785 resultados para Trail-following


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Introduction: Mirtazapine is a noradrenergic and serotonergic antidepressant mainly acting through blockade of presynaptic alpha-2 receptors. Published data on pregnancy outcome after exposure to mirtazapine are scarce. This study addresses the risk associated with exposure to mirtazapine during pregnancy. Patients (or Materials) and Methods: Multicenter (n = 11), observational prospective cohort study comparing pregnancy outcomes after exposure to mirtazapine with 2 matched control groups: exposure to any selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) as a diseasematched control group, and general controls with no exposure to medication known to be teratogenic or to any antidepressant. Data were collected by members of the European Network of Teratology Information Services (ENTIS) during individual risk counseling between 1995 and 2011. Standardized procedures for data collection were used in each center. Results: A total of 357 pregnant women exposed to mirtazapine at any time during pregnancy were included in the study and compared with 357 pregnancies from each control group. The rate of major birth defects between the mirtazapine and the SSRI group did not differ significantly (4.5% vs 4.2%; unadjusted odds ratio, 1.1; 95% confidence interval, 0.5-2.3, P = 0.9). A trend toward a higher rate of birth defects in the mirtazapine group compared with general controls did not reach statistical significance (4.2% vs 1.9%; OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 0.9-6.3; P = 0.08). The crude rate of spontaneous abortions did not differ significantly between the mirtazapine, the SSRI, and the general control groups (9.5% vs 10.4% vs 8.4%; P = 0.67), neither did the rate of deliveries resulting in live births (79.6% vs 84.3% in both control groups; P = 0.15). However, a higher rate of elective pregnancy-termination was observed in the mirtazapine group compared with SSRI and general controls (7.8% vs 3.4% vs 5.6%; P = 0.03). Premature birth (< 37 weeks) (10.6% vs 10.1% vs 7.5%; P = 0.38), gestational age at birth (median, 39 weeks; interquartile range (IQR), 38-40 in all groups; P = 0.29), and birth weight (median, 3320 g; IQR, 2979-3636 vs 3230 g; IQR, 2910-3629 vs 3338 g; IQR, 2967-3650; P = 0.34) did not differ significantly between the groups. Conclusion: This study did not observe a statistically significant difference in the rate of major birth defects between mirtazapine, SSRI-exposed, and nonexposed pregnancies. A slightly higher rate of birth defects was, however, observed in the mirtazapine and SSRI groups compared with the low rate of birth defects in our general controls. Overall, the pregnancy outcome after mirtazapine exposure in this study is very similar to that of the SSRI-exposed control group.


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RésuméLes sténoses des voies lacrymales sont fréquentes surtout chez les patients âgés et provoquent en général un epiphora avec parfois des dacryocystites aiguës ou chroniques. La dacryocystorhinostomie par voie externe (DCREX) a été la technique de choix pour traiter les sténoses post-canaliculaires au XXe siècle. Avec l'avènement de l'endoscopie nasale, l'abord endonasal est devenu facilement accessible et depuis une dizaine d'années, la dacryocystorhinostomie par voie endonasale (DCREN) est en train de supplanter la DCREX dans la majorité des cas.Le but de ce travail est de déterminer les étiologies des sténoses des voies lacrimales, d'évaluer le taux de succès et les complications de la DCREN et de détailler les gestes associés peropératoires.Cette étude rétrospective porte sur 98 patients ayant subi 104 DCREN entre janvier 1994 et février 2006. 78 patients (53 femmes et 25 hommes) présentant 84 sténoses post- canaliculaires remplissent les critères d'inclusion de l'étude. L'âge moyen est de 59 ans (4 - 89 ans).Les résultats obtenus montrent un taux de succès fonctionnel de 94.9% après une première intervention (59/84 DCREN) et de 63.6% pour les DCREN secondaires qui nous ont été référées après d'autres interventions des voies lacrymales (25/84 DCREN). Le suivi postopératoire est de 36,8 mois (12-77 mois). On dénombre 61 gestes rhino-sinusaux associés à la DCREN. Les complications per- et postopératoires sont rares, essentiellement liées aux drains bicanaliculaires. Une étiologie n'a été retrouvée que dans 28% des cas.En conclusion, la DCREN donne d'excellents résultats et peu de complications. En raison des nombreux avantages par rapport à la voie externe et la possibilité du traitement simultané de la pathologie ORL parfois associée, la DCREN est devenue le traitement de premier choix pour les sténoses postcanaliculaires. Le principal défi, quelque soit le type de DCR, est de poser la bonne indication opératoire et en cas d'échec opératoire savoir méticuleusement analyser ses causes


