978 resultados para Toiviainen, Kalevi: Kirkon kaapin päällä : sata vuotta - 50 vaikuttajaa
English abstract: Climate change and the Nordic region
Perustuu osittain Suomen lakimiesliiton kriminaalipoliittisessa seminaarissa 14.5.2001 pidettyyn alustukseen
Newsletter from the University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science.
Per the guidance of the Legislative Elder Abuse Prevention and Intervention Interim Committee, a prioritization of the implementation recommendations and proposed legislation are below listed in the order determined in the 2012 Elder Abuse Task Force Report.
The general public seems to be convinced that juvenile delinquency has massively increased over the last decades. However, this assumption is much less popular among academics and some media where doubts about the reality of this trend are often expressed. In the present paper, trends are followed using conviction statistics over 50 years, police and victimization data since the 1980s, and self-report data collected since 1992. All sources consistently point to a massive increase of offending among juveniles, particularly for violent offences during the 1990s. Given that trends were similar in most European countries, explanations should be sought at the European rather than the national level. The available evidence points to possible effects of increased opportunities for property offences since 1950, and although causality remains hard to prove, effects of increased exposure to extreme media violence since 1985.