934 resultados para Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
An organizations´ level of sustainability has so far been primarily been analyzed within the context of economic performance. This study changes that dependent variable to “resilience”, namely a company’s ability to recover from potential lethal shocks or disruptive events. The research questions aims to investigate whether sustainability and resilience are related. This study utilizes the financial crisis from 2007/08 as disruptive event, as it encompassed market phase-out but also survival by established firms. Two Swiss luxury watchmaking companies have been chosen as industry sample and the study’s investigation is based on a comparative case study approach. The latter applies both quantitative data, in the form of the respective annual company reports, and qualitative data, in the form of semi-structured interviews with three stakeholder groups. Findings indicate that the investigated measures of sustainability are related the investigated companies’ level of resilience. These findings contribute to the building of new theory towards resilience as this study outlines specifically which measures have been proven to be of relevance for companies’ resilience. Moreover, the results are of high relevance for companies that are operating in constant evolving markets and struggling adapting to any disruptive environment as it is outlined why and how comparative companies have to be sustainable in order to become more resilient towards future shocks.
The present dissertation intends to study passives in Capeverdean. I argue that Capeverdean have eventive passives with specific morphology, postverbal morphemes, -du and -da, which affix to the verb to form passives and interact with the TMA morphemes available in the language in the same way as in the active voice. I also show that Capeverdean only allows short passives. However, this study demonstrates that the by-phrase, although not expressed phonologically, is implicit and can be tracked through instrumentals and Agent-oriented adverbs. In order to account for this specific property of Capeverdean passives, I assume the existence of a Voice head which introduces the external argument in all finite sentences in Capeverdean, except in unaccusatives, following proposals from Marantz (1984), Kratzer (1996), Sailor & Ahn (2010), Pratas (2014). I also assume that this Voice head is subject to a Doubly Filled Comp Filter, similar to what is proposed in Koopman (1997), which determines that either heads or specifiers can be overt, never both. In the case of passives, I propose that external argument is in Spec,Voice and the passive morphology is lexicalized in Voice0 and that while Spec,Voice is silent, Voice0 is not. This configuration can be explained if it is assumed, following Costa & Martins (2004), that in Capeverdean passives Voice0 is a strong functional head, thus requiring visibility at PF. This restriction, combined with the Doubly Filled Comp filter, imposes that Spec,Voice is silent.
RESUMO: Objetivo Avaliar a qualidade dos serviços de saúde mental e a situação dos direitos humanos no Hospital de Saúde Mental de Kabul (KMHH) e fornecer recomendações para o desenvolvimento de um plano de melhoria, actualização e revisão da Política, Estratégia e Plano Nacionais de Saúde Mental,. Métodos A avaliação foi realizada em Janeiro de 2015 no KMHH e na Burn Ward do Hospital Terciário de Isteqlal por uma equipa multidisciplinar usando Qualidade Direitos Tool Kit da OMS. Antes da avaliação, o protocolo foi aprovado pelo Institutional Review Board e obtido o consentimento informado de cada entrevistado. Realizaram-se entrevistas com 16 utentes do serviço, 17 funcionários do hospital e 7 familiares, além da revisão de documentos e da observação das unidades de internamento do KMHH e das interações interpessoais entre funcionários do hospital e utentes do serviço. A comissão de avaliação reviu também a documentação e observou a Unidade de Queimados do Hospital Terciário de Isteqlal, a fim de avaliar e comparar a paridade entre as duas instalações. Após a avaliação, todos os membros da comissão se reuniram e puseram em conjunto todas as conclusões num relatório final. Resultados Encontrámos algumas lacunas graves no nível de prestação de serviços e no respeito pelos direitos humanos dos utentes dos serviços e dos seus familiares. Uma série de políticas, diretrizes e procedimentos relacionados com os direitos humanos dos pacientes estavam ausentes. O ambiente terapêutico e o padrão