869 resultados para WIND POWER
Includes bibliography
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Facing a global scenario where oil is scarce and the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere is a world concern, the search for new methods of energy production becomes the focus of all countries. Based on these assumptions, the wind power gains highlight and happen to be the most exploited around the world, since this does not produce toxic waste, since it uses the wind, no raw material shortage and its cost and efficiency are increasingly attractive. Taking advantage of the geographical features of Brazil, coastal and territorial extension, this study aims to analyze the feasibility of using wind turbines widely used in Germany, one of the countries with the highest production of energy through wind, in Brazil. In order to increase the energy production without causing more environmental impacts, geographical analyses will be made, and to determine the features and costs of production of this type of energy generation, and at the end of this dissertation, will finish for one of the turbines, Montana, is it feasible to install, however due to the Government's little incentive return is not very expressive. With respect to the turbine Passaat, this is infeasible to install under current conditions
The energy crisis has affected many countries. With the growing warning with the emission in the atmosphere and the lack of resources, the seek for sustainable sources for energy genaration have become even bigger. Some Countries, as Germany, started first in this journey, creating an incentive program to self-generation with renewable sources (wind, photovoltaics, biomass, etc.), giving priority for smaller plants. In Germany the program called EEG started in 2004. In Brazil, since the beggining of 2012, the self-generators did not know how they could be beneficted for self-generation, and self-generation didn't become commun in the country. However, with NR 482, of April 17th, 2012, the parameters were defined, and the self-generator could have a guideline. Therewith, studyies can be redirected for a better knowlegde of the conditions the self-generator will be sujected, in addition to Germany's case as reference to compare with Brazil's case. In this paper these studies are made, focused in wind power (wind turbines) and photovoltaic panels
Wind power is a type of energy that is still not too explored in Brazil and, because of the lack of experience in projects of this size, there are still some problems during the stages of planning and execution of wind farms projects. One of these problems is related with the parts’ transportation logistics, since these parts are difficult to transport, because of their length, weight or shape. Furthermore, another aggravating factor is the lack of options regarding to the transportation modals that are available to do the route between the manufacture place and the project site. To help in the decision-making process about the ideal transportation configuration, aiming to reduce the dependence of the logistics’ coordinator, it was chosen to use he AHP method to compare some criteria that have influence in the modal’s choice process. The criteria, determined by the members of the company’s logistics’ department, are: transportation costs, transportation time and the risk of causing damages to the cargo. The results shown by this model, using theoretical background, that standardize the processes related to the modal’s choice
Introduces technical, economic and environmentally competitive solutions in the energy market is a great challenge for society. This work examines each of these aspects considering the production of electrolytic hydrogen with energy from wind power, solar and hydropower, in order to ensure an overview of this energy carrier. Initially, an assessment of the technical aspects is made addressing existing electrolysers technologies, its main characteristics and differences. The geographical distribution of wind, solar and hydroelectric potential in Brazil is also mapped, and a configuration scheme of a hydrogen production system is discussed. Subsequently, the economic analysis calculates the cost of investment in the alkaline electrolyser of 60 Nm³ / h, similar to the Brazilian bus powered by hydrogen project, coordinated by EMTU. Since the main input of electrolysis is electricity, is analyzed the latest energy auctions of each primary source and it is calculated the cost of production of the wind, solar and hydropower hydrogen. Postponed to this, are investigated the intrinsic environmental impacts of electricity generation process, proposing a readjustment of an indicator of ecological efficiency for the production of hydrogen. Finally, the work discusses the concept of externalities and demonstrates how the incorporation of external costs can leverage the hydrogen economy. In short, it is evident that the wind and hydroelectric hydrogens are more promising compared to solar hydrogen, whether in the economic aspect, because it achieved lower costs, whether in the environmental aspect, because it reached the highest ecological efficiency
The renewable energy sources presents an important role on the world's current context, its growing is essentially connected to the environmental issues and the energetic security, guided by the search for alternatives of energy. Among the alternative energy sources, the wind energy shows great importance in the brazilian territory, it has a great potential still unexplored and constant growth in the national electric matrix. The specific factor of generation, the conjuncture and the incentive politics influence on the expansion of wind energy in Brazil. Thus, the brazilian wind sector shows features which can be evaluated enable its developing. Keeping that in mind, the present work aims identify which are the advantages and the difficulties for the expansion of this energy source in the brazilian electric matrix. For that, the work studies the different parameters: features of electric generation of the different energy sources, incentive politics, generation costs, CO2 emission, evolution of wind energy in Brazil, the brazilian wind potential, and the regime of complementarily hydro-wind
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB
This paper presents the application and use of a methodology based on fuzzy theory and simulates its use in intelligent control of a hybrid system for generating electricity, using solar energy, photovoltaic and wind. When using a fuzzy control system, it reached the point of maximum generation of energy, thus shifting all energy generated from the alternative sources-solar photovoltaic and wind, cargo and / or batteries when its use not immediately. The model uses three variables used for entry, which are: wind speed, solar radiation and loading the bank of batteries. For output variable has to choose which of the batteries of the battery bank is charged. For the simulations of this work is used MATLAB software. In this environment mathematical computational are analyzed and simulated all mathematical modeling, rules and other variables in the system described fuzzy. This model can be used in a system of control of hybrid systems for generating energy, providing the best use of energy sources, sun and wind, so we can extract the maximum energy possible these alternative sources without any prejudice to the environment.
