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The paper introduces the tilapias as important culture fish; their classification, breeding habits and general ecology are discussed. The versatility and plasticity of their reproduction and growth are major advantages as well as draw backs in their use as culture species. The culture of tilapias in ponds, cages, pens and raceways are described and a comparison of extensive and intensive cultivation is made. The major factors in commercial cultivation of tilapias such as feeds, hatchery/fry production and disease control are discussed. Recommendation is made for the consideration of tilapia as the equivalent of the common carp in tropical African fish culture in either monoculture or in polyculture with other fish species


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Tilapia once termed "poor man's" fish, still remains as the highly-priced food fish in many developing countries. The good attributes of this fish prompt its use in intensive aquaculture vertically integrated systems (VIS) which embrace broodstock development, hatchery/nursery and growout phase. Based on the series of studies carried out at Kainji Lake Research Institute, in New Bussa, Nigeria using Oreochromis (Tilapia niloticus) in floating bamboo hapas/cages, the recommended intensive modular systems were estimated to be capable of producing 4 million Tilapia fingerlings and 729 tons fish (Market-size) annually. Cost-benefit analysis showed the venture to have high prospects. It is recommended that priority be given to Tilapia cage culture at the national level in order to contribute immensely towards increased fish production


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El índice glucémico es una herramienta que clasifica a los alimentos según su capacidad de elevar la glicemia postprandial. Teóricamente, si controlamos este valor podremos controlar variables, como el apetito, que ayudarían a un mejor acercamiento para el tratamiento de la obesidad.Con esta revisión se pretende analizar el conocimiento actual sobre la aplicación de esta herramienta en el tratamiento de la obesidad y su efectividad. Los estudios epidemiológicos analizados tras la búsqueda bibliográfica y su cribado, muestran resultados variables pero, en la mayoría, nos encontramos un dato interesante: se disminuye la grasa intraabdominal, reduciéndose así el riesgo cardiometabólico. De esta manera, este acercamiento nutricional puede resultar eficaz para el tratamiento de determinados pacientes.


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La infección oportunista más comúnmente asociada al Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) es la Tuberculosis (TB), formando estas dos patologías una co-infección. La asociación de ambas enfermedades es conocida como “coepidemia” o “epidemia dual”. Provoca grandes problemáticas ya que ambas infecciones se intensifican y es más mortal que cada una de ellas por separado. Para el tratamiento de esta co-infección es importante que sea considerada como una sola enfermedad y no como dos separadas a fin de poder abordarla de manera eficaz. Para el tratamiento se desarrolla una combinación de medicamentos Antirretrovirales (ART) y antituberculosos. Esta interacción tiene el riesgo de producir efectos adversos siendo el más común el Síndrome de Reconstrucción Inmune (SRI). Para evitar la coepidemia, las estrategias de prevención juegan un papel importante a fin de que no se produzca el desarrollo y propagación de la misma. Se conocen posibles estrategias a nivel de diagnóstico y tratamiento preventivo encontrándose todas ellas todavía en fase de investigación. Un papel base en el tratamiento y la prevención es la información que se realiza no sólo al paciente sino a sus allegados. En este aspecto es muy importante el papel de la Enfermería.


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The digestibility and utilisation of two soybean bran-based diets and two fishmeal-based diets serving as control, at optimal (30%) and suboptimal (20%) protein levels were evaluated in Oreochromis niloticus. These were Diet I (Control)-fishmeal based diet at 30% crude protein, Diet II (Control) - fishmeal based diet at 20% crude protein, Diet III - hydrolysed Soybean Bran based diet at 30% crude protein, Diet IV - hydrolysed Soybean Bran based diet at 20%. Dry matter digestibility differed insignificantly with variation in diets (P<0.05). There was significant variation in the protein (p 20.05), lipid and ash digestibility. Protein was more digestible at optimum level than sub-optimum level, while lipid and ash digestibility did not vary with their inclusion levels. Variation in the utilisation of the diets was significant (P<0.05) except for survival. It was observed that the best diet was Diet 1, closely followed by Diet II with highest values of mean final weight, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio and the apparent net protein utilisation. The high digestibility values of Diets III and IV suggests their inclusion in fish diet to spare protein for growth


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The food and feeding habits of Tilapia zillii in the fish farm of Ondo State University, Akungba - Akoko, Nigeria, were studied by gut analysis. Examinations of 150 specimens showed that Nymphea formed the main bulk of food consumed. Spirogyra, Pithophora and Compsopogon occurred frequently while Pistia detritus and plant remains featured less frequently. Variation in the frequency of occurrence of the various food items was observed among the various sizes of samples. The samples within the middle - size group fed on both higher plant and filamentous algae while the young and higher fish consumed exclusively filamentous algae. On the basis of food items found in the gut, Tilapia zillii was classified as primary consumers