de vida eram inadequados, existia má qualidade do atendimento e dos serviços prestados, os utilizadores enfrentavam violações do direito ao exercício da capacidade legal e da liberdade pessoal, eram quimica e fisicamente (uso de correntes) contidos e expostos a abusos verbais, físicos e emocionais, e havia grande ênfase no tratamento institucional. Todos estes aspectos foram considerados como extensa violação dos direitos humanos dos utentes de serviço do KMHH. Conclusão Os serviços disponíveis para utentes dos serviços de saúde mental apresentam alguns problemas devido à desconfiança e falta de consciencialização sobre os direitos das pessoas com doença mental e precisam ser alterados de forma positiva. A Lei de Saúde Mental existente difere muito das recomendações da Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Incapacidades (CRPD) e requer revisão e adaptação de acordo com esta Convenção. -------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Objective To assess the quality of mental health services and human rights condition in the Kabul Mental Health Hospital (KMHH) and provide recommendations for development of an improvement plan and to update and revise the National Mental Health Policy, Strategy and Plan. Methods The assessment was conducted in January 2015 in the KMHH and the Burn Ward of Isteqlal Tertiary Hospital by a multidisciplinary team using WHO Quality Rights Tool Kit. Before the assessment, Institutional Review Board approval and informed consent from each interviewee were obtained. Interviews were conducted with 16 service users, 17 hospital staffs and 7 family members in addition to documents review and observation of inpatient units of KMHH plus interpersonal interactions between hospital staff and service users. The assessment committee reviewed the documentation and observed the Burn Ward of Isteqlal Tertiary hospital in order to measure and compare parity between the two facilities. After the assessment, all committee members gathered and synchronized all findings into a final report. Results There were some serious gaps on service provision level and respecting human rights of service users and their family members. A series of policies, guidelines and procedures related to patients’ human rights were absent. Inadequate treatment environment and standard of living, poor quality of care and services, violations of the right to exercise legal capacity and personal liberty, being chemically and physically (e.g. chain) restrained, being exposed to verbal, physical and emotional abuse, and emphasis on institutional treatment were all extensive human rights violation that service users were experiencing in KMHH. Conclusion The available services for mental health service users are questionable due to mistrust and lack of awareness about rights of people with disabilities and need to be positively changed. Existing Mental Health Act has a large number of disparities with the CRPD and requires revision and adaptation in accordance to CRPD.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the reasons given by patients for interrupting their pharmacological treatment of hypertension. METHODS: We carried out an observational cross-sectional study, in which a questionnaire was applied and blood pressure was measured in 401 patients in different centers of the state of Bahia. The patients selected had been diagnosed with hypertension and were not on antihypertensive treatment for at least 60 days. Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the groups were analyzed. RESULTS: Of the 401 patients, 58.4% were females, 55.6% of whom white; 60.5% of the males were white. The major reasons alleged for not adhering to treatment were as follows (for males and females respectively): normalization of blood pressure (41.3% and 42.3%); side effects of the medications (31.7% and 24.8%); forgetting to use the medication (25.2% and 20.1%); cost of medication (21.6% and 20.1%); fear of mixing alcohol and medication (23.4% and 3.8%); ignoring the need for continuing the treatment (15% and 21.8%); use of an alternative treatment (11.4% and 17.1%); fear of intoxication (9.6% and 12.4%); fear of hypotension (9.6% and 12%); and fear of mixing the medication with other drugs (8.4% and 6.1%). CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that most factors concerning the abandonment of the treatment of hypertension are related to lack of information, and that, despite the advancement in antihypertensive drugs, side effects still account for most abandonments of treatment.
