964 resultados para Thyroid hormone responsive


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Estudios afirman que la acidez gástrica es importante en la absorción de levotiroxina (LT4) con resultados controversiales sobre la interacción entre inhibidores de bomba de protones (IBP) y LT4. El objetivo del estudio fue establecer el efecto del uso concomitante de LT4 e IBP en los niveles de TSH en pacientes adultos con hipotiroidismo primario. Se realizó una revisión sistemática mediante búsqueda en Medline, Embase, Lilacs, Bireme, Scielo, Cochrane y Universidad de York, Access Pharmacy, Google Scholar, Dialnet y Opengray. La búsqueda no se limito por lenguaje. Se evaluó el efecto en la diferencia de medias de TSH luego del consumo de LT4 y luego del consumo concomitante con IBP. Se hizo un metaanálisis, análisis de subgrupos y análisis de sensibilidad utilizando el programa Review Manager 5.3. Se eligieron 5 artículos para el análisis cualitativo y 3 para el metaanálisis. La calidad de los estudios fue buena y el riesgo de sesgos bajo. La diferencia de medias obtenida fue 0.21 mUI/L (IC95%: 0.02-0.40; p=0.03; I2:0%). En el análisis de subgrupos en pacientes mayores de 55 años la diferencia de medias fue 0.21 mUI/L (IC95%: 0.01-0.40; p=0.27; I2:19%). En el análisis de sensibilidad se excluyo el estudio con mayor muestra y la diferencia de medias fue 0.49 mUI/L (IC95%: -0.12 a 1.11; p=0.12; I2:0%). La diferencia de medias de TSH luego del consumo concomitante no se considera clínicamente significativa pues no representa riesgo para el paciente. Son necesarios estudios clínicos aleatorizados y evaluar el efecto en los niveles de T4 libre.


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Part 1 of the study aims to: evaluate NGF and VEGF levels obtained at parturition from mare, foal and umbilical cord vein plasma, as well as in amniotic fluid; evaluate NGF and VEGF content in plasma of healthy foals during the first 72 h of life; evaluate NGF and VEGF levels at parturition in relation to selected mares’ and foals’ clinical parameters; evaluate the relationship between the two trophic factors and thyroid hormone levels in the first 72 h of life; assess mRNA expression of NGF, VEGF and BDNF and their cell surface receptors in the placenta. Part 2 aims to clinically characterize a population of foals spontaneously affected by Neonatal Encephalopathy (NE), and then to: evaluate NGF and VEGF levels in plasma samples obtained in the affected population at parturition from mare’s jugular vein, umbilical cord vein and foal’s jugular vein, as well as in amniotic fluid; evaluate NGF and VEGF content in plasma of foals affected by NE during the first 72 h of life/hospitalization; evaluate NGF and VEGF levels at birth/admission in relation to selected mares’ and foals’ clinical parameters; evaluate the relationship between the two trophic factors and thyroid hormone levels in the first 72 h of life/hospitalization; assess the mRNA expression of NGF, VEGF and BDNF, and their cell surface receptors, in the placenta of mares that delivered affected foals. The close relationship between the two trophic factors in foal plasma over time and their fine expression in placental tissues under physiological conditions appear to be key regulators of fetal development and adaptation. Their less pronounced decrease in compromised foals compared to healthy ones, their relationship with thyroid hormones over time, and the reduced expression of NGF and BDNF in placental tissues, could be key regulators in the mechanisms of NE.


