390 resultados para Strategisk HRM


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Bakgrunden till studien är att Sverigedemokraterna kom in i riksdagen vid valet 2014. De sägs även vara mest aktiva på sociala medier av partierna, samtidigt som användningen av dessa medier som kanalen YouTube är vanligt för alla partier att sprida sin politiska kommunikation. Vårt syfte består av flera delar: dels att undersöka riksdagspartiernas YouTube-användning; dels att analysera text, diskursiv- och social praktik i politiska kommunikation hos partier med öppna kommentarfält. För att studera detta använder vi begreppen  “det goda samhället” och demokratism med avsikten att förstå och problematisera politisk kommunikationen på YouTube utifrån ett demokratiskt perspektiv. Teoretisk ram är Arthos (etisk propagandaanvändning), Calderaro (web 2.0s demokratifrämjande), Dahlgren (“det goda samhället” och demokratism), Ekman (extremhögergruppers YouTube-användning), Falkheimer & Heide (historisk överblick av strategisk kommunikaiton), Giansante (demokrati i social medier), Halpern & Gibbs (politiska diskussioner i kommentarfält) och Neumayer (politiskt oliktänkandes diskussion i kommentarfält). Materialet är alla åtta riksdagspartiers (Vänsterpartiet, Socialdemokraterna, Miljöpartiet, Centerpartiet, Kristdemokraterna, Liberalerna, Nya Moderaterna och Sverigedemokraterna) YouTube-kanaler med  kommentarfält och tre filmer och deras kommentarfält. Filmerna är en valfilm från 2014 från både Centern respektive Vänstern samt en reklamfilm från 2015 från SD. Metoden för analysen av YouTube-kanalerna och kommentarerna är en liten översiktlig kvantitativ deskriptiv innehållsanalys, medan den djupgående analysen av filmer och kommentarfält är Faircloughs kvalitativa kritiska diskursanalys kompletterad med semiotisk analys. Resultatet visar att äldre och stora har sedan 2014 många stängda fält och lägre videouppladdningsfrekvens, medan yngre och mindre partier generellt sedan 2014 har många öppna fält och hög videouppladdningsfrekvens. Av de tre undersökta partiernas filmer och fält tillåter minst två av dem kritisk dialog mellan politiskt oliktänkande i dessa vilket främjar demokratin. Slutsatsen är då att YouTube bidrar till utvecklingen av politisk kommunikation mot det demokratiskt goda samhället.


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This study examined whether the effectiveness of human resource management (HRM)practices is contingent on organizational climate and competitive strategy The concepts of internol and external fit suggest that the positive relationship between HRM and subsequent productivity will be stronger for firms with a positive organizational climate and for firms using differentiation strategies. Resource allocation theories of motivation, on the other hand, predict that the relationship between HRM and productivity will be stronger for firms with a poor climate because employees working in these firms should have the greatest amount of spare capacity. The results supported the resource allocation argument.


