929 resultados para Visual programming languages


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Der Zugang zu Datenbanken über die universelle Abfragesprache SQL stellt für Nicht-Spezialisten eine große Herausforderung dar. Als eine benutzerfreundliche Alternative wurden daher seit den 1970er-Jahren unterschiedliche visuelle Abfragesprachen (Visual Query Languages, kurz VQLs) für klassische PCs erforscht. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, eine generische VQL zu entwickeln und zu erproben, die eine gestenbasierte Exploration von Datenbanken auf Schema- und Instanzdatenebene für mobile Endgeräte, insbesondere Tablets, ermöglicht. Dafür werden verschiedene Darstellungsformen, Abfragestrategien und visuelle Hints für Fremdschlüsselbeziehungen untersucht, die den Benutzer bei der Navigation durch die Daten unterstützen. Im Rahmen einer Anforderungsanalyse erwies sich die Visualisierung der Daten und Beziehungen mittels einer platzsparenden geschachtelten NF2-Darstellung als besonders vorteilhaft. Zur Steuerung der Datenbankexploration wird eine geeignete Gestensprache, bestehend aus Stroke-, Multitouch- und Mid-Air-Gesten, vorgestellt. Das Gesamtkonzept aus Darstellung und Gestensteuerung wurde anhand des im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten GBXT-Prototyps auf seine reale Umsetzbarkeit hin, als plattformunabhängige Single-Page-Application für verschiedene mobile Endgeräte mittels JavaScript und HTML5/CSS3 untersucht.


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MAIDL, André Murbach; CARVILHE, Claudio; MUSICANTE, Martin A. Maude Object-Oriented Action Tool. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. [S.l:s.n], 2008.


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Exceptions are an important feature of modern programming languages, but their compilation has traditionally been viewed as an advanced topic. In this article we show that the basic method of compiling exceptions using stack unwinding can be explained and verified both simply and precisely, using elementary functional programming techniques. In particular, we develop a compiler for a small language with exceptions, together with a proof of its correctness.


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MAIDL, André Murbach; CARVILHE, Claudio; MUSICANTE, Martin A. Maude Object-Oriented Action Tool. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. [S.l:s.n], 2008.


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The PROSPER (Proof and Specification Assisted Design Environments) project advocates the use of toolkits which allow existing verification tools to be adapted to a more flexible format so that they may be treated as components. A system incorporating such tools becomes another component that can be embedded in an application. This paper describes the PROSPER Toolkit which enables this. The nature of communication between components is specified in a language-independent way. It is implemented in several common programming languages to allow a wide variety of tools to have access to the toolkit.


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One challenge on data assimilation (DA) methods is how the error covariance for the model state is computed. Ensemble methods have been proposed for producing error covariance estimates, as error is propagated in time using the non-linear model. Variational methods, on the other hand, use the concepts of control theory, whereby the state estimate is optimized from both the background and the measurements. Numerical optimization schemes are applied which solve the problem of memory storage and huge matrix inversion needed by classical Kalman filter methods. Variational Ensemble Kalman filter (VEnKF), as a method inspired the Variational Kalman Filter (VKF), enjoys the benefits from both ensemble methods and variational methods. It avoids filter inbreeding problems which emerge when the ensemble spread underestimates the true error covariance. In VEnKF this is tackled by resampling the ensemble every time measurements are available. One advantage of VEnKF over VKF is that it needs neither tangent linear code nor adjoint code. In this thesis, VEnKF has been applied to a two-dimensional shallow water model simulating a dam-break experiment. The model is a public code with water height measurements recorded in seven stations along the 21:2 m long 1:4 m wide flume’s mid-line. Because the data were too sparse to assimilate the 30 171 model state vector, we chose to interpolate the data both in time and in space. The results of the assimilation were compared with that of a pure simulation. We have found that the results revealed by the VEnKF were more realistic, without numerical artifacts present in the pure simulation. Creating a wrapper code for a model and DA scheme might be challenging, especially when the two were designed independently or are poorly documented. In this thesis we have presented a non-intrusive approach of coupling the model and a DA scheme. An external program is used to send and receive information between the model and DA procedure using files. The advantage of this method is that the model code changes needed are minimal, only a few lines which facilitate input and output. Apart from being simple to coupling, the approach can be employed even if the two were written in different programming languages, because the communication is not through code. The non-intrusive approach is made to accommodate parallel computing by just telling the control program to wait until all the processes have ended before the DA procedure is invoked. It is worth mentioning the overhead increase caused by the approach, as at every assimilation cycle both the model and the DA procedure have to be initialized. Nonetheless, the method can be an ideal approach for a benchmark platform in testing DA methods. The non-intrusive VEnKF has been applied to a multi-purpose hydrodynamic model COHERENS to assimilate Total Suspended Matter (TSM) in lake Säkylän Pyhäjärvi. The lake has an area of 154 km2 with an average depth of 5:4 m. Turbidity and chlorophyll-a concentrations from MERIS satellite images for 7 days between May 16 and July 6 2009 were available. The effect of the organic matter has been computationally eliminated to obtain TSM data. Because of computational demands from both COHERENS and VEnKF, we have chosen to use 1 km grid resolution. The results of the VEnKF have been compared with the measurements recorded at an automatic station located at the North-Western part of the lake. However, due to TSM data sparsity in both time and space, it could not be well matched. The use of multiple automatic stations with real time data is important to elude the time sparsity problem. With DA, this will help in better understanding the environmental hazard variables for instance. We have found that using a very high ensemble size does not necessarily improve the results, because there is a limit whereby additional ensemble members add very little to the performance. Successful implementation of the non-intrusive VEnKF and the ensemble size limit for performance leads to an emerging area of Reduced Order Modeling (ROM). To save computational resources, running full-blown model in ROM is avoided. When the ROM is applied with the non-intrusive DA approach, it might result in a cheaper algorithm that will relax computation challenges existing in the field of modelling and DA.