En la hipótesis de trabajo del presente proyecto se considera la importancia del metabolismo de lípidos y proteínas en los insectos hematófagos, en particular en los vectores de la enfermedad de Chagas, para afrontar exitosamente la demanda energética de la reproducción. Las hembras de estas especies pueden ingerir una comida de sangre abundante en lípidos y proteínas, los que son modificados en el intestino para su utilización y posterior almacenamiento en estructuras organizadas en el tejido ovárico, sustentando así el rápido crecimiento de los ovocitos. Estos aspectos resultan críticos para el ciclo de vida del insecto y para el mantenimiento de la cadena epidemiológica de la enfermedad. En estas especies, recientemente hemos caracterizado a nivel bioquímico y celular la interacción entre lipoproteínas y tejidos [Fruttero y col., Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 39: 322-331 (2009); Fruttero y col. Biocel 33 (3): 260 (2009)] y las fases del ciclo reproductivo [Aguirre y col., J. Insect Physiol. 54: 393-402 (2008)]. No obstante, los factores que participan en su regulación son aún escasamente conocidos. En este contexto, el estudio propone emplear dos especies de triatominos con el objeto de: (1) caracterizar los factores involucrados en la formación y regulación de reservas nutricionales en los ovocitos; (2) analizar los eventos que participan en la regresión del tejido ovárico: atresia folicular y mecanismos de muerte celular. (3) evaluar el impacto de productos naturales (ureasas vegetales y péptidos derivados) en el desarrollo del tejido ovárico. Para la ejecución de los objetivos se llevarán a cabo ensayos in vivo e in vitro con trazadores fluorescentes, fraccionamiento subcelular, estudios de expresión de proteínas (mRNA y proteína), estudios histo-morfológicos, ultraestructurales e inmunocitoquímicos, microscopía láser confocalizada, ensayos de actividad enzimática, ELISA, western-blot, electroforesis bidimensional, espectrometria de masas en tándem, etc. También se evaluarán los mecanismos de muerte celular (apoptosis/autofagia) mediante microscopía electrónica, detección de apoptosis in situ (TUNEL), inmunofluorescencia, etc. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán un mejor conocimiento sobre la fisiología y bioquímica de estos vectores, los que resultan indispensables en el diseño de nuevas estrategias para su control. Debido a la carencia de un tratamiento específico para la enfermedad y a la falta de métodos preventivos (vacuna), el control del vector es una de las vías más importantes para reducir la incidencia de la enfermedad. Actualmente, la situación socio-económica que sufren amplios núcleos de nuestra población propicia condiciones de vida que facilitan la reproducción de los vectores y la transmisión vectorial del parásito. El estudio permitirá además explorar aspectos bioquímicos y celulares básicos, generando conocimientos que podrían ser extensivos a otros insectos de importancia económica en la ganadería y/o agricultura. The aim of this project is to analyze the biochemical and cellular events involved in the lipid and protein metabolism in Chagas' disease vectors, and to evaluate their impact on the physiology of reproduction, particularly in the formation of nutritional resources in developing oocytes. At present, little is known about these critical aspects for the life cycle of the insect and for the epidemiology of the disease. The experimental approaches, which will be carried out using two species of triatomines, were designed: (1) to characterize factors involved in the formation and regulation of nutritional resources in developing oocytes; (2) to analyze the biochemical and cellular events that play a role during the regression of ovarian tissue, including the processes of oocyte resorption and programmed cell death. (3) to evaluate the impact of natural products (ureases from jackbean and related peptides) in the development of ovarian tissue. Methods and techniques involved in the project are: in vivo and in vitro assays with fluorescent tracers, ELISA, chemical assays, enzyme activities, western-blot; protein expression (mRNA), histological techniques, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies. Cell death will be analyzed by detection of apoptosis in situ (TUNEL), immunofluorescence (for autophagy), among others. The results obtained from the study will offer the opportunity to explore important aspects in the biology and physiology of Chagas' disease vectors that could be of potential utility in designing alternative strategies for the control of the insect.
A preliminary study of the pharmacokinetic parameters of t-Butylaminoethyl disulfide was performed after administration of two different single doses (35 and 300 mg/kg) of either the cold or labelled drug. Plasma or blood samples were treated with dithiothreitol, perchloric acid, and, after filtration, submitted to further purification with anionic resein. In the final step, the drug was retained on a cationic resin column, eluted with NaCl 1M and detected according to the method of Ellman (1958). Alternatively, radioactive drug was detected by liquid scintillation counting. The results corresponding to the smaller dose of total drug suggested a pharmacokinetic behavior related to a one open compartment model with the following parameters: area under the intravenous curve (AUC i.v.):671 ± 14; AUC oral: 150 ± 40 µg.min. ml [raised to the power of -1]; elimination rate constant: 0.071 min [raised to the power of -1]; biological half life: 9.8 min; distribution volume: 0.74 ml/g. For the higher dose, the results seemed to obey a more complex undertermined model. Combining the results, the occurence of a dose-dependent pharmacokinetic behavior is suggested, the drug being rapidly absorbed and rapidly eliminated; the elimination process being related mainly to metabolization. The drug seems to be more toxic when administered I.V. because by this route it escapes first pass metabolism, while being quickly distributed to tissues. The maximum tolerated blood level seems to be around 16 µg/ml.
