975 resultados para Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 -- genetics


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The tumor suppressor gene product p53 plays an important role in the cellular response to DNA damage from exogenous chemical and physical mutagens. Therefore, we hypothesized that p53 performs a similar role in response to putative endogenous mutagens, such as nitric oxide (NO). We report here that exposure of human cells to NO generated from an NO donor or from overexpression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) results in p53 protein accumulation. In addition, expression of wild-type (WT) p53 in a variety of human tumor cell lines, as well as murine fibroblasts, results in down-regulation of NOS2 expression through inhibition of the NOS2 promoter. These data are consistent with the hypothesis of a negative feedback loop in which endogenous NO-induced DNA damage results in WT p53 accumulation and provides a novel mechanism by which p53 safeguards against DNA damage through p53-mediated transrepression of NOS2 gene expression, thus reducing the potential for NO-induced DNA damage.


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DNA-damaging agents induce accumulation of the tumor suppressor and G1 checkpoint protein p53, leading cells to either growth arrest in G1 or apoptosis (programmed cell death). The p53-dependent G1 arrest involves induction of p21 (also called WAF1/CIP1/SDI1), which prevents cyclin kinase-mediated phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein (RB). Recent studies suggest a p53-independent G1 checkpoint as well; however, little is known about its molecular mechanisms. We report that induction of a protein-serine/threonine phosphatase activity by DNA damage signals is at least one of the mechanisms responsible for p53-independent, RB-mediated G1 arrest and consequent apoptosis. When two p53-null human leukemic cell lines (HL-60 and U-937) were treated with a variety of anticancer agents, RB became hypophosphorylated, accompanied with G1 arrest. This was followed immediately (in less than 30 min) by apoptosis, as determined by the accumulation of pre-G1 apoptotic cells and the internucleosomal fragmentation of DNA. Addition of calyculin A or okadaic acid (specific serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitors) or zinc chloride (apoptosis inhibitor) prevented the G1 arrest- and apoptosis-specific RB dephosphorylation. The levels of cyclin E- and cyclin A-associated kinase activities remained high during RB dephosphorylation, supporting the involvement of a chemotherapy-induced serine/threonine phosphatase(s) rather than p21. Furthermore, the induced phosphatase activity coimmunoprecipitated with the hyperphosphorylated RB and was active in a cell-free system that reproduced the growth arrest- and apoptosis-specific RB dephosphorylation, which was inhibitable by calyculin A but not zinc. We propose that the RB phosphatase(s) might be one of the p53-independent G1 checkpoint regulators.


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The ability of p53 protein to activate transcription is central to its tumor-suppressor function. We describe a genetic selection in Saccharomyces cerevisiae which was used to isolate a mutant strain defective in p53-mediated transcriptional activation. The defect was partially corrected by overexpression of a yeast gene named PAK1 (p53 activating kinase), which localizes to the left arm of chromosome IX. PAK1 is predicted to encode an 810-aa protein with regions of strong similarity to previously described Ser/Thr-specific protein kinases. PAK1 sequences upstream of the coding region are characteristic of those regulating genes involved in cell cycle control. Expression of PAK1 was associated with an increased specific activity of p53 in DNA-binding assays accompanied by a corresponding increase in transactivation. Thus, PAK1 is the prototype for a class of genes that can regulate the activity of p53 in vivo, and the system described here should be useful in identifying other genes in this class.


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WT1, the Wilms tumor-suppressor gene, maps to the human chromosomal region 11p13 and encodes a transcriptional repressor, WT1, implicated in controlling normal urogenital development. Microinjection of the WT1 cDNA into quiescent cells or cells in early to mid G1 phase blocked serum-induced cell cycle progression into S phase. The activity of WT1 varied significantly depending on the presence or absence of an alternatively spliced region located upstream of the zinc finger domain. The inhibitory activity of WT1 was abrogated by the overexpression of cyclin E/CDK2 as well as cyclin D1/CDK4. Furthermore, both CDK4- and CDK2-associated kinase activities were downregulated in cells overexpressing WT1, whereas the levels of CDK4, CDK2, and cyclin D1 expression were unchanged. These findings suggest that inhibition of the activity of cyclin/CDK complexes may be involved in mediating the WT1-induced cell cycle block.


