877 resultados para Transit Oriented Developments, Regional Planning, Local Government


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Le concept de transit-oriented development (TOD) est habituellement abordé en tant qu'ensemble fixe de caractéristiques physico-spatiales. Cette approche ne s'avere pas suffisante pour comprendre comment le TOD peut être pertinent pour coordonner les transports et l'urbanisme dans un contexte urbain concret. Afin de combler cette lacune, nous proposons d'étudier le TOD en tant qu'instrument d'action publique, adopté, produit et utilisé par les acteurs sur le territoire en fonction des enjeux, des ressources et des contraintes qui y sont présents. Ce travail exploratoire est fondé sur une étude de cas de la mise en place du TOD a Sainte-Thérese. Pour comprendre comment se sont arrimés les intérêts des acteurs impliqués et ce qui en a résulté, la collecte de données se fait a l'aide de sources écrites, mais aussi d’entretiens semi-directifs avec les acteurs clé. Les résultats de l'étude confirment la pertinence de l'approche adoptée pour aborder le TOD. Le TOD comme instrument d'action publique peut être qualifié d'opérateur de congruence, car il permet de faire converger les intérêts différents, et même potentiellement contradictoires, qui sont en jeu sur le territoire. Cependant, il n'y a pas de formule passe-partout: la production du TOD se fait en grande partie de façon incrémentale, en fonction des conditions sur le territoire. La mise en place du TOD n'exige pas nécessairement l'invention d'un nouveau cadre d'action et peut se faire en grande partie a l'aide des outils existants. Toutefois, pour pouvoir se servir pleinement de ces outils, le leadership des acteurs clé s'avere crucial.


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L'aportació principal d'aquesta tesi és l'anàlisi de la gestió turística i les estratègies que els municipis del litoral català han desenvolupat per fer front a la crisi (o a la sensació de crisi) del model turístic tradicional que es va manifestar a principis dels anys noranta del segle passat. També proposa una nova visió de l'estructura territorial del litoral i aporta noves dades sobre l'evolució de l'oferta d'allotjament turístic a nivell municipal de tota la costa mediterrània espanyola entre els anys 1981 i 2001. El cos de la tesi s'estructura en tres parts: un marc teòric on es fa una anàlisi sistemàtica de les principals interpretacions sobre l'evolució de les destinacions madures, un capítol dedicat al models territorials litorals que, a més de l'anàlisi estadística descriptiva de les dades fa una anàlisi de conglomerats jeràrquics per definir els clusters territorials turístics, i finalment, una classificació de les estratègies que han desenvolupat els municipis litorals per adaptar-se a les noves formes de la demanda turística. Per a aquest darrer capítol s'ha entrevistat a 150 persones relacionades amb la gestió turística local i territorial dels municipis litorals catalans, a més d'estudiar els plans urbanístics i els documents d'estratègia turística. Això ha permès constatar que és principalment de l'àmbit local d'on parteixen les estratègies per adaptar-se a les noves formes de la demanda, i que aquestes respostes són diverses per què depenen del context (l'habitus habermasià) de cada municipi. Malgrat la diversitat, s'han pogut classificar les estratègies en cinc grups: les que intenten recrear l'espai turístic per convertir-lo en una autèntica ciutat per viure-hi tot l'any, les que es basen en la sostenibilitat, les que aposten per la hiperealitat, les que desenvolupen esdeveniments efímers i les que impulsen la millora de la qualitat del producte turístic tradicional. Generalment aquests canvis es desenvolupen per assaig-error, per intuïció, sense que responguin a un model preestablert. Una de les principals conclusions d'aquest apartat ens indica que hi ha pocs municipis que puguin explicitar el fons i la forma de la seva política turística. Per això es desenvolupen estratègies que es superposen, es barregen i, a vegades es contradiuen, fent que la política turística del municipi es reinventi contínuament. De fet, com dedueix una altra de les altres conclusions, el model turístic actual es basa en la innovació constant. Pel que fa al capítol teòric s'identifiquen les principals interpretacions sobre el canvi de model turístic i es classifiquen en cinc grups: les teories evolucionistes (Butler, Doxey, Miossec, Gormsen, Holder) que estableixen que les destinacions turístiques han de passar necessàriament per determinades fases, les teories que pronostiquen el col·lapse del sistema per superació de la capacitat de càrrega, les interpretacions que es basen en el canvi de l'escala, que parteixen de la idea que el turisme ha deixat de ser una activitat regional a un fenomen global, les que atribueixen als avenços tecnològics el canvi en el model i les que emmarquen els canvis turístics en un canvi més ampli que afecta a una societat que passa a ser postmoderna. De l'estudi teòric es desprèn que hi ha consens sobre la idea de crisi del model turístic però no hi ha unanimitat sobre les causes d'aquesta crisi ni sobre el nou model turístic que ha de sorgir. L'estudi empíric de les variables de l'oferta turística litoral, que és l'aportació principal del capítol dos, ha permès treure moltes conclusions, tant per l'estudi descriptiu de les dades com per l'anàlisi de conglomerats jeràrquics. En aquest breu resum només destacarem dues idees. La primera d'elles contempla que el litoral no és homogeni sinó que està constituït per cinc tipus diferents de municipis que formen unitats orgàniques que es repeteixen per tota la costa. Entre aquests tipus de municipis hi ha el que hem anomenat ociurbs, que concentren gran part de l'oferta turística, els nuclis turístics que tenen un nombre important de població resident i aporten mà d'obra i serveis, i les ciutats perifèriques que tot i estar a la costa viuen al marge del negoci turístic. L'altra idea a destacar és que en vint anys la distribució de l'oferta turística en el territori ha canviat poc: als lloc on hi havia una gran concentració de places al 1981, l'any 2001 encara són els llocs que ofereixen més serveis d'allotjament. S'observa però un important canvi en la tipologia dels allotjaments: en els 20 anys estudiats els habitatges turístics s'han consolidat com la modalitat d'allotjament emergent, a molta distància dels càmpings i l'oferta hotelera.