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La perfusione polmonare extracorporea (EVLP) è una tecnica utilizzata dal 2010 per valutare e migliorare la qualità dell'organo da trapiantare e il danno da ischemia-ripefusione (IRI). Tale perfusione utilizza la soluzione di Steen, la cui composizione è solo parzialmente nota. Lo scopo è quello di identificare gli effetti di T3 su IRI polmonare ex vivo, in un modello di ratto di donatore a cuore non battente. Animali (40) randomizzati in otto gruppi e il protocollo EVLP sono stati standardizzati nel nostro centro. Sono state valutate la funzione polmonare, PEEP, la resistenza vascolare polmonare totale a 45, 60, 120 e 180 minuti di EVLP per eseguire analisi di gas, dosaggio del mediatore di infiammazione, mitocondriale libero DNA, freeT3 e freeT4. Alla fine dei campioni di tessuto polmonare sono stati congelati dal dosaggio ATP, espressione genica, DNA mitocondriale, T3. Non date le concentrazioni del produttore, abbiamo analizzato gli acidi grassi liberi, vitamine, ormoni e composizione della soluzione Steen. Risultati La soluzione di steen contiene albumina umana x2 nel siero umano (7,5-8 g/dl): le concentrazioni di ft4 e ft3 sono x2 quelle nel siero umano e vengono rilasciati dall'albumina. La concentrazione di ft4 e ft3 non è cambiata durante l'EVLP. La Steen ha alta fluorescenza per l'alta concentrazione delle molecole aromatiche (ormoni) mai descritto in precedenza. NADH e mtDNA nel perfused aumenta con danno ischemico e nel gruppo trattato con T3 Conclusione Il modello EVLP è già convalidato nella perfusione nel trapianto polmonare, ma è necessario approfondire l'effetto della Steen in termini di ormoni e analiti. L'effetto sull'IRI dell'EVLP sembra essere influenzato negativamente da un T3 troppo alto in Steen, cosa che descriviamo per la prima volta. L'ulteriore aggiunta di T3 provoca disfunzione mitocondriale e infiammazione.


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Recombinant human thyroid-stimulating hormone (rhTSH) enhances 131I uptake, permitting a decrease in radiation for the treatment of multinodular goiter (MNG). Our objective was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a single 0.1-mg dose of rhTSH, followed by 30 mCi 131I, in patients with MNG. Seventeen patients (15 females, 59.0 ± 13.1 years), who had never been submitted to 131I therapy, received a single 0.1-mg injection of rhTSH followed by 30 mCi 131I on the next day. Mean basal thyroid volume measured by computed tomography was 106.1 ± 64.4 mL. 131I 24-h uptake, TSH, free-T4, T3, thyroglobulin, anti-thyroid antibodies, and thyroid volume were evaluated at regular intervals of 12 months. Mean 131I 24-h uptake increased from 18.1 ± 9.7 to 49.6 ± 13.4% (P < 0.001), a median 2.6-fold increase (1.2 to 9.2). Peak hormonal levels were 10.86 ± 5.44 mU/L for TSH (a median 15.5-fold increase), 1.80 ± 0.48 ng/dL for free-T4, 204.61 ± 58.37 ng/dL for T3, and a median of 557.0 ng/mL for thyroglobulin. The adverse effects observed were hyperthyroidism (17.6%), painful thyroiditis (29.4%) and hypothyroidism (52.9%). Thyroid volume was reduced by 34.3 ± 14.3% after 6 months (P < 0.001) and by 46.0 ± 14.6% after 1 year (P < 0.001). Treatment of MNG with a single 0.1-mg dose of rhTSH, followed by a fixed amount of radioactivity of 131I, leads to an efficacious decrease in thyroid volume for the majority of the patients, with a moderate incidence of non-serious and readily treatable adverse effects.


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During thyroid tumor progression, cellular de-differentiation may occur and it is commonly accompanied by metastatic spread and loss of iodine uptake. Retinoic acid (RA) administration might increase iodine uptake in about 40% of patients, suggesting that RA could be a promising therapeutic option for radioiodine non-responsive thyroid carcinoma, although a prospective study with a long-term follow-up has not been reported. This was a clinical prospective study assessing the value of 13-cis-RA in patients with advanced thyroid carcinoma and its impact on major outcomes such as tumor regression and cancer-related death with a long-term follow-up of patients submitted to radioiodine (131I) therapy after RA administration. Sixteen patients with inoperable disease and no significant radioiodine uptake on post-therapy scan were selected. Patients were treated orally with 13-cis-RA at a dose of 1.0 to 1.5 mg·kg-1·day-1 for 5 weeks and then submitted to radioiodine therapy (150 mCi) after thyroxine withdrawal. A whole body scan was obtained 5 to 7 days after the radioactive iodine therapy. RECIST criteria were used to evaluate the response. An objective partial response rate was observed in 18.8%, a stable disease rate in 25% and a progression disease rate in 56.2%. Five patients died (62.5%) in the group classified as progression of disease. Progression-free survival rate (PFS) ranged from 72 to 12 months, with a median PFS of 26.5 months. RA may be an option for advanced de-differentiated thyroid cancer, due to the low rate of side effects.


