896 resultados para Structural health monitoring


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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L’idea di base della seguente tesi, finora mai applicata o descritta in letteratura scientifica in base alle ricerche effettuate, è stata quella di creare un sistema di monitoraggio strutturale intelligente (Structural Health Monitoring, SHM) mediante dei sensori di deformazione a reticolo di Bragg (Fiber Bragg Grating, FBG), incollati su fili a memoria di forma inseriti a loro volta, bloccati con opportuni ancoraggi esterni, in sei travi di betoncino cementizio armato. L’obbiettivo della sperimentazione è stato quindi quello di creare delle travi intelligenti che, in condizioni di carico eccezionali e critiche (monitorate dal sensore a fibra ottica), sapessero “autoripararsi” mediante gli attuatori a memoria di forma con un processo di riscaldamento appositamente progettato.


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In the recent decade, the request for structural health monitoring expertise increased exponentially in the United States. The aging issues that most of the transportation structures are experiencing can put in serious jeopardy the economic system of a region as well as of a country. At the same time, the monitoring of structures is a central topic of discussion in Europe, where the preservation of historical buildings has been addressed over the last four centuries. More recently, various concerns arose about security performance of civil structures after tragic events such the 9/11 or the 2011 Japan earthquake: engineers looks for a design able to resist exceptional loadings due to earthquakes, hurricanes and terrorist attacks. After events of such a kind, the assessment of the remaining life of the structure is at least as important as the initial performance design. Consequently, it appears very clear that the introduction of reliable and accessible damage assessment techniques is crucial for the localization of issues and for a correct and immediate rehabilitation. The System Identification is a branch of the more general Control Theory. In Civil Engineering, this field addresses the techniques needed to find mechanical characteristics as the stiffness or the mass starting from the signals captured by sensors. The objective of the Dynamic Structural Identification (DSI) is to define, starting from experimental measurements, the modal fundamental parameters of a generic structure in order to characterize, via a mathematical model, the dynamic behavior. The knowledge of these parameters is helpful in the Model Updating procedure, that permits to define corrected theoretical models through experimental validation. The main aim of this technique is to minimize the differences between the theoretical model results and in situ measurements of dynamic data. Therefore, the new model becomes a very effective control practice when it comes to rehabilitation of structures or damage assessment. The instrumentation of a whole structure is an unfeasible procedure sometimes because of the high cost involved or, sometimes, because it’s not possible to physically reach each point of the structure. Therefore, numerous scholars have been trying to address this problem. In general two are the main involved methods. Since the limited number of sensors, in a first case, it’s possible to gather time histories only for some locations, then to move the instruments to another location and replay the procedure. Otherwise, if the number of sensors is enough and the structure does not present a complicate geometry, it’s usually sufficient to detect only the principal first modes. This two problems are well presented in the works of Balsamo [1] for the application to a simple system and Jun [2] for the analysis of system with a limited number of sensors. Once the system identification has been carried, it is possible to access the actual system characteristics. A frequent practice is to create an updated FEM model and assess whether the structure fulfills or not the requested functions. Once again the objective of this work is to present a general methodology to analyze big structure using a limited number of instrumentation and at the same time, obtaining the most information about an identified structure without recalling methodologies of difficult interpretation. A general framework of the state space identification procedure via OKID/ERA algorithm is developed and implemented in Matlab. Then, some simple examples are proposed to highlight the principal characteristics and advantage of this methodology. A new algebraic manipulation for a prolific use of substructuring results is developed and implemented.


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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is the process of characterization for existing civil structures that proposes for damage detection and structural identification. It's based firstly on the collection of data that are inevitably affected by noise. In this work a procedure to denoise the measured acceleration signal is proposed, based on EMD-thresholding techniques. Moreover the velocity and displacement responses are estimated, starting from measured acceleration.


