903 resultados para Veteran-owned business enterprises
Este documento expone la importancia del ejercicio de valoración como herramienta para la construcción de las proyecciones y la planeación financiera de una empresa en etapa temprana, al tiempo que prueba el método de flujos de caja con tasa de descuento ajustada al riesgo, como la metodología más recomendada por expertos, en la valoración de nuevas empresas (startups), y valida la marginalidad de la información contable y financiera entre los emprendedores -- Busca soportar en un único documento, las decisiones de inversión de financieros, prestamistas y emprendedores, en atención a la subjetividad con que muchos inversionistas valoran desde su percepción, el potencial de crecimiento, la generación de flujos futuros y/o el posicionamiento estratégico de las startup -- Como ya se mencionó, el método de Descuento de Flujos de Caja (DFC) será la metodología aplicada y analizada -- Entre otras ventajas, porque al estar basado en la generación de flujos a partir de los activos fijos, no se expone a percepciones del mercado ni a criterios no trasladables, en caso de una valoración por comparables -- El lector podrá constatar, y de acuerdo con la bibliografía consultada, que la metodología de DFC, no sólo es la más apropiada para la valoración de una startup, sino que dadas las circunstancias en cuanto a disponibilidad de la información, es obligatorio clasificarla, dentro de los métodos más sofisticados -- Finalmente, entre otras conclusiones, se hace énfasis en que el ejercicio de la valoración debe centrarse en identificar el potencial que tiene la empresa de convertirse en una entidad generadora de valor -- En tal sentido, el análisis se debe focalizar en el plan estratégico, que se espera desarrollar a corto, mediano y largo plazo, y en las acciones para alcanzar las metas planteadas -- No siempre la situación de la empresa ha de estar acorde con lo proyectado, se pueden presentar variaciones en el comportamiento financiero, adicionalmente, la demanda de capital líquido e inversiones en activos generan, en la mayoría de los casos, déficit en los flujos de caja producto de las dificultades de los emprendedores para garantizar dicha demanda de recursos
Este trabajo de grado formula un plan estratégico para el Sistema Universitario del Eje Cafetero (SUEJE) para ser ejecutado en el periodo 2016-2021 -- El SUEJE es una alianza interuniversitaria constituida como entidad sin ánimo de lucro, que explotando la base de conocimiento de sus universidades miembros provee servicios de consultoría, y gestiona y ejecuta proyectos dentro del sector público colombiano -- Este plan estratégico se ha desarrollado en 4 etapas: una primera etapa de diagnóstico donde se identifican los elementos internos críticos de la organización y su contexto externo a través del análisis DOFA y las 5 fuerzas de Porter -- Una segunda etapa donde se hace un benchmarking estratégico con dos de los principales referentes del mercado de Servicios de consultoría, gestión y ejecución de proyectos en el sector público colombiano; una tercera etapa donde se caracteriza la estrategia de SUEJE para los próximos 5 años utilizando el método de Mapas Estratégicos, donde se redefinen los pilares básicos de la organización y sus objetivos prioritarios a través del análisis de 4 diferentes perspectivas: perspectiva financiera, interna, del cliente y de aprendizaje y crecimiento -- Finalmente, concluye con la construcción de una herramienta gerencial o Balanced Scorecard la cual define indicadores de gestión para 17 objetivos estratégicos y un plan de acción con 5 iniciativas estratégicas
Con el presente trabajo de investigación se determinaron las principales características que presenta el mercado informal de juegos de azar, localizados con Máquinas Electrónicas Tragamonedas (METs) en un barrio de la ciudad de Pereira (Samaria) -- Mercado que funciona en locales de tipología tradicional, la cual está constituida por los negocios como tiendas, misceláneas, cafeterías, graneros, licoreras, heladerías y otros, es decir, locales cuya actividad comercial principal no son los juegos de azar ni el entretenimiento, que optan por incluir en sus portafolios una o dos máquinas electrónicas de juego -- Dichos instrumentos de juego se instalan dentro del espacio de su local y no están inscritas ni cuentan con el permiso de operación de la entidad reguladora de esta actividad en Colombia, que es Coljuegos -- Por tal razón no hay un registro de su magnitud ni mucho menos de los recursos financieros que genera, así como tampoco de las condiciones contractuales en las que opera -- Al ser los juegos de azar localizados una actividad estrictamente regulada por el Estado, el caracterizar la operación informal adquiere relevancia tanto para el Estado como para las compañías formalmente constituidas en la actividad, los cuales ven en ello un competidor informal que captura una participación de mercado de juegos de azar localizados con máquinas de juego
En el presente documento se presenta un estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa de comida rápida, saludable y de forma móvil en la ciudad de Manizales -- Para el efecto se llevó a cabo realizó un análisis del contexto socioeconómico de la ciudad para determinar la posibilidad de ofrecer comida rápida enmarcada en el concepto de fast good, mobile food service -- En el estudio se siguieron los planteamientos de Baca Urbina (2010) que desarrollan las tres esferas del conocimiento que comprenden y dan cuenta de la viabilidad del mercado, la técnica y la financiera, que permiten determinar si la realización del proyecto es factible con el supuesto de un nivel de riesgo moderado -- La estrategia metodológica planteada se sustenta en un estudio de carácter descriptivo soportado en fuentes primarias y secundarias que pretenden dar cuenta de la situación actual del mercado y la real posibilidad de generar un nuevo negocio con las características antes descritas
