861 resultados para Voluntary Termination in Restaurants: An Exploratory Determination of Causes
Identification of animals that are decomposing or have been run over or burnt and cannot be visually identified is a problem in the surveillance and control of infectious diseases. Many of these animals are wild and represent a valuable source of information for epidemiologic research as they may be carriers of an infectious agent. This article discusses the results obtained using a method for identifying mammals genetically by sequencing their mitochondrial DNA control region. Fourteen species were analyzed and identified. These included the main reservoirs and transmitters of rabies virus, namely, canids, chiroptera and primates. The results prove that this method of genetic identification is both efficient and simple and that it can be used in the surveillance of infectious diseases which includes mammals in their epidemiologic cycle, such as rabies.
An analysis of the experimental conditions under which low-frequency (70-150 kHz) Alfven eigertmodes (AE) are excited during the monster sawtooth in Joint European Torus [F Romanelli et al, Proceedings of the 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 2008] is presented for the specific case of a discharge with ion cyclotron heating (5 MW) Using a simplified AE model for modes excited at the Alfven wave continuum maximum with geodesic corrections taken into account, the temporal evolution of the value of the safety factor q(0) at the magnetic axis is determined We describe a new scheme to determine the time variation of q(0) that works under conditions in which other standard diagnostics, such as the motional Stark effect do not give reliable results such as during a monster sawtooth [doi 10 1063/1 3494212]
Measurement of the transmitted intensity from a coherent monomode light source through a series of subwavelength slit arrays in Ag films, with varying array pitch and number of slits, demonstrates enhancement (suppression) by factors of as much as 6 (9) when normalized to the transmission efficiency of an isolated slit. Pronounced minima in the transmitted intensity are observed at array pitches corresponding to lambda(SPP), 2 lambda(SPP), and 3 lambda(SPP), where lambda(SPP) is the wavelength of the surface plasmon polariton (SPP). The position of these minima arises from destructive interference between incident propagating waves and pi-phase-shifted SPP waves. Increasing the number of slits to four or more does not increase appreciably the per-slit transmission intensity. A simple interference model fits well the measured transmitted intensity profile.
In this work a simple and reliable method for the simultaneous determination of Cr, Fe, Ni and V in crude oil, using emulsion sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry is proposed. Under the best conditions, sample masses around 50 mg were weighed in polypropylene tubes and emulsified in a mixture of 0.5% (v v(-1)) hexane + 6% (m v(-1)) Triton X-100 (R). Considering the compromised conditions, the pyrolysis an atomization temperatures for the simultaneous determination of Cr, Fe, Ni and V were 1400 degrees C and 2500 degrees C, respectively. Aliquots of 20 mu L of reference solution and sample emulsion were co-injected into the graphite tube with 10 mu L of 1.0 g L(-1) Mg(NO(3))(2) as chemical modifier. The detection limits (n = 10, 3 sigma) and characteristic masses were, respectively: 0.07 mu g g(-1) and 19 pg for Cr; 2.15 mu g g(-1) and 31 pg for Fe; 1.25 mu g g(-1) and 44 pg for Ni; and 1.15 mu g g(-1) and 149 pg for V. The reliability of the proposed method was checked by fuel oil Standard Reference Material (SRMTriton X-100 (R) 1634c - NIST) analysis. The concentrations found presented no statistical differences compared to the certified values at 95% confidence level.
An acetylcholinesterase (AchE) based amperometric biosensor was developed by immobilisation of the enzyme onto a self assembled modified gold electrode. Cyclic voltammetric experiments performed with the SAM-AchE biosensor in phosphate buffer solutions ( pH = 7.2) containing acetylthiocholine confirmed the formation of thiocholine and its electrochemical oxidation at E-p = 0.28 V vs Ag/AgCl. An indirect methodology involving the inhibition effect of parathion and carbaryl on the enzymatic reaction was developed and employed to measure both pesticides in spiked natural water and food samples without pre-treatment or pre-concentration steps. Values higher than 91-98.0% in recovery experiments indicated the feasibility of the proposed electroanalytical methodology to quantify both pesticides in water or food samples. HPLC measurements were also performed for comparison and confirmed the values measured amperometrically.