This paper operates at the interface of the literature on the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on host countries, and the literature on the determinants of institutional quality. We argue that FDI contributes to economic development by improving institutional quality in the host country and we attempt to test this proposition using a large panel data set of 70 developing countries during the period 1981 and 2005, and we show that FDI inflows have a positive and highly significant impact on property rights. The result appears to be very robust and is and not affected by model specification, different control variables, or a particular estimation technique. As far as we are aware this is the first paper to empirically test the FDI – property rights linkage.
Institutions, and more speci cally private property rights, have come to be seen as a major determinant of long-run economic development. We evaluate the case for property rights as an explanatory factor of the Industrial Revolution and derive some lessons for the analysis of developing countries today. We pay particular attention to the role of property rights in the accumulation of physical capital and the production of new ideas. The evidence that we review from the economic history literature does not support the institutional thesis.
This is the third edition of the compendium. It documents the status of important projects on nanomaterial toxicity and exposure monitoring, integrated risk management, research infrstructure and coordination and support activities. The compendium is not intended to be a guidance document for human health and environmental safety management of nanotechnologies, as such guidance documents already exist and are widely available. Neither is the compendium intended to be a medium for the publication of scientific papers and research results, as this task is covered by scientific conferences and the reviewed press. The compendium aims to bring researchers closer together and show them the potential for synergy in their work. It is a means to establish links and communication between them during the actual research phase and well before the publication of their results. It thus focuses on the communication of projects' strategic aims, extensively covers specific work objectives and the methods used in research, and documents human capacities and available laboratory infrastructure. As such, the compendium supports collaboration on common goals and the joint elaboration of future plans, whilst compromising neither the potential for scientific publication, nor intellectual property rights. [Auteurs]
Introduction: Whereas the use of helicopters as a rapid means toreach victims and to bring them to a secure place is well-recognized,very few data are available about the value of winching physicians toprovide medical care for the victims directly on-site. We sought to studythe medical aspects of alpine helicopter rescue operations involving thewinching of an emergency physician to the victim.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical reports of a singlehelicopter-based emergency medical service. Data from 1 January 2003to 31 December 2008 were analyzed. Cases with emergency callindicating that the victim was deceased were excluded. Data includedthe category (trauma or illnesses), and severity (NACA score) of theinjuries, along with the main medical procedures performed on site.Results: 9879 rescue missions were conducted between 1 January2003 and 31 December 2008. The 921 (9.3%) missions involvingwinching of the emergency physician were analysed. 840 (91%)patients suffered from trauma-related injuries. The cases of the 81 (9%)people presenting with medical emergencies were, when compared tothe trauma victims, significantly more severe according to the NACAindex (p <0.001). Overall, 246 (27%) patients had a severe injury orillness, namely, a potential or overt vital threat (NACA score between4-6, table 1). A total of 478 (52%) patients required administration ofmajor analgesics: fentanyl (443 patients; 48%), ketamine (42 patients;5%) or morphine (7 patients; 1%). The mean dose of fentanyl was 188micrograms (range 25-750, SD 127). Major medical interventions wereperformed 72 times on 39 (4%) patients (table 2).Conclusions: The severity of the patients' injuries or illnesses alongwith the high proportion of medical procedures performed directlyon-site validate emergency physician winching for advanced life supportprocedures and analgesia.
