999 resultados para Tratamento anti-hipertensivo
The intervertebral disc diseases have a high casuistic in clinical routines veterinary among dogs. These conditions can cause pain, paresis or paralysis of limbs depending on the degree of injury. Clinical signs are not limited to the intervertebral disc, other anatomical parts are included. In conventional medicine, treatment may be surgical or clinical, by the use of corticosteroids with muscle relaxants. Acupuncture was an alternative to treating these diseases due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Although there are few studies for the treatment of discopathies, acupuncture triggers the release of substances such as dynorphins, beta-endorphins and serotonin, among others; that act inhibiting somatic and visceral pain. Electroacupuncture is used to potentiate the effects of acupuncture. It can be performed with different frequencies according to the clinical evolution. However there are different opinions related to the greater efficacy in relation to acupuncture. The restraint and monitoring of the treated animal are important factors for its recovery. The association between acupuncture and conventional treatment (surgical or clinical) achieved better results than acupuncture alone. This proves that acupuncture can be considered an option in order to minimize the complications of surgery or assist in patient recovery
A psoríase é uma doença inflamatória crônica da pele caracterizada pela hiperproliferação dos queratinócitos. Apesar de não se conhecer a causa da doença, sabe-se que ela envolve uma série de alterações no sistema imune inato e adquirido, principalmente. Entre essas alterações estão o aumento da produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias como a interleucina 1 e o fator de necrose tumoral α (TNF- α). O metotrexato é um antinéoplásico análogo do ácido fólico, mas que tem seu uso consolidado no tratamento da psoríase. Sua ação principal está na inibição indireta de células em crescimento exponencial, como células tumorais e em proliferação. A modulação dos níveis de TNF-α vem a ser uma boa alternativa para o controle da psoríase. A talidomida foi o primeiro fármaco que desempenhava tal atividade, mas devido a sua teratogenicidade deixou de ser utilizada. Descobriu-se que a função antiinflamatória estava relacionada à parte ftalimídica da molécula. Então, a partir daí passou-se a sintetizar derivados que pudessem ter a mesma atividade, porém com toxicidade reduzida. Esse trabalho visa a síntese de um pró-fármaco recíproco, com a finalidade de uso tópico, unindo as atividades antiinflamatórias e antiproliferativa do metotrexato e imunomoduladora do derivado ftalimídico, o cloreto de 4-(1,3-dioxo-1,3-diidro-2H-isoindol-2-il)benzenosulfonil, para a redução de efeitos adversos e toxicidade decorrente do tratamento, visando a melhora da qualidade de vida do paciente
O câncer, manifestação originada pelo crescimento descontrolado de células, afeta milhões de indivíduos. Os macrófagos são as primeiras células a serem ativadas para participar de uma resposta imunológica propriamente dita, são células capazes de secretar mais de cem produtos biologicamente ativos, entre esses, espécies reativas de nitrogênio e citocinas que atuam no contexto da resposta imunológica e/ou inflamatória. Sabendo que compostos de paládio (II) podem apresentar potenciais atividades antitumorais, neste trabalho foram testado os compostos de fórmula geral PdI2 (tdmPz) e Pd (SCN)2 (tdmPz), quanto a atividade anti-inflamatória e antitumoral. Como droga padrão das reações realizadas foi utilizada a cisplatina. Foi determinada a ação destes compostos frente ao sistema imunológico através, de ensaios de determinação de índice de citotoxicidade mediano (IC50) pela técnica de MTT, óxido nítrico (NO) e determinação das citocinas pró-inflamatórias TNF- e IL-12. Além disso, foi determinada a atividade antitumoral dos compostos frente à célula tumoral de Ehrlich. Os resultados não mostraram produção de NO e das citocinas IL-12 e TNF- pelos macrófagos peritoneais de animais normais e animais portadores do tumor de Ehrlich na sua forma sólida. No que se referem à atividade tóxica dos compostos testados, estes mostraram efeito citotóxico sobre os macrófagos e sobre a linhagem tumoral testada. Sendo assim mesmo não havendo a produção de mediadores próinflamatórios, os compostos apresentaram uma considerável citotoxicidade frente às células tumorais de Ehrlich e macrófagos peritoneais