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In this study the regulation of GH-receptor gene (GHR/GHBP) transcription by different concentrations of GH (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 150, 500 ng/ml) with and without variable TSH concentrations (0.5, 2, 20 mU/l) in primary human thyroid cells cultured in serum-free hormonally-defined medium was studied. The incubation time was 6 h and GHR/GHBP mRNA expression was quantitatively assessed by using PCR amplification at hourly intervals. Correlating with the GH-concentrations added a constant and significant increase of GHR/GHBP gene transcription was found. After the addition of 12.5 ng/ml GH, GHR/GHBP mRNA concentration remained constant over the incubation period of 6 h but in comparison with the experiments where no GH was added there was a significant change of GHR/GHBP mRNA expression. Following the addition of 25 ng/ml GH a slight but further increase of GHR/GHBP transcription products was seen which increased even more in the experiments where higher GH concentrations were used. These data focusing on GHR/GHBP gene transcription derived from cDNA synthesis and quantitative PCR amplification were confirmed by run-on experiments. Furthermore, cycloheximide did not affect these changes supporting the notion that GH stimulates GHR/GHBP gene transcription directly. In a second set of experiments, in combination with variable TSH levels, identical GH concentrations were used and no difference in either GHR/GHBP mRNA levels or in transcription rate (run-on experiments) could be found. In conclusion, we report data showing that primary thyroid cells express functional GH-receptors in which GH has a direct and dose dependent effect on the GHR/GHBP gene transcription. Furthermore, TSH does not a have a major impact on GHR/GHBP gene regulation.


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Nodular thyroid disease is a common problem. We present clinical guidelines for the management of patients with thyroid nodules, multinodular goiters and thyroid cysts for use by primary physicians. In the initial evaluation ultrasonography of the thyroid and fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is recommended. FNAB has become the cornerstone in the evaluation of solitary thyroid nodules, cysts and dominant nodules within multinodular goiters. If the procedure is done properly, it should have a false-negative rate of less than 5% and a false-positive rate of not more than 1%. Thyroid radionuclide scans are less frequently used in the initial evaluation of a nodular goiter. Surgery is the primary therapy for patients with nodular thyroid disease. Other available treatment options are radioiodine and TSH-suppression with thyroxine. The main indications for surgery in euthyroid patients with thyroid nodule or with nontoxic multinodular goiter are recently documented or suspected malignancy, compression of the trachea and esophagus, significant growth of the nodule, recurrence of a cyst after aspiration, neck discomfort and cosmetic concern.


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Background: Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is frequently associated with a RET gene rearrangement that generates a RET/PTC oncogene. RET/PTC is a fusion of the tyrosine kinase domain of RET to the 50 portion of a different gene. This fusion results in a constitutively active MAPK pathway, which plays a key role in PTC development. The RET/PTC3 fusion is primarily associated with radiation-related PTC. Epidemiological studies show a lower incidence of PTC in radiation-exposed regions that are associated with an iodine-rich diet. Since the influence of excess iodine on the development of thyroid cancer is still unclear, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of high iodine concentrations on RET/PTC3-activated thyroid cells. Methods: PTC3-5 cells, a rat thyroid cell lineage harboring doxycycline-inducible RET/PTC3, were treated with 10(-3) M NaI. Cell growth was analyzed by cell counting and the MTT assay. The expression and phosphorylation state of MAPK pathway-related (Braf, Erk, pErk, and pRet) and thyroid-specific (natrium-iodide symporter [Nis] and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor [Tshr]) proteins were analyzed by Western blotting. Thyroid-specific gene expression was further analyzed by quantitative reverse transcription (RT)-polymerase chain reaction. Results: A significant inhibition of proliferation was observed, along with no significant variation in cell death rate, in the iodine-treated cells. Further, iodine treatment attenuated the loss of Nis and Tshr gene and protein expression induced by RET/PTC3 oncogene induction. Finally, iodine treatment reduced Ret and Erk phosphorylation, without altering Braf and Erk expression. Conclusion: Our results indicate an antioncogenic role for excess iodine during thyroid oncogenic activation. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the effect of iodine on thyroid follicular cells, particularly how it may play a protective role during RET/PTC3 oncogene activation.


