961 resultados para Water levels.


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The chloroplastic isoform of glutamine synthetase (GS(2), EC from normal and water stressed safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L. cv.A-300) leaves has been purified to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity by a procedure involving anion-exchange, hydrophobic and size-exclusion chromatography followed by electroelution of the protein from preparative polyacrylamide gels. The observed molecular weight of the native protein varied from 305-330 kDa depending on the sizing column employed. The native protein is composed of 44 kDa subunits. Under conditions of saturating ammonium and at ATP levels of 0.1-10 mM, double-reciprocal plots with respect to glutamate are biphasic and concave downward at high concentrations of the varied substrate for normal enzyme but are linear for enzyme from water-stressed plants. Under subsaturating ATP levels, K-Glu is over 18-fold lower for enzyme from stressed leaves. The K-m, (ATP) varies with Mg2+ levels in the assay mixture. Double-reciprocal plots of initial velocity with respect to ATP at changing fixed levels of NH4+ are linear for normal enzyme but are curved upwards for enzyme from stressed leaves. Initial velocity data of 1/v vs. 1/ammonium for the enzyme from both the sources are non-linear (curved upwards) when ATP is saturating. At subsaturating ATP levels, the data are linear for normal enzyme but are still non-linear for the enzyme from stressed leaves. The results obtained suggest positively cooperative binding of NH4+ A V-max(/2) value of 3.6 mM for Mg2+ was obtained at 5 mM ATP. The isoelectric point of the native protein from normal and stressed leaves was determined to be, respectively, 5.6 and 6.1. The mixed competitive and competitive inhibitors, methionine sulfoximine and ADP and K-i values of 0.086 mM (0.017 for the enzyme from stressed leaves) and 2.15 mM (1.70 for the enzyme from stressed leaves), respectively. Enzyme from stressed leaves is not inhibited by 5 mM proline. The observed kinetic constants of GS(2) from normal and water stressed safflower seedlings are discussed in relation to the known water-stress tolerance of this crop plant.


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A new method is reported for the determination of trace levels of Ti(IV) in water by coflotation and polargraphy. Ti(IV) is preconcentrated and separated by coflotation using aluminium hydroxide as coprecipitant and sodium oleate as surfactant. Polarographic determination of titanium content in the froth is based on the catalytic wave of Ti(IV) in the presence of chlorate and oxalate. The effect of various cations and anions on the flotation and determination of titanium has been investigated. The method has been applied to estimation of titanium in natural fresh water samples.


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Several variants of hydrated sodium cadmium bisulfate, Na(2)Cd(2)(SO(4))(3) center dot 3H(2)O, Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) center dot 2H(2)O, and Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) center dot 4H(2)O have been synthesized, and their thermal properties followed by phase transitions have been invesigated. The formation of these phases depends on the stochiometry and the time taken for crystallization from water. Na(2)Cd(2)(SO(4))(3)center dot 3H(2)O, which crystallizes in the trigonal system, space group P3c, is grown from the aqueous solution in about four weeks. The krohnkite type mineral Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) center dot 2H(2)O and the mineral astrakhanite, also known as blodite, Na(2)Cd (SO(4))(2)center dot 4H(2)O, crystallize concomittantly in about 24 weeks. Both these minerals belong to the monoclinic system(space group P2(1)/c). Na(2)Cd(2)(SO(4))(3)center dot 3H(2)O loses water completely when heated to 250 degrees C and transforms to a dehydrated phase (cubic system, space group I (4) over bar 3d) whose structure has been established using ab initio powder diffration techniques. Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2)center dot 2H(2)O transforms to alpha-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) (space group C2/c) on heating to 150 degrees C which is a known high ionic conductor and remains intact over prolonged periods of exposure to moisture (over six months). However, when alpha-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) is heated to 570 degrees C followed by sudden quenching in liquid nitrogen beta-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) (P2(1)/c) is formed. beta-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) takes up water from the atmosphere and gets converted completely to the krohnkite type mineral in about four weeks. Further, beta-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) has a conductivity behavior comparable to the a-form up to 280 degrees C, the temperature required for the transformation of the beta- to alpha-form. These experiments demonstrate the possibility of utilizing the abundantly available mineral sources as precursors to design materials with special properties.


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We conducted surveys of fire and fuels managers at local, regional, and national levels to gain insights into decision processes and information flows in wildfire management. Survey results in the form of fire managers’ decision calendars show how climate information needs vary seasonally, over space, and through the organizational network, and help determine optimal points for introducing climate information and forecasts into decision processes. We identified opportunities to use climate information in fire management, including seasonal to interannual climate forecasts at all organizational levels, to improve the targeting of fuels treatments and prescribed burns, the positioning and movement of initial attack resources, and staffing and budgeting decisions. Longer-term (5–10 years) outlooks also could be useful at the national level in setting budget and research priorities. We discuss these opportunities and examine the kinds of organizational changes that could facilitate effective use of existing climate information and climate forecast capabilities.


