918 resultados para Tooth Apex


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Information about orthodontic movement of teeth with hypercementosis is scarce. As cementum deposition continues to occur, cementum is expected to change the shape of the root and apex over time, but this has not yet been demonstrated. Nor has it ever been established whether it increases or decreases the prevalence of root resorption during orthodontic treatment. The unique biological function of the interconnected network of cementocytes may play a role in orthodontic movement and its associated root resorptions, but no research has ever been conducted on the topic. Unlike cementum thickness and hypercementosis, root and apex shape has not yet been related to patient age. A study of the precise difference between increased cementum thickness and hypercementosis is warranted. Hypercementosis refers to excessive cementum formation above and beyond the extent necessary to fulfill its normal functions, resulting in abnormal thickening with macroscopic changes in the tooth root, which may require the delivery of forces that are different from conventional mechanics in their intensity, direction and distribution. What are the unique features and specificities involved in moving teeth that present with hypercementosis? Bodily movements would be expected to occur, since inclination might prove difficult to achieve, but would the root resorption index be higher or lower?


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There is no reason for Dentistry to use different terms for phenomena defined in Physics, the specific field in which concepts associated with forces are established and adapted. In place of pressure/tension, the compression/traction pair should be used. This study defines each one of these terms and justifies their use. Our contemporary world demands standardized criteria, methods, measures, concepts and terms to ensure that study protocols, results and applications are used in the same way in any country or area of human action.


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INTRODUCTION: Apical root resorption is a frequent and occasionally critical problem in orthodontic patients undergoing induced tooth movement. One of the factors that might influence prognosis, especially in maxillary incisors, which most frequently present resorptions, are the so-called the anatomical barriers; that is, proximity of the buccal and palatal cortical bones to the maxillary incisor roots. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this research was to investigate whether patients with excessive vertical growth really present a small distance between the alveolar cortical bones and the maxillary incisor roots, and whether there is a correlation between this distance and the root resorption index in comparison with patients presenting horizontal growth. METHODS: The sample comprised orthodontic records of 18 patients with extraction planning of first maxillary premolars and treatment by the standard and/or preadjusted edgewise brackets. Their initial and final periapical radiographs were evaluated to determine the amount of root resorption that occurred. RESULTS: On the palatal side, patients with excessive vertical growth (Group 2 - SN-GoGn > 43º) showed a narrower alveolar bone than the horizontal growth patients (Group 1 - SN-GoGn < 29º). However, the distance between the buccal cortical bone and the central incisor root apex showed no significant difference between Groups 1 and 2; CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that there are no correlations between the proximity of buccal cortical bone, maxillary incisor roots and the root resorption index.


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Zahnverlust zu Lebzeiten („antemortem tooth loss“, AMTL) kann als Folge von Zahnerkrankungen, Traumata, Zahnextraktionen oder extremer kontinuierlicher Eruption sowie als Begleiterscheinung fortgeschrittener Stadien von Skorbut oder Lepra auftreten. Nach dem Zahnverlust setzt die Wundheilung als Sekundärheilung ein, während der sich die Alveole mit Blut füllt und sich ein Koagulum bildet. Anschließend erfolgt dessen Umwandlung in Knochengewebe und schließlich verstreicht die Alveole derart, dass sie makroskopisch nicht mehr erkannt werden kann. Der Zeitrahmen der knöchernen Konsolidierung des Kieferkammes ist im Detail wenig erforscht. Aufgrund des gehäuften Auftretens von AMTL in menschlichen Populationen, ist die Erarbeitung eines Zeitfensters, mit dessen Hilfe durch makroskopische Beobachtung des Knochens die Zeitspanne seit dem Zahnverlust („time since tooth loss“, TSL) ermittelt werden kann, insbesondere im archäologischen Kontext äußerst wertvoll. Solch ein Zeitschema mit Angaben über die Variabilität der zeitlichen Abläufe bei den Heilungsvorgängen kann nicht nur in der Osteologie, sondern auch in der Forensik, der allgemeinen Zahnheilkunde und der Implantologie nutzbringend angewandt werden. rnrnNach dem Verlust eines Zahnes wird das Zahnfach in der Regel durch ein Koagulum aufgefüllt. Das sich bildende Gewebe wird rasch in noch unreifen Knochen umgewandelt, welcher den Kieferknochen und auch die angrenzenden Zähne stabilisiert. Nach seiner Ausreifung passt sich das Gewebe schließlich dem umgebenden Knochen an. Das Erscheinungsbild des Zahnfaches während dieses Vorgangs durchläuft verschiedene Stadien, welche in der vorliegenden Studie anhand von klinischen Röntgenaufnahmen rezenter Patienten sowie durch Untersuchungen an archäologischen Skelettserien identifiziert wurden. Die Heilungsvorgänge im Zahnfach können in eine prä-ossale Phase (innerhalb einer Woche nach Zahnverlust), eine Verknöcherungsphase (etwa 14 Wochen nach Zahnverlust) und eine ossifizierte bzw. komplett verheilte Phase (mindestens 29 Wochen nach Zahnverlust) eingeteilt werden. Etliche Faktoren – wie etwa die Resorption des Interdentalseptums, der Zustand des Alveolarknochens oder das Individualgeschlecht – können den normalen Heilungsprozess signifikant beschleunigen oder hemmen und so Unterschiede von bis zu 19 Wochen verursachen. Weitere Variablen wirkten sich nicht signifikant auf den zeitlichen Rahmen des Heilungsprozesse aus. Relevante Abhängigkeiten zwischen verschiedenen Variabeln wurden ungeachtet der Alveolenauffüllung ebenfalls getestet. Gruppen von unabhängigen Variabeln wurden im Hinblick auf Auffüllungsgrad und TSL in multivariablen Modellen untersucht. Mit Hilfe dieser Ergebnisse ist eine grobe Einschätzung der Zeitspanne nach einem Zahnverlust in Wochen möglich, wobei die Einbeziehung weiterer Parameter eine höhere Präzision ermöglicht. rnrnObwohl verschiedene dentale Pathologien in dieser Studie berücksichtigt wurden, sollten zukünftige Untersuchungen genauer auf deren potenzielle Einflussnahme auf den alveolaren Heilungsprozess eingehen. Der kausale Zusammenhang einiger Variablen (wie z. B. Anwesenheit von Nachbarzähnen oder zahnmedizinische Behandlungen), welche die Geschwindigkeit der Heilungsrate beeinflussen, wäre von Bedeutung für zukünftige Untersuchungen des oralen Knochengewebes. Klinische Vergleichsstudien an forensischen Serien mit bekannter TSL oder an einer sich am Anfang des Heilungsprozesses befindlichen klinischen Serie könnten eine Bekräftigung dieser Ergebnisse liefern.