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A fully automated methodology was developed for the determination of the thyroid hormones levothyroxine (T4) and liothyronine (T3). The proposed method exploits the formation of highly coloured charge-transfer (CT) complexes between these compounds, acting as electron donors, and pi-acceptors such as chloranilic acid (CIA) and 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-p-benzoquinone (DDQ). For automation of the analytical procedure a simple, fast and versatile single interface flow system (SIFA)was implemented guaranteeing a simplified performance optimisation, low maintenance and a cost-effective operation. Moreover, the single reaction interface assured a convenient and straightforward approach for implementing job`s method of continuous variations used to establish the stoichiometry of the formed CT complexes. Linear calibration plots for levothyroxine and liothyronine concentrations ranging from 5.0 x 10(-5) to 2.5 x 10(-4) mol L(-1) and 1.0 x 10(-5) to 1.0 x 10(-4) mol L(-1), respectively, were obtained, with good precision (R.S.D. <4.6% and <3.9%) and with a determination frequency of 26 h(-1) for both drugs. The results obtained for pharmaceutical formulations were statistically comparable to the declared hormone amount with relative deviations lower than 2.1%. The accuracy was confirmed by carrying out recovery studies, which furnished recovery values ranging from 96.3% to 103.7% for levothyroxine and 100.1% for liothyronine. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To evaluate the incidence of postoperative hypothyroidism among patients who underwent unilateral total lobectomy and identify related factors. Design: Retrospective medical record analysis. Setting: Oncological center and private clinic. Patients: From March 1996 to July 2005, 228 euthyroid patients underwent unilateral total lobectomy for benign diseases; 168 had all the information required for inclusion in this study. Main Outcome Measures: Serum levels of thyrotropin and antithyroidal antibodies were assessed, as well as ultrasonographic evaluation of the remaining thyroid lobe and review of all histological specimens, with emphasis on lymphocytic infiltration. Hypothyroidism was defined as thyrotropin level greater than 5.5 mU/L. Results: Most patients were female (88%), with a median (range) age of 45 (16-72) years. Hypothyroidism occurred in 61 cases (32.8%), during a median follow-up period of 29 months (range, 6-108 months). Statistically related factors included higher preoperative thyrotropin levels (2.1 mU/L among hypothyroid patients vs 1.2 mU/L in euthyroid patients; P<.001), smaller thyroid remnant volume (3.9 mL vs; 6.0 mL, respectively; P = .003); right vs left lobectomy (P = .006), and higher thyroperoxidase antibody serum levels (P = .009). Conclusions: Postoperative hypothyroidism appeared in 32.8% of the cases in this series, especially among patients with elevated preoperative thyrotropin and postoperative thyroperoxidase antibody levels, after right lobectomy and when a smaller thyroid remnant was left. After confirmation with larger prospective series, these results may support the indication for early postoperative hormone supplementation in these instances.


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Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (CAT) and iodine-induced hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism (overt and subclinical). and goiter in a population exposed to excessive iodine intake for 5 years (table salt iodine concentrations: 40-100 mg/kg salt). Design: This was a population-based, cross-sectional study with 1085 participants randomly selected from a metropolitan area in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and conducted during the first semester of 2004. Methods: Thyroid ultrasound examination was performed in all participants and samples of urine and blood were collected from each subject. Serum levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone, free thyroxine, and anti-thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies, urinary iodine concentration. thyroid volume, and thyroid echogenicity were evaluated. We also analyzed table salt iodine concentrations. Results: At the time the study was conducted, table salt iodine concentrations were within the new official limits (20-60 mg/kg salt). Nevertheless, in 45.6%, of the participants, urinary iodine excretion was excessive (above 300 mu g/l) and, in 14.1%, it was higher than 400 mu g/l. The prevalence of CAT (including atrophic thyroiditis) was 16.9% (183/1085), women were more affected than men (21.5 vs 9.1% respectively, P=0.02). Hypothyroidism was detected in 8.0%, (87/1085) of the Population with CAT. Hyperthyroidism was diagnosed in 3.3% of the individuals (36/1085) and goiter was identified in 3.1% (34/1085). Conclusions: Five years of excessive iodine intake by the Brazilian population may have increased the prevalence of CAT and hypothyroidism in subjects genetically predisposed to thyroid autoimmune diseases. Appropriate screening for early detection of thyroid dysfunction may be considered during excessive nutritional iodine intake.