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In fear conditioning, an animal learns to associate an unconditioned stimulus (US), such as a shock, and a conditioned stimulus (CS), such as a tone, so that the presentation of the CS alone can trigger conditioned responses. Recent research on the lateral amygdala has shown that following cued fear conditioning, only a subset of higher-excitable neurons are recruited in the memory trace. Their selective deletion after fear conditioning results in a selective erasure of the fearful memory. I hypothesize that the recruitment of highly excitable neurons depends on responsiveness to stimuli, intrinsic excitability and local connectivity. In addition, I hypothesize that neurons recruited for an initial memory also participate in subsequent memories, and that changes in neuronal excitability affect secondary fear learning. To address these hypotheses, I will show that A) a rat can learn to associate two successive short-term fearful memories; B) neuronal populations in the LA are competitively recruited in the memory traces depending on individual neuronal advantages, as well as advantages granted by the local network. By performing two successive cued fear conditioning experiments, I found that rats were able to learn and extinguish the two successive short-term memories, when tested 1 hour after learning for each memory. These rats were equipped with a system of stable extracellular recordings that I developed, which allowed to monitor neuronal activity during fear learning. 233 individual putative pyramidal neurons could modulate their firing rate in response to the conditioned tone (conditioned neurons) and/or non- conditioned tones (generalizing neurons). Out of these recorded putative pyramidal neurons 86 (37%) neurons were conditioned to one or both tones. More precisely, one population of neurons encoded for a shared memory while another group of neurons likely encoded the memories' new features. Notably, in spite of a successful behavioral extinction, the firing rate of those conditioned neurons in response to the conditioned tone remained unchanged throughout memory testing. Furthermore, by analyzing the pre-conditioning characteristics of the conditioned neurons, I determined that it was possible to predict neuronal recruitment based on three factors: 1) initial sensitivity to auditory inputs, with tone-sensitive neurons being more easily recruited than tone- insensitive neurons; 2) baseline excitability levels, with more highly excitable neurons being more likely to become conditioned; and 3) the number of afferent connections received from local neurons, with neurons destined to become conditioned receiving more connections than non-conditioned neurons. - En conditionnement de la peur, un animal apprend à associer un stimulus inconditionnel (SI), tel un choc électrique, et un stimulus conditionné (SC), comme un son, de sorte que la présentation du SC seul suffit pour déclencher des réflexes conditionnés. Des recherches récentes sur l'amygdale latérale (AL) ont montré que, suite au conditionnement à la peur, seul un sous-ensemble de neurones plus excitables sont recrutés pour constituer la trace mnésique. Pour apprendre à associer deux sons au même SI, je fais l'hypothèse que les neurones entrent en compétition afin d'être sélectionnés lors du recrutement pour coder la trace mnésique. Ce recrutement dépendrait d'un part à une activation facilité des neurones ainsi qu'une activation facilité de réseaux de neurones locaux. En outre, je fais l'hypothèse que l'activation de ces réseaux de l'AL, en soi, est suffisante pour induire une mémoire effrayante. Pour répondre à ces hypothèses, je vais montrer que A) selon un processus de mémoire à court terme, un rat peut apprendre à associer deux mémoires effrayantes apprises successivement; B) des populations neuronales dans l'AL sont compétitivement recrutées dans les traces mnésiques en fonction des avantages neuronaux individuels, ainsi que les avantages consentis par le réseau local. En effectuant deux expériences successives de conditionnement à la peur, des rats étaient capables d'apprendre, ainsi que de subir un processus d'extinction, pour les deux souvenirs effrayants. La mesure de l'efficacité du conditionnement à la peur a été effectuée 1 heure après l'apprentissage pour chaque souvenir. Ces rats ont été équipés d'un système d'enregistrements extracellulaires stables que j'ai développé, ce qui a permis de suivre l'activité neuronale pendant l'apprentissage de la peur. 233 neurones pyramidaux individuels pouvaient moduler leur taux d'activité en réponse au son conditionné (neurones conditionnés) et/ou au son non conditionné (neurones généralisant). Sur les 233 neurones pyramidaux putatifs enregistrés 86 (37%) d'entre eux ont été conditionnés à un ou deux tons. Plus précisément, une population de neurones code conjointement pour un souvenir partagé, alors qu'un groupe de neurones différent code pour de nouvelles caractéristiques de nouveaux souvenirs. En particulier, en dépit d'une extinction du comportement réussie, le taux de décharge de ces neurones conditionné en réponse à la tonalité conditionnée est resté inchangée tout au long de la mesure d'apprentissage. En outre, en analysant les caractéristiques de pré-conditionnement des neurones conditionnés, j'ai déterminé qu'il était possible de prévoir le recrutement neuronal basé sur trois facteurs : 1) la sensibilité initiale aux entrées auditives, avec les neurones sensibles aux sons étant plus facilement recrutés que les neurones ne répondant pas aux stimuli auditifs; 2) les niveaux d'excitabilité des neurones, avec les neurones plus facilement excitables étant plus susceptibles d'être conditionnés au son ; et 3) le nombre de connexions reçues, puisque les neurones conditionné reçoivent plus de connexions que les neurones non-conditionnés. Enfin, nous avons constaté qu'il était possible de remplacer de façon satisfaisante le SI lors d'un conditionnement à la peur par des injections bilatérales de bicuculline, un antagoniste des récepteurs de l'acide y-Aminobutirique.


