992 resultados para TV white spaces
Spiritualiteetti viittaa syvälliseen, inhimilliseen ulottuvuuteen ja ominaisuuteen, jonka tarkka määritteleminen on haasteellista, ellei mahdotonta. Sitä vastaa yhtäältä uskonnollisuuden kautta toteutuva, elämän tarkoitukseen ja syvemmän olemuksen etsintään liittyvä hengellisyys, mutta toisaalta myös kaikkea muuta hengen viljelyä ja mielekkään olemisen tavoittelua tarkoittava henkisyys. John Swintonin mukaan hengen ulottuvuus on se inhimilliseen olemukseen kuuluva, dynaaminen elinvoima, joka virkistää ja elävöittää ihmistä ja motivoi häntä etsimään Jumalaa, arvoja, merkitystä, tarkoitusta ja toivoa. Tämä tutkimus nostaa tarkastelun kohteeksi kokonaisvaltaisen hengellisyyden, jolloin huomio kiinnitetään niihin sidoksiin, joiden kautta hengen ulottuvuus liittyy muihin inhimillisen elämän olennaisiin toimintoihin ja näkökulmiin. Tällaisia ovat 1) ajattelu 2) teot ja käytännön toiminta 3) suhteet ja vuorovaikutusverkostot 4) tunteet ja kanssakäymistä ohjaavat asenteet 5) olemassaolon ja olemisen ulottuvuudet. Kokemusten merkitys, arvo ja mielekkyys hahmottuvat juuri hengen alueella, toisin sanoen sisäisesti, hengellisenä ja henkisenä asiana. Tutkimusmateriaalina tässä tutkimuksessa on amerikkalaisen vuosina 1827 1915 eläneen Ellen Whiten kuusi myöhäiskauden teosta vuosilta 1892 1905 ja tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty systemaattista analyysiä. Olennaista Whiten tavassa käsitellä uskonnon harjoitukseen liittyviä aiheita on hänen käytännöllinen ja elämän arkeen kiinteästi niveltyvä otteensa. Tutkimus paljastaa, että Martti Lutherin käsitykset ovat merkittävästi vaikuttaneet Whiten ajatteluun. Lähteistä paljastuu samankaltaisuutta hänen näkemystensä ja uusimman suomalaisen Luther-tutkimuksen Martti Lutherin tuotannosta esiin nostaman ajattelutavan välillä. Vaikka teologisen oppineisuuden kannalta White ja Luther ovat eri tasoilla, kummankin käsitys ihmisen ja Jumalan välisen suhteen perusolemuksesta on samankaltainen: Lähtökohtana sille on Jumalan rakkaus ja hänen armostaan lähtenyt toiminta. Toiseksi, ihmisen ja Kristuksen välinen, olemuksellinen yhteys, unio , on perustana sille, että Jumala hyväksyy ihmisen ja huolehtii hänestä nyt ja ikuisesti. Kolmanneksi, tämä ihmisen ja Kristuksen liittoutuminen ja yhdistyminen ilmenee yhteistoimintana ja kumppanuutena yhteisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi maailmassa. White korostaa ihmisen ja Kristuksen välisen hengellisen suhteen vuorovaikutteista ja toiminnallista luonnetta, joka tulee ilmi epäitsekkyytenä, toisten ihmisten ja heidän tarpeittensa huomioimisena sekä myötätuntona ja kykynä asettua toisen asemaan. Terveellistä elämäntapaa ja kasvatusta koskevat ajatuksensa White liittää siihen laaja-alaiseen näkemykseen hengellisyydestä, jonka tavoitteena on ihmisen kokonaisvaltainen hyvinvointi. Hän ei näe spiritualiteettia elämän arjesta irrallisena tai erillisenä saarekkeena, vaan ihmistä kaikessa ohjaavana, voimaannuttavana ja mielekkyyttä tuottavana, ensisijaisena ulottuvuutena. Tutkimuksen kuluessa myös Whiten usein käyttämät Jumalalle antautumisen ja luonteen käsitteet nousevat tarkastelun kohteiksi. Hänen mukaansa ihminen ei tahdonponnistuksillaan yksin pysty tavoittamaan Jumalaa vaan hänen on lakattava Jumalan rakastavan kutsun edessä itse tahtomasta ja suostuttava liittymään Jumalan tahtoon ja tarkoitukseen. Tämä liittyy siihen sisäiseen muutokseen, jota White kuvaa luonteen käsitteen avulla. Jumalan armon vaikuttama tahdon uudelleen suuntaaminen muuttaa ihmisen olemusta, arvoja, asennoitumisen tapaa ja myötätuntoisen vuorovaikutuksen kykyä niin ettei ihminen ole enää aivan sama kuin ennen. Kysymys on toisaalta yhtäkkisestä ja kertakaikkisesta olemuksellisesta muuttumisesta, mutta samalla myös hiljaisesta, elämänmittaisesta kasvusta ja kypsymisestä. Juuri luonteen käsitteen avulla White kuvaa hengellisyyttä ja siihen kuuluvaa sisästä matkaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa spiritualiteettia lähestytään yleisinhimillisenä piirteenä ja ominaisuutena, jolloin huomio ei ole ensisijaisesti yksittäisissä opillisissa käsityksissä tai uskonnollisuuden harjoittamisen muodoissa. Tarkoituksena on luoda kokoava rakenne, jonka puitteissa holistinen spiritualiteetti voidaan selkeämmin hahmottaa ja yksilöidymmin ymmärtää.
