925 resultados para Teaching-Methods


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Background: Tertiary pediatric hospitals usually provide excellent clinical services, but such centers have a lot to do for educational perfection. Objectives: This study was performed to address under-graduate educational deficits and find feasible solutions. Patients and Methods: This cross-sectional study was done in a target population of 77 sixth year undergraduate medical students (response rate = 78%) who spent their 3-month pediatric rotation in the Children’s Medical Center, the Pediatrics Center of Excellence in Tehran, Iran. The Dundee ready educational environment measure (DREEM) instrument was used for assessing educational environment of this subspecialized pediatric hospital. Results: Among 60 students who answered the questionnaires, 24 were male (40%). Participants’ age ranged from 23 to 24 years. The mean total score was 95.8 (48%). Comparison of scores based on students’ knowledge showed no significant difference. Problematic areas were learning, academic self-perception, and social self-perception. Conclusions: Having an accurate schedule to train general practitioner, using new teaching methods, and providing a non-stressful atmosphere were suggested solutions.


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This report is a summary of the effects of the Michigan Teacher Excellence Program (MITEP) on me as a science educator. The first chapter is a report of an action research project jointly authored with two other science teachers participating in the MITEP program titled “Station Activities and Misconceptions in the Chemistry Classroom.” The second chapter is a reflective essay evaluating the impacts of the MITEP experience on my teaching skills and practice, knowledge of science education and science education research, and leadership skills. The most significant impacts were a dramatic increase in my earth science content knowledge, a deeper understanding of inquiry-based teaching methods, and an expanded professional network of science educators.


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Character education has been viewed by many educators as having significant historical, academic, and social value. Many stakeholders in education argue for character development as a curricular experience. While understanding the degree to which character education is of worth to stakeholders of institutions is important, understanding students, teachers, and administrators perspectives from their lived experiences is likewise significant. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to gain a deeper understanding of character education within a Biblical framework environment by examining the lived experiences of students, administrators, and teachers of a Seventh-day Adventist School. Phenomenology describes individuals’ daily experiences of phenomena, the manner in which these experiences are structured, and focuses analysis on the perspectives of the persons having the experience (Moustakas, 1994). ). This inquiry was undertaken to answer the question: What are the perceptions of students, teachers, and an administrator toward character education in a Seventh-day Adventist school setting? Ten participants (seven students and three adults) formed the homogeneous purposive sample, and the major data collection tool was semi-structured interviews (Patton, 1990; Seidman, 2006). Three 90-minute open-ended interviews were conducted with each of the participants. Data analysis included a three-phase process of description, reduction and interpretation. The findings from this study revealed that participants perceived that their involvement in the school’s character education program decreased the tendency to violence, improved their conduct and ethical sensibility, enhanced their ability to engage in decision-making concerning social relationships and their impact on others, brought to their attention the emerging global awareness of moral deficiency, and fostered incremental progress from practice and recognition of vices to their acquisition of virtues. The findings, therefore, provide a model for teaching character education from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective. The model is also relevant for non-Seventh day Adventists who aspire to teach character education as a means to improving social and moral conditions in schools.


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Abstract Background: Communication is a basic tool in nursing, a crucial element of care. The quality of the interactions that take place between the nurse and the user/family influence their satisfaction and security felt with the care received. Objectives: To identify the communication skills and interpersonal relationship of nursing students in health care; identify the sociodemographic and academic variables influencing communication skills and interpersonal relationship of nursing students in health care. Methodology: Quantitative study, cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire with questions concerning the socio-demographic and academic characterization; basic skills of interview and clinical communication in health care; learning of clinical communication skills and range of communication skills and interpersonal relationship. The sample consisted of 374 nursing students from two Portuguese schools. Results: The majority were female (80.5%), in the age group of 18-21 years. The students recognize the importance of clinical communication skills and interpersonal relations in nursing practice (82.4%); agreed on the teaching methods of communicational skills (54.3%). Evaluated their training in the area as good (71.7%). Age, semester and school influenced communication skills and interpersonal relationship of students (p <0.5) Conclusion: The results obtained allow us to state that the education / training of nursing student in the relational context is of fundamental importance in building capacity for competent professional practice.