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Les langages de programmation typés dynamiquement tels que JavaScript et Python repoussent la vérification de typage jusqu’au moment de l’exécution. Afin d’optimiser la performance de ces langages, les implémentations de machines virtuelles pour langages dynamiques doivent tenter d’éliminer les tests de typage dynamiques redondants. Cela se fait habituellement en utilisant une analyse d’inférence de types. Cependant, les analyses de ce genre sont souvent coûteuses et impliquent des compromis entre le temps de compilation et la précision des résultats obtenus. Ceci a conduit à la conception d’architectures de VM de plus en plus complexes. Nous proposons le versionnement paresseux de blocs de base, une technique de compilation à la volée simple qui élimine efficacement les tests de typage dynamiques redondants sur les chemins d’exécution critiques. Cette nouvelle approche génère paresseusement des versions spécialisées des blocs de base tout en propageant de l’information de typage contextualisée. Notre technique ne nécessite pas l’utilisation d’analyses de programme coûteuses, n’est pas contrainte par les limitations de précision des analyses d’inférence de types traditionnelles et évite la complexité des techniques d’optimisation spéculatives. Trois extensions sont apportées au versionnement de blocs de base afin de lui donner des capacités d’optimisation interprocédurale. Une première extension lui donne la possibilité de joindre des informations de typage aux propriétés des objets et aux variables globales. Puis, la spécialisation de points d’entrée lui permet de passer de l’information de typage des fonctions appellantes aux fonctions appellées. Finalement, la spécialisation des continuations d’appels permet de transmettre le type des valeurs de retour des fonctions appellées aux appellants sans coût dynamique. Nous démontrons empiriquement que ces extensions permettent au versionnement de blocs de base d’éliminer plus de tests de typage dynamiques que toute analyse d’inférence de typage statique.


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This work proposes to adjust the Notification Oriented Paradigm (NOP) so that it provides support to fuzzy concepts. NOP is inspired by elements of imperative and declarative paradigms, seeking to solve some of the drawbacks of both. By decomposing an application into a network of smaller computational entities that are executed only when necessary, NOP eliminates the need to perform unnecessary computations and helps to achieve better logical-causal uncoupling, facilitating code reuse and application distribution over multiple processors or machines. In addition, NOP allows to express the logical-causal knowledge at a high level of abstraction, through rules in IF-THEN format. Fuzzy systems, in turn, perform logical inferences on causal knowledge bases (IF-THEN rules) that can deal with problems involving uncertainty. Since PON uses IF-THEN rules in an alternative way, reducing redundant evaluations and providing better decoupling, this research has been carried out to identify, propose and evaluate the necessary changes to be made on NOP allowing to be used in the development of fuzzy systems. After that, two fully usable materializations were created: a C++ framework, and a complete programming language (LingPONFuzzy) that provide support to fuzzy inference systems. From there study cases have been created and several tests cases were conducted, in order to validate the proposed solution. The test results have shown a significant reduction in the number of rules evaluated in comparison to a fuzzy system developed using conventional tools (frameworks), which could represent an improvement in performance of the applications.