This research investigated the pattern of antibody response by means of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) and indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) through the course of experimental Trypanosoma evansi infection in dogs. Clinical and parasitological features were also studied. The average prepatent period was 11.2 days and parasitaemia showed an undulating course. Biometrical study of parasites revealed a mean total length of 21.68mm. The disease was characterized by intermittent fever closely related to the degree of parasitaemia and main clinical signs consisted of pallor of mucous membrane, edema, progressive emaciation and enlargement of palpable lymph nodes. Diagnostic antibody was detected within 12 to 15 days and 15 to 19 days of infection by IFAT and Elisa, respectively. High and persistent antibody levels were detected by both tests and appeared not to correlate with control of parasitaemia
The infection pattern in Swiss mice and Triatomine bugs (Rhodnius neglectus) of eleven clones and the original stock of a Trypanosoma cruzi isolate, derived from a naturally infected Didelphis marsupialis, were biochemically and biologically characterized. The clones and the original isolate were in the same zymodeme (Z1) except that two clones were found to be in zymodeme 2 when tested with G6PDH. Although infective, neither the original isolate nor the clones were highly virulent for the mice and lesions were only observed in mice infected with the original stock and one of the clones (F8). All clones and the original isolate infected bugs well while only the original isolate and clones E2 and F3 yielded high metacyclogenesis rates. An observed correlation between absence of lesions in the mammal host and high metacyclogenesis rates in the invertebrate host suggest a evolutionary trade off i.e. a fitness increase in one trait which is accompanied by a fitness reduction in a different one. Our results suggest that in a species as heterogeneous as T. cruzi, a cooperation effect among the subpopulations should be considered.
Bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) is defined as exposed necrotic bone appearing in the jaws of patients treated by systemic IV or oral BPs never irradiated in the head and neck area and that has persisted for more than 8 weeks. More than 90% of cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw have been in patients with cancer who received IV-BPs. The estimate of cumulative incidence of BRONJ in cancer patients with IV-BPs ranges from 0.8% to 18.6%. The pathogenesis of BRONJ appeared related to the potent osteoblast-inhibiting properties of BPs which act by blocking osteoclast recruitment, decreasing osteoclast activity and promoting osteoclast apoptosis. Dental extractions are the most potent local risk factor. Cancer patients wearing a denture could also be at increased risk of BRONJ. Non-healing mucosal breaches caused by dentures could be a portal for the oral flora to access bone, while the oral mucosa of patients on IV-BPs could also be defective. Whether periodontal disease is a risk factor for BRONJ remains controversial. Preventive measures are fundamental. Nevertheless, some teams have questioned its cost-effectiveness. The perceived limitations of surgical therapy of BRONJ led to the restriction of aggressive surgery to symptomatic patients with stage 3 BRONJ. The evidence-based literature on BRONJ is growing but there are still many controversial aspects.
A total of 797 specimens of wild adult triatomines, belonging to six species from the entomological collections of the Costa Rican National Biodiversity Institute, was studied from the standpoint of their relative abundance, as reflected by light traps, distribution in the country, seasonal variations and climatic and altitudinal preferences. Triatoma dimidiata was the most abundant species (32.9% of the total specimens), with a very extensive distribution in different ecological zones, being more common between 100 to 400 m above sea level mainly at the end of the dry season. T. dispar was the third in frequency (21.5%), with narrower distribution, more abundant between 600 to 800 m and scarce during the dry season. Panstrongylus geniculatus and P. rufotuberculatus, second and fourth in frequency (22.1% and 15.1%, respectively), were widely distributed on both the Pacific and Caribbean basins, the former being more common between 80 to 270 m all year round and the latter below 800 m mainly during the first semester. Eratyrus cuspidatus which represented only 4.9% of the insects, was also present on both basins mainly below 200 m with a tendency to be scarce during certain months of the year, and was found in all types of ecological zones. Finally, Rhodnius pallescens, the least abundant species (3.6%) was restricted to very humid areas below 20 m, on the north side and Caribbean basin. With the exception of R. pallescens, males were more commonly found than females. Some epidemiological implications related to the six species are discussed.
Bipolar disorder has a major deleterious impact on many aspects of a patient's functioning and health-related quality of life. Although the formal measurement of these deficits has been neglected until recently, many well-designed trials now include an assessment of functioning and health-related quality of life using one or more rating scales. This review describes recent developments in the measurement of functioning and health-related quality of life in bipolar disorder, and discusses the evidence that medications that improve symptoms in bipolar disorder also offer clinically relevant benefits in functioning and health-related quality of life. Direct comparisons of the benefits of medications including atypical antipsychotics are problematic due to differences in trial populations, study durations and rating scales. Data from quetiapine trials indicate that this medication offers prompt and sustained improvement of functioning in patients with mania and enhancement of health-related quality of life in patients with bipolar depression, to accompany the significant improvements in mood episodes.