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Durante muchos años se consideró que los neonatos no experimentaban el dolor por su incapacidad para verbalizarlo. Así, concepciones erróneas hicieron que el dolor neonatal no fuese tratado. En la actualidad, existe evidencia científica que corrobora la capacidad para percibir el dolor, siendo necesario su tratamiento. Aun así, el miedo a los posibles efectos secundarios de los fármacos ha obstaculizado el estudio de nuevos fármacos para el tratamiento del dolor. Es por eso que las estrategias no farmacológicas han tomado gran relevancia en el tratamiento de procedimientos dolorosos menores, y como coadyuvantes de los fármacos en procedimientos de mayor intensidad. El método canguro que se define como un contacto piel a piel entre madre e hijo, surgió como una alternativa ante la escasez de incubadoras. Sin embargo, numerosas investigaciones han demostrado los grandes beneficios que aporta, considerándolo también como una medida no farmacológica eficaz en el alivio del dolor neonatal. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la efectividad del método canguro junto a la administración de sacarosa oral en la disminución del dolor, en comparación con el procedimiento estándar al realizar la prueba de talón. Para ello, se realizará un ensayo clínico aleatorizado dirigido a los neonatos prematuros y de bajo peso gestacional ingresados en la unidad de neonatal del Hospital universitario de Cruces. La variable principal a estudio es la valoración del dolor medido mediante la escala PIPP. Se compararán los datos recogidos en el grupo control e intervención y el análisis de datos se realizará usando el programa informático SPSS.


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Acute toxicity tests on the effects of Gramoxone and detergent (both applied as a single dose) to nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, fingerlings (mean weight 2.7~c1 g) were conducted using static bioassay. The 96-h LC sub(50) of Gramoxone and detergent applied were 0.08ml/l and 0.004 g/l, respectively. The fingerlings showed increased hyperactivities exemplified by erratic movement, loss of reflex, and hyperventilation during the period of exposure. These effects increased with increasing concentrations of Gramoxone or detergent throughout the duration of exposure. Tilapia fingerlings of the same size showed different levels of tolerance to the same concentration of both pollutants


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The fisheries of Lake Kainji, Nigeria, experienced a boom year following impoundment, then decline post impoundment and now is in a period of stabilisation of the fish resources. Several reasons have been advanced on factors responsible for these changes, but two outstanding factors are those of nutritional status and fishing methods of the lake. Two important fish families however continue to dominate the lake fisheries in daily fisherman catches: Clupeidae and Cichlidae (tilapias). Recent studies have also shown that the dominance of the tilapias and clupeids is an important factor in the understanding of the stability of fisheries of Lake Kainji. One area which has remained undiscussed concerns the parasites and non-fish predators of tilapias which can affect the population dynamics of tilapias. This paper examines therefore some aspects of the fisheries of Lake Kainji and the potential roles that parasites and non-fish predators of tilapias can contribute in developing strategies for consideration in the sustainable management of the fisheries


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The carbohydrate, protein and lipid contents of the food ingested and their absorption in the intestine of Sarotherodon melanotheron inhabiting Awba lake in Ibadan, Nigeria, were investigated. Total carbohydrates of the ingested food ranged from 39.33 to 55.38% (mean = 48.70% while total protein and total lipid ranged from 10.10 to 17.13% (mean = 12.91%) and 7.79 to 8.96% (mean = 8.28%) dry weight, respectively. Calculated total percentages absorbed were 54.86-62.01 (mean 58.07) carbohydrates 47.33-54.06 (mean = 50.43) protein and 43.27-52.23% (mean 46.56) lipid. Absorption of protein and carbohydrate occurred mostly in the fore-gut (the first one-third of the intestine), while lipid was mostly absorbed in the mid-gut (the second one-third of the intestine). Dietary carbohydrate, protein and lipid contents of the food as well as the absorptive capacity of the intestine for these components of the food varied with size of fish


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A total of sixty juvenile Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia) were fed three species of aquatic weed, namely Azolla filiculoides (water fern), Elodea sp. and Pistia stratiotes (water lettuce) to determine which of the weeds will be selectively consumed, and preferred of all. A control group of twenty Nile tilapia was fed compounded feed. The selectivity of the weeds was observed based on their utilization as food source, and Azolla filiculoides was found to be highly utilized, followed by Elodea sp. and the roots of Pistia stratiotes. The growth response of the fish to the diets was found to be highest for fish fed compounded feed followed by Azolla filiculoides and Elodea sp., while Pistia stratiotes produced a negative growth trend. It is therefore postulated that Azolla filiculoides and Pista sp. are good feedstuffs for O. niloticus especially when used together with other feedstuffs


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Production of mince from Tilapia using a combination of physical and chemical methods was found to improve the storage life of the mince in the deep freezer. Though the chemical composition of the mince was slightly affected, the mince was microbiologically stable throughout the five weeks frozen storage. Fish cakes prepared traditionally from tilapia minces were more acceptable than oven dried cakes. Production of fish cakes form tilapia will improve utilization of this species in areas where small size tilapia are regarded as fish of low economic value