El trabajo de investigación consiste en diseñar un modelo de negocio para la cooperativa “Composcoop” de Manizales, con base en el modelo Canvas, mediante la identificación de los elementos estratégicos que le generan valor al negocio -- La construcción del modelo, como herramienta de planificación estratégica, radicó en reconocer los elementos fundamentales que pueden generar valor al negocio y las actividades que deben tenerse en cuenta en un futuro inmediato para lograr posicionarse en el mercado de los abonos orgánicos -- La investigación tuvo enfoque cualitativo y se llevó a cabo al tener en cuenta cuatro momentos: primero: análisis documental de fuentes secundarias para conocer conceptualizaciones, tipos, importancia y metodología por aplicar; segundo: las entrevistas en profundidad con tres expertos temáticos, para tener mayores argumentos sobre el modelo que habría de trabajarse; tercero: la producción intelectual en un grupo focal para generar discusiones de la empresa, reflexiones de proyección y actividades realizadas para capturar mayor cantidad de clientes y fidelizarlos, y cuarto: hacer una triangulación en relación con los ejercicios antes desarrollados -- Al término del ejercicio se logró identificar la importancia y la pertinencia de la aplicación de un modelo de negocio, desarrollar habilidades que permitiesen potencializar la idea de negocio y definir la importancia de los roles y las responsabilidades frente a la estrategia para desarrollar lo planeado
Firms in China within the same industry but with different ownership and size have very different production functions and can face very different emission regulations and financial conditions. This fact has largely been ignored in most of the existing literature on climate change. Using a newly augmented Chinese input–output table in which information about firm size and ownership are explicitly reported, this paper employs a dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to analyze the impact of alternative climate policy designs with respect to regulation and financial conditions on heterogeneous firms. The simulation results indicate that with a business-as-usual regulatory structure, the effectiveness and economic efficiency of climate policies is significantly undermined. Expanding regulation to cover additional firms has a first-order effect of improving efficiency. However, over-investment in energy technologies in certain firms may decrease the overall efficiency of investments and dampen long-term economic growth by competing with other fixed-capital investments for financial resources. Therefore, a market-oriented arrangement for sharing emission reduction burden and a mechanism for allocating green investment is crucial for China to achieve a more ambitious emission target in the long run.
ABSTRACT State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are created to focus on domestic needs, and yet recent evidence points to increasing outward foreign direct investment by SOEs. Existing International Business (IB) theories focus on efficiency-based motives for internationalization; therefore, they do not fully capture SOEs' internalization dynamics, which are driven largely by political factors and social welfare considerations. We integrate public management and IB theories to develop propositions that combine these questions: why SOEs internationalize; what are their motivations; and what are the main managerial outcomes of SOEs' internationalization. Our findings suggest that SOEs display little hesitancy in entering international markets, and that SOE international expansion is not contradictory with the goals of state-ownership if the purpose is to adjust the company to changing institutional environments both in the domestic and international markets. Our propositions about SOE internationalization are based on an in-depth case study of the outward foreign direct investment conducted by Brazil's Petrobras over the past three decades.
Purpose – The primary aim of this paper is to examine whether boards of directors with independent members function as effective corporate governance mechanisms in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises(SOEs), by analysing four characteristics of non-executive directors (NEDs) that impact on their effectiveness, namely their degree of independence, information, incentive, and competence. Design/methodology/approach – Being exploratory in nature, the research uses qualitative methods for data collection. It is based on an interpretivist perspective of social sciences, analysing and explaining the factors that influence the effectiveness of NEDs. Findings – The findings indicate that the NED system is weak in China as a result of the concentrated ownership structure, unique business culture, intervention of controlling shareholders and the lack of understanding of the benefits brought by NEDs. Research limitations/implications – The paper examines the salient features of and challenges to the system of NEDs of SOEs in present-day China. It provides an understanding of how the various perceptions of the board, gathered from in-depth interviews of corporate directors, leads to new interpretations of board effectiveness. The research, however, is limited owing to a relatively small sample size and the sensitive nature of the information collected. Originality/value – The study aims to fill gaps in the literature and contribute to it by assessing the “real” views and perceptions of NEDs in China in an institutional environment significantly different from that of the USA, the UK and other western economies.
This study compared state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and joint ventures (JVs) in light of organizational culture practices. Data were obtained via a survey participated by 781 respondents from five enterprises. Factoring identified four cultural dimensions: Participation, Teamwork, Supervision, and Meetings. All four dimensions, except Participation, were rated significantly higher by respondents from SOEs as compared to the ratings in JVs. Based on the findings, this study concluded that culture practices valued in one type of enterprise might be liability in another. The implication for management is to gear culture practices to the characteristics of the organization to make it successful.
