358 resultados para WETTABILITY


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In adhesion, the wetting process depends on three fundamental factors: the surface topography of the adherend, the viscosity of the adhesive, and the surface energy of both. The aim of this paper is to study the influence of viscosity and surface roughness on the wetting and their effect on the bond strength. For this purpose, an acrylic adhesive with different viscosities was synthesized and some properties, such as viscosity and surface tension, were studied before adhesive curing took place. Furthermore, the contact angle and the lap-shear strength were analyzed using aluminum adherends with two different roughnesses. Scanning electron microscopy was used to determine the effect of the viscosity and the roughness on the joint interface. The results showed that the adhesive exhibits an optimal value of viscosity. Below this value, at low viscosities, the low neoprene content produces poor bond strength due to the reduced toughness of the adhesive. Additionally, it also produces a high shrinkage during curing, which leads to the apparition of residual stresses that weakens the interfacial strength. However, once the optimum value, an increase in the viscosity produces a negative effect on the joint strength as a result of an important decrease in the wettability.


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Two outstanding features of the flowering plant family Winteraceae are the occlusion of their stomatal pores by cutin plugs and the absence of water-conducting xylem vessels. An adaptive relationship between these two unusual features has been suggested whereby stomatal plugs restrict gas exchange to compensate for the presumed poor conductivity of their vesselless wood. This hypothesized connection fueled evolutionary arguments that the vesselless condition is ancestral in angiosperms. Here we show that in Drimys winteri, a tree common to wet forests, these stomatal occlusions pose only a small fixed resistance to water loss. In addition, they modify the humidity response of guard cells such that under high evaporative demand, leaves with plugs lose water at a faster rate than leaves from which the plugs have been experimentally removed. Instead of being adaptations for drought, we present evidence that these cuticular structures function to maintain photosynthetic activity under conditions of excess water on the leaf surface. Stomatal plugs decrease leaf wettability by preventing the formation of a continuous water film that would impede diffusion of CO2 into the leaf. Misting of leaves had no effect on photosynthetic rate of leaves with plugs, but resulted in a marked decrease (≈40%) in leaves from which the plugs had been removed. These findings do not support a functional association between stomatal plugs and hydraulic competence and provide a new perspective on debates surrounding the evolution of vessels in angiosperms.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar as propriedades superficiais de filmes à base de gelatina. Para o qual foram elaborados filmes de: (i) Gelatina plastificado com glicerol (G) (gelatina: 5 g/100 g SFF; glicerol: 30 g/100 g de gelatina), (ii) Gelatina reforçado com montmorilhonita (G/MMT) (gelatina: 5 g/100 g SFF; glicerol: 30 g/100 g de gelatina; MMT: 5 g/100 g de gelatina) e Gelatina plastificado com citrato de acetiltributila (G/ATB) (gelatina: 5 g/100 g SFF; ATB: 50 g/100 de gelatina; lecitina de soja: 60 g/100 g de ATB; etanol: 20 g/100 g SFF). Os filmes foram produzidos mediante o uso de um aplicador automático de filmes \"Spreading\". Logo, os filmes foram submetidos a testes para determinação da espessura, umidade e propriedades óticas (brilho, cor e opacidade). Também foi caracterizada a microestrutura por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e microscopia de força atômica (AFM); às imagens obtidas por MEV foi aplicado um analise de imagem mediante o programa Image J, para obter o valor da dimensão fractal (DF). Depois foram caracterizadas as propriedades superficiais de ângulo de contato (AC), molhabilidade ou coeficiente de espalhamento (Se), e energia livre superficial (ELS) mediante a medida do ângulo de contato pelo método da gota séssil (água: 5 µL e 1-Bromonaftaleno: 3 µL). Para o cálculo da ELS também foi aplicado o método de Owens-Wendt. Estas caracterizações foram feitas em ambos os lados do filme, lado ar e lado placa. A natureza do filme de G/ATB influenciou na umidade e as propriedades óticas, enquanto que os filmes de G e G/MMT apresentaram características similares. Em relação à microestrutura e rugosidade, o filme de G apresentou a superfície mais homogênea e lisa, contrario ao observado no filme de G/MMT, que apresentou a maior rugosidade seguida do filme de G/ATB. Foi