In this work a downscaled multicommuted flow injection analysis setup for photometric determination is described. The setup consists of a flow system module and a LED based photometer, with a total internal volume of about 170 mu L The system was tested by developing an analytical procedure for the photometric determination of iodate in table salt using N,N-diethyl-henylenediamine (DPD) as the chromogenic reagent. Accuracy was accessed by applying the paired r-test between results obtained using the proposed procedure and a reference method, and no significant difference at the 95% confidence level was observed. Other profitable features, such as a low reagent consumption of 7.3 mu g DPD per determination: a linear response ranging from 0.1 up to 3.0 m IO(3)(-), a relative standard deviation of 0.9% (n = 11) for samples containing 0.5 m IO(3)(-), a detection limit of 17 mu g L(-1) IO(3)(-), a sampling throughput of 117 determination per hour, and a waste generation 600 mu L per determination, were also achieved. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The determination of uric acid in urine shows clinical importance, once it can be related to human organism dysfunctions, such as gout. An analytical procedure employing a multicommuted flow system was developed for the determination of uric acid in urine samples. Cu(II) ions are reduced by uric acid to Cu(I) that can be quantified by spectrophotometry in the presence of 2,2`-biquinoline 4,4`-dicarboxylic acid (BCA). The analytical response was linear between 10 and 100 mu mol L(-1) uric acid with a detection limit of 3.0 mu mol L(-1) (99.7% confidence level). Coefficient of variation of 1.2% and sampling rate of 150 determinations per hour were achieved. Per determination, 32 mu g of CuSO(4) and 200 mu g of BCA were consumed, generating 2.0 mL of waste. Recoveries from 91 to 112% were estimated and the results for 7 urine samples agreed with those obtained by the commercially available enzymatic kit for determination of uric acid. The procedure required 100-fold dilution of urine samples, minimizing sample consumption and interfering effects. In order to avoid the manual dilution step, on-line sample dilution was achieved by a simple system reconfiguration attaining a sampling rate of 95 h(-1). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The application of laser induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) aiming the direct analysis of plant materials is a great challenge that still needs efforts for its development and validation. In this way, a series of experimental approaches has been carried out in order to show that LIBS can be used as an alternative method to wet acid digestions based methods for analysis of agricultural and environmental samples. The large amount of information provided by LIBS spectra for these complex samples increases the difficulties for selecting the most appropriated wavelengths for each analyte. Some applications have suggested that improvements in both accuracy and precision can be achieved by the application of multivariate calibration in LIBS data when compared to the univariate regression developed with line emission intensities. In the present work, the performance of univariate and multivariate calibration, based on partial least squares regression (PLSR), was compared for analysis of pellets of plant materials made from an appropriate mixture of cryogenically ground samples with cellulose as the binding agent. The development of a specific PLSR model for each analyte and the selection of spectral regions containing only lines of the analyte of interest were the best conditions for the analysis. In this particular application, these models showed a similar performance. but PLSR seemed to be more robust due to a lower occurrence of outliers in comparison to the univariate method. Data suggests that efforts dealing with sample presentation and fitness of standards for LIBS analysis must be done in order to fulfill the boundary conditions for matrix independent development and validation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this work is to demonstrate the feasibility of laser induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) for the determination of macro and micronutrients in multielement tablets. The experimental setup was designed by using a laser Q-switch (Nd:YAG, 10 Hz, lambda = 1064 nm) and the emission signals were collected by lenses into an optical fiber coupled to an echelle spectrometer equipped with a high-resolution intensified charge coupled device (ICCD). Tablets were cryogenically ground and thereafter pelletized before LIBS analysis. Calibration curves were made by employing samples and mixtures of commercial multielement tablets with binders at different ratios. Best results were achieved by using the following experimental conditions: 29 J cm(-2) laser fluence, 165 mm lens to sample distance (f = 200 mm), 2.0 mu s delay time, 5.0 mu s integration time and 5 accumulated laser pulses. In general, the results obtained by the proposed LIBS procedure were in agreement with those obtained by ICP OES from the corresponding acid digests and coefficients variation of LIBS measurements varied from 2 to 16%. The metrological figures of merit indicate that LIBS fits for the intended purposes, and can be recommended for the analysis of multielement tablets and similar matrices aiming the determination of Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P and Zn.
Phosphoric acid is generally obtained from an aqueous process starting with the reaction between phosphate rock and sulphuric acid. Due to their chemical similarity, uranium is usually associated with phosphate rock which during chemical processing is partitioned to phosphoric acid. Uranium determination in this matrix is a very important task because of its ingestion it could lead to radiological impact on the population. Therefore, a procedure was developed using an initial precipitation with calcium hydroxide and evaporation, followed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The procedure was applied to analyse fourteen uranium enriched phosphoric acid samples.