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The nuclear phenotypes of Malpighian tubule cells in fifth instar nymphs of Triatoma infestans, one of the most important vectors of Chagas disease, were studied following sequential shocks at 0ºC, separated by intervals of 8 h and 24 h at 30ºC, under conditions of moderate fasting and full nourishment. The insects pertained to colonies reared in the laboratory and originated from domestic specimens collected in the Brazilian states of São Paulo (north) and Minas Gerais (south). Since nuclear phenotypes in this species are affected by single cold shocks, it was expected that these phenotypes could also be changed by sequential shocks. Nuclear phenotypes indicative of mechanisms of cell survival (nuclear fusion and heterochromatin decondensation) and cell death (apoptosis and necrosis) were observed concomitantly in all the conditions tested. Nuclear fusion and heterochromatin decondensation were not found relevant for the presumed acquisition of the cold-hardening response in T. infestans. The decreased frequency of apoptosis and necrosis following sequential cold shocks including under fasting conditions, indicated that tolerance to sequential cold shocks occurred in T. infestans of the mentioned origin.


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Introduction: Cognitive impairment affects 40-65% of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, often since early stages of the disease (relapsing remitting MS, RRMS). Frequently affected functions are memory, attention or executive abilities but the most sensitive measure of cognitive deficits in early MS is the information processing speed (Amato, 2008). MRI has been extensively exploited to investigate the substrate of cognitive dysfunction in MS but the underlying physiopathological mechanisms remain unclear. White matter lesion load, whole-brain atrophy and cortical lesions' number play a role but correlations are in some cases modest (Rovaris, 2006; Calabrese, 2009). In this study, we aimed at characterizing and correlating the T1 relaxation times of cortical and sub-cortical lesions with cognitive deficits detected by neuropsychological tests in a group of very early RR MS patients. Methods: Ten female patients with very early RRMS (age: 31.6 ±4.7y; disease duration: 3.8 ±1.9y; EDSS disability score: 1.8 ±0.4) and 10 age- and gender-matched healthy volunteers (mean age: 31.2 ±5.8y) were included in the study. All participants underwent the following neuropsychological tests: Rao's Brief Repeatable Battery of Neuropsychological tests (BRB-N), Stockings of Cambridge, Trail Making Test (TMT, part A and B), Boston Naming Test, Hooper Visual Organization Test and copy of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure. Within 2 weeks from neuropsychological assessment, participants underwent brain MRI at 3T (Magnetom Trio a Tim System, Siemens, Germany) using a 32-channel head coil. The imaging protocol included 3D sequences with 1x1x1.2 mm3 resolution and 256x256x160 matrix, except for axial 2D-FLAIR: -DIR (T2-weighted, suppressing both WM and CSF; Pouwels, 2006) -MPRAGE (T1-weighted; Mugler, 1991) -MP2RAGE (T1-weighted with T1 maps; Marques, 2010) -FLAIR SPACE (only for patient 4-10, T2-weighted; Mugler, 2001) -2D Axial FLAIR (0.9x0.9x2.5 mm3, 256x256x44 matrix). Lesions were identified by one experienced neurologist and radiologist using all contrasts, manually contoured and assigned to regional locations (cortical or sub-cortical). Lesion number, volume and T1 relaxation time were calculated for lesions in each contrast and in a merged mask representing the union of the lesions from all contrasts. T1 relaxation times of lesions were normalized with the mean T1 value in corresponding control regions of the healthy subjects. Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad InStat software. Cognitive scores were compared between patients and controls with paired t-tests; p values ≤ 0.05 were considered significant. Spearmann correlation tests were performed between the cognitive tests, which differed significantly between patients and controls, and lesions' i) number ii) volume iii) T1 relaxation time iv) disease duration and v) years of study. Results: Cortical and sub-cortical lesions count, T1 values and volume are reported in Table 1 (A and B). All early RRMS patients showed cortical lesions (CLs) and the majority consisted of CLs type I (lesions with a cortical component extending to the sub-cortical tissue). The rest of cortical lesions were characterized as type II (intra-cortical lesions). No type III/IV lesions (large sub-pial