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The restoration, conservation and management of water resources require a thorough understanding of what constitutes a healthy ecosystem. Monitoring and assessment provides the basic information on the condition of our waterbodies. The present work details the study carried out at two waterbodies, namely, the Chamarajasagar reservoir and the Madiwala Lake. The waterbodies were selected on the basis of their current use and locations. Chamarajasagar reservoir serves the purpose of supplying drinking water to Bangalore city and is located on the outskirts of the city surrounded by agricultural and forest land. On the other hand, Madiwala lake is situated in the heart of Bangalore city receiving an influx of pollutants from domestic and industrial sewage. Comparative assessment of the surface water quality of both were carried out by instituting the various physico–chemical and biological parameters. The physico-chemical analyses included temperature, transparency, pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, nitrates, phosphates, sodium, potassium and COD measurements of the given waterbody. The analysis was done based on the standard methods prescribed (or recommended) by (APHA) and NEERI. The biological parameter included phytoplankton analysis. The detailed investigations of the parameters, which are well within the tolerance limits in Chamarajasagar reservoir, indicate that it is fairly unpolluted, except for the pH values, which indicate greater alkalinity. This may be attributed to the natural causes and the agricultural runoff from the catchment. On the contrary, the limnology of Madiwala lake is greatly influenced by the inflow of sewage that contributes significantly to the dissolved solids of the lake water, total hardness, alkalinity and a low DO level. Although, the two study areas differ in age, physiography, chemistry and type of inflows, they still maintain a phytoplankton distribution overwhelmingly dominated by Cyanophyceae members,specifically Microcystis aeruginosa. These blue green algae apparently enter the waterbodies from soil, which are known to harbour a rich diversity of blue green flora with several species common to limnoplankton, a feature reported to be unique to the south Indian lakes.Chamarajasagar water samples revealed five classes of phytoplankton, of which Cyanophyceae (92.15 percent) that dominated other algal forms comprised of one single species of Microcystis aeruginosa. The next major class of algae was Chlorophyceae (3.752 percent) followed by Dinophyceae (3.51 percent), Bacillariophyceae (0.47 percent) and a sparsely available and unidentified class (0.12 percent).Madiwala Lake phytoplankton, in addition to Cyanophyceae (26.20 percent), revealed a high density of Chlorophyceae members (73.44 percent) dominated by Scenedesmus sp.,Pediastrum sp., and Euglena sp.,which are considered to be indicators of organic pollution. The domestic and industrial sewage, which finds its way into the lake, is a factor causing organic pollution. As compared to the other classes, Euglenophyceae and Bacillariophyceae members were the lowest in number. Thus, the analysis of various parameters indicates that Chamarajasagar reservoir is relatively unpolluted except for the high percentage of Microcystis aeruginosa, and a slightly alkaline nature of water. Madiwala lake samples revealed eutrophication and high levels of pollution, which is clarified by the physico–chemical analysis, whose values are way above the tolerance limits. Also, the phytoplankton analysis in Madiwala lake reveals the dominance of Chlorophyceae members, which indicate organic pollution (sewage being the causative factor).


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Analysis of climate change impacts on streamflow by perturbing the climate inputs has been a concern for many authors in the past few years, but there are few analyses for the impacts on water quality. To examine the impact of change in climate variables on the water quality parameters, the water quality input variables have to be perturbed. The primary input variables that can be considered for such an analysis are streamflow and water temperature, which are affected by changes in precipitation and air temperature, respectively. Using hypothetical scenarios to represent both greenhouse warming and streamflow changes, the sensitivity of the water quality parameters has been evaluated under conditions of altered river flow and river temperature in this article. Historical data analysis of hydroclimatic variables is carried out, which includes flow duration exceedance percentage (e.g. Q90), single low- flow indices (e.g. 7Q10, 30Q10) and relationships between climatic variables and surface variables. For the study region of Tunga-Bhadra river in India, low flows are found to be decreasing and water temperatures are found to be increasing. As a result, there is a reduction in dissolved oxygen (DO) levels found in recent years. Water quality responses of six hypothetical climate change scenarios were simulated by the water quality model, QUAL2K. A simple linear regression relation between air and water temperature is used to generate the scenarios for river water temperature. The results suggest that all the hypothetical climate change scenarios would cause impairment in water quality. It was found that there is a significant decrease in DO levels due to the impact of climate change on temperature and flows, even when the discharges were at safe permissible levels set by pollution control agencies (PCAs). The necessity to improve the standards of PCA and develop adaptation policies for the dischargers to account for climate change is examined through a fuzzy waste load allocation model developed earlier. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Increasing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO(2)) influence climate by suppressing canopy transpiration in addition to its well- known greenhouse gas effect. The decrease in plant transpiration is due to changes in plant physiology (reduced opening of plant stomata). Here, we quantify such changes in water flux for various levels of CO(2) concentrations using the National Center for Atmospheric Research's (NCAR) Community Land Model. We find that photosynthesis saturates after 800 ppmv (parts per million, by volume) in this model. However, unlike photosynthesis, canopy transpiration continues to decline at about 5.1% per 100 ppmv increase in CO(2) levels. We also find that the associated reduction in latent heat flux is primarily compensated by increased sensible heat flux. The continued decline in canopy transpiration and subsequent increase in sensible heat flux at elevated CO(2) levels implies that incremental warming associated with the physiological effect of CO(2) will not abate at higher CO(2) concentrations, indicating important consequences for the global water and carbon cycles from anthropogenic CO(2) emissions.


