, resulting in a long-tailed non-Maxwellian distribution. Furthermore, the first stages in the evolution of plasmas produced during laser-matter interaction are dominated by nonthermal electrons, as confirmed by experimental observation and computer simulations. This phenomenon is efficiently modelled via a kappa-type distribution. We present an overview, from first principles, of the effect of superthermality on the characteristics of electrostatic plasma waves. We rely on a fluid model for ion-acoustic excitations, employing a kappa distribution function to model excess superthermality of the electron distribution. Focusing on nonlinear excitations (solitons), in the form of solitary waves (pulses), shocks and envelope solitons, and employing standard methodological tools of nonlinear plasmadynamical analysis, we discuss the role of excess superthermality in their propagation dynamics (existence laws, stability profile), geometric characteristics and stability. Numerical simulations are employed to confirm theoretical predictions, namely in terms of the stability of electrostatic pulses, as well as the modulational stability profile of bright- and dark-type envelope solitons.


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Silicon carbide (SiC) is a material of great technological interest for engineering applications concerning hostile environments where silicon-based components cannot work (beyond 623 K). Single point diamond turning (SPDT) has remained a superior and viable method to harness process efficiency and freeform shapes on this harder material. However, it is extremely difficult to machine this ceramic consistently in the ductile regime due to sudden and rapid tool wear. It thus becomes non trivial to develop an accurate understanding of tool wear mechanism during SPDT of SiC in order to identify measures to suppress wear to minimize operational cost.

In this paper, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation has been deployed with a realistic analytical bond order potential (ABOP) formalism based potential energy function to understand tool wear mechanism during single point diamond turning of SiC. The most significant result was obtained using the radial distribution function which suggests graphitization of diamond tool during the machining process. This phenomenon occurs due to the abrasive processes between these two ultra hard materials. The abrasive action results in locally high temperature which compounds with the massive cutting forces leading to sp3–sp2 order–disorder transition of diamond tool. This represents the root cause of tool wear during SPDT operation of cubic SiC. Further testing led to the development of a novel method for quantitative assessment of the progression of diamond tool wear from MD simulations.


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Stationary solutions to the equations of nonlinear diffusive shock acceleration play a fundamental role in the theory of cosmic-ray acceleration. Their existence usually requires that a fraction of the accelerated particles be allowed to escape from the system. Because the scattering mean free path is thought to be an increasing function of energy, this condition is conventionally implemented as an upper cutoff in energy space-particles are then permitted to escape from any part of the system, once their energy exceeds this limit. However, because accelerated particles are responsible for the substantial amplification of the ambient magnetic field in a region upstream of the shock front, we examine an alternative approach in which particles escape over a spatial boundary. We use a simple iterative scheme that constructs stationary numerical solutions to the coupled kinetic and hydrodynamic equations. For parameters appropriate for supernova remnants, we find stationary solutions with efficient acceleration when the escape boundary is placed at the point where growth and advection of strongly driven nonresonant waves are in balance. We also present the energy dependence of the distribution function close to the energy where it cuts off-a diagnostic that is in principle accessible to observation.


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This paper contributes to and expands on the Nakagami-m phase model. It derives exact, closed-form expressions for both the phase cumulative distribution function and its inverse. In addition, empirical first- and second-order statistics obtained from measurements conducted in a body-area network scenario were used to fit the phase probability density function, the phase cumulative distribution function, and the phase crossing rate expressions. Remarkably, the unlikely shapes of the phase statistics, as predicted by the theoretical formulations, are actually encountered in practice.


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Study of nanomechanical response of iron carbides is important because presence of iron carbides greatly influences the performance and longevity of steel components. This work contributes to the literature by exploring nanoindentation of nanocrystalline Fe3C and tetrahedral-Fe4C using molecular dynamics simulation. The chemical interactions of iron and carbon were described through an analytical bond order inter-atomic potential (ABOP) energy function. The indentations were performed at an indentation speed of 50 m/sec and a repeat trial was performed at 5 m/sec. Load-displacement (P-h) curve for both these carbides showed residual indentation depth and maximum indentation depth (hf/hmax) ratio to be higher than 0.7 i.e. a circumstance where Oliver and Pharr method was not appropriate to be applied to evaluate the material properties. Alternate evaluation revealed Fe3C to be much harder than Fe4C. Gibbs free energy of formation and radial distribution function, coupled with state of the average local temperature and von Mises stresses indicate the formation of a new phase of iron-carbide. Formation of this newer phase was found to be due to deviatoric strain rather than the high temperature induced in the substrate during nanoindentation