lesions) were detected. RRMS patients were slightly less educated (13.5±2.5y vs. 16.3±1.8y of study, p=0.02) than the controls. Signs of cortical dysfunction (i.e. impaired learning, language, visuo-spatial skills or gnosis) were rare in all patients. However, patients showed on average lower scores on measures of visual attention and information processing speed (TMT-part A: p=0.01; TMT-part B: p=0.006; PASAT-included in the BRB-N: p=0.04). The T1 relaxation values of CLs type I negatively correlated with the TMT-part A score (r=0.78, p<0.01). The correlations of TMT-part B score and PASAT score with T1 relaxation time of lesions as well and the correlation between TMT-part A, TMT-part B and PASAT score with lesions' i) number ii) volume iii) disease duration and iv) years of study did not reach significance. In order to preclude possible influences from partial volume effects on the T1 values, the correlation between lesion volume and T1 value of CLs type I was calculated; no correlation was found, suggesting that partial volume effects did not affect the statistics. Conclusions: The present pilot study reports for the first time the presence and the T1 characteristics at 3 T of cortical lesions in very early RRMS (< 6 y disease duration). It also shows that CLS type I represents the most frequent cortical lesion type in this cohort of RRMS patients. In addition, it reveals a negative correlation between the attentional test TMT-part A and the T1 properties of cortical lesions type I. In other words, lower attention deficits are concomitant with longer T1-relaxation time in cortical lesions. In respect to this last finding, it could be speculated that long relaxation time correspond to a certain degree of tissue loss that is enough to stimulate compensatory mechanisms. This hypothesis is in line with previous fMRI studies showing functional compensatory mechanisms to help maintaining normal or sub-normal attention performances in RR MS patients (Penner, 2003).


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The neuropsychological records of 56 patients operated for clipping were studied. Almost every patient remained autonomous and without invalidating motor defect. The present study was aimed at specifying the type and frequency of neuropsychological sequelae and, to a lesser extent, the role of various pathophysiological factors. A main concern was to examine to what extent and at what post-operative interval the neuropsychological assessment can predict the intellectual and socioprofessional outcome of each individual patient. The neuropsychological assessment performed beyond the acute phase showed evidence of intellectual sequelae in about two thirds of the patients. Only one case of permanent anterograde amnesia was observed, probably due to unavoidable inclusion of a hypothalamic artery in the clip during surgery. Transient anterograde amnesia and confabulations were occasionally observed, generally for less than three weeks. A common finding was impaired performance on memory and/or executive tests. In a minority of patients, language disorders, visuoperceptive and visuoconstructive disabilities were found, probably in relation with hemodynamic changes at distance from the aneurysm. Global impairment of intellectual function was not uncommon in the acute post-operative phase but it evolved in most cases towards a more selective impairment, for instance restricted to executive and memory functions, in the chronic phase. The neuropsychological investigation carried out 4 to 15 weeks post-operatively provided satisfactory information about possible long-lasting intellectual disturbances and professional resumption. In particular, persistent global intellectual impairment, persistent amnesia and confabulations 4-15 weeks post-operative were associated with cessation of professional activity; executive and memory impairment, behavioral disturbances such as those encountered in patients with frontal lobe damage were associated with a decreased probability of full-time employment. Pre- and post-operative angiography were not good predictors of long-term cognitive outcome: normal angiography was not necessarily followed by normal neuropsychological outcome, conversely abnormal angiography could be found together with normal neuropsychological outcome. By contrast, there was a relationship between left-lateralised abnormalities on post-operative angiography and occurrence of language disorders; similarly, there was a relationship between side of craniotomy and type of deficits, that is language disorders versus visuoperceptive-visuoconstructive impairments.