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A modeling framework is presented in this paper, integrating hydrologic scenarios projected from a General Circulation Model (GCM) with a water quality simulation model to quantify the future expected risk. Statistical downscaling with a Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) is carried out to develop the future scenarios of hydro-climate variables starting with simulations provided by a GCM. A Multiple Logistic Regression (MLR) is used to quantify the risk of Low Water Quality (LWQ) corresponding to a threshold quality level, by considering the streamflow and water temperature as explanatory variables. An Imprecise Fuzzy Waste Load Allocation Model (IFWLAM) presented in an earlier study is then used to develop adaptive policies to address the projected water quality risks. Application of the proposed methodology is demonstrated with the case study of Tunga-Bhadra river in India. The results showed that the projected changes in the hydro-climate variables tend to diminish DO levels, thus increasing the future risk levels of LWQ. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper shows how multidisciplinary research can help policy makers develop policies for sustainable agricultural water management interventions by supporting a dialogue between government departments that are in charge of different aspects of agricultural development. In the Jaldhaka Basin in West Bengal, India, a stakeholder dialogue helped identify potential water resource impacts and livelihood implications of an agricultural water management rural electrification scenario. Hydrologic modelling demonstrated that the expansion of irrigation is possible with only a localized effect on groundwater levels, but cascading effects such as declining soil fertility and negative impacts from agrochemicals will need to be addressed.


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The growing commercial applications had brought aluminium oxide nanoparticles under,toxicologists' purview. In the present study, the cytotoxicity of two different sized aluminium oxide nanoparticles (ANP(1), mean hydrodynamic diameter 82.6 +/- 22 nm and ANP(2), mean hydrodynamic diameter 246.9 +/- 39 nm) towards freshwater algal isolate Chlorella ellipsoids at low exposure levels (<= 1 mu g/mL) using sterile lake water as the test medium was assessed. The dissolution of alumina nanoparticles and consequent contribution towards toxicity remained largely unexplored owing to its presumed insoluble nature. Herein, the leached Al3+ ion mediated toxicity has been studied along with direct particulate toxicity to bring out the dynamics of toxicity through colloidal stability, biochemical, spectroscopic and microscopic analyses. The mean hydrodynamic diameter increased with time both for ANP(1) 82.6 +/- 22 nm (0 h) to 246.3 +/- 59 nm (24h), to 1204 +/- 140 nm (72 h)] and ANP(2) 246.9 +/- 39 nm (Oh) to 368.28 +/- 48 nm (24 h), to 1225.96 +/- 186 nm (72 h)] signifying decreased relative abundance of submicron sized particles (<1000 nm). The detailed cytotoxicity assays showed a significant reduction in the viability dependent on dose and exposure. A significant increase in ROS and LDH levels were noted for both ANPs at 1 mu g/mL concentration. The zeta potential and FT-IR analyses suggested surface chemical interaction between nanoparticles and algal cells. The substantial morphological changes and cell wall damage were confirmed through microscopic analyses (SEM, TEM, and CLSM). At 72 h, significant Al3+ ion release in the test medium 0.092 mu g/mL for ANP(1), and 0.19 mu g/mL for ANP(2)] was noted, and the resulting suspension containing leached ions caused significant cytotoxicity, revealing a substantial ionic contribution. This study indicates that both the nano-size and ionic dissolution play a significant role in the cytotoxicity of ANPs towards freshwater algae, and the exposure period largely determines the prevalent mode of nano-toxicity.