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In questo lavoro di tesi è stato elaborato un modello analitico al fine di ottenere una stima dell’ampiezza di delaminazione a seguito di impatti a bassa velocità in laminati in composito, in particolare carbon/epoxy. Nel capitolo 2 è descritto il comportamento meccanico di tali laminati (equazioni costitutive della singola lamina, dell’intero laminato e costanti ingegneristiche dell’intero laminato per qualsiasi sistema di riferimento). Nel capitolo 3 viene descritta la filosofia di progettazione damage tolerance per tali materiali sottoposti a low-velocity impact (LVI) e richiamato il concetto di structural health monitoring. In particolare vengono descritti i tipi di difetti per un laminato in composito, vengono classificati gli impatti trasversali e si rivolge particolare attenzione agli impatti a bassa velocità. Nel paragrafo 3.4 sono invece elencate diverse tecniche di ispezione, distruttive e non, con particolare attenzione alla loro applicazione ai laminati in composito. Nel capitolo 4 è riportato lo stato dell’arte per la stima e la predizione dei danni dovuti a LVI nei laminati: vengono mostrate alcune tecniche che permettono di stimare accuratamente l’inizio del danno, la profondità dell’indentazione, la rottura delle fibre di rinforzo e la forza massima di impatto. L’estensione della delaminazione invece, è difficile da stimare a causa dei numerosi fattori che influenzano la risposta agli impatti: spesso vengono utilizzati, per tale stima, modelli numerici piuttosto dispendiosi in termini di tempo e di calcolo computazionale. Nel capitolo 5 viene quindi mostrata una prima formula analitica per il calcolo della delaminazione, risultata però inaffidabile perché tiene conto di un numero decisamente ristretto di fattori che influenzano il comportamento agli LVI. Nel capitolo 6 è mostrato un secondo metodo analitico in grado di calcolare l’ampiezza di delaminazione mediante un continuo aggiornamento della deflessione del laminato. Dal confronto con numerose prove sperimentali, sembra che il modello fornisca risultati vicini al comportamento reale. Il modello è inoltre fortemente sensibile al valore della G_IIc relativa alla resina, alle dimensioni del laminato e alle condizioni di vincolo. É invece poco sensibile alle variazioni delle costanti ingegneristiche e alla sequenza delle lamine che costituiscono il laminato. La differenza tra i risultati sperimentali e i risultati del modello analitico è influenzata da molteplici fattori, tra cui il più significativo sembra essere il valore della rigidezza flessionale, assunto costante dal modello.


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The use of guided ultrasonic waves (GUW) has increased considerably in the fields of non-destructive (NDE) testing and structural health monitoring (SHM) due to their ability to perform long range inspections, to probe hidden areas as well as to provide a complete monitoring of the entire waveguide. Guided waves can be fully exploited only once their dispersive properties are known for the given waveguide. In this context, well stated analytical and numerical methods are represented by the Matrix family methods and the Semi Analytical Finite Element (SAFE) methods. However, while the former are limited to simple geometries of finite or infinite extent, the latter can model arbitrary cross-section waveguides of finite domain only. This thesis is aimed at developing three different numerical methods for modelling wave propagation in complex translational invariant systems. First, a classical SAFE formulation for viscoelastic waveguides is extended to account for a three dimensional translational invariant static prestress state. The effect of prestress, residual stress and applied loads on the dispersion properties of the guided waves is shown. Next, a two-and-a-half Boundary Element Method (2.5D BEM) for the dispersion analysis of damped guided waves in waveguides and cavities of arbitrary cross-section is proposed. The attenuation dispersive spectrum due to material damping and geometrical spreading of cavities with arbitrary shape is shown for the first time. Finally, a coupled SAFE-2.5D BEM framework is developed to study the dispersion characteristics of waves in viscoelastic waveguides of arbitrary geometry embedded in infinite solid or liquid media. Dispersion of leaky and non-leaky guided waves in terms of speed and attenuation, as well as the radiated wavefields, can be computed. The results obtained in this thesis can be helpful for the design of both actuation and sensing systems in practical application, as well as to tune experimental setup.


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L'elaborato affronta la definizione di differenti strategie per il campionamento e la ricostruzione di segnali wavefield per applicazioni di monitoraggio strutturale. In accordo con quanto indicato dalla teoria del Compressive Sensing, obiettivo della tesi è la minimizzazione del numero di punti di acquisizione al fine di ridurre lo sforzo energetico del campionamento. I risultati sono validati in ambiente Matlab utilizzando come riferimento segnali acquisiti su setup sperimentali in alluminio o materiale composito in presenza di diverse tipologie di difetto.