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There has recently been a great deal of interest in the potential of computer games to function as innovative educational tools. However, there is very little evidence of games fulfilling that potential. Indeed, the process of merging the disparate goals of education and games design appears problematic, and there are currently no practical guidelines for how to do so in a coherent manner. In this paper, we describe the successful, empirically validated teaching methods developed by behavioural psychologists and point out how they are uniquely suited to take advantage of the benefits that games offer to education. We conclude by proposing some practical steps for designing educational games, based on the techniques of Applied Behaviour Analysis. It is intended that this paper can both focus educational games designers on the features of games that are genuinely useful for education, and also introduce a successful form of teaching that this audience may not yet be familiar with.


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Abstract : This paper examines the factors motivating students to enrol in the Tourism Management program at Champlain College, St-Lambert and why a large number of students abandon the program before obtaining their DEC. There is a great deal of literature on student attrition, however there is little consensus on why students withdraw from college programs and the results cannot be easily generalized to this particular set of students at this time. Understanding the factors that influenced the students to choose Tourism Management at Champlain, St-Lambert and why they then leave before completing the six semesters will help with student success and with the marketing of the program. The theoretical framework guiding the study is metacognition, a branch of cognitive psychology that deals with the awareness and understanding of one’s thinking processes. Through a survey, students were asked to rank the general and specific factors that influenced their choice of Tourism Management as a program of study. Exit interviews were carried out with students who abandoned the program within the first year of study to determine the reasons for dropping out. Students who persisted in the program wrote journals describing their first year experience in order to identify any differences in metacognitive abilities with those who abandoned the program. The academic records of all students were also analyzed. The major factors influencing students to choose the Tourism Management program were interest in travel and job opportunities available after graduating. The results from the exit interviews and journals also showed that interest in travel was the primary reason for enrolment. The knowledge that students had of Cegep and the Tourism Management program before enroling however was negligible, particularly among the group that abandoned the program within the first year of study. The analyses of the academic records of the 2007 incoming students showed that the students with the lower high school grades were more likely to abandon the Tourism Management program than those with higher grades. The same is true for first semester and second semester Cegep grades. The major reason why the students abandoned the program during the 2007/2008 academic year was a lack of interest or a dislike of the program, followed by financial difficulties. It is not clear however what the lack of interest can be attributed to and this may be an avenue for future research. As opposed to the students who persisted in the program, those who abandoned their studies had unrealistic expectations of the academic requirements, were unprepared for the workload, had more difficulty analyzing their own performance and had not set concrete goals for themselves. The study shows several problem areas within the program. Of main concern is the lack of knowledge that students have of Cegep life and the Tourism Management program in general and the lack of preparation for Cegep level courses. The scheduling of courses and teaching methods within the program are other areas that need to be addressed. The paper concludes with a set of recommendations to possibly help remedy some of the problems.||Résumé : Ce travail s’intéresse aux facteurs qui motivent les étudiants à s’inscrire au programme de tourisme offert au Collège Champlain de St-Lambert. Il cherche à établir les raisons qui font en sorte qu’un si grand nombre d’étudiants abandonnent le programme avant d’obtenir leur DEC. Plusieurs recherches ont été effectuées sur l’abandon scolaire, mais il n’y a pas de consensus quant aux raisons pour lesquelles les étudiants se retirent du programme collégial. Actuellement, il est difficile d’établir des liens entre les résultats de ces recherches et ce groupe d’étudiants. La compréhension des facteurs qui influencent les étudiants à choisir le tourisme au Collège Champlain et les raisons qui font en sorte qu’ils quittent avant d’avoir complété leur formation, nous permettront d’améliorer le taux de rétention des étudiants dans ce programme. De plus, cela favorisera le marketing du programme. Le cadre théorique de cette recherche est la métacognition, une composante importante de la psychologie cognitive qui examine la connaissance et le contrôle qu’une personne a sur sa façon de penser. La métacognition est une variable qui différencie les étudiants qui réussissent de ceux qui abandonnent (Tardif 1997). La méthodologie de cette recherche comprend : un sondage, des entrevues, des comptes-rendus sous forme de journal et une analyse des résultats scolaires. Le sondage fut complété par tous les étudiants qui ont commencé le programme en tourisme en août 2007. Ce sondage avait pour but d’établir les facteurs qui ont motivé les étudiants à choisir cette discipline. Ceux-ci étaient divisés en deux volets soient : les facteurs généraux et les facteurs spécifiques. Les facteurs généraux comprennent l’intérêt pour les voyages et les informations obtenues auprès des orienteurs, des enseignants, de la publicité faite par les cégeps, des parents et des amis. Les facteurs spécifiques incluent les différents cours offerts tels que la géographie, l’informatique, l’administration, le programme de voyages, le stage en milieu de travail, la réputation du programme et de ses professeurs. Les entrevues ont été effectuées auprès de sept étudiants qui ont abandonné le programme entre décembre 2007 et juin 2008. Le but de ces entrevues était de déterminer les raisons de ces abandons. Les étudiants qui ont poursuivi leur formation en tourisme ont rédigé un journal dans lequel ils décrivaient leur expérience tout au long de leur première année d’études. Dans ce journal, ils devaient répondre à sept questions qui avaient pour but de déterminer les différences entre leurs habiletés métacognitives et celles de ceux qui se sont retirés du programme. L’analyse des dossiers des étudiants tenait compte des résultats scolaires du secondaire ainsi que des résultats académiques de la première année de cégep. Les principaux facteurs qui ont motivé les étudiants à choisir le programme gestion du tourisme étaient l’intérêt pour les voyages et les opportunités d’emploi après l’obtention de leur DEC. La connaissance que les étudiants ont du cégep et du programme de gestion du tourisme avant de s’inscrire était toutefois négligeable, particulièrement parmi le groupe qui a abandonné le programme durant la première année d’études. L’analyse des résultats académiques des étudiants a démontré que les candidats ayant des notes inférieures à l’école secondaire sont plus susceptibles d’abandonner le programme de gestion du tourisme que ceux ayant des notes supérieures. L’analyse arrive aux mêmes conclusions en ce qui concerne les candidats qui ont obtenu de faibles résultats académiques lors de la première et de la deuxième session du cégep. Les raisons principales qui ont fait en sorte que les étudiants ont abandonné le programme durant l’année académique 2007-2008 étaient le manque d’intérêt pour le programme et les difficultés financières. Par ailleurs, nous ne pouvons établir de façon générale les causes de ce manque d’intérêt. Cela pourrait faire l’objet d’une recherche ultérieure. Par opposition aux étudiants qui ont poursuivi le programme, ceux qui ont abandonné leurs études avaient des attentes irréalistes en ce qui a trait aux exigences académiques, ils n’étaient pas préparés pour la charge de travail, ils avaient plus de difficultés à analyser leur propre performance et ils ne s’étaient pas fixé d’objectifs concrets. L’étude a identifié plusieurs secteurs problématiques à l’intérieur du programme. L’une des problématiques principales est le manque de connaissance que les étudiants ont de la vie au cégep et du programme de tourisme en général sans compter le manque de préparation pour des cours de niveau cégep. L’horaire des cours et les méthodes d’enseignement à l’intérieur du programme sont d’autres éléments qui méritent d’être revus. Les limites de cette recherche comprennent le nombre restreint d’étudiants qui ont accepté d’être interviewés et l’effet d’intervieweur. Étant donné que l’intervieweur était le professeur des étudiants et malgré le fait que ceux-ci n’étudient plus en gestion du tourisme, ils peuvent se sentir obligés de répondre à l’intervieweur de façon subjective. Les recherches futures pourront inclure un plus grand nombre d’entrevues menées par des intervieweurs expérimentés n’ayant eu au préalable aucun contact avec les étudiants et ce dans le but de favoriser une plus grande objectivité. Un autre domaine de recherche pourrait être l’analyse du fait que des étudiants très intéressés par les voyages finissent par se désintéresser complètement du programme. Enfin et possiblement l’un des facteurs qui nous semble des plus importants est le besoin pour les étudiants du secondaire d’en connaître plus sur la vie au cégep et sur le programme de gestion du tourisme. Le document se termine par un ensemble de recommandations pour le Collège, le programme et les professeurs pour éventuellement aider à remédier aux problèmes identifiés.