observado que houve uma relação entre os valores de rugosidade e DF. De acordo com o valor do AC, os filmes apresentaram um caráter hidrofóbico, pois seus valores foram superiores a 65° (em ambos os lados dos filmes), na seguinte ordem: G/MMT > G > G/ATB; sendo que o Se seguiu a mesma tendência. Cabe mencionar também que não foi encontrada uma correlação significativa entre os valores de AC e rugosidade. Em função dos valores de AC, Se e ELS (especificamente a componente polar), o filme de G/ATB apresentou o menor caráter hidrofóbico, pois apresentou menores valores de AC e maiores valores de Se em comparação com os outros dois filmes. Os valores da componente polar da G/ATB foram os maiores, explicando de melhor maneira o caráter menos hidrofóbico deste filme. Pode-se concluir que os filmes à base de gelatina elaborados no presente trabalho têm propriedades hidrofóbicas (AC>65°), sendo a G/MMT o filme com melhores características hidrofóbicas.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de uso do resíduo da extração de pigmento de cúrcuma na produção de filmes e coberturas. Para o estudo dos filmes, foram utilizados glicerol e sorbitol como plastificantes e avaliados os efeitos da concentração de farinha de cúrcuma e do plastificante sobre as propriedades mecânicas, solubilidade, permeabilidade ao vapor de água (PVA), molhabilidade, atividade antioxidante, teor de curcuminóides e teor de compostos fenólicos totais utilizando um Delineamento Central Composto Rotacional 22, e os resultados foram avaliados utilizando a metodologia de superfície de resposta (MSR). A concentração de farinha afetou de forma positiva a espessura, PVA e o teor de curcuminóides totais dos filmes plastificados com glicerol e sorbitol. Entretanto, esta variável afetou as propriedades de solubilidade, molhabilidade e teor de compostos fenólicos totais somente dos filmes com glicerol. A concentração de plastificante (glicerol ou sorbitol) afetou significativamente a solubilidade, PVA e molhabilidade de ambos os filmes. Filmes de farinha de cúrcuma com boas propriedades mecânicas, baixa permeabilidade ao vapor de água, alta atividade antioxidante, alto teor de curcuminóides e alto teor de compostos fenólicos totais podem ser produzidos utilizando 27,9 a 30 g glicerol/100 g farinha ou 30 a 42 g sorbitol/100 g farinha e concentração de farinha na faixa de 5% a 6,41%. A cobertura de farinha de cúrcuma contendo 6% de farinha e 30 g glicerol/100 g de farinha foi aplicada em bananas Maçã (Musa acuminata) armazenadas a 27ºC e 65% UR. Assim, foi avaliado o efeito da cobertura na qualidade pós-colheita das bananas em função à suas características físico-químicas como perda de massa, firmeza da polpa, pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, açúcares redutores e cor da casca. Os resultados mostraram que a cobertura foi eficiente em diminuir a perda de massa, o teor de açúcares redutores, a acidez, a perda da firmeza e a cor da casca principalmente durante a etapa de maturação do fruto. Entretanto, não foi observado grande efeito da cobertura sobre o pH e o teor de sólidos solúveis durante o período estudado. As bananas sem a cobertura tiveram vida útil de 6 dias, enquanto as bananas com cobertura tiveram vida útil de 9 dias.


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A proposta busca reduzir a absorção de água dos agregados reciclados de Resíduos de Construção e Demolição (RCD), através do tratamento de sua superfície com hidrofugante, de maneira que estes não aumentem o consumo de água tampouco reduzam a resistência mecânica. Os agregados reciclados de RCD foram caracterizados quanto à granulometria, morfologia, porosidade, ângulo de contato aparente, absorção de água, análise de imagem e rugosidade superficial. Em seguida, os mesmos foram tratados superficialmente com dois tipos de hidrofugante: solução de silano e parafina. Todos os tratamentos permitiram reduzir a absorção de água dos agregados reciclados de RCD. O tratamento por imersão foi aquele que permitiu obter os melhores resultados e a menor variabilidade entre as técnicas. Os tratamentos hidrofugam a superfície, apesar da parafina apresentar maior molhabilidade. O tratamento com parafina apresentou, em termos de absorção de água, resultados inferiores e menos variáveis que o silano. Os parâmetros de rugosidade constataram que, ambos os materiais perdem seu perfil topográfico original quando tratados com parafina. Os diferentes agregados reciclados com cada hidrofugante foram aplicados em materiais cimentícios analisados no estado fresco e no estado endurecido. Os tratamentos reduziram a absorção e o consumo de água de mistura, porém afetaram negativamente as propriedades mecânicas, devido nova interface gerada (no caso específica de parafina) e falta de molhabilidade nas superfícies.