In this paper I conduct a Foucauldian discourse analysis of a political speech given by Brendon Nelson in 2006 when the Australian Minister for Defence in the Howard Coalition Government. The speech connects conceptualisations of terror, globalization, education and literacy as part of a whole of government security strategy. The analysis examines this speech as an example of a liberal way of governing the conduct of diverse and unpredictable populations. My analysis suggests that the apparatus of government has been strategically used in order to biopolitically contain the rise of complex social forces and protect a set of homogenous cultural values. The purposes of education and uses of literacy are seen as instruments for the inscription of a coded set of values understood to be synonymous with civil society.
Despite its rising success, interactive TV (iTV) has found very little attention in the field of HCI. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the usability of iTV services. It presents the results of a usability test and discusses the implications for further developments. The results show, that prior knowledge of Internet and mobile phones supports the usability of iTV services regarding navigation and text input, while the lack of it leads to great difficulties. Difficult tasks, such as writing a text message, had a success rate of only 20%, while guided tours proofed to be more usable with a success rate of 70%.
This chapter addresses the relevance of composing for young children in creating spaces for social agency. It begins with a working definition of agency, outlines forms of agency and what might constrain it. Referring to case studies of particular children, it then goes on to discuss key themes, which illuminate what is possible and what is at stake when children compose. These overlapping themes include identity (sense of self, belonging), positioning (helping, initiating, befriending, “being bright”), voices (made through sound effects, singing, language style, and appropriating from popular culture and digital worlds), play (appropriating, imagining, designing, and creating), and resistance (not participating, staying silent, moving). Two main cases are drawn upon, those of Ta’Von and Gareth, who demonstrate agency in terms of finding spaces of belonging and meaning-making occasions in the classroom and playground. Vignettes from other children are referred to in order to illustrate common themes.
A one-step synthesis of Ga2O3 nanorods by heating molten gallium in ambient air at high temperatures is presented. The high-temperature synthesis creates oxygen vacancies and incorporates nitrogen from the environment. The oxygen vacancy in Ga2O3 is responsible for the emission in the blue-green region, while nitrogen in Ga2O3 is responsible for red emission.
This paper argues that the staffroom is an important professional learning space where beginning teachers interact to understand who they are and the nature of their professional work. The authors highlight the theoretical importance of space and place in the construction and negotiation of beginning teacher subjectivities. To illustrate the staffroom as a particular place where important professional learning could occur the authors use two narratives based on the lived experiences of two beginning teachers, one in a primary context, the other secondary. The authors conclude by calling for greater research attention to the significance of the staffroom and its interaction with teacher subjectivities. At the level of practice we also call for the teaching profession to recognise staffrooms as important sites of professional learning and places that should support induction and mentoring of beginning teachers. Such recognition could enhance the retention, satisfaction, and effectiveness of new and experienced teachers alike.
Learning automata are adaptive decision making devices that are found useful in a variety of machine learning and pattern recognition applications. Although most learning automata methods deal with the case of finitely many actions for the automaton, there are also models of continuous-action-set learning automata (CALA). A team of such CALA can be useful in stochastic optimization problems where one has access only to noise-corrupted values of the objective function. In this paper, we present a novel formulation for noise-tolerant learning of linear classifiers using a CALA team. We consider the general case of nonuniform noise, where the probability that the class label of an example is wrong may be a function of the feature vector of the example. The objective is to learn the underlying separating hyperplane given only such noisy examples. We present an algorithm employing a team of CALA and prove, under some conditions on the class conditional densities, that the algorithm achieves noise-tolerant learning as long as the probability of wrong label for any example is less than 0.5. We also present some empirical results to illustrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.