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BACKGROUND: After sub-total hemi-section of cervical cord at level C7/C8 in monkeys, the ipsilesional hand exhibited a paralysis for a couple of weeks, followed by incomplete recovery of manual dexterity, reaching a plateau after 40-50 days. Recently, we demonstrated that the level of the plateau was related to the size of the lesion and that progressive plastic changes of the motor map in the contralesional motor cortex, particularly the hand representation, took place following a comparable time course. The goal of the present study was to assess, in three macaque monkeys, whether the hand representation in the ipsilesional primary motor cortex (M1) was also affected by the cervical hemi-section.¦RESULTS: Unexpectedly, based on the minor contribution of the ipsilesional hemisphere to the transected corticospinal (CS) tract, a considerable reduction of the hand representation was also observed in the ipsilesional M1. Mapping control experiments ruled out the possibility that changes of motor maps are due to variability of the intracortical microstimulation mapping technique. The extent of the size reduction of the hand area was nearly as large as in the contralesional hemisphere in two of the three monkeys. In the third monkey, it represented a reduction by a factor of half the change observed in the contralesional hemisphere. Although the hand representation was modified in the ipsilesional hemisphere, such changes were not correlated with a contribution of this hemisphere to the incomplete recovery of the manual dexterity for the hand affected by the lesion, as demonstrated by reversible inactivation experiments (in contrast to the contralesional hemisphere). Moreover, despite the size reduction of M1 hand area in the ipsilesional hemisphere, no deficit of manual dexterity for the hand opposite to the cervical hemi-section was detected.¦CONCLUSION: After cervical hemi-section, the ipsilesional motor cortex exhibited substantial reduction of the hand representation, whose extent did not match the small number of axotomized CS neurons. We hypothesized that the paradoxical reduction of hand representation in the ipsilesional hemisphere is secondary to the changes taking place in the contralesional hemisphere, possibly corresponding to postural adjustments and/or re-establishing a balance between the two hemispheres.


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To evaluate sex differences in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease progression before (pre-1997) and after (1997-2006) introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy, the authors used data from a collaboration of 23 HIV seroconverter cohort studies from Europe, Australia, and Canada restricted to the 6,923 seroconverters infected through injecting drug use and sex between men and women. Within a competing risk framework, they used Cox proportional hazards models allowing for late entry to evaluate sex differences in time from HIV seroconversion to death, to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and to each first AIDS-defining disease and death without AIDS. While no significant sex differences were found before 1997, from 1997 onward, women had a lower risk of AIDS (adjusted cumulative relative risk (aCRR) = 0.76, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.63, 0.90) and death (adjusted hazard ratio = 0.68, 95% CI: 0.56, 0.82) than men did. Compared with men, women also had lower risks of AIDS dementia complex (aCRR = 0.23, 95% CI: 0.07, 0.74), tuberculosis (aCRR = 0.60, 95% CI: 0.39, 0.92), Kaposi's sarcoma (aCRR = 0.27, 95% CI: 0.07, 0.99), lymphomas (aCRR = 0.47, 95% CI: 0.23, 0.96), and death without AIDS (aCRR = 0.74, 95% CI: 0.56, 0.98). Sex differences in HIV disease progression have become larger and statistically significant in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy, supporting a stronger impact of health interventions among women.