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Gli organismi vegetali mostrano una notevole capacità di adattamento alle condizioni di stress e lo studio delle componenti molecolari alla base dell'adattamento in colture cerealicole di interesse alimentare, come il frumento, è di particolare interesse per lo studio di varietà che consentano una buona produzione con basso input anche in condizioni ambientali non ottimali. L'esposizione delle colture cerealicole a stress termico durante determinate fasi del ciclo vitale influisce negativamente sulla resa e sulla qualità, a questo fine è necessario chiarire le basi genetiche e molecolari della termotolleranza per identificare geni e alleli vantaggiosi da impiegare in programmi di incrocio volti al miglioramento genetico. Numerosi studi dimostrano il coinvolgimento delle sHSP a localizzazione cloroplastica (in frumento sHSP26) nel meccanismo di acquisizione della termotolleranza e la loro interazione con diverse componenti del fotosistema II (PSII) che determinerebbe un’azione protettiva in condizioni di stress termico e altri tipi di stress. Lo scopo del progetto è quello di caratterizzare in frumento duro nuove varianti alleliche correlate alla tolleranza a stress termico mediate l'utilizzo del TILLING (Target Induced Local Lesion In Genome), un approccio di genetica inversa che prevede la mutagenesi e l'identificazione delle mutazioni indotte in siti di interesse. Durante la tesi sono state isolate e caratterizzate 3 sequenze geniche complete per smallHsp26 denominate TdHsp26-A1; TdHsp26-A2; TdHsp26-B1 e un putativo pseudogene denominato TdHsp26-A3. I geni isolati sono stati usati come target in analisi di TILLING in due popolazioni di frumento duro mutagenizzate con EMS (EtilMetanoSulfonato). Nel nostro studio sono stati impiegati due differenti approcci di TILLING: un approccio di TILLING classico mediante screening con High Resolution Melting (HRM) e un approccio innovativo che sfrutta un database di TILLING recentemente sviluppato. La popolazione di mutanti cv. Kronos è stata analizzata per la presenza di mutazioni in tutti e tre i geni individuati mediante ricerca online nel database di TILLING, il quale sfrutta la tecnica dell’exome capture sulla popolazione di TILLING seguito da sequenziamento ad alta processività. Attraverso questa tecnica sono state individuate, nella popolazione mutagenizzata di frumento duro cv. Kronos, 36 linee recanti mutazioni missenso. Contemporaneamente lo screening con HRM, effettuato su 960 genotipi della libreria di TILLING di frumento duro cv. Cham1 ha consentito di individuare mutazioni in una regione di 211bp di interesse funzionale del gene TdHsp26-B1, tra le quali 3 linee mutanti recanti mutazioni missenso in omozigosi. Alcune mutazioni missenso individuate sui due geni TdHsp26-A1 e TdHsp26-B1 sono state confermate in vivo nelle piante delle rispettive linee mutanti generando marcatori codominanti KASP (Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR) con cui è stato possibile verificare anche il grado di zigosità di tali mutazioni. Al fine di ridurre il numero di mutazioni non desiderate nelle linee risultate più interessanti, è stato eseguito il re-incrocio dei mutanti con i relativi parentali wild type ed inoltre sono stati generati alcuni doppi mutanti che consentiranno di comprendere meglio i meccanismi molecolari presieduti da questa classe genica. Gli individui F1 degli incroci sono stati poi genotipizzati con i medesimi marcatori KASP specifici per la mutazione di interesse per verificare la buona riuscita dell’incrocio. Questo approccio ha permesso di individuare ed implementare risorse genetiche utili ad intraprendere studi funzionali relativi al ruolo di smallHSP plastidiche implicate nella acquisizione di termotolleranza in frumento duro e di generare marcatori potenzialmente utili in futuri programmi di breeding.


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Focusing on HRM developments in thirteen developing countries across Asia, Africa and the Middle East, this book explores the contextual functions of HR in these countries. In addition, it analyzes the more general issues of HRM in cross-national settings to give readers an understanding of HR that is both comparative and contextual. Covering the policies and practices of China, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa, each chapter follows a framework that draws out all of the unique and diverse configurations of HRM. This important text is an invaluable resource for all HRM practitioners, students and scholars of HRM, international HRM and international business.


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This study examines the HRM practices and the role played by the HR department in foreign-owned units located in China and India. The study of 170 Western-owned subsidiaries analyses the extent to which the HRM practices associated with the local professionals and managerial-level employees resemble those of local firms versus those of the (main) Western parent organization, and investigates the degree to which the unit's HR department was perceived to play a strategic role. The results indicate clear differences between HRM characteristics in Western-owned units in China and India, and suggest that the use of expatriates and the background of the HR managers are important determinants of subsidiary HRM.


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This paper investigates if HRM policies have an impact on organisational performance. The research is based on a sample of 178 organisations operating in the Greek manufacturing sector. The 'universalistic model’ of HRM is adopted to conduct the investigation. The results show strong support for the model, indicating that the HRM policies of recruitment, training, promotion, incentives, benefits, involvement, and health and safety are positively related with organisational performance. The study contributes to both HRM theory and has important messages for practitioners.