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The albendazole and mebendazole drugs are benzimidazole derivatives and belong to the anthelmintic class. These drugs are particularly recommended for the treatment against worms present in the gastrointestinal tract of animals and humans, by acting directly on the worm metabolism. The need for thermally study drugs is related to all the parameters that these analyzes include: presence or absence of polymorphs, possible changes in the crystallinity of the drugs, as well as the quality control during the manufacturing process thereof. In this study the thermal behavior of anthelmintic albendazole and commercial mebendazole and its recrystallisation in organic solvents, such as acetic acid and formic acid in dimethylformamide to mebendazole, and albendazole were studied using TG-DSC techniques, TG-FTIR, FTIR and XRD. TG-DSC techniques were used so it could collect information about the thermal stability of the compounds steps for thermal decomposition process and also prove its melting temperature. For recrystallization of drugs in organic solvents, the TG-DSC curves were analyzed to compare and determine that the occurrence of polymorphs. The coupled TG-FTIR technique allowed the analysis of volatile products which were released during the thermal decomposition of the commercial mebendazole. The absorption spectroscopy in the infrared region was performed to mebendazole, and albendazole in order to show the difference in functional groups of both, comparing the spectra with commercial drugs and see if there was recrystallized changes in the absorption band where the drug was recrystallized or when heated. The diffraction technique by powder X-ray method was used for comparison of the crystal structures of commercial drugs and recrystallization in organic solvents to identify changes in crystallinity both, which might suggest the formation of polymorphs
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of the conservative condylectomy technique and articular disc repositioning as the surgical treatment approach for management of mandibular condylar osteochondroma, with appropriate Orthognathic surgery. Fifteen patients (12 females and 3 males), average age of 32.3 years (range, 13 to 56 years), with unilateral active osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle were analyzed. All patients underwent conservative condylectomy, recontouring of the remaining condylar neck stump and articular disc repositioned and indicated orthognatic surgical procedures. Average post surgical follow-up was 19 months. Each patient's lateral cephalograms were traced at 3 intervals (presurgery, immediate post surgery and long-term follow-up). Immediate after surgery the oclusal plane angle decreased -2.8 ± 4.5o, the maxillomandibular complex rotated counter-clockwise with advancement at menton 5.3 ± 5.6 mm, pogonion 5.0 ± 5.1 mm, B point 3.4 ± 4.2 mm and A point 1.0 ± 1.5 mm. The long-term follow-up showed significant changes in overbite (-0.6 ± 0.5 mm) and SNGoMe (0,93° ± 1,53°). Horizontally and vertically small instabilities occurred in Me (-1.21 ± 1.94 mm) and PNS (-1.48 ± 1.67 mm) respectively. The treatment protocol studied produced counterclockwise rotation and maxillofacial mandibular advancement. The long-term follow-up showed solid dental and skeletal stability with horizontal instability of Me and PNS in the vertical direction.
Nowadays, the correction of skeletal vertical dysplasia is considered a great challenge in Orthodontics. The skeletal open bite treatment presents limitations related to vertical growth pattern, the extension of open bite and especially the stability, which is very questioned. The treatment of skeletal open bite is mostly realized by the inhibition of vertical alveolar posterior development (relative intrusion) or absolute intrusion of posterior teeth, through vertical forces, generated by the action of masticatory muscles. The purpose of this article is to present a new appliance for the treatment of skeletal open bite, the VABB (Vertically Activated Bite Block) or modified Bite Block, whose action mechanism is to limit the vertical development of the molars, by the action of facial muscles and two bilateral expansion screws that provide a counterclockwise rotation of the mandible. It will also be presented a clinical case and the technical steps for the construction of this appliance.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)