1000 resultados para Tuberculosi en els animals
Studies show that feeding patterns, environmental conditions, and pet management mainly affect animal health, behavior and welfare. However, little epidemiologic data exist about pet dog feeding habits and management and canine behavior, especially aggression. Moreover, it is well known that serotonin is involved in aggression: a diet low in tryptophan (serotonin precursor) with high levels of neutral amino-acids could decrease the central levels of serotonin and increase the expression of aggression and impulsiveness in several domestic animals. oreover, brain levels of serotonin in humans and other species can be increased by physical activity. In this study we alysed the effects of diet management, supplementation and regular physical activity on oncentration of serotonin in a population of non aggressive dogs. The general aim of the study is to determine the effect of environmental factors on the dogs’ feeding habits as well as the relationship between the type of food provided and management and behavioral problems in dogs. The specific objectives were: characterization and comparison of different physiological and blood parameters between dogs with and without behavior pathologies. Observation of the impact of the diet and managment factors (exercise, education) on those parameters and on dog’s behavior, with particular attention to aggression. This study is divided into three phases, according with the objectives. Firstly, characterization of the dogs’ characteristics and serics profiles on the basis of the blood tests. Comparison between the values noticed on animals without any behavior pathology and animals with behavior disorder to point out the difference between the biochemical parameters of the two groups. Secondly, the purpose of the second phase is to verify whether a type of food is able to affect the biochemical paramenters of a population of non-aggressive dogs. Thirdly, the goal is to evaluate the effects of different diet factors, management and physical exercise on the canine aggression.
Sacoglossan sea slugs (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia) are one of the few groups of specialist herbivores in the marine environment. Sacoglossans feed suctorially on the cell sap of macroalgae, from which they 'steal' chloroplasts (kleptoplasty) and deterrent substances (kleptochemistry), retaining intracellularly both host plastids and chemicals. The ingested chloroplasts continue to photosynthesize for periods ranging from a few hours or days up to 3 months in some species. Shelled, more primitive sacoglossans feed only on the siphonalean green algal genus Caulerpa, and they do not have functional kleptoplasty. The diet of sacoglossans has radiated out from this ancestral food. Among the shell-less Plakobranchidae (=Elysiidae), the more primitive species feed on other siphonales (families Derbesiaceae, Caulerpaceae, Bryopsidaceae and Codiaceae) and fix carbon, while the more 'advanced' species within the Plakobranchidae and Limapontioidae have a more broad dietary range. Most of these 'advanced' species are unable to fix carbon because the chloroplasts of their food algae are mechanically disrupted during ingestion. Mesoherbivores are likely to be eaten if they live on palatable seaweeds, their cryptic coloration and form not always keeping them safe from predators. Sacoglossans prefer to live on and eat chemically defended seaweeds, and they use ingested algal chemicals as deterrents of potential predators. The most ancestral shelled sacoglossans (Oxynoidae) and some Plakobranchidae such as Elysia translucens, Thuridilla hopei and Bosellia mimetica have developed a diet-derived chemical defense mechanism. Oxynoids and Thuridilla hopei are able to biomodify the algal metabolites. However, the Plakobranchidae Elysia timida and E. viridis, together with Limapontioidea species, are characterized by their ability to de novo synthesize polypropionate metabolites. A whole analysis of kleptoplasty and chemical defenses in sacoglossans may offer a better understanding of the ecology and evolution of these specialized opisthobranchs. In this paper we summarize some of the latest findings, related mainly to Mediterranean species, and offer a plausible evolutionary scenario based on the biological and chemical trends we can distinguish in them.
In previous studies, we demonstrated cross-antagonism in pheromone perception between pheromone componentsof the two corn (Zea mays L.) borers Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèbvre (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in the laboratory and in the field. The two pheromone components identified as responsible for this cross-antagonism were Z 11-16:Ald, a minor component of S. nonagrioides pheromone, and Z 11-14:Ac, the main component of the pheromone of the Z-strain of O. nubilalis, which inhibited the response of O. nubilalis and S. nonagrioides, respectively. Here, we study this antagonism phenomenon in the field by air permeation of maize plots with each of the two components separately and measurement of mating in caged couples of the two corn borers on treated and untreated plots during three years. A significant reduction in mating rates was observed on the permeated plots: 7% for S. nonagrioides and 12% for O. nubilalis. When dispenser charges (200 ng) were increased by 50% and 75% in the third year, no decrease in mating rates was recorded at either of the increased concentrations. On the other hand, the use of large cages resulted in an increase of 8% to 12% in the percentage of unmated females in each of the two corn borers suggesting that at more realistic field corn borer densities, 0,1 couples/plant instead of the 2 couples/plant used in this experiment, cross-antagonism in the two corn borers could be higher than that recorded in small cages.