The need for special education (SE) is increasing. The majority of those whose problems are due to neurodevelopmental disorders have no specific aetiology. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution of prenatal and perinatal factors and factors associated with growth and development to later need for full-time SE and to assess joint structural and volumetric brain alterations among subjects with unexplained, familial need for SE. A random sample of 900 subjects in full-time SE allocated into three levels of neurodevelopmental problems and 301 controls in mainstream education (ME) provided data on socioeconomic factors, pregnancy, delivery, growth, and development. Of those, 119 subjects belonging to a sibling-pair in full-time SE with unexplained aetiology and 43 controls in ME underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Analyses of structural brain alterations and midsagittal area and diameter measurements were made. Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis provided detailed information on regional grey matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) volume differences. Father’s age ≥ 40 years, low birth weight, male sex, and lower socio-economic status all increased the probability of SE placement. At age 1 year, one standard deviation score decrease in height raised the probability of SE placement by 40% and in head circumference by 28%. At infancy, the gross motor milestones differentiated the children. From age 18 months, the fine motor milestones and those related to speech and social skills became more important. Brain MRI revealed no specific aetiology for subjects in SE. However, they had more often ≥ 3 abnormal findings in MRIs (thin corpus callosum and enlarged cerebral and cerebellar CSF spaces). In VBM, subjects in full-time SE had smaller global white matter, CSF, and total brain volumes than controls. Compared with controls, subjects with intellectual disabilities had regional volume alterations (greater grey matter volumes in the anterior cingulate cortex bilaterally, smaller grey matter volume in left thalamus and left cerebellar hemisphere, greater white matter volume in the left fronto-parietal region, and smaller white matter volumes bilaterally in the posterior limbs of the internal capsules). In conclusion, the epidemiological studies emphasized several factors that increased the probability of SE placement, useful as a framework for interventional studies. The global and regional brain MRI findings provide an interesting basis for future investigations of learning-related brain structures in young subjects with cognitive impairments or intellectual disabilities of unexplained, familial aetiology.
Background: Opiod dependence is a chronic severe brain disorder associated with enormous health and social problems. The relapse back to opioid abuse is very high especially in early abstinence, but neuropsychological and neurophysiological deficits during opioid abuse or soon after cessation of opioids are scarcely investigated. Also the structural brain changes and their correlations with the length of opioid abuse or abuse onset age are not known. In this study the cognitive functions, neural basis of cognitive dysfunction, and brain structural changes was studied in opioid-dependent patients and in age and sex matched healthy controls. Materials and methods: All subjects participating in the study, 23 opioid dependents of whom, 15 were also benzodiazepine and five cannabis co-dependent and 18 healthy age and sex matched controls went through Structured Clinical Interviews (SCID) to obtain DSM-IV axis I and II diagnosis and to exclude psychiatric illness not related to opioid dependence or personality disorders. Simultaneous magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG) measurements were done on 21 opioid-dependent individuals on the day of hospitalization for withdrawal therapy. The neural basis of auditory processing was studied and pre-attentive attention and sensory memory were investigated. During the withdrawal 15 opioid-dependent patients participated in neuropsychological tests, measuring fluid intelligence, attention and working memory, verbal and visual memory, and executive functions. Fifteen healthy subjects served as controls for the MEG-EEG measurements and neuropsychological assessment. The brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was obtained from 17 patients after approximately two weeks abstinence, and from 17 controls. The areas of different brain structures and the absolute and relative volumes of cerebrum, cerebral white and gray matter, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) spaces were measured and the Sylvian fissure ratio (SFR) and bifrontal ratio were calculated. Also correlation between the cerebral measures and neuropsychological performance was done. Results: MEG-EEG measurements showed that compared to controls the opioid-dependent patients had delayed mismatch negativity (MMN) response to novel sounds in the EEG and P3am on the contralateral hemisphere to the stimulated ear in MEG. The equivalent current dipole (ECD) of N1m response was stronger in patients with benzodiazepine co-dependence than those without benzodiazepine co-dependence or controls. In early abstinence the opioid dependents performed poorer than the controls in tests measuring attention and working memory, executive function and fluid intelligence. Test results of the Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT), testing fluid intelligence, and Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT), measuring attention and working memory correlated positively with the days of abstinence. MRI measurements showed that the relative volume of CSF was significantly larger in opioid dependents, which could also be seen in visual analysis. Also Sylvian fissures, expressed by SFR were wider in patients, which correlated negatively with the age of opioid abuse onset. In controls the relative gray matter volume had a positive correlation with composite cognitive performance, but this correlation was not found in opioid dependents in early abstinence. Conclusions: Opioid dependents had wide Sylvian fissures and CSF spaces indicating frontotemporal atrophy. Dilatation of Sylvian fissures correlated with the abuse onset age. During early withdrawal cognitive performance of opioid dependents was impaired. While intoxicated the pre-attentive attention to novel stimulus was delayed and benzodiazepine co-dependence impaired sound detection. All these changes point to disturbances on frontotemporal areas.