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Efforts to decentralise the pursuit of economic and social development have increased in recent years. The authors examine the rationale for establishing local development companies in areas of high unemployment and deprivation. The broad purpose is to establish a new style of organisation that combines attributes of the public and private sectors-to adapt and integrate economic and social services to meet local needs, to champion local interests in external arenas, and to act as enabling agents to promote local investment and development. These arguments are elaborated and illustrated with reference to one of Britain's most successful local development companies, Govan Initiative. The analysis reveals important strengths of the Initiative, including its action orientation, commitment to quality, and a local leadership role, but also certain weaknesses including its limited leverage over wider policies and resource flows. Local development companies need meaningful commitment from regional and national public organisations to fulfil their potential.


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O Estudo examina as possibilidades e os limites do planejamento participativo como um instrumento para o desenvolvimento local em comunidades rurais da Amazônia, a partir de suas potencialidades locais (redes de relações sociais e institucionais e recursos naturais) e das relações territoriais com sua área de entorno. Em particular, o estudo analisa uma comunidade quilombola denominada Itacoã-Miri, localizada no município de Acará, Estado do Pará. A questão central da pesquisa é: em que medida a participação das pessoas em um projeto de desenvolvimento comunitário significa a incorporação do conhecimento empírico local e as demandas da comunidade para legitimar um processo de planejamento? O arcabouço teórico é alicerçado na seguinte literatura: (a) significados e inter-relações entre planejamento, desenvolvimento e participação; e, (b) conhecimento informal para alternativas de desenvolvimento sustentável. Adicionalmente, a pesquisa também considera os conceitos de redes sociais e organizações locais por suas relações com a discussão principal da pesquisa. O arcabouço teórico foi utilizado para entender as relações que tem sido estabelecidas entre instituições governamentais e organizações locais (associações, grupos de produção, cooperativas, etc.) e também entre atores governamentais locais e as pessoas da comunidade para a construção de projetos de desenvolvimento local usando o approach de planejamento participativo. O foco principal é a Amazônia Brasileira. As unidades de análise foram o grupo social que foi formado para elaboração do projeto de desenvolvimento local e o processo participativo levado a cabo por este grupo para a construção do projeto em causa. Isto por três razões básicas: primeiro, porque um grupo social se apresenta como a arena política onde os atores sociais interagem entre si; segundo, porque o grupo social é o espaço onde os atores sociais implementam os seus significados de participação social; e, terceiro, porque é dentro do grupo social que internas e externas (e também formais e informais) relações ocorrem para fazer efetivo o planejamento participativo. O estudo conclui que a maioria do planejamento comunitário e regional levado a cabo pelo governo federal e estadual entre as décadas de 1970 e 1990 não obtiveram êxito por três razões: (1) primeiro, porque havia lacunas entre as demandas das populações locais e as ações dos governos; (2) segundo, o planejamento regional não levou em consideração as diferenças interculturais entre a população local e os agentes do estado; e, (3) terceiro, a falta de um instrumento participativo para envolvimento das pessoas no processo de planejamento. O estudo aplicou um arcabouço metodológico inovativo para participação das pessoas da comunidade no processo de planejamento de projeto e encontrou que a população local tem uma significativa capacidade cognitiva para participar a partir de seu conhecimento empírico. Encontrou, também, que este conhecimento é resultado do envolvimento histórico da comunidade em diversos espaços de interação com atores externos (organizações governamentais e não governamentais). Entretanto, o estudo mostra que o macro cenário político tem significativa (positiva e negativa) influencia no nível de participação das pessoas em um processo de planejamento.