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Aim: To investigate the association of the Periodontal Risk Assessment (PRA) model categories with periodontitis recurrence and tooth loss during supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) and to explore the role of patient compliance. Material and Methods: In a retrospective cohort, PRA was performed for 160 patients after active periodontal therapy (APT) and after 9.5 ± 4.5 years of SPT. The recurrence of periodontitis and tooth loss were analysed according to the patient's risk profile (low, moderate or high) after APT and compliance with SPT. The association of risk factors with tooth loss and recurrence of periodontitis was investigated using logistic regression analysis. Results: In 18.2% of patients with a low-risk profile, in 42.2% of patients with a moderate-risk profile and in 49.2% of patients with a high-risk profile after APT, periodontitis recurred. During SPT, 1.61 ± 2.8 teeth/patient were lost. High-risk profile patients lost significantly more teeth (2.59 ± 3.9) than patients with moderate- (1.02 ± 1.8) or low-risk profiles (1.18 ± 1.9) (Kruskal–Wallis test, p=0.0229). Patients with erratic compliance lost significantly (Kruskal–Wallis test, p=0.0067) more teeth (3.11 ± 4.5) than patients compliant with SPT (1.07 ± 1.6). Conclusions: In multivariate logistic regression analysis, a high-risk patient profile according to the PRA model at the end of APT was associated with recurrence of periodontitis. Another significant factor for recurrence of periodontitis was an SPT duration of more than 10 years.


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Tooth resorption is among the most common and most challenging problems in feline dentistry It is a progressive disease eventually leading to tooth loss and often root replacement. The etiology of moth resorption remains obscure and to date no effective therapeutic approach is known. The present study is aimed at assessing the reliability of radiographic imaging and addressing the possible involvement of receptor activator of NF kappa B (RANK), its ligand (RANKL), and osteoprotegerin (OPG) in the process of tooth resorption. Teeth from 8 cats were investigated by means of radiographs and paraffin sections followed by immunolabeling. Six cats were diagnosed with tooth resorption based on histopathologic and radiographic findings. Samples were classified according to a four-stage diagnostic system. Radiologic assessment of tooth resorption correlated very strongly with histopathologic findings. Tooth resorption was accompanied by a strong staining with all three antibodies used, especially with anti-RANK and anti-RANKL antibodies. The presence of OPG and RANKL at the resorption site is indicative of repair attempts by fibroblasts and stromal cells. These findings should be extended by further investigations in order to elucidate the pathophysiologic processes underlying tooth resorption that might lead to prophylactic and/or therapeutic measures. J Vet Dent 27(2); 75 - 83, 2010


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This paper addresses methodological issues in the field of tooth wear and erosion research including the epidemiological indices, and identifies future work that is needed to improve knowledge about tooth wear and erosion.


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The purpose of this study was to report on the management and treatment outcomes of partially edentulous elderly patients with severe tooth wear.