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The present thesis focuses on elastic waves behaviour in ordinary structures as well as in acousto-elastic metamaterials via numerical and experimental applications. After a brief introduction on the behaviour of elastic guided waves in the framework of non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and structural health monitoring (SHM) and on the study of elastic waves propagation in acousto-elastic metamaterials, dispersion curves for thin-walled beams and arbitrary cross-section waveguides are extracted via Semi-Analytical Finite Element (SAFE) methods. Thus, a novel strategy tackling signal dispersion to locate defects in irregular waveguides is proposed and numerically validated. Finally, a time-reversal and laser-vibrometry based procedure for impact location is numerically and experimentally tested. In the second part, an introduction and a brief review of the basic definitions necessary to describe acousto-elastic metamaterials is provided. A numerical approach to extract dispersion properties in such structures is highlighted. Afterwards, solid-solid and solid-fluid phononic systems are discussed via numerical applications. In particular, band structures and transmission power spectra are predicted for 1P-2D, 2P-2D and 2P-3D phononic systems. In addition, attenuation bands in the ultrasonic as well as in the sonic frequency regimes are experimentally investigated. In the experimental validation, PZTs in a pitch-catch configuration and laser vibrometric measurements are performed on a PVC phononic plate in the ultrasonic frequency range and sound insulation index is computed for a 2P-3D phononic barrier in the sonic frequency range. In both cases the numerical-experimental results comparison confirms the existence of the numerical predicted band-gaps. Finally, the feasibility of an innovative passive isolation strategy based on giant elastic metamaterials is numerically proved to be practical for civil structures. In particular, attenuation of seismic waves is demonstrated via finite elements analyses. Further, a parametric study shows that depending on the soil properties, such an earthquake-proof barrier could lead to significant reduction of the superstructure displacement.


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L’uso dei materiali compositi è andato aumentando negli ultimi decenni per la loro elevata rigidezza, la resistenza specifica e il possibile risparmio, notevole in termini di peso dell’intera struttura. Tali materiali introducono però nuove problematiche riguardanti le modalità di danneggiamento e il comportamento a fatica. Mentre questi fenomeni sono relativamente ben compresi nei materiali metallici, per una struttura in composito non esistono ancora modelli in grado di predire con sufficiente affidabilità l’evoluzione del danneggiamento. Negli ultimi anni la ricerca si è focalizzata sullo sviluppo di sistemi in grado di rilevare la presenza e l’evoluzione del danno, definiti Structural Health Monitoring Systems, ovvero sistemi di monitoraggio strutturale. Il danneggiamento strutturale può così essere individuato e identificato per mezzo di sensori distribuiti integrati nella struttura stessa, aventi la possibilità di trasmettere queste informazioni a un sistema di analisi esterno permettendo di valutare lo stato di degrado della struttura in tempo reale. In questo contesto si inseriscono le attività di ricerca sulle strutture intelligenti che, inglobando al loro interno opportune tipologie di sensori e attuatori, sono in grado di monitorare l’ambiente fisico operativo, raccoglierne e interpretarne le informazioni per poi rispondere ai cambiamenti della struttura in modo appropriato attraverso gli attuatori. L’impiego di sensori e attuatori inglobati nelle strutture offre molteplici vantaggi rispetto ai sistemi di trasduzione e attuazione convenzionali. L’attività di ricerca condotta in questa tesi è rivolta all’indagine di tecniche di SHM per mezzo di sensori a fibra ottica. Essi presentano molteplici peculiarità che li rendono i candidati ideali per queste applicazioni. Esistono diversi tipi di sensori che utilizzano le fibre ottiche. Nel presente lavoro si sono utilizzati sensori di deformazione basati sui reticoli di Bragg (FBG) chirped. Questi sensori sono costituiti da un reticolo inscritto all’interno della fibra, che ha l’effetto di riflettere solo alcune lunghezze d’onda della luce incidente. Se le proprietà geometriche del reticolo cambiano per effetto di una deformazione, cambia anche la forma dello spettro riflesso. Inoltre, con il tipo di sensore usato, è possibile correlare lo spettro con la posizione di eventuali danneggiamenti interni al materiale. Gli obbiettivi di questa ricerca sono di verificare gli effetti della presenza di una fibra ottica sulle caratteristiche meccaniche di un laminato e di trovare un legame tra la risposta in frequenza del sensore FBG e lo stato tensionale e il grado di danneggiamento di un componente in composito.


