397 resultados para Válvula aórtica
This work intends to analyze the behavior of the gas flow of plunger lift wells producing to well testing separators in offshore production platforms to aim a technical procedure to estimate the gas flow during the slug production period. The motivation for this work appeared from the expectation of some wells equipped with plunger lift method by PETROBRAS in Ubarana sea field located at Rio Grande do Norte State coast where the produced fluids measurement is made in well testing separators at the platform. The oil artificial lift method called plunger lift is used when the available energy of the reservoir is not high enough to overcome all the necessary load losses to lift the oil from the bottom of the well to the surface continuously. This method consists, basically, in one free piston acting as a mechanical interface between the formation gas and the produced liquids, greatly increasing the well s lifting efficiency. A pneumatic control valve is mounted at the flow line to control the cycles. When this valve opens, the plunger starts to move from the bottom to the surface of the well lifting all the oil and gas that are above it until to reach the well test separator where the fluids are measured. The well test separator is used to measure all the volumes produced by the well during a certain period of time called production test. In most cases, the separators are designed to measure stabilized flow, in other words, reasonably constant flow by the use of level and pressure electronic controllers (PLC) and by assumption of a steady pressure inside the separator. With plunger lift wells the liquid and gas flow at the surface are cyclical and unstable what causes the appearance of slugs inside the separator, mainly in the gas phase, because introduce significant errors in the measurement system (e.g.: overrange error). The flow gas analysis proposed in this work is based on two mathematical models used together: i) a plunger lift well model proposed by Baruzzi [1] with later modifications made by Bolonhini [2] to built a plunger lift simulator; ii) a two-phase separator model (gas + liquid) based from a three-phase separator model (gas + oil + water) proposed by Nunes [3]. Based on the models above and with field data collected from the well test separator of PUB-02 platform (Ubarana sea field) it was possible to demonstrate that the output gas flow of the separator can be estimate, with a reasonable precision, from the control signal of the Pressure Control Valve (PCV). Several models of the System Identification Toolbox from MATLAB® were analyzed to evaluate which one better fit to the data collected from the field. For validation of the models, it was used the AIC criterion, as well as a variant of the cross validation criterion. The ARX model performance was the best one to fit to the data and, this way, we decided to evaluate a recursive algorithm (RARX) also with real time data. The results were quite promising that indicating the viability to estimate the output gas flow rate from a plunger lift well producing to a well test separator, with the built-in information of the control signal to the PCV
The purpose of this study was to develop a pilot plant which the main goal is to emulate a flow peak pressure in a separation vessel. Effect similar that is caused by the production in a slug flow in production wells equipped with the artificial lift method plunger lift. The motivation for its development was the need to test in a plant on a smaller scale, a new technique developed to estimate the gas flow in production wells equipped with plunger lift. To develop it, studies about multiphase flow effects, operation methods of artificial lift in plunger lift wells, industrial instrumentation elements, control valves, vessel sizing separators and measurement systems were done. The methodology used was the definition of process flowcharts, its parameters and how the effects needed would be generated for the success of the experiments. Therefore, control valves, the design and construction of vessels and the acquisition of other equipment used were defined. One of the vessels works as a tank of compressed air that is connected to the separation vessel and generates pulses of gas controlled by a on/off valve. With the emulator system ready, several control experiments were made, being the control of peak flow pressure generation and the flow meter the main experiments, this way, it was confirmed the efficiency of the plant usage in the problem that motivated it. It was concluded that the system is capable of generate effects of flow with peak pressure in a primary separation vessel. Studies such as the estimation of gas flow at the exit of the vessel and several academic studies can be done and tested on a smaller scale and then applied in real plants, avoiding waste of time and money.