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Active edible films were prepared by adding carvacrol into sodium caseinate (SC) and calcium caseinate (CC) matrices plasticized with two different glycerol concentrations (25 and 35 wt%) prepared by solvent casting. Functional characterisation of these bio-films was carried out by determination of some of their physico-chemical properties, such as colour, transparency, oxygen barrier, wettability, dye permeation properties and antibacterial effectiveness against Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria. All films exhibited good performance in terms of optical properties in the CIELab space showing high transparency. Carvacrol was able to reduce CC oxygen permeability and slightly increased the surface hydrophobicity. Dye diffusion experiments were performed to evaluate permeation properties. The diffusion of dye through films revealed that SC was more permeable than CC. The agar diffusion method was used for the evaluation of the films antimicrobial effectiveness against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Both SC and CC edible films with carvacrol showed inhibitory effects on both bacteria.


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Poly(lactic acid) PLA, and poly(hydroxybutyrate) PHB, blends were processed as films and characterized for their use in food packaging. PLA was blended with PHB to enhance the crystallinity. Therefore, PHB addition strongly increased oxygen barrier while decreased the wettability. Two different environmentally-friendly plasticizers, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and acetyl(tributyl citrate) (ATBC), were added to these blends to increase their processing performance, while improving their ductile properties. ATBC showed higher plasticizer efficiency than PEG directly related to the similarity solubility parameters between ATBC and both biopolymers. Moreover, ATBC was more efficiently retained to the polymer matrix during processing than PEG. PLA–PHB–ATBC blends were homogeneous and transparent blends that showed promising performance for the preparation of films by a ready industrial process technology for food packaging applications, showing slightly amber color, improved elongation at break, enhanced oxygen barrier and decreased wettability.


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La génération des fréquences somme (SFG), une technique spectroscopique spécifique aux interfaces, a été utilisée pour caractériser les changements de la structure macromoléculaire du surfactant cationique chlorure de dodécyltriméthylammonium (DTAC) à l’interface silice/eau dans une plage de pH variant entre 3 et 11. Les conditions expérimentales ont été choisies pour imiter les conditions les plus communes trouvées pendant les opérations de récupération assistée du pétrole. Particulièrement, la silice a été étudiée, car elle est un des composantes des surfaces minérales des réservoirs de grès, et l’adsorption du surfactant a été étudiée avec une force ionique pertinente pour les fluides de la fracturation hydraulique. Les spectres SFG ont présenté des pics détectables avec une amplitude croissante dans la région des étirements des groupes méthylène et méthyle lorsque le pH est diminué jusqu’à 3 ou augmenté jusqu’à 11, ce qui suggère des changements de la structure des agrégats de surfactant à l’interface silice/eau à une concentration de DTAC au-delà de la concentration micellaire critique. De plus, des changements dans l’intensité SFG ont été observés pour le spectre de l’eau quand la concentration de DTAC augmente de 0,2 à 50 mM dans les conditions acide, neutre et alcaline. À pH 3, près du point de charge zéro de la surface de silice, l’excès de charge positive en raison de l’adsorption du surfactant cationique crée un champ électrostatique qui oriente les molécules d’eau à l’interface. À pH 7 et 11, ce qui sont des valeurs au-dessus du point de charge zéro de la surface de silice, le champ électrostatique négatif à l’interface silice/eau diminue par un ordre de grandeur avec l’adsorption du surfactant comme résultat de la compensation de la charge négative à la surface par la charge positive du DTAC. Les résultats SFG ont été corrélés avec des mesures de l’angle de contact et de la tension interfaciale à pH 3, 7 et 11.