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Purpose:In the retina, the balance between pro- and anti-angiogenic factors is critical for angiogenesis control but is also involved in cell survival and maintenance. For instance, the anti-angiogenic factor PEDF is neuroprotective for photoreceptors (PRs) in models of retinal degeneration. We previously reported upregulation of VEGF (24h to 48h post lesion) in the light-damage (LD) model. Furthermore, systemic delivery of PEDF, as well as lentiviral gene transfer of an anti-VEGF antibody rescue PRs from cell death. Studies in vitro show that VEGF induces retinal endothelial cells apoptosis via the alteration of the Akt1/p38 MAPK signalling pathway under hypoxic conditions. Thus, in this study, we investigate the effect of high levels of VEGF on retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) permeability and molecular targets expression after light-induced PR degeneration. Methods:To characterize the action of VEGF in the retina during the course of LD, we exposed adult Balb/c mice to 5'000 lux for 1h, and we collected neural retinas and eye-cups (containing RPE) at different time points after the LD. We analysed protein expression by Elisa and Western blotting. In order to study RPE cell permeability after the LD we stained β-catenin on flat mounted RPE. Results:In the neural retina, preliminary results indicate that high levels of VEGF induce a significant upregulation of VEGF receptor 2, whereas VEGF receptor 1 expression is decreased. Concomitantly with VEGF upregulation, LD increases the Src phosphorylation between 24h to 48h. Furthermore, we observe that β-catenin translocates to the cytoplasm of RPE cells between 24h to 36h after the lesion, indicating an increase on the RPE permeability, which could contribute indirectly to the deleterious effect of VEGF observed during light-induced PR apoptosis. Conclusions:This study further involves VEGF in LD and highlights the prime importance of angiogenic factor balance for PR survival. Our results suggest that PR apoptosis is augmented by RPE cell permeability, which may induce high level of VEGF and could be deleterious. The specific action of RPE permeability on PR survival and the role of Src in the retina are under investigation.


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The Minister for Health decided, in July 2013, to establish a Working Group, chaired by Professor Brian MacCraith, President of DCU, to carry out a strategic review of medical training and career structure. The Working Group will examine and make high-level recommendations relating to training and career pathways for doctors with a view to: From January-April 2014, the Working Group prioritised work on career structures and pathways following completion of specialist training in order to report to the Minister for Health on these issues in this report. Download the Report (PDF, 800 kb)  


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PURPOSE: To assess the patterns of failure in the treatment of early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 1983-2000, 122 consecutive patients treated for early laryngeal cancer (UICC T1N0 and T2N0) by radical radiation therapy (RT) were retrospectively studied. Male-to-female ratio was 106 : 16, and median age 62 years (35-92 years). There were 68 patients with T1a, 18 with T1b, and 36 with T2 tumors. Diagnosis was made by biopsy in 104 patients, and by laser vaporization or stripping in 18. Treatment planning consisted of three-dimensional (3-D) conformal RT in 49 (40%) patients including nine patients irradiated using arytenoid protection. A median dose of 70 Gy (60-74 Gy) was given (2 Gy/fraction) over a median period of 46 days (21-79 days). Median follow-up period was 85 months. RESULTS: The 5-year overall, cancer-specific, and disease-free survival amounted to 80%, 94%, and 70%, respectively. 5-year local control was 83%. Median time to local recurrence in 19 patients was 13 months (5-58 months). Salvage treatment consisted of surgery in 17 patients (one patient refused salvage and one was inoperable; total laryngectomy in eleven, and partial laryngectomy or cordectomy in six patients). Six patients died because of laryngeal cancer. Univariate analyses revealed that prognostic factors negatively influencing local control were anterior commissure extension, arytenoid protection, and total RT dose < 66 Gy. Among the factors analyzed, multivariate analysis (Cox model) demonstrated that anterior commissure extension, arytenoid protection, and male gender were the worst independent prognostic factors in terms of local control. CONCLUSION: For early-stage laryngeal cancer, outcome after RT is excellent. In case of anterior commissure extension, surgery or higher RT doses are warranted. Because of a high relapse risk, arytenoid protection should not be attempted.


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Cases of mediastinal germ cell tumours associated with haematological disorders (two cases of systemic mastocytosis included) have been reported previously. This combination is more frequent than would be expected by chance alone. We report the case of a 30-year-old woman, who presented with a systemic mastocytosis following a malignant ovarian germ cell tumour which was treated by chemo- and radiotherapy. The patient predominantly complained of skeletal pains, which led to an erroneous radiological diagnosis of fibrous dysplasia for years. An aggressive variant of systemic mastocytosis was diagnosed on bone marrow examination. Systemic mastocytosis was confirmed by splenectomy, liver biopsy and finally autopsy. The present case is unique because of the ovarian location of the germ cell tumour. We suggest our observation could be related to the broad group of haematological malignancies associated with germ cell tumours.