Slugging is a well-known slugging phenomenon in multiphase flow, which may cause problems such as vibration in pipeline and high liquid level in the separator. It can be classified according to the place of its occurrence. The most severe, known as slugging in the riser, occurs in the vertical pipe which feeds the platform. Also known as severe slugging, it is capable of causing severe pressure fluctuations in the flow of the process, excessive vibration, flooding in separator tanks, limited production, nonscheduled stop of production, among other negative aspects that motivated the production of this work . A feasible solution to deal with this problem would be to design an effective method for the removal or reduction of the system, a controller. According to the literature, a conventional PID controller did not produce good results due to the high degree of nonlinearity of the process, fueling the development of advanced control techniques. Among these, the model predictive controller (MPC), where the control action results from the solution of an optimization problem, it is robust, can incorporate physical and /or security constraints. The objective of this work is to apply a non-conventional non-linear model predictive control technique to severe slugging, where the amount of liquid mass in the riser is controlled by the production valve and, indirectly, the oscillation of flow and pressure is suppressed, while looking for environmental and economic benefits. The proposed strategy is based on the use of the model linear approximations and repeatedly solving of a quadratic optimization problem, providing solutions that improve at each iteration. In the event where the convergence of this algorithm is satisfied, the predicted values of the process variables are the same as to those obtained by the original nonlinear model, ensuring that the constraints are satisfied for them along the prediction horizon. A mathematical model recently published in the literature, capable of representing characteristics of severe slugging in a real oil well, is used both for simulation and for the project of the proposed controller, whose performance is compared to a linear MPC
The continuous gas lift method is the main artificial lifting method used in the oil industry for submarine wells, due to its robustness and the large range of flow rate that the well might operate. Nowadays, there is a huge amount of wells producing under this mechanism. This method of elevation has a slow dynamics due to the transients and a correlation between the injected gas rate and the of produced oil rate. Electronics controllers have been used to adjust many parameters of the oil wells and also to improve the efficiency of the gas lift injection system. This paper presents a intelligent control system applied to continuous gas injection in wells, based in production s rules, that has the target of keeping the wells producing during the maximum period of time, in its best operational condition, and doing automatically all necessary adjustments when occurs some disturbance in the system. The author also describes the application of the intelligent control system as a tool to control the flow pressure in the botton of the well (Pwf). In this case, the control system actuates in the surface control valve
Electro-hydraulic servo-systems are widely employed in industrial applications such as robotic manipulators, active suspensions, precision machine tools and aerospace systems. They provide many advantages over electric motors, including high force to weight ratio, fast response time and compact size. However, precise control of electro-hydraulic systems, due to their inherent nonlinear characteristics, cannot be easily obtained with conventional linear controllers. Most flow control valves can also exhibit some hard nonlinearities such as deadzone due to valve spool overlap on the passage´s orifice of the fluid. This work describes the development of a nonlinear controller based on the feedback linearization method and including a fuzzy compensation scheme for an electro-hydraulic actuated system with unknown dead-band. Numerical results are presented in order to demonstrate the control system performance
A critical problem in mature gas wells is the liquid loading. As the reservoir pressure decreases, gas superficial velocities decreases and the drag exerted on the liquid phase may become insufficient to bring all the liquid to the surface. Liquid starts to drain downward, flooding the well and increasing the backpressure which decreases the gas superficial velocity and so on. A popular method to remedy this problem is the Plunger Lift. This method consists of dropping the "plunger"to the bottom of the tubing well with the main production valve closed. When the plunger reaches the well bottom the production valve is opened and the plunger carry the liquid to the surface. However, models presented in literature for predicting the behavior in plunger lift are simplistic, in many cases static (not considering the transient effects). Therefore work presents the development and validation of a numerical algorithm to solve one-dimensional compressible in gas wells using the Finite Volume Method and PRIME techniques for treating coupling of pressure and velocity fields. The code will be then used to develop a dynamic model for the plunger lift which includes the transient compressible flow within the well
The treatment of wastewaters contaminated with oil is of great practical interest and it is fundamental in environmental issues. A relevant process, which has been studied on continuous treatment of contaminated water with oil, is the equipment denominated MDIF® (a mixer-settler based on phase inversion). An important variable during the operation of MDIF® is the water-solvent interface level in the separation section. The control of this level is essential both to avoid the dragging of the solvent during the water removal and improve the extraction efficiency of the oil by the solvent. The measurement of oil-water interface level (in line) is still a hard task. There are few sensors able to measure oil-water interface level in a reliable way. In the case of lab scale systems, there are no interface sensors with compatible dimensions. The objective of this work was to implement a level control system to the organic solvent/water interface level on the equipment MDIF®. The detection of the interface level is based on the acquisition and treatment of images obtained dynamically through a standard camera (webcam). The control strategy was developed to operate in feedback mode, where the level measure obtained by image detection is compared to the desired level and an action is taken on a control valve according to an implemented PID law. A control and data acquisition program was developed in Fortran to accomplish the following tasks: image acquisition; water-solvent interface identification; to perform decisions and send control signals; and to record data in files. Some experimental runs in open-loop were carried out using the MDIF® and random pulse disturbances were applied on the input variable (water outlet flow). The responses of interface level permitted the process identification by transfer models. From these models, the parameters for a PID controller were tuned by direct synthesis and tests in closed-loop were performed. Preliminary results for the feedback loop demonstrated that the sensor and the control strategy developed in this work were suitable for the control of organic solvent-water interface level
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
OBJETIVO: Verificar, retrospectivamente, a prevalência do refluxo cecoileal diagnosticado pelo enema opaco, caracterizar sua distribuição etária e sexual e classificá-lo conforme o grau de intensidade. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram revistos 715 enemas opacos, incluindo 268 homens e 447 mulheres com idade média de 54 anos. RESULTADOS: Dos 715 casos examinados, 46,5% apresentaram refluxo cecoileal, sendo 45% do tipo leve, 37,5% do tipo moderado e 17,5% do tipo severo. Refluxo cecoileal esteve presente em 48,3% das mulheres e em 43,6% dos homens. A distribuição percentual do refluxo cecoileal por faixa etária mostrou 46,1% nos indivíduos com menos de 21 anos, 42,1% nos indivíduos entre 21-40 anos, 49,8% nos indivíduos entre 41-60 anos e 44,7% nos indivíduos com mais de 60 anos. CONCLUSÃO: Refluxo cecoileal foi achado relativamente freqüente em nosso material, correspondendo os graus moderado e severo a 25% do material examinado. Aparentemente, não há associação entre seu surgimento e sexo ou idade. A etiopatogenia e conseqüências do refluxo cecoileal são ainda pouco conhecidas. Alguns estudos sugerem que o comprometimento de componentes da junção ileocecal, como os ligamentos, pode favorecer seu aparecimento. Entre as conseqüências prováveis, incluem-se a contaminação e alteração motora ileais, resultantes do material refluído do ceco.