This paper investigates the effects of domestic privatisation or foreign acquisition of Chinese State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) on employment growth, using firm level data for China and a combination of propensity score matching and difference-in-differences in order to identify the causal effect. Our results suggest that, controlling for output growth there is some evidence that domestic privatisation leads to contemporaneous reductions in employment growth compared to firms that did not undergo an ownership change. By contrast, there is some evidence that foreign acquisitions show higher employment growth in the post acquisition period than non-acquired SOEs.
The role of the production system as a key determinant of competitive performance of business operations- has long been the subject of industrial organization research, even predating the .explicit conceptua1isation of manufacturing, strategy in the literature. Particular emergent production issues such as the globalisation of production, global supply chain management, management of integrated manufacturing and a growing e~busjness environment are expected to critically influence the overall competitive performance and therefore the strategic success of the organization. More than ever, there is a critical need to configure and improve production system and operations competence in a strategic way so as to contribute to the long-term competitiveness of the organization. In order to operate competitively and profitably, manufacturing companies, no matter how well managed, all need a long-term 'strategic direction' for the development of operations competence in order to consistently produce more market value with less cost towards a leadership position. As to the long-term competitiveness, it is more important to establish a dynamic 'strategic perspective' for continuous operational improvements in pursuit of this direction, as well as ongoing reviews of the direction in relation to the overall operating context. However, it also clear that the 'existing paradigm of manufacturing strategy development' is incapable of adequately responding to the increasing complexities and variations of contemporary business operations. This has been factually reflected as many manufacturing companies are finding that methodologies advocated in the existing paradigm for developing manufacturing strategy have very limited scale and scope for contextual contingency in empirical application. More importantly, there has also emerged a deficiency in the multidimensional and integrative profile from a theoretical perspective when operationalising the underlying concept of strategic manufacturing management established in the literature. The point of departure for this study was a recognition of such contextual and unitary limitations in the existing paradigm of manufacturing strategy development when applied to contemporary industrial organizations in general, and Chinese State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in particular. As China gradually becomes integrated into the world economy, the relevance of Western management theory and its paradigm becomes a practical matter as much as a theoretical issue. Since China markedly differs from Western countries in terms of culture, society, and political and economic systems, it presents promising grounds to test and refine existing management theories and paradigms with greater contextual contingency and wider theoretical perspective. Under China's ongoing programmes of SOE reform, there has been an increased recognition that strategy development is the very essence of the management task for managers of manufacturing companies in the same way as it is for their counterparts in Western economies. However, the Western paradigm often displays a rather naive and unitary perspective of the nature of strategic management decision-making, one which largely overlooks context-embedded factors and social/political influences on the development of manufacturing strategy. This thesis studies the successful experiences of developing manufacturing strategy from five high-performing large-scale SOEs within China’s petrochemical industry. China’s petrochemical industry constitutes a basic heavy industrial sector, which has always been a strategic focus for reform and development by the Chinese government. Using a confirmation approach, the study has focused on exploring and conceptualising the empirical paradigm of manufacturing strategy development practiced by management. That is examining the ‘empirical specifics’ and surfacing the ‘managerial perceptions’ of content configuration, context of consideration, and process organization for developing a manufacturing strategy during the practice. The research investigation adopts a qualitative exploratory case study methodology with a semi-structural front-end research design. Data collection follows a longitudinal and multiple-case design and triangulates case evidence from sources including qualitative interviews, direct observation, and a search of documentations and archival records. Data analysis follows an investigative progression from a within-case preliminary interpretation of facts to a cross-case search for patterns through theoretical comparison and analytical generalization. The underlying conceptions in both the literature of manufacturing strategy and related studies in business strategy were used to develop theoretical framework and analytical templates applied during data collection and analysis. The thesis makes both empirical and theoretical contributions to our understanding of 'contemporary management paradigm of manufacturing strategy development'. First, it provides a valuable contextual contingency of the 'subject' using the business setting of China's SOEs in petrochemical industry. This has been unpacked into empirical configurations developed for its context of consideration, its content and process respectively. Of special note, a lean paradigm of business operations and production management discovered at case companies has significant implications as an emerging alternative for high-volume capital intensive state manufacturing in China. Second, it provides a multidimensional and integrative theoretical profile of the 'subject' based upon managerial perspectives conceptualised at case companies when operationalising manufacturing strategy. This has been unpacked into conceptual frameworks developed for its context of consideration, its content constructs, and its process patterns respectively. Notably, a synergies perspective towards the operating context, competitive priorities and competence development of business operations and production management has significant implications for implementing a lean manufacturing paradigm. As a whole, in so doing, the thesis established a theoretical platform for future refinement and development of context-specific methodologies for developing manufacturing strategy.
Programmes supporting micro and small enterprises in developing countries have been showing that capital is not enough to allow business success: survival and growth. Literature does not provide comprehensive and practical tool to support business development in this context, but allowed the collection of forty-nine success variables that were studied in a sample of successful and unsuccessful businesses in the Island of Mozambique to discover what were the key factors affecting those businesses’ performance. Empirical data gave the insights for the development of a model to screen and improve business potential of micro and small enterprises in this context.