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Workshop sponsored by the Illinois Bureau of the Budget and the Illinois Dept. of Local Government Affairs.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Cover title.


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"...this committee hearing ... is the second of three that will be held this year..."


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Governments, as key stakeholders in the development of events, produce policies to facilitate the growth and potential of events as a platform for industry and economic development. To date, however, there has been a paucity of research undertaken to determine the appropriateness and the consequences of government policies pertaining to events. This paper studies the event policies of two Australian local government authorities, the Gold Coast City Council and Brisbane City Council, from 1974-2003, as measured by four development paradigms: Modernisation, Dependency, Economic Neoliberalism, and Alternative. The analysis revealed that these policies were predominantly underpinned by the Alternative which has a strong socio-cultural focus. Increased awareness and utilisation of the various development paradigms will assist local governments in producing future event policies to promote growth of the event industry and concomitantly, appropriate development within their region.


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Thus far, achieving net biodiversity gains through major urban developments has been neither common nor straightforward - despite the presence of incentives, regulatory contexts, and ubiquitous practical guidance tools. A diverse set of obstructions, occurring within different spatial, temporal and actor hierarchies, are experienced by practitioners and render the realisation of maximised biodiversity, a rarity. This research aims to illuminate why this is so, and what needs to be changed to rectify the situation. To determine meaningful findings and conclusions, capable of assisting applied contexts and accommodating a diverse range of influences, a ‘systems approach’ was adopted. This approach led to the use of a multi-strategy research methodology, to identify the key obstructions and solutions to protecting and enhancing biodiversity - incorporating the following methods: action research, a questionnaire to local government ecologists, interviews and personal communications with leading players, and literature reviews. Nevertheless, ‘case studies’ are the predominant research method, the focus being a ‘nested’ case study looking at strategic issues of the largest regeneration area in Europe ‘the Thames Gateway’, and the largest individual mixeduse mega-development in the UK (at the time of planning consent) ‘Eastern Quarry 2’ - set within the Gateway. A further key case study, focussing on the Central Riverside development in Sheffield, identifies the merits of competition and partnership. The nested cases, theories and findings show that the strategic scale - generally relating to governance and prioritisation - impacts heavily upon individual development sites. It also enables the identification of various processes, mechanisms and issues at play on the individual development sites, which primarily relate to project management, planning processes, skills and transdisciplinary working, innovative urban biodiversity design capabilities, incentives, organisational cultures, and socio-ecological resilience. From these findings a way forward is mapped, spanning aspects from strategic governance to detailed project management.