CONTEXTO: Válvula de uretra posterior (VUP) é uma conhecida malformação congênita urinária, geralmente diagnosticada em exames ultra-sonográficos pré-natais ou ao nascimento. Raramente, esta doença pode ser encontrada em adolescentes e em adultos. RELATO DE CASOS: Este artigo mostra dois casos de VUP, encontrados em um adolescente e em um adulto. Ambos apresentavam sinais clínicos de infecção do trato urinário e sintomas obstrutivos infravesicais. Os diagnósticos foram realizados por uretrocistografia miccional e uretrocistoscopia. Fulguração endoscópica das válvulas foi o tratamento de escolha para ambos os casos. O acompanhamento demonstrou melhora importante dos sintomas após o tratamento.
Opossum is considered one of the most primitive mammals, with transition evolutive characteristics. In mammals, the aorta artery is referred as the main body blood vessel. The arteries wall structural organization follows a basic pattern, being contituted of three tunics: Intima, Median and Adventicial. After euthanasia, three samples of opossum had segments from the aorta artery ascendent, thoracic descending and abdominal descending portions removed, fixed in phormalin at 10% for 48 hours. Then, the material was washed in alcohol 70% several times, dehydrated in alcohois of growing concentrations, diafanized in xylol and included in "paraplast". Cuts with 5 to 7 mu m of thickness were placed in histological laminae and submitted to color methods of Hematoxilin-Eosin, Masson, Mallory and Calleja Tricromics. It was observed that in the different portions ascendent, thoracic and abdominal descending of aorta, the intima tunic presents much thick, made up of a layer of smooth muscular cells and elastic fibers, forming a limiting internal elastic membrane. In the three portions studied, the median tunic was the most evident layer, constituted of colagen fibers, smooth muscular cells arranged in a circular manner and elastic fibers, showing a variation in the mural elements proportion. It was evidenced the presence of a external elastic lamina, marking the transition between the median and adventicial tunic, formed by elastic fibers condensation. The aortic adventicial tunic showed to be little organized, having in its structure predominantely colagen fibers beans with some isolated smooth muscular fibers or in small fascicules among a few elastic fibers.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do lisinopril (L) sobre as taxas de mortes (M), insuficiência cardíaca (ICC), características da remodelação miocárdica, geométrica e funcional do ventrículo esquerdo (VE), em ratos com estenose aórtica supravalvar (EAS). MÉTODOS: Ratos foram submetidos a EAS ou cirurgia simulada (GC:n=10). Randomizados após 6 semanas para receber L (GL:n=30) ou nenhum tratamento (GE:n=73) sendo avaliados 6s e 21s por estudos ecocardiográfico, hemodinâmico e morfológico concomitantes. RESULTADOS: As taxas de M (GE: 53,9% vs GL: 16,7% e ICC GE: 44,8% vs GL: 20% p<0,05). No final do experimento, os valores da pressão sistólica do VE dos grupos GE e GL foram equivalentes e significantemente mais elevados do que no grupo GC; (p<0,05) não diferindo dos observados 6 semanas após os procedimentos cirúrgicos. Os valores da pressão diastólica do VE no grupo GE foram maiores do que os do grupo GL (p<0,05) sendo ambos maiores do que os do grupo GC (4 ± 2 mmHg, p<0,05). O mesmo comportamento foi observado com as variáveis: razão E/A; índice de massa, área seccional dos miócitos e conteúdo de hidroxiprolina do VE. A porcentagem de encurtamento do VE foi semelhante nos grupos GC e GL (p>0,05) sendo ambos maiores que os verificados no grupo GE. Comportamento semelhante foram obtidos com os valores da primeira derivada positiva e negativa da pressão do VE. CONCLUSÃO: em ratos com EAS o L reduziu as taxas de M e ICC e exerceu efeitos benéficos sobre a remodelação e a função do VE.