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An Italian greyhound was presented three times during a two-year period for dental prophylaxis due to periodontal disease. Clinical examination revealed lesions on several teeth. Radiographs revealed extensive resorptive root lesions. On histological examination, the presence of odontoclasts and signs of boney remodeling of the roots confirmed the resorptive nature of the lesions. Given the extent of the lesions, and poor prognosis with conservative treatment alone, teeth affected by the most severe resorption were extracted at each visit using a flap technique combined with alveolar vestibular osteotomy. Dental resorptive lesions are rarely detected in the dog but may be more frequent than previously thought. The routine use of dental radiographs can be used to reveal these lesions in the dog.


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OBJECTIVES: Information on the significance of dental care in older adults is limited. We hypothesized that regular dental visits has an effect on the number of remaining teeth and periodontal conditions in older subjects. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 1020 randomly selected individuals age 60 - 96 from the Swedish National Study on Aging and Care Blekinge received a comprehensive oral health examination. RESULTS: Dentate women and men had, on average 18.4 teeth (SD +7.6,) and 18.9 teeth (SD + 7.5) respectively (NS). In the youngest group (60 and 66 years old) with less than one dental visit per year, 37% had >20 teeth, compared with 73% among those with at least annual visits. Among the old-old, comparable figures were 1.8 % and 37% respectively. Across age groups, bleeding on probing was 23 %.When adjusting for age, and number of teeth GLM univariate analysis failed to demonstrate an effect of dental visit frequency on alveolar bone loss (p = 0.18), the number of periapical lesions (p = 0.65), or the number of endodontically treated teeth ( p = 0.41). Frequent dental visitors had more teeth than infrequent visitors (p = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Tooth loss and alveolar bone loss severity increase with age. Individuals with regular dental visits retained more teeth but the frequency of dental visits had no impact on plaque deposits, gingival inflammation, or alveolar bone levels.


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The aim of this study was to compare tooth surface pH after drinking orange juice or water in 39 patients with dental erosion and in 17 controls. The following investigations were carried out: measurement of pH values on selected tooth surfaces after ingestion of orange juice followed by ingestion of water (acid clearance), measurement of salivary flow rate and buffering capacity. Compared with the controls, patients with erosion showed significantly greater decreases in pH after drinking orange juice, and the pH stayed lower for a longer period of time (p < 0.05). Saliva parameters showed no significant differences between the two patient groups except for a lower buffering capacity at pH 5.5 in the erosion group.


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The aims of this study were to reexamine patients who had received fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) more than 10 years prior, list the frequencies of observed technical and biologic failures and complications, and calculate the estimated failure and complication rates at 10 and 15 years.


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The term osseoperception describes the capability of developing a subtle tactile sensibility over dental implants. The present clinical study aims at clarifying the question of how far tactile sensibility is to be attributed to the periodontium of the natural opposing tooth of the implant.


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Bonding a flexible spiral wire retainer to the lingual surfaces of all 6 anterior mandibular teeth is a commonly used type of retention. Complications are rare but can be serious enough to produce biologic damage. This article presents a serious complication of a lingual flexible spiral wire retainer. Four years after the orthodontic treatment, a 20-year-old man sought treatment for a broken flexible spiral wire retainer. The clinical examination showed about 35° of buccal root torque of that tooth. A cone-beam computed tomography image showed that the root and the apex of the tooth were almost completely out of the bone on its buccal side. Surprisingly, the tooth's vitality was preserved. The tooth was moved back, nearly to its original position; clinically, only a gingival recession remained. Orthodontists and dentists should be aware of possible complications of bonded retainers. Patients should be clearly informed how to detect problems at an early stage.


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Purpose: The objective of this review was to systematically screen the literature for data related to the survival and complication rates observed with dental or implant double crown abutments and removable prostheses under functional loading for at least 3 years. Materials and Methods: A systematic review of the dental literature from January 1966 to December 2009 was performed in electronic databases (PubMed and Embase) as well as by an extensive hand search to investigate the clinical outcomes of double crown reconstructions. Results: From the total of 2412 titles retrieved from the search, 65 were selected for full-text review. Subsequently, 17 papers were included for data extraction. An estimation of the cumulative survival and complication rates was not feasible due to the lack of detailed information. Tooth survival rates for telescopic abutment teeth ranged from 82.5% to 96.5% after an observation period of 3.4 to 6 years, and for tooth-supported double crown retained dentures from 66.7% to 98.6% after an observation period of 6 to 10 years. The survival rates of implants were between 97.9% and 100% and for telescopic-retained removable dental prostheses with two mandibular implants, 100% after 3.0 and 10.4 years. The major biological complications affecting the tooth abutments were gingival inflammation, periodontal disease, and caries. The most frequent technical complications were loss of cementation and loss of facings. Conclusions: The main findings of this review are: (I) double crown tooth abutments and dentures demonstrated a wide range of survival rates. (II) Implant-supported mandibular overdentures demonstrated a favorable long-term prognosis. (III) A greater need for prosthetic maintenance is required for both tooth-supported and implant-supported reconstructions. (IV) Future areas of research would involve designing appropriate longitudinal studies for comparisons of survival and complication rates of different reconstruction designs.