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A number of proteins are activated by stress stimuli but none so spectacularly or with the degree of complexity as the tumour suppressor p53 (human p53 gene or protein). Once stabilized, p53 is responsible for the transcriptional activation of a series of proteins involved in cell cycle control, apoptosis and senescence. This protein is present at low levels in resting cells but after exposure to DNA-damaging agents and other stress stimuli it is stabilized and activated by a series of post-translational modifications that free it from MDM2 (mouse double minute 2 but used interchangeably to denote human also), a ubiquination ligase that ubiquitinates it prior to proteasome degradation. The stability of p53 is also influenced by a series of other interacting proteins. In this review, we discuss the post-translational modifications to p53 in response to different stresses and the consequences of these changes.


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The cancer is one of the most common and severe problems in clinical medicine, and nervous system tumors represent about 2% of the types of cancer. The central role of the nervous system in the maintenance of vital activities and the functional consequences of the loss of neurons can explain how severe brain cancers are. The cell cycle is a highly complex process, with a wide number of regulatory proteins involved, and such proteins can suffer alterations that transform normal cells into malignant ones. The INK4 family members (CDK inhibitors) are the cell cycle regulators that block the progression of the cycle through the R point, causing an arrest in G1 stage. The p14ARF (alternative reading frame) gene is a tumor suppressor that inhibits p53 degradation during the progression of the cell cycle. The PTEN gene is related to the induction of growth suppression through cell cycle arrest, to apoptosis and to the inhibition of cell adhesion and migration. The purpose of the present study was to assess the mutational state of the genes p14ARF, p15INK4b, p16INK4a, and PTEN in 64 human nervous system tumor samples. Homozygous deletions were found in exon 2 of the p15INK4b gene and exon 3 of the p16INK4a gene in two schwannomas. Three samples showed a guanine deletion (63 codon) which led to a loss of heterozygosity in the p15 gene, and no alterations could be seen in the PTEN gene. Although the group of patients was heterogeneous, our results are in accordance with other different studies that indicate that homozygous deletion and loss of heterozygosity in the INK4 family members are frequently observed in nervous system tumors.


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The p53 tumor suppressor gene is the most frequently mutated gene in human cancer; this gene is mutated in up to 50% of human tumors. It has a critical role in the cell cycle, apoptosis and cell senescence, and it participates in many crucial physiological and pathological processes. Polymorphisms of p53 have been suggested to be associated with genetically determined susceptibility in various types of cancer. Another process involved with the development and progression of tumors is DNA hypermethylation. Aberrant methylation of the promoter is an alternative epigenetic change in genetic mechanisms, leading to tumor suppressor gene inactivation. In the present study, we examined the TP53 Arg72Pro and Pro47Ser polymorphisms using PCR-RFLP and the pattern of methylation of the p53 gene by methylation-specific PCR in 90 extra-axial brain tumor samples. Patients who had the allele Pro of the TP53 Arg72Pro polymorphism had an increased risk of tumor development ( odds ratio, OR = 3.23; confidence interval at 95%, 95% CI = 1.71-6.08; P = 0.003), as did the allele Ser of TP53 Pro47Ser polymorphism (OR = 1.28; 95% CI = 0.03-2.10; P = 0.01). Comparison of overall survival of patients did not show significant differences. In the analysis of DNA methylation, we observed that 37.5% of meningiomas, 30% of schwannomas and 52.6% of metastases were hypermethylated, suggesting that methylation is important for tumor progression. We suggest that TP53 Pro47Ser and Arg72Pro polymorphisms and DNA hypermethylation are involved in susceptibility for developing extra-axial brain tumors.


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Aims: This study has compared the tissue expression of the p53 tumour suppressor protein and DNA repair proteins APE1, hMSH2 and ERCC1 in normal, dysplastic and malignant lip epithelium. Methods and results: Morphological analysis and immunohistochemistry were performed on archived specimens of normal lip mucosa (n = 15), actinic cheilitis (AC) (n = 30), and lip squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) (n = 27). AC samples were classified morphologically according to the severity of epithelial dysplasia and risk of malignant transformation. LSCC samples were morphologically staged according to WHO and invasive front grading (IFG) criteria. Differences between groups and morphological stages were determined by bivariate statistical analysis. Progressive increases in the percentage of epithelial cells expressing p53 and APE1 were associated with increases in morphological malignancy from normal lip mucosa to LSCC. There was also a significant reduction in epithelial cells expressing hMSH2 and ERCC1 proteins in the AC and LSCC groups. A higher percentage of malignant cells expressing APE1 was found in samples with an aggressive morphological IFG grade. Conclusions: Our data showed that epithelial cells from premalignant to malignant lip disease exhibited changes in the expression of p53, APE1, hMSH2 and ERCC1 proteins; these molecular change might contribute to lip carcinogenesis.