The installation of induction distributed generators should be preceded by a careful study in order to determine if the point of common coupling is suitable for transmission of the generated power, keeping acceptable power quality and system stability. In this sense, this paper presents a simple analytical formulation that allows a fast and comprehensive evaluation of the maximum power delivered by the induction generator, without losing voltage stability. Moreover, this formulation can be used to identify voltage stability issues that limit the generator output power. All the formulation is developed by using the equivalent circuit of squirrel-cage induction machine. Simulation results are used to validate the method, which enables the approach to be used as a guide to reduce the simulation efforts necessary to assess the maximum output power and voltage stability of induction generators. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Com o objetivo de identificar áreas do Estado de Alagoas com boas perspectivas de aproveitamento eólico, comparou-se dados de velocidade e direção do vento observados por torres anemométricas do projeto Atlas Eólico e Disseminação da Tecnologia Eólica no Estado de Alagoas. A série utilizada é de 12/2007 a 11/2008 e o estudo focou três regiões distintas: Litoral, Agreste e Sertão. Os padrões médios com maiores velocidades do vento ocorreram na região do Agreste (7,1 ±1,2 ms-1 mensal), seguido do Sertão (6,8 ±0,9 ms-1 mensal) e Litoral ( 5,3 ±0,8 ms-1 mensal). A regularidade da velocidade e a pouca variabilidade de direção do vento torna Alagoas uma ótima opção para a instalação de aerogeradores.
[ES] La energía eólica es una de las fuentes de energía renovable más importante hoy día con un continuo crecimiento a nivel mundial. España también ha apostado por las renovables y más concretamente por la energía eólica, materializándose con importantes instalaciones en gran parte de las comunidades autónomas entre ellas, Canarias. Con la realización de este trabajo se pretende estudiar el potencial eólico disponible en la zona donde se pretenda instalar o mantener un parque eólico, empleando para ello la ayuda de un supercomputador, el cual se encargará, por medio de un software de predicción meteorológica, que ayudarán en la decisión de dónde ubicar un parque eólico y, posteriormente, en la fase de explotación, predecir la potencia que un parque eólico inyectará en la red eléctrica con la antelación suficiente para que permita planificar las centrales de reserva de generación de energía tradicional u otras acciones que se consideren de interés. Durante el desarrollo del trabajo emplearemos el software “WRF” de predicción meteorológica. Esto generará un alto coste computacional y es por lo que proponemos realizar los cálculos empleando la ayuda de un supercomputador. Para concluir el trabajo mostraremos las características del supercomputador Atlante, situado en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, y analizaremos el coste que le supondría a una empresa, la compra o el alquiler de un supercomputador.
L’evoluzione dei componenti elettronici di potenza ed il conseguente sviluppo dei convertitori statici dell’energia elettrica hanno consentito di ottenere un’elevata efficienza energetica, sia nell’ambito degli azionamenti elettrici, sia nell’ambito della trasmissione e distribuzione dell’energia elettrica. L’efficienza energetica è una questione molto importante nell’attuale contesto storico, in quanto si sta facendo fronte ad una elevatissima richiesta di energia, sfruttando prevalentemente fonti di energia non rinnovabili. L’introduzione dei convertitori statici ha reso possibile un notevolissimo incremento dello sfruttamento delle fonti di energia rinnovabili: si pensi ad esempio agli inverter per impianti fotovoltaici o ai convertitori back to back per applicazioni eoliche. All’aumentare della potenza di un convertitore aumenta la sua tensione di esercizio: le limitazioni della tensione sopportabile dagli IGBT, che sono i componenti elettronici di potenza di più largo impiego nei convertitori statici, rendono necessarie modifiche strutturali per i convertitori nei casi in cui la tensione superi determinati valori. Tipicamente in media ed alta tensione si impiegano strutture multilivello. Esistono più tipi di configurazioni multilivello: nel presente lavoro è stato fatto un confronto tra le varie strutture esistenti e sono state valutate le possibilità offerte dall’architettura innovativa Modular Multilevel Converter, nota come MMC. Attualmente le strutture più diffuse sono la Diode Clamped e la Cascaded. La prima non è modulare, in quanto richiede un’apposita progettazione in relazione al numero di livelli di tensione. La seconda è modulare, ma richiede alimentazioni separate e indipendenti per ogni modulo. La struttura MMC è modulare e necessita di un’unica alimentazione per il bus DC, ma la presenza dei condensatori richiede particolare attenzione in fase di progettazione della tecnica di controllo, analogamente al caso del Diode Clamped. Un esempio di possibile utilizzo del convertitore MMC riguarda le trasmissioni HVDC, alle quali si sta dedicando un crescente interesse negli ultimi anni.