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There is a considerable interindividual variation in L-thyroxine [ 3,5,3`,5`-tetraiodo-l-thyronine (T(4))] dose required for thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating hormone) suppression in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. To investigate whether uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyl transferase 1A1 (UGT1A1)-mediated T(4) glucuronidation in liver affects T(4) dose, we genotyped 101 patients for the common UGT1A1-53(TA)(n) polymorphism and compared T(4) doses among patients having zero (5/6 and 6/6 genotypes), one (6/7 genotype), or two (7/7 and 7/8 genotypes) copies of the low-expression (TA) 7 and (TA) 8 alleles. A significant trend for decreasing T(4) dose with increasing number of copies of (TA)(7) and (TA)(8) (P = 0.037) and significant difference in T(4) dose across the UGT1A1-53(TA)(n) genotypes (P = 0.048) were observed, despite considerable overlap of T(4) doses among different genotypes. These results are consistent with reduced T(4) glucuronidation in patients with low-expression (TA) 7 and (TA) 8 alleles and provide the first evidence for association between UGT1A1-53(TA)(n) and T(4)-dose requirement for thyroid-stimulating hormone suppression in a natural clinical setting. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 21: 341-343 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 2011, 21: 341-343


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the final stature of adults with childhood-onset steroid-responsive idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) and the influence of disease-related issues on the achievement of their target heights. We analyzed 60 (41 male) patients and/or their records, with a minimum age of 19 years or at a Tanner`s pubertal stage 4 for boys or status postmenarche for girls, and normal glomerular filtration rate. Mean age at first and last consultation was 5.3 +/- 2.4 years and 20.5 +/- 3.1 years, respectively. Mean follow-up period was 15.10 years. Mean cumulative dose of prednisone was 1254 +/- 831.40 mg/kg. Mean initial and final height Z scores (HtZ) were, respectively, -0.60 +/- 1.0 and -0.64 +/- 0.92 (p = 0.72). The final HtZ showed a significant correlation only with the initial HtZ and the target HtZ (THZ). Six patients achieved a final HtZ below -2, which in male patients correlated strongly to the initial HtZ and THZ. A strong correlation was demonstrated between final HtZ, initial HtZ, and THZ. INS-related issues did not prevent the final stature to reach the predicted target height.


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A glucocorticoid-responsive vector is described which allows for the highly inducible expression of complementary DNAs (cDNAs) in stably transfected mammalian cell lines. This vector, pLK-neo, composed of a variant mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat promoter, containing a hormone regulatory element, a Geneticin resistance-encoding gene in a simian virus 40 transcription unit, and a polylinker insertion site for heterologous cDNAs, was used to express the polymeric immunoglobulin (poly-Ig) receptor and the thymocyte marker, Thy-1, in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells and in murine fibroblast L cells. A high level of poly-Ig receptor or Thy-1 mRNA accumulation was observed in MDCK cells in response to dexamethasone with a parallel ten- to 200-fold increase in protein synthesis depending on the recombinant protein and the transfected cell clone.


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Little information is available as to whether doses of iodide similar to those recommended in clinical practice for the prevention of iodine deficiency in pregnant women affect thyroid function. The aim of the present study was to analyse whether doses of iodide can affect thyroid function in adults, and evaluate its effect on plasma markers of oxidative stress, inflammation and acute-phase proteins. A total of thirty healthy volunteers (ten men and twenty women) with normal thyroid function were randomly assigned to three groups (n 10). Each group received a daily dose of 100, 200 or 300 μg of iodide in the form of KI for 6 months. Free tetraiodothyronine (FT4) levels at day 60 of the study were higher in the groups treated with 200 and 300 μg (P = 0·01), and correlated with the increase in urinary iodine (r 0·50, P = 0·007). This correlation lost its significance after adjustment for the baseline FT4. The baseline urinary iodine and FT4 correlated positively with the baseline glutathione peroxidase. On day 60, urinary iodine correlated with C-reactive protein (r 0·461, P = 0·018), and free triiodothyronine correlated with IL-6 (r - 0·429, P = 0·025). On day 60, the changes produced in urinary iodine correlated significantly with the changes produced in α1-antitrypsin (r 0·475, P = 0·014) and ceruloplasmin (r 0·599, P = 0·001). The changes in thyroid-stimulating hormone correlated significantly with the changes in α1-antitrypsin (r - 0·521, P = 0·005) and ceruloplasmin (r - 0·459, P = 0·016). In conclusion, the administration of an iodide supplement between 100 and 300 μg/d did not modify thyroid function in a population with adequate iodine intake. The results also showed a slight anti-inflammatory and antioxidative action of iodide.