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Background Acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) is a clinicopathologic subtype of cutaneous malignant melanoma. ALM is the most common type of melanoma amongst Asians, Africans, and patients with mixed ancestry. In Brazil, ALM comprises 10% of cutaneous melanoma. ALM develops on palmar, plantar, and subungual skin, and its biology is different from that of other cutaneous melanomas, where sunlight is the major known environmental determinant. Alterations and inactivation of the p16INK4 gene that encodes a specific inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase have been related to melanoma genesis and progression. Few studies, however, have addressed p16 expression in ALM. Methods In order to verify and compare p16 protein expression, 32 paraffin-embedded ALM specimens were subjected to a immunohistochemical technique using a monoclonal anti-p16 antibody. The tumors were classified according to thickness (up to 1.0 mm and thicker than 1.0 mm) and the presence of ulceration. Results Twenty-five (78%) ALMs displayed positive p16 protein expression: 21 of the 25 (84%) with a thickness of more than 1.0 mm, and four of the seven (57%) with a thickness of 1.0 mm or less. Thirteen of the 17 (76%) nonulcerated lesions and 12 of the 15 (80%) ulcerated lesions displayed positive p16 protein expression. Conclusion The data obtained suggest that p16 protein expression per se may not represent a marker of retinoblastoma protein (pRb) pathway disturbance in ALM tumorigenesis.


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We used high-resolution SNP genotyping to identify regions of genomic gain and loss in the genomes of 212 medulloblastomas, malignant pediatric brain tumors. We found focal amplifications of 15 known oncogenes and focal deletions of 20 known tumor suppressor genes (TSG), most not previously implicated in medulloblastoma. Notably, we identified previously unknown amplifications and homozygous deletions, including recurrent, mutually exclusive, highly focal genetic events in genes targeting histone lysine methylation, particularly that of histone 3, lysine 9 (H3K9). Post-translational modification of histone proteins is critical for regulation of gene expression, can participate in determination of stem cell fates and has been implicated in carcinogenesis. Consistent with our genetic data, restoration of expression of genes controlling H3K9 methylation greatly diminishes proliferation of medulloblastoma in vitro. Copy number aberrations of genes with critical roles in writing, reading, removing and blocking the state of histone lysine methylation, particularly at H3K9, suggest that defective control of the histone code contributes to the pathogenesis of medulloblastoma.


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Background Prolonged exposure of the lip to sunlight may cause actinic cheilitis (AC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Maspin is a serpin with tumor suppressor functions. This work analyzed the presence and distribution of maspin in AC and lip SCC. Methods Sections from 36 cases diagnosed as AC (18 cases with mild epithelial dysplasia, 11 with moderate and 7 with severe), 18 cases diagnosed as lip SCC and 7 specimens containing normal lip vermillion epithelium were submitted for immunohistochemical analysis to detect maspin. Results All AC cases with mild and two cases with moderate dysplasia were scored 3. The remaining nine cases with moderate dysplasia were identified as score 2, whereas all cases with severe dysplasia were scored 1. Positive staining for maspin decreased from the basal layer to the surface. Among the 18 lip SCCs studied, 15 cases showed abundant staining for maspin. Epithelium adjacent to the SCCs also showed intense positive staining in all cells. Conclusions Our results suggest that the loss of maspin expression occurs from the basal layer to the surface. Lip SCCs related to solar radiation show an intense presence of maspin protein in almost all tumor cells as well as the neighboring epithelium. Fontes A, Sousa SM, Santos E, Martins MT. The severity of epithelial dysplasia is associated with loss of maspin expression in actinic cheilitis.


