972 resultados para Streaming,lwIP,Linux,ZedBoard,OpenCV,pthread,UDP,TCP,Petalinux
Streaming video application requires high security as well as high computational performance. In video encryption, traditional selective algorithms have been used to partially encrypt the relatively important data in order to satisfy the streaming performance requirement. Most video selective encryption algorithms are inherited from still image encryption algorithms, the encryption on motion vector data is not considered. The assumption is that motion vector data are not as important as pixel image data. Unfortunately, in some cases, motion vector itself may be sufficient enough to leak out useful video information. Normally motion vector data consume over half of the whole video stream bandwidth, neglecting their security may be unwise. In this paper, we target this security problem and illustrate attacks at two different levels that can restore useful video information using motion vectors only. Further, an information analysis is made and a motion vector information model is built. Based on this model, we describe a new motion vector encryption algorithm called MVEA. We show the experimental results of MVEA. The security strength and performance of the algorithm are also evaluated.
The diversity of the networks (wired/wireless) prefers a TCP solution robust across a wide range of networks rather than fine-tuned for a particular one at the cost of another. TCP parallelization uses multiple virtual TCP connections to transfer data for an application process and opens a way to improve TCP performance across a wide range of environments - high bandwidth-delay product (BDP), wireless as well as conventional networks. In particular, it can significantly benefit the emerging high-speed wireless networks. Despite its potential to work well over a wide range of networks, it is not fully understood how TCP parallelization performs when experiencing various packet losses in the heterogeneous environment. This paper examines the current TCP parallelization related methods under various packet losses and shows how to improve the performance of TCP parallelization.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of 802.11e MAC to resolve the transmission control protocol (TCP) unfairness. Design/methodology/approach: The paper shows how a TCP sender may adapt its transmission rate using the number of hops and the standard deviation of recently measured round-trip times to address the TCP unfairness. Findings: Simulation results show that the proposed techniques provide even throughput by providing TCP fairness as the number of hops increases over a wireless mesh network (WMN). Research limitations/implications: Future work will examine the performance of TCP over routing protocols, which use different routing metrics. Other future work is scalability over WMNs. Since scalability is a problem with communication in multi-hop, carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) will be compared with time division multiple access (TDMA) and a hybrid of TDMA and code division multiple access (CDMA) will be designed that works with TCP and other traffic. Finally, to further improve network performance and also increase network capacity of TCP for WMNs, the usage of multiple channels instead of only a single fixed channel will be exploited. Practical implications: By allowing the tuning of the 802.11e MAC parameters that have previously been constant in 802.11 MAC, the paper proposes the usage of 802.11e MAC on a per class basis by collecting the TCP ACK into a single class and a novel congestion control method for TCP over a WMN. The key feature of the proposed TCP algorithm is the detection of congestion by measuring the fluctuation of RTT of the TCP ACK samples via the standard deviation, plus the combined the 802.11e AIFS and CWmin allowing the TCP ACK to be prioritised which allows the TCP ACKs will match the volume of the TCP data packets. While 802.11e MAC provides flexibility and flow/congestion control mechanism, the challenge is to take advantage of these features in 802.11e MAC. Originality/value: With 802.11 MAC not having flexibility and flow/congestion control mechanisms implemented with TCP, these contribute to TCP unfairness with competing flows. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
The contributions in this research are split in to three distinct, but related, areas. The focus of the work is based on improving the efficiency of video content distribution in the networks that are liable to packet loss, such as the Internet. Initially, the benefits and limitations of content distribution using Forward Error Correction (FEC) in conjunction with the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is presented. Since added FEC can be used to reduce the number of retransmissions, the requirement for TCP to deal with any losses is greatly reduced. When real-time applications are needed, delay must be kept to a minimum, and retransmissions not desirable. A balance, therefore, between additional bandwidth and delays due to retransmissions must be struck. This is followed by the proposal of a hybrid transport, specifically for H.264 encoded video, as a compromise between the delay-prone TCP and the loss-prone UDP. It is argued that the playback quality at the receiver often need not be 100% perfect, providing a certain level is assured. Reliable TCP is used to transmit and guarantee delivery of the most important packets. The delay associated with the proposal is measured, and the potential for use as an alternative to the conventional methods of transporting video by either TCP or UDP alone is demonstrated. Finally, a new objective measurement is investigated for assessing the playback quality of video transported using TCP. A new metric is defined to characterise the quality of playback in terms of its continuity. Using packet traces generated from real TCP connections in a lossy environment, simulating the playback of a video is possible, whilst monitoring buffer behaviour to calculate pause intensity values. Subjective tests are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the metric introduced and show that the results of objective and subjective scores made are closely correlated.
Motivated by the increasing demand and challenges of video streaming in this thesis, we investigate methods by which the quality of the video can be improved. We utilise overlay networks that have been created by implemented relay nodes to produce path diversity, and show through analytical and simulation models for which environments path diversity can improve the packet loss probability. We take the simulation and analytical models further by implementing a real overlay network on top of Planetlab, and show that when the network conditions remain constant the video quality received by the client can be improved. In addition, we show that in the environments where path diversity improves the video quality forward error correction can be used to further enhance the quality. We then investigate the effect of IEEE 802.11e Wireless LAN standard with quality of service enabled on the video quality received by a wireless client. We find that assigning all the video to a single class outperforms a cross class assignment scheme proposed by other researchers. The issue of virtual contention at the access point is also examined. We increase the intelligence of our relay nodes and enable them to cache video, in order to maximise the usefulness of these caches. For this purpose, we introduce a measure, called the PSNR profit, and present an optimal caching method for achieving the maximum PSNR profit at the relay nodes where partitioned video contents are stored and provide an enhanced quality for the client. We also show that the optimised cache the degradation in the video quality received by the client becomes more graceful than the non-optimised system when the network experiences packet loss or is congested.