The performance of laser-induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) for the determination of Ba, Cd, Cr and Pb in toys has been evaluated by using a Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm and an Echelle spectrometer with intensified charge-coupled device detector. Samples were purchased in different cities of Sao Paulo State market and analyzed directly without sample preparation. Laser-induced breakdown spectrometry experimental conditions (number of pulses, delay time. integration time gate and pulse energy) were optimized by using a Doehlert design. Laser-induced breakdown spectrometry signals correlated reasonably well with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) concentrations after microwave-assisted acid digestion of selected samples. Thermal analysis was used for polymer identification and scanning electron microscopy to Visualize differences in crater geometry of different polymers employed for toy fabrication. Results indicate that laser-induced breakdown spectrometry can be proposed as a rapid screening method for investigation of potentially toxic elements in toys. The unique application of laser-induced breakdown spectrometry for identification of contaminants in successive layers of ink and polymer is also demonstrated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been evaluated for the determination of micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) in pellets of plant materials, using NIST, BCR and GBW biological certified reference materials for analytical calibration. Pellets of approximately 2 mm thick and 15 mm diameter were prepared by transferring 0.5 g of powdered material to a 15 mm die set and applying 8.0 tons cm(-2). An experimental setup was designed by using a Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm (200 mJ per pulse, 10 Hz) and an Echelle spectrometer with ICCD detector. Repeatability precision varied from 4 to 30% from measurements obtained in 10 different positions (8 laser shots per test portion) in the same sample pellet. Limits of detection were appropriate for routine analysis of plant materials and were 2.2 mg kg(-1) B, 3.0 mg kg(-1) Cu, 3.6 mg kg(-1) Fe, 1.8 mg kg(-1) Mn and 1.2 mg kg(-1) Zn. Analysis of different plant samples were carried out by LIBS and results were compared with those obtained by ICP OES after wet acid decomposition. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has become an analytical tool for the direct analysis of a large variety of materials in order to provide qualitative and/or quantitative information. However, there is a lack of information for LIBS analysis of agricultural and environmental samples. In this work a LIBS system has been evaluated for the determination of macronutrients (P, K, Ca, Mg) in pellets of vegetal reference materials. An experimental setup was designed by using a Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm and an Echelle spectrometer with ICCD detector. The plasma temperature was estimated by Boltzmann plots and instrumental paragmeters such as delay time, lens-to-sample distance and pulse energy were evaluated. Certified reference materials as well as reference materials were used for analytical calibrations of P, K, Ca, and Mg. Most results of the direct analysis of plant samples by LIBS were in reasonable agreement with those obtained by ICP OES after wet acid decomposition. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A method for simultaneous determination of Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As e Pb in liquid chemical waste using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) technique was evaluated. A small sample amount (200 mu L) was dried on a 6.35 mu m thickness Mylar film at 60 degrees C and the analyses were carried out using an EDXRF spectrometer operated with an X-ray Mo tube (Zr filter) at 30 kV/20 mA. The acquisition time was 300 s and the Ga element was utilized as internal standard at 25 mg/L for quantitative analysis. The method trueness was assessed by spiking and the detection limit for those elements ranged from 0.39 to 1.7 mg/L. This method is notable because it assists the choice of the more appropriated waste treatment procedure, in which inter elemental interference is a matter of importance. In addition, this inexpensive method allows a non-destructive determination of the elements from (19)K to (92)U simultaneously.
Laser induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) was applied for the determination of macro (P, K, Ca, Mg) and micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) in sugar cane leaves, which is one of the most economically important crops in Brazil. Operational conditions were previously optimized by a neuro-genetic approach, by using a laser Nd:YAG at 1064 nm with 110 mJ per pulse focused on a pellet surface prepared with ground plant samples. Emission intensities were measured after 2.0 mu s delay time, with 4.5 mu s integration time gate and 25 accumulated laser pulses. Measurements of LIBS spectra were based on triplicate and each replicate consisted of an average of ten spectra collected in different sites (craters) of the pellet. Quantitative determinations were carried out by using univariate calibration and chemometric methods, such as PLSR and iPLS. The calibration models were obtained by using 26 laboratory samples and the validation was carried out by using 15 test samples. For comparative purpose, these samples were also microwave-assisted digested and further analyzed by ICP OES. In general, most results obtained by LIBS did not differ significantly from ICP OES data by applying a t-test at 95% confidence level. Both LIBS multivariate and univariate calibration methods produced similar results, except for Fe where better results were achieved by the multivariate approach. Repeatability precision varied from 0.7 to 15% and 1.3 to 20% from measurements obtained by multivariate and univariate calibration, respectively. It is demonstrated that LIBS is a powerful tool for analysis of pellets of plant materials for determination of macro and micronutrients by choosing calibration and validation samples with similar matrix composition.