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Using differential display PCR, we identified a novel gene upregulated in renal cell carcinoma. Characterization of the full-length cDNA and gene revealed that the encoded protein is a human homologue of the Drosophila melanogaster Tweety protein, and so we have termed the novel protein TTYH2. The orthologous mouse cDNA was also identified and the predicted mouse protein is 81% identical to the human protein. The encoded human TTYH2 protein is 534 amino acids and, like the other members of the tweety-related protein family, is a putative cell surface protein with five transmembrane regions. TTYH2 is located at 17q24; it is expressed most highly in brain and testis and at lower levels in heart, ovary, spleen, and peripheral blood leukocytes. Expression of this gene is upregulated in 13 of 16 (81%) renal cell carcinoma samples examined. In addition to a putative role in brain and testis, the overexpression of TTYH2 in renal cell carcinoma suggests that it may have an important role in kidney tumorigenesis.


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Chromosome 9p21, a locus comprising the tumor suppressor genes (TSG) p16(INK4) (a) and p14(ARF) , is a common region of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). p14(ARF) shares exon 2 with p16 in a different reading frame. p14 binds to MDM2 resulting in a stabilization of functional p53 . This study examined the roles of p14, p16 and p53 in hepatocarcinogenesis, in 37 Australian and 24 South African patients. LOH at 9p21 and 17p13.1, p14 and p16 mutation analysis, p14 and p16 promoter methylation and p14, p16 and p53 protein expression was examined. LOH at 9p21 was detected more frequently in South African HCC (P = 0.04). Comparable rates of p53 LOH were observed in Australian and South African HCC (10/22, 45%vs 13/22, 59%, respectively). Hypermethylation of the p14 promoter was more prevalent in Australian HCC than in South African HCC (17/37, 46%vs 7/24, 29%, respectively). In Australian HCC the prevalence of p14 methylation increased with age (P = 0.03). p16 promoter methylation was observed in 12/37 (32%) and 6/24 (25%) in Australian and South African HCC, respectively. Loss of p16 protein expression was detected in 14/36 Australian HCC whereas p53 protein expression was detected in 9/36. Significantly, a reciprocal relationship between 9p21 LOH and p14 promoter hypermethylation was observed (P less than or equal to0.05 ). No significant association between p14 and p53 was seen in this study. The reciprocal relationship identified indicates different pathways of tumorigenesis and likely reflects different etiologies of HCC in the two countries. (C) 2002 Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd.


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Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the tumorigenesis of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has partially come from studies of RCC related familial cancer syndromes such as von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease and hereditary papillary RCC (HPRC). These studies have led to the identification of RCC related genes, which, besides allowing accurate diagnosis of these diseases, have been found mutated or abnormally expressed in the sporadic counterparts of these familial renal tumours. To date, a number of renal tumour related syndromes have been described. We review recent advances in this field and discuss a genetic approach to managing familial cases of renal tumours occasionally encountered by cancer geneticists and urologists.


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The diagnosis of parathyroid carcinomas is often difficult. HRPT2 mutations have been identified in familial [hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor (HPT-JT) syndrome] and sporadic parathyroid carcinomas, supporting that HRPT2 mutations may confer a malignant potential to parathyroid tumors. In this study, we report the clinical, histopathological, and genetic investigation of two unrelated cases, whom had apparently sporadic malignant parathyroid tumors, initially diagnosed as adenomas. In one case, the differential diagnosis was complicated by cervical seeding of parathyroid tumor cells. Genetic studies identified de novo HRPT2 germline mutations in cases 1 (c.518_521delTGTC [p.Ser174LysfsX27]) and 2 (c.226 C > T [p.Arg76X]), unveiling the hereditary HPT-JT syndrome in both patients. Furthermore, the identification of somatic mutations in the patients‟ parathyroid tumors provided evidence for complete inactivation of the HRPT2 gene, which was consistent with the tumor malignant features. The sensitivity of parafibromin immunostaining to detect HRPT2 mutations was limited. The present data suggests that patients with apparently sporadic parathyroid carcinomas, or parathyroid tumors with atypical histological features, should undergo molecular genetic testing, as it may detect germline HRPT2 mutations. Establishing the diagnosis of hereditary HPT-JT syndrome is relevant for clinical counseling and management of the carriers and their relatives.