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Traditional teaching methods in the classroom also limit opportunities for student engagement due to large class sizes and the desire to ensure students receive all of the material required in a particular session. It has been documented that the use of Information Technolgy (IT); in particular «clickers», can increase student participation, improve knowledge retention and assist in stimulating critical thinking in a classroom setting. However, the introduction of IT, on top of normal teaching demands, can be probelmatic as it requires changes to course planners, IT training, support staff and additional funding, all of wich have been documented in research. Wolski and Jackson (1999) have postulated that success is a function of the usefulness and the ease of use of a particular technology for faculty members. Research has shown that classroom technology is simply a tool to be used by educators as one of many. Those who tend to use it well are already innovative and technically adept (Zhao, Pugh, Sheldon & Bryers, 2002).||Résumé : Les méthodes d'enseignement traditionnelles en cour magistral ont aussi tendance à limiter l'engagement et la participation des étudiants dû à la taille souvent excessive des classes, mais aussi à cause du désire de l'enseignant de vouloir s'assurer de la transmission du contenu pédagogique complet. Il est bien documenté que l'usage des nouvelles technologies, en particulier les télévoteurs («clickers», peut accroître la participation des étudiants, améliorer la rétention de l'information mais aussi de stimuler, dans le contexte académique, la pensée critique. Malheureusement, tel que démontré par la recherche, l'introduction de ces nouvelles technologies pose problème lorsqu'additionné aux contraintes normales d'enseignement puisque qu'elle nécessite des changements à la planification des cours, requiert une formation spécifique, un support additionnel ainsi que le financement nécessaire. Wolski and Jackson (1999) ont postulé de plus que le succès de l'implantation d'une nouvelle technologie était en fonction de son utilité et de sa facilité d'utilisation par les membres de la faculté. Il a aussi été démontré que la technologie de l'enseignement en classe n'était en fait qu'un outil de plus à la disposition des enseignants, et que ceux qui avaient tendance à bien l'utiliser étaient de fait inoovateurs, possédant des capacités techniques (Zhao, Pugh, Sheldon et Bryers, 2002).