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Routine bridge inspections require labor intensive and highly subjective visual interpretation to determine bridge deck surface condition. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) a relatively new class of survey instrument has become a popular and increasingly used technology for providing as-built and inventory data in civil applications. While an increasing number of private and governmental agencies possess terrestrial and mobile LiDAR systems, an understanding of the technology’s capabilities and potential applications continues to evolve. LiDAR is a line-of-sight instrument and as such, care must be taken when establishing scan locations and resolution to allow the capture of data at an adequate resolution for defining features that contribute to the analysis of bridge deck surface condition. Information such as the location, area, and volume of spalling on deck surfaces, undersides, and support columns can be derived from properly collected LiDAR point clouds. The LiDAR point clouds contain information that can provide quantitative surface condition information, resulting in more accurate structural health monitoring. LiDAR scans were collected at three study bridges, each of which displayed a varying degree of degradation. A variety of commercially available analysis tools and an independently developed algorithm written in ArcGIS Python (ArcPy) were used to locate and quantify surface defects such as location, volume, and area of spalls. The results were visual and numerically displayed in a user-friendly web-based decision support tool integrating prior bridge condition metrics for comparison. LiDAR data processing procedures along with strengths and limitations of point clouds for defining features useful for assessing bridge deck condition are discussed. Point cloud density and incidence angle are two attributes that must be managed carefully to ensure data collected are of high quality and useful for bridge condition evaluation. When collected properly to ensure effective evaluation of bridge surface condition, LiDAR data can be analyzed to provide a useful data set from which to derive bridge deck condition information.


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This paper presents a time-domain stochastic system identification method based on maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) with the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. The effectiveness of this structural identification method is evaluated through numerical simulation in the context of the ASCE benchmark problem on structural health monitoring. The benchmark structure is a four-story, two-bay by two-bay steel-frame scale model structure built in the Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory at the University of British Columbia, Canada. This paper focuses on Phase I of the analytical benchmark studies. A MATLAB-based finite element analysis code obtained from the IASC-ASCE SHM Task Group web site is used to calculate the dynamic response of the prototype structure. A number of 100 simulations have been made using this MATLAB-based finite element analysis code in order to evaluate the proposed identification method. There are several techniques to realize system identification. In this work, stochastic subspace identification (SSI)method has been used for comparison. SSI identification method is a well known method and computes accurate estimates of the modal parameters. The principles of the SSI identification method has been introduced in the paper and next the proposed MLE with EM algorithm has been explained in detail. The advantages of the proposed structural identification method can be summarized as follows: (i) the method is based on maximum likelihood, that implies minimum variance estimates; (ii) EM is a computational simpler estimation procedure than other optimization algorithms; (iii) estimate more parameters than SSI, and these estimates are accurate. On the contrary, the main disadvantages of the method are: (i) EM algorithm is an iterative procedure and it consumes time until convergence is reached; and (ii) this method needs starting values for the parameters. Modal parameters (eigenfrequencies, damping ratios and mode shapes) of the benchmark structure have been estimated using both the SSI method and the proposed MLE + EM method. The numerical results show that the proposed method identifies eigenfrequencies, damping ratios and mode shapes reasonably well even in the presence of 10% measurement noises. These modal parameters are more accurate than the SSI estimated modal parameters.


