997 resultados para UDK:948.08
Understanding source-sink dynamics of game birds is essential to harvest and habitat management but acquiring this information is often logistically and financially challenging using traditional methods of population surveys and banding studies. This is especially true for species such as the American Black Duck (Anas rubripes), which have low breeding densities and extensive breeding ranges that necessitate extensive surveys and banding programs across eastern North America. Despite this effort, the contribution of birds fledged from various landscapes and habitat types within specific breeding ranges to regional harvest is largely unknown but remains an important consideration in adaptive harvest management and targeted habitat conservation strategies. We investigated if stable isotope (δD, δ13C, δ15N) could augment our present understanding of connectivity between breeding and harvest areas and so provide information relevant to the two main management strategies for black ducks, harvest and habitat management. We obtained specimens from 200 hatch-year Black Duck wings submitted to the Canadian Wildlife Service Species Composition Survey. Samples were obtained from birds harvested in Western, Central, and Eastern breeding/harvest subregions to provide a sample representative of the range and harvest rate of birds harvested in Canada. We sampled only hatch-year birds to provide an unambiguous and direct link between production and harvest areas. Marine origins were assigned to 12%, 7%, and 5% of birds harvested in the Eastern, Central, and Western subregions, respectively. In contrast, 32%, 9%, and 5% of birds were assigned, respectively, to agricultural origins. All remaining birds were assigned to nonagricultural origins. We portrayed probability of origin using a combination of Bayesian statistical and GIS methods. Placement of most eastern birds was western Nova Scotia, eastern New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and southern Newfoundland. Agricultural birds from the Central region were consistent with the Saguenay region of Québec and the eastern claybelt with nonagricultural birds originating in the boreal. Western nonagricultural birds were associated with broad boreal origins from southern James Bay to Lake of the Woods and east to Cochrane, Ontario. Our work shows that the geographic origins, landscape, and habitat associations of hatch-year Black Ducks can be inferred using this technique and we recommend that a broad-scale isotopic study using a large sample of Canadian and US harvested birds be implemented to provide a continental perspective of source-sink population dynamics.
Polynyas in the Laptev Sea are examined with respect to recurrence and interannual wintertime ice production.We use a polynya classification method based on passive microwave satellite data to derive daily polynya area from long-term sea-ice concentrations. This provides insight into the spatial and temporal variability of open-water and thin-ice regions on the Laptev Sea Shelf. Using thermal infrared satellite data to derive an empirical thin-ice distribution within the thickness range from 0 to 20 cm, we calculate daily average surface heat loss and the resulting wintertime ice formation within the Laptev Sea polynyas between 1979 and 2008 using reanalysis data supplied by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction, USA, as atmospheric forcing. Results indicate that previous studies significantly overestimate the contribution of polynyas to the ice production in the Laptev Sea. Average wintertime ice production in polynyas amounts to approximately 55 km39 27% and is mostly determined by the polynya area, wind speed and associated large-scale circulation patterns. No trend in ice production could be detected in the period from 1979/80 to 2007/08.
Perspective is a periodic publication of the College produced by the Office of Communications.
A legislação brasileira sobre Educação, principalmente a Lei 5.692/71, trouxe grande necessidade de mudança no sistema de ensino, na área da Orientação Educacional. Procurou-se, neste trabalho, determinar a viabilidade do funcionamento da Orientação em Salvador, através de uma pesquisa de campo que serviu de base para o estudo em foco, e que teve como objetivo. sondar se as novas exigências legais estão sendo atendidas. Uma síntese da à Orientação Educacional .tudo realizadd. legislação brasileira referente é apresentada como subsídio ao es Os dados levantados revelaram que, de um modo geral, a Orientação Educacional, em Salvador, se apresenta de modo satisfatório, indicando, não estar em desacordo com as determinações legais e, principalmente, com o espírito da nova lei. No entanto, a análise real e objetiva.evidenciou a existência de algumas dificuldades que interferem na qualidade da orientação, naquela cidade, como sejam: insufici ~ncia de recursos materiais e profissionais, falta de reciclagem dos orientadores, pouca assistência técnica ao ser viço, excesso de trabalho burocrático. A partir da apresentação dos resultados, foi po~ sível formular sugestões para dinamizar o processo de Orien taçao Educacional na referida cidade.
Funding was obtained from a Capes Fellowship to NM, grants CNPq Universal 481351/ 2011-6, CNPq PQ 306604/2012-4, FAPERN/CNPq Pronem 003/2011, Capes SticAmSud, and FAPESP/CEPID/Neuromat to S.R. CNPq Universal 473554/2011-9 and 480053/ 2013-8, CNPq PQ 308558/2011-1, FACEPE/CNPq-PRONEX APQ- 0203-1.05/08, FACEPE/CNPq-PRONEM APQ-1415-1.05/10, and CNAIPS to M.C