En els animals i les plantes, hi ha espècies en què la sexualitat és molt complexa, fins al punt que trenquen amb la divisió en dos sexes que regna en la biologia dels éssers humans
Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) is an important aquacultural resource both in Europe and Asia. However, there is little information on gene sequences available in public databases. Currently, one of the main problems affecting the culture of this flatfish is mortality due to several pathogens, especially viral diseases which are not treatable. In order to identify new genes involved in immune defense, we conducted 454-pyrosequencing of the turbot transcriptome after different immune stimulations.
The Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) is a worldwide cultured bivalve species with important commercial value. Diseases affecting this species can result in large economic losses. Because knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of the immune response in bivalves, especially clams, is scarce and fragmentary, we sequenced RNA from immune-stimulated R. philippinarum hemocytes by 454-pyrosequencing to identify genes involved in their immune defense against infectious diseases.
Agonistic strategies and spatial distribution in captive sooty mangabeys (Cercocebus atys lunulatus)
The aim of this article is to study the relationship between the dominance hierarchy and the spatial distribution of a group of captive sooty mangabeys (Cercocebus atys). The analysis of the spatial distribution of individuals in relation to their rank in the dominance hierarchy showed a clear linear hierarchy in which the dominant individual was located in central positions with regard to the rest of the group members. The large open enclosure where the group was living allowed them to adopt a high-risk agonistic strategy in which individuals attacked other individuals whose rank was significantly different from their own. The comparison of the results with a previous study of mangabeys showed that, although the dominance ranks of both groups were similar, the fact that they lived in facilities with different layouts caused different agonistic strategies to emerge and allowed the dominant individual to assume different spatial locations.
To evaluate the avian influenza virus (AIV) circulation in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic penguins we carried out a serosurvey on six species from Livingston, Marion and Gough islands. Seropositivity against AIV was performed on serum samples using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and haemagglutination and neuraminidase inhibition assays. Some oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs were also assayed to detect influenza virus genomes by real time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Overall, 12.1% (n = 140) penguins were seropositive to AIV. By species, we detected 5% (n = 19) and 11% (n = 18) seroprevalence in sub-Antarctic rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes spp.) from Gough and Marion islands, respectively, 42% (n = 33) seroprevalence in macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chysolophus Brandt), but no positives in the three other species, gentoo (Pygoscelis papua Forster; n = 25) and chinstrap penguins (P. antarctica Forster; n = 16), from Livingston Island and king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus Miller; n = 27) from Marion Island. While seropositivity reflected previous exposure to the AIV, the influenza genome was not detected. Our results indicate that AIV strains have circulated in penguin species in the sub-Antarctic region, but further studies are necessary to determine the precise role that such penguin species play in AIV epidemiology and if this circulation is species (or genus) specific.
Rodrigo, Chamizo, McLaren, & Mackintosh (1997) demonstrated the blocking effect in a navigational task using a swimming pool: rats initially trained to use three landmarks (ABC) to find an invisible platform learned less about a fourth landmark (X) added later than did rats trained from the outset with these four landmarks (ABCX). The aim of the experiment reported here was to demonstrate unblocking using a similar procedure as in the previous work. Three groups of rats were initially trained to find an invisible platfom in the presence of three landmarks: ABC for the Blocking and Unblocking groups and LMN for the Control group. Then, all animals were trained to find the platform in the presence of four landmarks, ABCX. In this second training, unlike animals in the Blocking group to which only a new landmark (X) was added in comparison to the first training, the animals in the Unblocking group also had a change in the platform position. In the Control group, both the four landmarks and the platform position were totally new at the beginning of this second training. As in Rodrigo et al. (1997) a blocking effect was found: rats in the Blocking group learned less with respect to the added landmark (X) than did animals in the Control group. However, rats in the Unblocking group learned about the added landmark (X) as well as did animals in the Control group. The results are interpreted as an unblocking effect due to a change in the platform position between the two phases of training, similarly to what is normal in classical conditioning experiments, in which a change in the conditions of reinforcement between the two training phases of a blocking design produce an attenuation or elimination of this effect. These results are explained within an error-correcting connectionist account of spatial navigation (McLaren, 2002).