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Developers have an obligation to biodiversity when considering the impact their development may have on the environment, with some choosing to go beyond the legal requirement for planning consent. Climate change projections over the 21st century indicate a climate warming and thus the species selected for habitat creation need to be able to withstand the pressures associated with these forecasts. A process is therefore required to identify resilient plantings for sites subject to climate change. Local government ecologists were consulted on their views on the use of plants of non-native provenance or how they consider resilience to climate change as part of their planting recommendations. There are mixed attitudes towards non-native species, but with studies already showing the impact climate change is having on biodiversity, action needs to be taken to limit further biodiversity loss, particularly given the heavily fragmented landscape preventing natural migration. A methodology has been developed to provide planners and developers with recommendations for plant species that are currently adapted to the climate the UK will experience in the future. A climate matching technique, that employs a GIS, allows the identification of European locations that currently experience the predicted level of climate change at a given UK location. Once an appropriate location has been selected, the plant species present in this area are then investigated for suitability for planting in the UK. The methodology was trialled at one site, Eastern Quarry in Kent, and suitable climate matched locations included areas in north-western France. Through the acquisition of plant species data via site visits and online published material, a species list was created, which considered original habitat design, but with added resilience to climate change.


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By contrast to the far-reaching devolution settlements elsewhere in the UK, political agreement on the governance of England outside London remains unsettled. There is cross- party consensus on the need to 'decentre down' authority to regions and localities, but limited agreement on how this should be achieved. This paper explores the welter of initiatives adopted by the recent Labour government that were ostensibly designed to make the meso-level of governance more coherent, accountable and responsive to meeting territorial priorities. Second, it explores the current Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition's programme of reform that involves the elimination of Labour's regional institutional architecture and is intended to restore powers to local government and communities and promote local authority co-operation around sub-regions. Labour's reforms were ineffective in achieving any substantial transfer of authority away from Whitehall and, given the Coalition's plans to cut public expenditure, the likelihood of any significant recalibration in central-local relations also appears improbable. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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This research aimed to explore the privileging of growth and its influence on planning in England. The research examined two contrasting case studies: Middlesbrough Borough Council and Cambridge City Council. The analysis of growth privileging is rooted within a constructionist ontology which argues that planning is about the way in which people construct value relative to the function of land. This perspective enables the research to position growth privileging as a social construction; a particular mental frame for understanding and analyzing place based challenges and an approach which has been increasingly absorbed by the UK planning community. Through interviews with a range of planning actors, the first part of the research examined the state of planning in the current political and economic context and the influence that a privileging of growth has on planning. The second part of the research investigated the merits and feasibility of the capabilities approach as an alternative mental frame for planning, an approach developed through the work of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum. The research results disaggregate the concept of economic growth, based on the responses of interviewees and conclude that it is characterized by homogeneity. Growth is valued, not only because of its economic role, for example, supporting jobs and income but its potential in creating diversity, enriching culture and precipitating transformative change. Pursuing growth as an objective has a range of influences upon planning. In particular, it supports a utilitarian framework for decision-making which values spatial decisions on their ability to support aggregate economic growth. The research demonstrates the feasibility and merits of the capabilities approach as a means with which to better understand the relationship between planning and human flourishing. Based on this analysis, the research proposes that the capabilities approach can provide an alternative ‘mental frame’ for planning which privileges human flourishing as the primary objective or ‘final end’ instead of economic growth.