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La génération des fréquences somme (SFG), une technique spectroscopique spécifique aux interfaces, a été utilisée pour caractériser les changements de la structure macromoléculaire du surfactant cationique chlorure de dodécyltriméthylammonium (DTAC) à l’interface silice/eau dans une plage de pH variant entre 3 et 11. Les conditions expérimentales ont été choisies pour imiter les conditions les plus communes trouvées pendant les opérations de récupération assistée du pétrole. Particulièrement, la silice a été étudiée, car elle est un des composantes des surfaces minérales des réservoirs de grès, et l’adsorption du surfactant a été étudiée avec une force ionique pertinente pour les fluides de la fracturation hydraulique. Les spectres SFG ont présenté des pics détectables avec une amplitude croissante dans la région des étirements des groupes méthylène et méthyle lorsque le pH est diminué jusqu’à 3 ou augmenté jusqu’à 11, ce qui suggère des changements de la structure des agrégats de surfactant à l’interface silice/eau à une concentration de DTAC au-delà de la concentration micellaire critique. De plus, des changements dans l’intensité SFG ont été observés pour le spectre de l’eau quand la concentration de DTAC augmente de 0,2 à 50 mM dans les conditions acide, neutre et alcaline. À pH 3, près du point de charge zéro de la surface de silice, l’excès de charge positive en raison de l’adsorption du surfactant cationique crée un champ électrostatique qui oriente les molécules d’eau à l’interface. À pH 7 et 11, ce qui sont des valeurs au-dessus du point de charge zéro de la surface de silice, le champ électrostatique négatif à l’interface silice/eau diminue par un ordre de grandeur avec l’adsorption du surfactant comme résultat de la compensation de la charge négative à la surface par la charge positive du DTAC. Les résultats SFG ont été corrélés avec des mesures de l’angle de contact et de la tension interfaciale à pH 3, 7 et 11.


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Alloys of Al-3.8Cu-1Mg-0.7Si, Al-4Cu-0.6Si-0.1Mg, Al-4Cu-1.2Mg and Al-1.9Mg-1.9Si were made using air atomised powder and conventional press-and-sinter powder metallurgy techniques. These were sintered under nitrogen with a controlled water content which varied from 3 to 630 ppm (a dew point of -69 to -25 degrees C), nitrogen-5%hydrogen, argon and argon-5% hydrogen, all at atmospheric pressure, or a vacuum of


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Structured soils are characterized by the presence of inter- and intra-aggregate pore systems and aggregates, which show varying chemical, physical, and biological properties depending on the aggregate type and land use system. How far these aspects also affect the ion exchange processes and to what extent the interaction between the carbon distribution and kind of organic substances affect the internal soil strength as well as hydraulic properties like wettability are still under discussion. Thus, the objective of this research was to clarify the effect of soil aggregation on physical and chemical properties of structured soils at two scales: homogenized material and single aggregates. Data obtained by sequentially peeling off soil aggregates layers revealed gradients in the chemical composition from the aggregate surface to the aggregate core. In aggregates from long term untreated forest soils we found lower amounts of carbon in the external layer, while in arable soils the differentiation was not pronounced. However, soil aggregates originating from these sites exhibited a higher concentration of microbial activity in the outer aggregate layer and declined towards the interior. Furthermore, soil depth and the vegetation type affected the wettability. Aggregate strength depended. on water suction and differences in tillage treatments.


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In this paper we examine the effect of contact angle (or surface wettability) on the convective heat transfer coefficient in microchannels. Slip flow, where the fluid velocity at the wall is non-zero, is most likely to occur in microchannels due to its dependence on shear rate or wall shear stress. We show analytically that for a constant pressure drop, the presence of slip increases the Nusselt number. In a microchannel heat exchanger we modified the surface wettability from a contact angle of 20 degrees-120 degrees using thin film coating technology. Apparent slip flow is implied from pressure and flow rate measurements with a departure from classical laminar friction coefficients above a critical shear rate of approximately 10,000 s(-1). The magnitude of this departure is dependant on the contact angle with higher contact angles surfaces exhibiting larger pressure drop decreases. Similarly, the non-dimensional heat flux is found to decrease relative to laminar non-slip theory, and this decrease is also a function of the contact angle. Depending on the contact angle and the wall shear rate, variations in the heat transfer rate exceeding 10% can be expected. Thus the contact angle is an important consideration in the design of micro, and even more so, nano heat exchangers. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Despite recent advances in the formulation of lyophilised rapid disintegrating tablets (RDTs), the inclusion of matrix supporting/disintegration enhancing agents has been limited to the use of saccharides and polyols. In this study, the feasibility of using amino acids as matrix forming agents in lyophilised RDTs was investigated. Twelve amino acids were chosen (alanine, arginine, threonine, glycine, cysteine, serine, histidine, lysine, valine, asparagine, glutamine and proline), and the suitability for freeze drying, mechanical properties and disintegration time after inclusion of the amino acids at varied concentration were studied. In addition, the porosity of the RDTs and wettability profile of the amino acids were investigated to understand the mechanisms of disintegration. The results suggest the suitability of these amino acids for the lyophilisation regime, as they displayed satisfactory safety margin between the glass transition and shelf temperature (-40 degrees C), except proline-based formulations. Moreover, the crystallisation behavior of alanine, glycine, cysteine and serine at high concentration increased the stability of the formulation. The characterisation of the RDTs suggests that high concentration of the amino acids is required to enhance the mechanical properties, whereas only optimum concentrations promote the disintegration. Moreover, wetting time of the amino acid and porosity of the tablet are the two factors that control the disintegration of RDTs.