La vitamina D té un paper important en patologies infeccioses, entre les quals la tuberculosi. El present estudi pretén avaluar aspectes clínics i epidemiològics de pacients amb infecció tuberculosa en els quals s'han determinat nivells sèrics de vitamina D, i veure si existeix relació entre el dèficit de vitamina D i el risc de desenvolupar malaltia activa, i si aquest dèficit es relaciona més amb malaltia extrapulmonar o greu. És un estudi observacional retrospectiu, en el qual s'han inclós un total de 86 pacients amb malaltia activa i 80 amb infecció latent. No s'objectivà una associació entre major dèficit de vitamina D i malaltia extrapulmonar, ni amb malaltia més greu. En canvi, destacà una associació significativa entre el dèficit greu de vitamina D i la malaltia tuberculosa activa quan es compara amb pacients amb infecció latent.
Emmarcat en un context educatiu, la present recerca fa un recorregut teòric per les diferents perspectives que fonamenten els diferents enfocaments de l'ensenyament i aprenentatge de la natació i presenta aquelles estratègies d'ensenyança basades en el descobriment que, fruit de les seves característiques i estructura, poden ser utilitzades per part dels monitors de natació perquè els alumnes s'impliquin cognitivament en els processos d'ensenyament-aprenentatge de la natació. La recerca aprofundeix en la pedagogia del descobriment entenent-la com aquell context educatiu condicionat per l'educador, mitjançant el qual i amb la utilització de les estratègies d'ensenyança pertinents, aquest, a l'hora de presentar les activitats i interaccionar amb els alumnes, pot fomentar el seu protagonisme. Un protagonisme que vindrà marcat per l'aportació personal de cada alumne, d'aquelles respostes descobertes fruit de les decisions preses davant l'estructura de l'activitat presentada, sempre de forma intencionada, pel monitor. D'aquesta manera es promou una implicació i una participació activa dels alumnes en els processos d'aprenentatge de la natació qua ajuda a cercar-ne la significació, en contraposició, a la visió més tradicional del tractament dels cursets de natació i dels seus aprenentatges basats en una pedagogia del model. Una pedagogia en la repetició i automatització d'uns gests presentats pel monitor de natació.
L’objectiu d’aquest treball de recerca és indagar sobre l’existència d’una possible relació entre la reactivitat a l’estrès i els problemes de veu en el col•lectiu docent. S’ha utilitzat una mostra de 447 persones, entre estudiants de magisteri i docents, donat que són una població que presenten un elevat índex de patologia vocal, així com d’estrès. Per recollir la informació necessària s’utilitza el qüestionari VHI-10 (Voice Handicap Index) i el test IRE-32 (Índice de Reactividad al Estrés). En els resultats obtinguts es troben indicis que ens permeten afirmar que les persones amb problemes de veu tenen una major reactivitat a l’estrès, i dins d’aquesta reactivitat, s’observen també respostes que són més representatives del grup de persones disfòniques, la majoria de les quals estan vinculades, directa o indirectament, a aspectes relacionats amb la emissió vocal.
En els darrers temps els agrocombustibles s’han promocionat com una alternativa als combustibles fòssils,adquirint un pes important en les agendes polítiques internacionals. Les dues grans potències econòmiques mundials, els Estats Units i la Unió Europea, han impulsat els agrocombustibles a través de diferents estratègies; plans, legislació, però també amb excempcions fiscals i obligacions de barreja amb combustibles fòssils. En aquest marc, Catalunya va ser de les comunitats autònomes de l’Estat espanyol pioneres en la potenciació d’experiències de producció i consum d’agrocombustibles. A partir de l’anàlisi de la política i el debat a Catalunya es pot destacar la gran influència de l’esfera europea a través de diversos mecanismes en el procés, el que s’ha anomenat en la literatura com europeïtzació. Darrerament Europa s’ha convertit en un important centre de producció de polítiques públiques, especialment en polítiques ambientals i agrícoles a partir dels anys 80. És per aquest motiu que resulta rellevant conèixer les dinàmiques europees en una política complexa com la dels agrocombustibles a Catalunya, que presenta components energètics, però també amb altres aspectes relacionats amb el món agràri i el medi ambient.