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Patients who have overdosed on drugs commonly present to emergency departments, with only the most severe cases requiring intensive care unit (ICU) admission. Such patients typically survive hospitalisation. We studied their longer term functional outcomes and recovery patterns which have not been well described. All patients admitted to the 18-bed ICU of a university-affiliated teaching hospital following drug overdoses between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2006 were identified. With ethical approval, we evaluated the functional outcome and recovery patterns of the surviving patients 31 months after presentation, by telephone or personal interview. These were recorded as Glasgow outcome score, Karnofsky performance index and present work status. During the three years studied, 43 patients were identified as being admitted to our ICU because of an overdose. The average age was 34 years, 72% were male and the mean APACHE II score was 16.7. Of these, 32 were discharged from hospital alive. Follow-up data was attained on all of them. At a median of 31 months follow-up, a further eight had died. Of the 24 surviving there were 13 unemployed, seven employed and four in custody. The median Glasgow outcome score of survivors was 4.5, their Karnofsky score 80. Admission to ICU for treatment of overdose is associated with a very high risk of death in both the short- and long-term. While excellent functional recovery is achievable, 16% of survivors were held in custody and 54% unemployed.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Phosphorylation of a polypeptide of approximately 120 kD in pea (Pisum sativum L.) plasma membranes in response to blue light has been shown to be involved in phototropic curvature, but the relationship of this protein to the kinase and photoreceptor acting upon it is uncertain. Using two-phase aqueous partitioning to isolate right-side-out plasma membrane vesicles, we have obtained evidence suggesting that the photoreceptor, kinase, and substrate are localized to the plasma membrane fraction. Latent phosphorylation accessible through Triton X-100 or freeze/thaw treatments of purified plasma membrane vesicles indicates that at least the kinase moiety is present on the internal face of the plasma membrane. Effects of solubilization of vesicles on fluence-response characteristics and on phosphorylation levels provide evidence that the receptor, kinase, and protein substrate are present together in individual mixed detergent micelles, either as a stable complex or as domains of a single polypeptide. In vivo blue-light irradiation results in a small but significant decrease in mobility of the 120-kD phosphorylated protein on sodium dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis. This mobility shift is evident on Coomassie-stained gels and on western blots probed with polyclonal antibodies raised against the 120-kD protein. Among the plasma membrane proteins bound to the reactive nucleotide analog fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenine (FSBA), a distinct protein band at 120 kD can be detected on blots probed with anti-FSBA antibodies. This band exhibits an in vivo light-dependent mobility shift identical to that observed for the protein band and antibodies specific for the 120-kD protein, implying that the 120-kD protein has an integral nucleotide binding site and consistent with the possibility that the substrate protein is also a kinase.


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The tumor necrosis factor (TNF)/TNF receptor (TNFR) families of ligands and receptors are implicated in a variety of physiological and pathological processes and regulate cellular functions as diverse as proliferation, differentiation, and death. Recombinant forms of these ligands and receptors can act to agonize or antagonize these functions and are therefore useful for laboratory studies and may have clinical applications. A protocol is presented for the expression and purification of dimeric soluble receptors fused to the Fc portion of human IgG1 and of soluble, N-terminally Flag-tagged ligands. Soluble recombinant proteins are easier to handle than membrane-bound proteins and the use of tags greatly facilitates their detection and purification. In addition, some tags may provide enhanced biological activity to the recombinant proteins (mainly by oligomerization and stabilization effects) and facilitate their functional characterization. Expression in bacterial (for selected ligands) and eukaryotic expression systems (for ligands and receptors) was performed using M15 pREP4 bacteria and human embryonic kidney 293 cells, respectively. The yield of purified protein is about 1 mg/liter for the mammalian expression system and several milligrams per liter for the bacterial expression system. Protocols are given for a specific ligand-receptor pair, namely TRAIL (Apo-2L) and TRAIL receptor 2 (DR5), but can be applied to other ligands and receptors of the TNF family.