973 resultados para Sylvester II, Pope, ca. 945-1003
Pope's translations of Homer are not included.
Mode of access: Internet.
Contains patent from George II to William Warburton for sole publishing rights for fourteen years, in v. 1.
Mode of access: Internet.
Economics building in photo. On verso: 3-col Mich Daily; 37 picas; 70 screen; observe crop lines
Co-ed housing. Baits I and II occupied in 1966 and 1967. On verso: N. campus. Planning & construction.
Ex copy has 4 p. ms. preface bound in after t.p. of vol. 1.
Extra engraved title-page, with imprint: Lugud. Batavor. : Apud Adrianum VVijngaerden, & Franciscum Moyarden, 1641.
Classified for chess; Scacchia lvdos, l. not numbered.
Vol. 4 has imprint: London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Eyre and Spottiswoode.
A retórica sempre esteve presente nas civilizações. Desde a Grécia Antiga até os dias de hoje ela é usada e estudada. Na religião, é uma formidável fonte de expressão. Foi através da retórica que o Papa João Paulo II conseguiu ganhar notoriedade e se envolver em casos muito além da religião no século XX. Ele foi considerado um papa que se utilizou do político e consolidou um novo status para a Igreja Católica. Assim, através da análise retórica da mediação da Santa Sé no Canal de Beagle em 1979 e da análise retórica das ações diplomáticas do Vaticano contra a invasão do Iraque em 2003, este trabalho mostra como se constrói a retórica religiosa, além das conseqüências que isso acarreta não só para a Igreja, como também para o mundo.
Objective: Loss of skeletal muscle is the most debilitating feature of cancer cachexia, and there are few treatments available. The aim of this study was to compare the anticatabolic efficacy of L-leucine and the leucine metabolite β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (Ca-HMB) on muscle protein metabolism, both invitro and invivo. Methods: Studies were conducted in mice bearing the cachexia-inducing murine adenocarcinoma 16 tumor, and in murine C2 C12 myotubes exposed to proteolysis-inducing factor, lipopolysaccharide, and angiotensin II. Results: Both leucine and HMB were found to attenuate the increase in protein degradation and the decrease in protein synthesis in murine myotubes induced by proteolysis-inducing factor, lipopolysaccharide, and angiotensin II. However, HMB was more potent than leucine, because HMB at 50 μM produced essentially the same effect as leucine at 1 mM. Both leucine and HMB reduced the activity of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway as measured by the functional (chymotrypsin-like) enzyme activity of the proteasome in muscle lysates, as well as Western blot quantitation of protein levels of the structural/enzymatic proteasome subunits (20 S and 19 S) and the ubiquitin ligases (MuRF1 and MAFbx). Invivo studies in mice bearing the murine adenocarcinoma 16 tumor showed a low dose of Ca-HMB (0.25 g/kg) tobe 60% more effective than leucine (1 g/kg) in attenuating loss of body weight over a 4-d period. Conclusion: These results favor the clinical feasibility of using Ca-HMB over high doses of leucine for the treatment of cancer cachexia. © 2014 Elsevier Inc.
A cikkben a szerző a piac és a kormányzat kudarcaiból kiindulva azonosítja a közjó elérését célzó harmadik rendszer, az etikai felelősség kudarcait. Statisztikai analógiát használva elsőfajú kudarcként azonosítja, mikor az etikát nem veszik figyelembe, pedig szükség van rá. Ugyanakkor másodfajú kudarcként kezeli az etika profitnövelést célzó használatát, mely megtéveszti az érintetteteket, így még szélesebb utat enged az opportunista üzleti tevékenységnek. Meglátása szerint a három rendszer egymást nemcsak kiegészíti, de kölcsönösen korrigálja is. Ez az elsőfajú kudarc esetében általánosabb, a másodfajú kudarc megoldásához azonban a gazdasági élet alapvetéseinek átfogalmazására, az önérdek és az egydimenziós teljesítményértékelés helyett egy új, holisztikusabb szemléletű közgazdaságra van szükség. _______ In the article the author identifies the errors of ethical responsibility. That is the third system to attain common good, but have similar failures like the other two: the hands of the market and the government. Using statistical analogy the author identifies Type I error when ethics are not considered but it should be (null hypothesis is rejected however it’s true). She treats the usage of ethics to extend profit as Type II error. This misleads the stakeholders and makes room for opportunistic behaviour in business (null hypothesis is accepted in turn it’s false). In her opinion the three systems: the hand of the market, the government and the ethical management not only amend but interdependently correct each other. In the case of Type I error it is more general. Nevertheless to solve the Type II error we have to redefine the core principles of business. We need a more holistic approach in economics instead of self-interest and one-dimensional interpretation of value.