The images of Hermite and Laguerre-Sobolev spaces under the Hermite and special Hermite semigroups (respectively) are characterized. These are used to characterize the image of Schwartz class of rapidly decreasing functions f on R-n and C-n under these semigroups. The image of the space of tempered distributions is also considered and a Paley-Wiener theorem for the windowed (short-time) Fourier transform is proved.
The New Zealand White rabbit has been widely used as a model of limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD). Current techniques for experimental induction of LSCD utilize caustic chemicals, or organic solvents applied in conjunction with a surgical limbectomy. While generally successful in depleting epithelial progenitors, the depth and severity of injury is difficult to control using chemical-based methods. Moreover, the anterior chamber can be easily perforated while surgically excising the corneal limbus. In the interest of creating a safer and more defined LSCD model, we have therefore evaluated a mechanical debridement technique based upon use of the AlgerBrush II rotating burr. An initial comparison of debridement techniques was conducted in situ using 24 eyes in freshly acquired New Zealand White rabbit cadavers. Techniques for comparison (4 eyes each) included: (1) non-wounded control, (2) surgical limbectomy followed by treatment with 100% (v/v) n-heptanol to remove the corneal epithelium (1-2 minutes), (3) treatment of both limbus and cornea with n-heptanol alone, (4) treatment of both limbus and cornea with 20% (v/v) ethanol (2-3 minutes), (5) a 2.5-mm rounded burr applied to both the limbus and cornea, and (6) a 1-mm pointed burr applied to the limbus, followed by the 2.5-mm rounded burr applied to the cornea. All corneas were excised and processed for histology immediately following debridement. A panel of four assessors subsequently scored the degree of epithelial debridement within the cornea and limbus using masked slides. The 2.5-mm burr most consistently removed the corneal and limbal epithelia. Islands of limbal epithelial cells were occasionally retained following surgical limbectomy/heptanol treatment, or use of the 1-mm burr. Limbal epithelial cells were consistently retained following treatment with either ethanol or n-heptanol alone, with ethanol being the least effective treatment overall. The 2.5-mm burr method was subsequently evaluated in the right eye of 3 live rabbits by weekly clinical assessments (photography and slit lamp examination) for up to 5 weeks, followed by histological analyses (hematoxylin & eosin stain, periodic acid-Schiff stain and immunohistochemistry for keratin 3 and 13). All 3 eyes that had been completely debrided using the 2.5-mm burr displayed symptoms of ocular surface failure as defined by retention of a prominent epithelial defect (~40% of corneal surface at 5 weeks), corneal neovascularization (2 to 3 quadrants), reduced corneal transparency and conjunctivalization of the corneal surface (demonstrated by the presence of goblet cells and/or staining for keratin 13). In conclusion, our findings indicate that the AlgerBrush II rotating burr is an effective method for the establishment of ocular surface failure in New Zealand White rabbits. In particular, we recommend use of the 2.5-mm rotating burr for improved efficiency of epithelial debridement and safety compared to surgical limbectomy.
In this paper, we study approximatively τ-compact and τ-strongly Chebyshev sets, where τ is the norm or the weak topology. We show that the metric projection onto τ-strongly Chebyshev sets are norm-τ continuous. We characterize approximatively τ-compact and τ-strongly Chebyshev hyperplanes and use them to characterize factor reflexive proximinal subspaces in τ-almost locally uniformly rotund spaces. We also prove some stability results on approximatively τ-compact and τ-strongly Chebyshev subspaces.
In this paper, we show existence and uniqueness of a solution to a functional differential equation with infinite delay. We choose an appropriate Frechet space so as to cover a large class of functions to be used as initial functions to obtain existence and uniqueness of solutions.
In this paper, we show existence and uniqueness of a solution to a functional differential equation with infinite delay. We choose an appropriate Frechet space so as to cover a large class of functions to be used as initial functions to obtain existence and uniqueness of solutions.