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Los Sistemas de SHM o de monitorización de la integridad estructural surgen ante la necesidad de mejorar los métodos de evaluación y de test no destructivos convencionales. De esta manera, se puede tener controlado todo tipo de estructuras en las cuales su correcto estado o funcionamiento suponga un factor crítico. Un Sistema SHM permite analizar una estructura concreta capturando de manera periódica el estado de la integridad estructural, que en este proyecto se ha aplicado a estructuras aeronáuticas. P.A.M.E.L.A. (Phase Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment) es la denominación utilizada para definir una serie de equipos electrónicos para Sistemas SHM desarrollados por AERNOVA y los Grupos de Diseño Electrónico de las universidades UPV/EHU y UPM. Los dispositivos P.A.M.E.L.A. originalmente no cuentan con tecnología Wi-Fi, por lo que incorporan un módulo hardware independiente que se encarga de las comunicaciones inalámbricas, a los que se les denomina Nodos. Estos Nodos poseen un Sistema Operativo propio y todo lo necesario para administrar y organizar la red Mallada Wi-Fi. De esta manera se obtiene una red mallada inalámbrica compuesta por Nodos que interconectan los Sistemas SHM y que se encargan de transmitir los datos a los equipos que procesan los resultados adquiridos por P.A.M.E.L.A. Los Nodos son dispositivos empotrados que llevan instalados un firmware basado en una distribución de Linux para Nodos (o Routers), llamado Openwrt. Que para disponer de una red mallada necesitan de un protocolo orientado a este tipo de redes. Entre las opciones de protocolo más destacadas se puede mencionar: DSDV (Destination Sequenced Distance Vector), OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing), B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv (Better Approach To Mobile Adhoc Networking Advance), BMX (una versión de B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv), AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) y el DSR (Dynamic Source Routing). Además de la existencia de protocolos orientados a las redes malladas, también hay organizaciones que se dedican a desarrollar firmware que los utilizan, como es el caso del firmware llamado Nightwing que utiliza BMX, Freifunk que utiliza OLSR o Potato Mesh que utiliza B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv. La ventaja de estos tres firmwares mencionados es que las agrupaciones que las desarrollan proporcionan las imágenes precompiladas del sistema,listas para cargarlas en distintos modelos de Nodos. En este proyecto se han instalado las imágenes en los Nodos y se han probado los protocolos BMX, OLSR y B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv. Concluyendo que la red gestionada por B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv era la que mejor rendimiento obtenía en cuanto a estabilidad y ancho de banda. Después de haber definido el protocolo a usar, se procedió a desarrollar una distribución basada en Openwrt, que utilice B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv para crear la red mallada, pero que se ajuste mejor a las necesidades del proyecto, ya que Nightwing, Freifunk y Potato Mesh no lo hacían. Además se implementan aplicaciones en lenguaje ANSI C y en LabVIEW para interactuar con los Nodos y los Sistemas SHM. También se procede a hacer alguna modificación en el Hardware de P.A.M.E.L.A. y del Nodo para obtener una mejor integración entre los dos dispositivos. Y por ultimo, se prueba la transferencia de datos de los Nodos en distintos escenarios. ABSTRACT. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems arise from the need of improving assessment methods and conventional nondestructive tests. Critical structures can be monitored using SHM. A SHM system analyzes periodically a specific structure capturing the state of structural integrity. The aim of this project is to contribute in the implementation of Mesh network for SHM system in aircraft structures. P.A.M.E.L.A. (Phase Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment) is the name for electronic equipment developed by AERNOVA, the Electronic Design Groups of university UPV/EHU and the Instrumentation and Applied Acoustics research group from UPM. P.A.M.E.L.A. devices were not originally equipped with Wi-Fi interface. In this project a separate hardware module that handles wireless communications (nodes) has been added. The nodes include an operating system for manage the Wi-Fi Mesh Network and they form the wireless mesh network to link SHM systems with monitoring equipment. Nodes are embedded devices with an installed firmware based on special Linux distribution used in routers or nodes, called OpenWRT. They need a Mesh Protocol to stablish the network. The most common protocols options are: DSDV (Destination Sequenced Distance Vector), OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing), BATMAN-Adv (Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking Advance), BMX (a version of BATMAN-Adv) AODV (Ad hoc on-Demand Distance Vector) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing). In addition, there are organizations that are dedicated to develope firmware using these Mesh Protocols, for instance: Nightwing uses BMX, Freifunk use OLSR and Potato Mesh uses BATMAN-Adv. The advantage of these three firmwares is that these groups develop pre-compiled images of the system ready to be loaded in several models of Nodes. In this project the images were installed in the nodes. In this way, BMX, OLSR and BATMAN-Adv have been tested. We conclude that the protocol BATMAN-Adv has better performance in terms of stability and bandwidth. After choosing the protocol, the objective was to develop a distribution based on OpenWRT, using BATMAN-Adv to create the mesh network. This distribution is fitted to the requirements of this project. Besides, in this project it has been developed applications in C language and LabVIEW to interact with the Nodes and the SHM systems. The project also address some modifications to the PAMELA hardware and the Node, for better integration between both elements. Finally, data transfer tests among the different nodes in different scenarios has been carried out.