FUNDAMENTO: A estenose aórtica supravalvar (EAo) é utilizada para o estudo da remodelação cardíaca (RC) por sobrecarga pressórica. Nesse modelo, não estão claramente estabelecidos o comportamento da RC desde a fase inicial, nem os melhores parâmetros para a identificação da disfunção ventricular. OBJETIVOS: 1) Caracterizar, precoce e evolutivamente, as modificações morfofuncionais durante a RC em ratos com EAo e 2) identificar o índice mais sensível para detecção do momento do aparecimento da disfunção diastólica e sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo (VE). MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar foram divididos em dois grupos - controle (GC, n=13) e EAo (GEAo, n=24) - e estudados nas 3ª, 6ª, 12ª e 18ª semanas pós-cirurgia. Os corações foram analisados por meio de ecocardiograma (ECO). RESULTADOS: Ao final do experimento, as relações do VE, do ventrículo direito e dos átrios com o peso corporal final foram aumentadas no GEAo. O ECO mostrou que o átrio esquerdo sofreu uma remodelação significativa a partir da 6ª semana. No GEAo, a porcentagem de encurtamento endocárdico apresentou queda significativa a partir da 12ª semana e a porcentagem de encurtamento mesocárdico, na 18ª semana. A relação onda E e onda A (E/A) foi superior no GC em comparação ao GEAo em todos os momentos analisados. CONCLUSÕES: O ventrículo esquerdo dos ratos com EAo, durante o processo de remodelação, apresentou hipertrofia concêntrica, disfunção diastólica precoce e melhoria da função sistólica, com posterior deterioração do desempenho. Além disso, constatou-se que os índices ecocardiográficos mais sensíveis para a detecção da disfunção diastólica e sistólica são, respectivamente, a relação E/A e a porcentagem de encurtamento endocárdico.
Um longo caminho foi percorrido desde as primeiras intervenções cirúrgicas feitas para o tratamento do aneurisma de aorta abdominal. Ao longo deste tempo, várias inovações foram criadas, no sentido de reduzir a invasividade dos procedimentos e melhorar sua segurança e durabilidade. Nesta revisão, são discutidos os principais e recentes avanços em intervenções sobre aneurismas aórticos, incluindo a restauração aórtica endovascular, a cirurgia aórtica videolaparoscópica, as técnicas híbridas convencionais e endovasculares, as técnicas combinadas videolaparoscópicas e endovasculares, bem como as perspectivas futuras, tanto para aorta torácica como abdominal. Diante de tantas transformações e evolução, o cirurgião vascular moderno terá que ter sua mente aberta para as novidades e desenvolver capacitação ampla com diferentes técnicas para proporcionar a melhor opção terapêutica para seus pacientes.
RACIONAL: Fato de observação não rara, é o encontro de refluxo cecoileal durante realização de enema opaco. As causas e conseqüências deste achado têm sido pouco estudadas. OBJETIVOS: Sabendo que a junção ileocecal exerce função de barreira e proteção contra a invasão do delgado pela flora colônica, realizou-se o presente estudo com a finalidade de investigar se existe contaminação ileal em indivíduos com refluxo cecoileal ao enema opaco. MÉTODOS: Investigaram-se 36 indivíduos, 30 mulheres e 6 homens, idade média de 54 anos, 25 com e 11 com ausência refluxo cecoileal. Todos submetidos a pesquisa de contaminação bacteriana do delgado por intermédio de teste respiratório com lactulose-H2 e a determinação do tempo de trânsito orocecal por meio de biossusceptometria de corrente alternada. A caracterização da contaminação do delgado foi baseada no encurtamento do tempo de trânsito orocecal medido pelo teste da lactulose-H2. RESULTADOS: A comparação dos valores basais do H2, do tempo de trânsito orocecal-H2 e tempo de trânsito orocecal-biossusceptometria de corrente alternada não diferiram estatisticamente entre os grupos com e sem refluxo cecoileal. Quando comparados os tempo de trânsito orocecal-H2 e tempo de trânsito orocecal-biossusceptometria, foi observado aumento de tendência de redução do primeiro em relação ao último nos grupos com refluxo cecoileal e correlação significante entre os dois métodos apenas no grupo-controle, inexistindo nos com refluxo cecoileal. CONCLUSÃO: Encurtamento do tempo de trânsito orocecal-H2 e sua perda de correlação com o tempo de trânsito orocecal-biossusceptometria observado em indivíduos com refluxo cecoileal, sugerem comportamento diferenciado deste grupo em relação ao grupo-controle. Possível explicação para as diferenças registradas entre os grupos, seria a presença de flora anômala nos indivíduos com refluxo cecoileal.