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Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to examine the kind of HRM practices being implemented by overseas firms in their Indian subsidiaries and also to analyze the linkage between HRM practices and organizational performance. Design/methodology/approach: The paper utilizes a mixture of both quantitative and qualitative techniques via personal interviews in 76 subsidiaries. Findings: The results show that while the introduction of HRM practices from the foreign parent organization is negatively associated with performance, local adaption of HRM practices is positively related with the performance of foreign firms operating in India. Research limitations/implications: The main limitations include data being collected by only one respondent from each firm, and the relatively small sample size. Practical implications: The key message for practitioners is that HRM systems do improve organizational performance in the Indian subsidiaries of foreign firms, and an emphasis on the localization of HRM practices can further contribute in this regard. Originality/value: This is perhaps the very first investigation of its kind in the Indian context. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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This paper investigates the relationship between systems of HRM policies and organizational performance. The research is based on a sample of 178 organizations operating in the Greek manufacturing sector. A mediation model is tested to examine the link between HRM and organizational performance. The results of this study support the hypothesis that the relationship between the HRM systems of resourcing-development and reward-relations, and organizational performance, is mediated through the HRM outcomes of skills and attitudes. The paper not only supports the theory that HRM systems have a positive impact on organizational performance but also explains the mechanisms through which HRM systems improve organizational performance.


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Examines five strategic human resource management (HRM) issues using a qualitative methodology. Two of these are related to the central organisational-level constructs of structure and culture. The other three pertain to HR strategy, HR competencies, and HR outsourcing. The study employed the multiple-case design method proposed by Yin, with a view to extending theory in strategic HRM research. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 35 managers (CEOs, line managers, and HR managers) of nine companies from two major industries in the manufacturing sector – electronic products and machinery/equipment. The research found that top management enlightenment and level of HR competencies together determine the role and status of the HR function in organisations, and that the companies studied pursue four types of HR strategies: informal and not communicated; informal and communicated; formal but not communicated; and formal and communicated. HR strategy was found to affect both vertical and horizontal fits of the HR function. Culture, HR strategy and HR competencies influenced organisational propensity to outsource HR activities.


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This article investigates if human resource management (HRM) policies have an impact on organizational performance in the Greek manufacturing context. The research is based on a sample of 178 firms. The "universalistic model" of HRM is adopted to conduct the investigation. The results show strong support for the model, indicating that the HRM policies of recruitment, training, promotion, incentives, benefits, involvement, and health and safety are positively related with organizational performance. The study both contributes to HRM theory and has important implications for practitioners. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Currently, debate in the area of cross-national human resource management (HRM) suggests that both “culture-bound” and “culture-free” factors and variables are important determinants of HRM policies and practices. HRM is presented as being context-specific and it is argued that with the growth of new markets world-wide, and increased levels of competition and globalization of business, there is a strong need for more cross-national HRM studies. However, the literature shows the absence of an integrated framework, which can help to highlight the different role that context-specific facets of HRM practices play. The nature of different determinants in different national and regional settings is rarely analyzed. This paper develops an integrated framework. It delineates the main distinctive facets associated with national factors, contingent variables, and organizational and human resource (HR) strategies and policies, that may be used to evaluate cross-national comparative HRM policies and practices.


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This paper examines the developments in the field of career management in a cross-national comparative context. It investigates a wide range of career practices via two large-scale surveys in 108 Indian and 194 British organisations. The influence of a number of organisational characteristics on career practices is analysed. The study has identified a number of similarities as well as differences in the career management systems of firms operating in both India and Britain. Theoretical and managerial implications for the fields of careers and international HRM are discussed.


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This article first briefly highlights the rapid development of the human resource management (HRM) discipline and the need for more cross-national HRM studies. The universal applicability of Anglo-Saxon models of HRM is then questioned. To examine the applicability of HRM models in different settings (national and international), five main HRM models are critically analysed and their main research propositions are identified. This provides the basis for a framework for HRM evaluations in different contexts. Based on such a framework and developments in the literature, finally, a contextual model is proposed for conducting cross-national and comparative HRM studies. The paper also indicates some related directions for future research.