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School failure is a chronic problem in many developing countries and in some developed as Portugal due to factors like cognitive deficiencies of children, an inadequate family environment, low SES and bad teaching methods or school organization. It is important to develop effective and simple intervention strategies able to cope with the problem at an individual level independently of the cause. The general objective of the following study is to develop behavioral training techniques to help children with problems of school failure. 6 - 12 years old children attending ISCED 1, with academic difficulties because of family problems, social exclusion (living in poverty or belonging to an ethnic minority) or poor schooling were trained. Cognitive-behavioral techniques that have been widely used to train persons with intellectual, sensorial, physical or social deficiencies were applied. Results are evaluated in terms of % of attained objectives, time, and (subjective) teacher satisfaction. Some results of individual children are shown. Training programs seem to be successful independently of the (mostly unknown) cause of failure of the trained subject.


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Recibido 21 de agosto de 2008 • Aceptado 29 de abril de 2009 • Corregido 23 de junio de 2009   Es posible pensar que al igual que la política nutre el currículo, la pedagogía, en su arte práctica, supone ser su abono para el cultivo de aprendizajes en la vida. Esto significa que el docente con formación pedagógica puede estar en capacidad de transformar su conocimiento disciplinar en un aprendizaje de conocimiento entendible, práctico y con sentido, por cuanto recurre a la pedagogía como el instrumento que le facilita viabilizar la política curricular en aras de convertir el proceso educativo en uno de calidad. Asimismo, se considera que gran parte de la profesionalización docente podría radicar en la continuidad de la formación del profesorado o formación permanente, cuyo resultado es el desarrollo profesional del profesorado y, consecuentemente, del alumnado, para que, de este proceso, se geste, “conocimiento al servicio de la vida, del elevamiento de la calidad de vida” (Flores, 1994, p. XXV), es decir, aprendizajes significativos producto de modelos de enseñanza acordes con lo que dicta y busca la propuesta curricular promovida.


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This study reports on an international project in which students taking the course Contemporary Issues in Turkish Politics in spring 2011 and fall 2011 at two institutions of higher education, ‘Gettysburg College’ in the United States and ‘Izmir University of Economics’ in Turkey, worked together in virtual learning environments to complete various tasks as part of their course work. The project employed a blend of traditional and technology-based teaching methods in order to introduce a technology like Skype in a bi-national learning environment in Turkey. Students collaborated and interacted with their international counterparts in two different virtual contexts. First, classrooms in the two countries were merged via Skype three times to conduct classroom-to-classroom discussion sessions on Turkish politics. Second, students were paired across locations to work on several assignments. In this paper, our goal is to present how Skype is used in a bi-national context as a blended teaching tool in an upper-level college course for instructors pursuing a similar exercise. In addition to outlining the process with a focus on Skype discussions and one-on-one student projects, we provide actual assignments and discussion questions. Students’ views elicited through surveys administered throughout the semester are presented alongside anecdotal evidence to reflect how the project was received.