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Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) enzyme involves in GMP biosynthesis pathway. Type I hIMPDH is expressed at lower levels in all cells, whereas type II is especially observed in acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia cancer cells, and 10 ns simulation of the IMP-NAD(+) complex structures (PDB ID. 1B3O and 1JCN) have revealed the presence of a few conserved hydrophilic centers near carboxamide group of NAD(+). Three conserved water molecules (W1, W, and W1 `) in di-nucleotide binding pocket of enzyme have played a significant role in the recognition of carboxamide group (of NAD(+)) to D274 and H93 residues. Based on H-bonding interaction of conserved hydrophilic (water molecular) centers within IMP-NAD(+)-enzyme complexes and their recognition to NAD(+), some covalent modification at carboxamide group of di-nucleotide (NAD(+)) has been made by substituting the -CONH(2)group by -CONHNH2 (carboxyl hydrazide group) using water mimic inhibitor design protocol. The modeled structure of modified ligand may, though, be useful for the development of antileukemic agent or it could be act as better inhibitor for hIMPDH-II.


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Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) pose a high risk of exposure to the natural environment owing to their extensive usage in various consumer products. In the present study we attempted to understand the harmful effect of AgNPs at environmentally relevant low concentration levels (<= 1 ppm) towards two different freshwater bacterial isolates and their consortium. The standard plate count assay suggested that the AgNPs were toxic towards the fresh water bacterial isolates as well as the consortium, though toxicity was significantly reduced for the cells in the consortium. The oxidative stress assessment and membrane permeability studies corroborated with the toxicity data. The detailed electron microscopic studies suggested the cell degrading potential of the AgNPs, and the FT-IR studies confirmed the involvement of the surface groups in the toxic effects. No significant ion leaching from the AgNPs was observed at the applied concentration levels signifying the dominant role of the particle size, and size distribution in bacterial toxicity. The reduced toxicity for the cells in the consortium than the individual isolates has major significance in further studies on the ecotoxicity of the AgNPs. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Two isomorphous submicron sized metal-organic network compounds, Y-2(PDA)(3)(H2O)1]center dot 2H(2)O (PDA = 1,4-phenylenediacetate), 1 and Y1.8Tb0.2(PDA)(3)(H2O)1]center dot 2H(2)O, Tb@1 have been synthesized by employing solvent assisted liquid grinding followed by heating at 180 degrees C for 1' min and washing with water. Single crystal X-ray data of bulk 1 confirmed a three dimensional porous structure. The structure and morphology of 1 and Tb@1 were systematically characterized by PXRD, TGA, DSC, IR, SEM and EDX analysis. Dehydrated Tb@1 Tb@1'] shows a high intense visible green emission upon exposure to UV light. The green emission of Tb@1' was used for the detection of nitro explosives, such as 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (TNP), 1,3-dinitro benzene (DNB), 2,4-dinitro toluene (DNT), nitro benzene (NB), and 4-nitro toluene (NT) in acetonitrile. The results show that the emission intensity of dehydrated Tb@1' can be quenched by all the nitro analytes used in the present work. Remarkably, Tb@1' exhibited a high efficiency for TNP, DNB and DNT detection with K-SV K-SV = quenching constant based on linear Stern-Volmer plot] values of 70 920, 44 000 and 35 430 M-1, respectively, which are the highest values amongst known metal-organic materials. Using this material submicromolar level (equivalent to 0.18 ppm), a detection of nitro explosives has been achieved.


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Developments in the statistical extreme value theory, which allow non-stationary modeling of changes in the frequency and severity of extremes, are explored to analyze changes in return levels of droughts for the Colorado River. The transient future return levels (conditional quantiles) derived from regional drought projections using appropriate extreme value models, are compared with those from observed naturalized streamflows. The time of detection is computed as the time at which significant differences exist between the observed and future extreme drought levels, accounting for the uncertainties in their estimates. Projections from multiple climate model-scenario combinations are considered; no uniform pattern of changes in drought quantiles is observed across all the projections. While some projections indicate shifting to another stationary regime, for many projections which are found to be non-stationary, detection of change in tail quantiles of droughts occurs within the 21st century with no unanimity in the time of detection. Earlier detection is observed in droughts levels of higher probability of exceedance. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work presents a new electrode, 2-benzoylnaphtho 2,1-b]furan hydrazone exfoliated graphite paste electrode (B-EGPE) fabricated for the differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetric determination of lead (Pb). Under the optimal conditions, Pb2+ could be detected in the concentration range from 2.75 x 10(-7) to 1.5 x 10(-6) mol/L with the linear regression equation, y = 19.41 x 10(-6) x + 0.4249 x 10(-9) with R = 0.99. Interferences from other ions were investigated and the proposed method was further applied to the trace levels of Pb2+ detection in real samples with satisfactory results.