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Purpose: Most published surface wettability data are based on hydrated materials and are dominated by the air-water interface. Water soluble species with hydrophobic domains (such as surfactants) interact directly with the hydrophobic domains in the lens polymer. Characterisation of relative polar and non-polar fractions of the dehydrated material provides an additional approach to surface analysis. Method: Probe liquids (water and diiodomethane) were used to characterise polar and dispersive components of surface energies of dehydrated lenses using the method of Owens and Wendt. A range of conventional and silicone hydrogel soft lenses was studied. The polar fraction (i.e. polar/total) of surface energy was used as a basis for the study of the structural effects that influence surfactant persistence on the lens surface. Results: When plotted against water content of the hydrated lens, polar fraction of surface energy (PFSE) values of the dehydrated lenses fell into two rectilinear bands. One of these bands covered PFSE values ranging from 0.4 to 0.8 and contained only conventional hydrogels, with two notable additions: the plasma coated silicone hydrogels lotrafilcon A and B. The second band covered PFSE values ranging from 0.04 to 0.28 and contained only silicone hydrogels. Significantly, the silicone hydrogel lenses with lowest PFSE values (p<0.15) are found to be prone to lipid deposition duringwear. Additionally, more hydrophobic surfactants were found to be more persistent on lenses with lower PFSE values. Conclusions: Measurement of polar fraction of surface energy provides an importantmechanistic insight into surface interactions of silicone hydrogels.


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Interpenetrating polymer networks (lPN's), have been defined as a combination of two polymers each in network form, at least one of which has been synthesised and / or crosslinked in the presence of the other. A semi-lPN, is formed when only one of the polymers in the system is crosslinked, the other being linear. lPN's have potential advantages over homogeneous materials presently used in biomedical applications, in that their composite nature gives them a useful combination of properties. Such materials have potential uses in the biomedical field, specifically for use in hard tissue replacements, rigid gas permeable contact lenses and dental materials. Work on simply two or three component systems in both low water containing lPN's supplemented by the study of hydrogels (water swollen hydrophilic polymers) can provide information useful in the future development of more complex systems. A range of copolymers have been synthesised using a variety of methacrylates and acrylates. Hydrogels were obtained by the addition of N-vinyl pyrrolidone to these copolymers. A selection of interpenetrants were incorporated into the samples and their effect on the copolymer properties was investigated. By studying glass transition temperatures, mechanical, surface, water binding and oxygen permeability properties samples were assessed for their suitability for use as biomaterials. In addition copolymers containing tris-(trimethylsiloxy)-y-methacryloxypropyl silane, commonly abbreviated to 'TRlS', have been investigated. This material has been shown to enhance oxygen permeability, a desirable property when considering the design of contact lenses. However, 'TRIS' has a low polar component of surface free energy and hence low wettability. Copolymerisation with a range of methacrylates has shown that significant increases in surface wettability can be obtained without a detrimental effect on oxygen permeability. To further enhance to surface wettability 4-methacryloxyethyl trimellitic anhydride was incorporated into a range of promising samples. This study has shown that by careful choice of monomers it is possible to synthesise polymers that possess a range of properties desirable in biomedical applications.