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In the context of computer numerical control (CNC) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM), the capabilities of programming languages such as symbolic and intuitive programming, program portability and geometrical portfolio have special importance -- They allow to save time and to avoid errors during part programming and permit code re-usage -- Our updated literature review indicates that the current state of art presents voids in parametric programming, program portability and programming flexibility -- In response to this situation, this article presents a compiler implementation for EGCL (Extended G-code Language), a new, enriched CNC programming language which allows the use of descriptive variable names, geometrical functions and flow-control statements (if-then-else, while) -- Our compiler produces low-level generic, elementary ISO-compliant Gcode, thus allowing for flexibility in the choice of the executing CNC machine and in portability -- Our results show that readable variable names and flow control statements allow a simplified and intuitive part programming and permit re-usage of the programs -- Future work includes allowing the programmer to define own functions in terms of EGCL, in contrast to the current status of having them as library built-in functions


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This work proposes an environment for programming programmable logic controllers applied to oil wells with BCP type method of artificially lifting. The environment will have an editor based in the diagram of sequential functions for programming of PLCs. This language was chosen due to the fact of being high-level and accepted by the international standard IEC 61131-3. The use of these control programs in real PLC will be possible with the use of an intermediate level of language based on XML specification PLCopen T6 XML. For the testing and validation of the control programs, an area should be available for viewing variables obtained through communication with a real PLC. Thus, the main contribution of this work is to develop a computational environment that allows: modeling, testing and validating the controls represented in SFC and applied in oil wells with BCP type method of artificially lifting


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La « pensée mixte » est une approche de la composition caractérisée par l’interaction de trois pensées: la pensée instrumentale, la pensée électroacoustique et la pensée informatique. Elle prend la forme d’un réseau où le compositeur fait des aller-retours entre les trois pensées et réalise des équivalences paramétriques. La pensée instrumentale se rattache à la tradition de l’écriture occidentale, la pensée électroacoustique fait allusion aux pratiques du studio analogique et de la musique acousmatique, et la pensée informatique fait référence aux pratiques numériques de la programmation visuelle et de l’analyse spectrale. Des lieux communs existent où s’opèrent l’interaction des trois pensées: la notion du studio instrumental de Ivo Malec, la notion de musique concrète instrumentale de Helmut Lachenmann, la composition assistée par ordinateur, la musique spectrale, l’approche instrumentale par montage, la musique acousmatique s’inspirant de la tradition musicale écrite et les musiques mixtes. Ces domaines constituent les influences autour desquelles j’ai composé un corpus de deux cycles d’œuvres: Les Larmes du Scaphandre et le Nano-Cosmos. L’analyse des œuvres met en évidence la notion de « pensée mixte » en abordant la pensée électroacoustique dans ma pratique instrumentale, la pensée informatique dans ma pratique musicale, et la pensée instrumentale dans ma pratique électroacoustique.


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La « pensée mixte » est une approche de la composition caractérisée par l’interaction de trois pensées: la pensée instrumentale, la pensée électroacoustique et la pensée informatique. Elle prend la forme d’un réseau où le compositeur fait des aller-retours entre les trois pensées et réalise des équivalences paramétriques. La pensée instrumentale se rattache à la tradition de l’écriture occidentale, la pensée électroacoustique fait allusion aux pratiques du studio analogique et de la musique acousmatique, et la pensée informatique fait référence aux pratiques numériques de la programmation visuelle et de l’analyse spectrale. Des lieux communs existent où s’opèrent l’interaction des trois pensées: la notion du studio instrumental de Ivo Malec, la notion de musique concrète instrumentale de Helmut Lachenmann, la composition assistée par ordinateur, la musique spectrale, l’approche instrumentale par montage, la musique acousmatique s’inspirant de la tradition musicale écrite et les musiques mixtes. Ces domaines constituent les influences autour desquelles j’ai composé un corpus de deux cycles d’œuvres: Les Larmes du Scaphandre et le Nano-Cosmos. L’analyse des œuvres met en évidence la notion de « pensée mixte » en abordant la pensée électroacoustique dans ma pratique instrumentale, la pensée informatique dans ma pratique musicale, et la pensée instrumentale dans ma pratique électroacoustique.


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User interfaces for source code editing are a crucial component in any software development environment, and in many editors visual annotations (overlaid on the textual source code) are used to provide important contextual information to the programmer. This paper focuses on the real-time programming activity of ‘cyberphysical’ programming, and considers the type of visual annotations which may be helpful in this programming context.


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Genetic Programming (GP) is a widely used methodology for solving various computational problems. GP's problem solving ability is usually hindered by its long execution times. In this thesis, GP is applied toward real-time computer vision. In particular, object classification and tracking using a parallel GP system is discussed. First, a study of suitable GP languages for object classification is presented. Two main GP approaches for visual pattern classification, namely the block-classifiers and the pixel-classifiers, were studied. Results showed that the pixel-classifiers generally performed better. Using these results, a suitable language was selected for the real-time implementation. Synthetic video data was used in the experiments. The goal of the experiments was to evolve a unique classifier for each texture pattern that existed in the video. The experiments revealed that the system was capable of correctly tracking the textures in the video. The performance of the system was on-par with real-time requirements.