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This PhD thesis investigates children’s peer practices in two primary schools in Italy, focusing on the ordinary and the Italian L2 classroom. The study is informed by the paradigm of language socialization and considers peer interactions as a ‘double opportunity space’, allowing both children’s co-construction of their social organization and children’s sociolinguistic development. These two foci of attention are explored on the basis of children’s social interaction and of the verbal, embodied, and material resources that children agentively deploy during their mundane activities in the peer group. The study is based on a video ethnography that lasted nine months. Approximately 30 hours of classroom interactions were video-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed with an approach that combines the micro-analytic instruments of Conversation Analysis and the use of ethnographic information. Three main social phenomena were selected for analysis: (a) children’s enactment of the role of the teacher, (b) children’s reproduction of must-formatted rules, and (c) children’s argumentative strategies during peer conflict. The analysis highlights the centrality of the institutional frame for children’s peer interactions in the classroom. Moreover, the study illustrates that children socialize their classmates to the linguistic, social, and moral expectations of the context in and through various practices. Notably, these practices are also germane to the local negotiation of children’s social organization and hierarchy. Therefore, the thesis underlines that children’s peer interactions are both a resource for children’s sociolinguistic development and a potentially problematic locus where social exclusion is constructed and brought to bear. These insights are relevant for teachers’ professional practice. Children’s peer interactions are a resource that can be integrated in everyday didactics. Nevertheless, the role of the teacher in supervising and steering children’s peer practices appears crucial: an acritical view of children’s autonomous work, often implied in teaching methods such as peer tutoring, needs to be problematized.


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Recurso para la evaluación de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la geometría en la enseñanza secundaria desde la perspectiva de los nuevos docentes y de los que tienen más experiencia. Está diseñado para ampliar y profundizar el conocimiento de la materia y ofrecer consejos prácticos e ideas para el aula en el contexto de la práctica y la investigación actual. Hace especial hincapié en: comprender las ideas fundamentales del currículo de geometría; el aprendizaje de la geometría de manera efectiva; la investigación y la práctica actual; las ideas erróneas y los errores; el razonamiento de la geometría; la solución de problemas; el papel de la tecnología en el aprendizaje de la geometría.


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Analiza los enfoques y métodos sobre teoría y aprendizaje del lenguaje, metas, programas de estudios, práctica docente, los papeles del profesor y del estudiante, materiales y técnicas para la clase. Esta nueva edición incluye entre otros, temas como la lengua en su totalidad, las inteligencias múltiples, la programación neurolingüística, aprendizaje del lenguaje en cooperación y el léxico. Asimismo, busca aclarar no solo los supuestos que hay detrás de estos métodos, sus similitudes y diferencias, sino también ayudar a los profesores a investigar sus propias opiniones y prácticas en la enseñanza de la lengua.


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El objetivo de este manual es que orientar a los maestros de primaria en centros de integración que tienen en su clase niños con necesidades especiales. Las estrategias presentadas intencionadamente borran la distinción entre y dentro de las categorías de niños con necesidades especiales y hacen hincapié en el acto de aprender de todos los niños. Tanto las estrategias como las prácticas educativas son reales, con énfasis sobre las orientaciones de lo que se debe hacer para satisfacer las necesidades de veinticinco estudiantes muy distintos. La atención se centra en la evaluación de lectura y métodos de lectura, el lenguaje, las matemáticas y las ideas de los aspectos sociales de integración.


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The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the research project progress in “the mapping of pedagogical methods in web-based language teaching" by Högskolan Dalarna (Dalarna University). This project will identify the differences in pedagogical methods that are used for online language classes. The pedagogical method defined in this project is what the teachers do to ensure students attain the learning outcomes, for example, planning, designing courses, leading students, knowing students' abilities, implementing activities, etc. So far the members of this project have analyzed the course plans (in the language department at Dalarna University) and categorized the learning outcomes. A questionnaire was constructed based on the learning outcomes and then either sent out remotely to teachers or completed face to face through interviews. The answers provided to the questionnaires enabled the project to identify many differences in how language teachers interact with their students but also, the way of giving feedback, motivating and helping students, types of class activities and materials used. This presentation introduces the progress of the project and identifies the challenges at the language department at Dalarna University. Finally, the advantages and problems of online language proficiency courses will be discussed and suggestions made for future improvement.