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Mixing phenomena observed when the flow rate in a single loop of the primary circuit is changed can influence the operation of pressurized water reactor (PWR) by inducing local gradients of boron concentration or coolant temperature. Analysis of one-dimensional Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) measurements during the start-up and shutdown of pump on a single loop of the ROCOM test facility has been performed. The effect of a step change and a ramped change in the flow rate on the axial and azimuthal velocities was examined. Numerical simulations were also performed for the step change in the flow rate that gave quantitative agreement with the axial velocities. Phenomenological agreement was made on the turbulent kinetic energy; however, observed values were a factor of 2.5 less than the turbulent kinetic energy derived from the measurements. © 2007.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which mobility indices (such as walking speed and postural sway), motor initiation, and cognitive function, specifically executive functions, including spatial planning, visual attention, and within participant variability, differentially predicted collisions in the near and far sides of the road with increasing age. Methods: Adults aged over 45 years participated in cognitive tests measuring executive function and visual attention (using Useful Field of View; UFoV®), mobility assessments (walking speed, sit-to-stand, self-reported mobility, and postural sway assessed using motion capture cameras), and gave road crossing choices in a two-way filmed real traffic pedestrian simulation. Results: A stepwise regression model of walking speed, start-up delay variability, and processing speed) explained 49.4% of the variance in near-side crossing errors. Walking speed, start-up delay measures (average & variability), and spatial planning explained 54.8% of the variance in far-side unsafe crossing errors. Start-up delay was predicted by walking speed only (explained 30.5%). Conclusion: Walking speed and start-up delay measures were consistent predictors of unsafe crossing behaviours. Cognitive measures, however, differentially predicted near-side errors (processing speed), and far-side errors (spatial planning). These findings offer potential contributions for identifying and rehabilitating at-risk older pedestrians.
Despite the importance of new firms to the economy, determinants of start-ups have mainly been examined at a country level and discussion of regional entrepreneurial activity has received less attention. Since there are significant variations in entrepreneurship rates across and within countries, such an investigation at a regional level would help in gaining an in depth understanding of the impact of the individual level resource endowments and neighbourhood characteristics on an individual’s decision to engage in entrepreneurial activity. The main aim of the thesis is to explore various theories of entrepreneurship and develop integrated frameworks for examining the determinants of entrepreneurial activity at a neighbourhood level in the East Midlands region in England. The specific objectives of the thesis are to examine how the individual level resources and the neighbourhood characteristics: (i) combine to influence an individual to engage in the different stages of the entrepreneurial process, (ii) influence natives and migrants to engage in start up activity and (iii) influence women and men to become self-employed and ambitious entrepreneurs. In terms of the methodology, the empirical analysis is based on two databases combined: 2006 to 2009 GEM East Midlands region and the English Index of Multiple Deprivation dataset. Based on the critical review of the literature on entrepreneurship the thesis develop theoretical frameworks which led to formulate hypotheses related to the differentiated impact of both individual and neighbourhood level factors on the propensity of an individual to be involved in entrepreneurial activity. The findings indicate that the determinants of entrepreneurial activity vary with human, financial and the local environment factors affecting the entrepreneurial process. Finally, the thesis calls for caution when developing and applying generic and specific policy measures aimed at promoting entry into entrepreneurship.
The aims of this thesis were to investigate the neuropsychological, neurophysiological, and cognitive contributors to mobility changes with increasing age. In a series of studies with adults aged 45-88 years, unsafe pedestrian behaviour and falls were investigated in relation to i) cognitive functions (including response time variability, executive function, and visual attention tests), ii) mobility assessments (including gait and balance and using motion capture cameras), iii) motor initiation and pedestrian road crossing behavior (using a simulated pedestrian road scene), iv) neuronal and functional brain changes (using a computer based crossing task with magnetoencephalography), and v) quality of life questionnaires (including fear of falling and restricted range of travel). Older adults are more likely to be fatally injured at the far-side of the road compared to the near-side of the road, however, the underlying mobility and cognitive processes related to lane-specific (i.e. near-side or far-side) pedestrian crossing errors in older adults is currently unknown. The first study explored cognitive, motor initiation, and mobility predictors of unsafe pedestrian crossing behaviours. The purpose of the first study (Chapter 2) was to determine whether collisions at the near-side and far-side would be differentially predicted by mobility indices (such as walking speed and postural sway), motor initiation, and cognitive function (including spatial planning, visual attention, and within participant variability) with increasing age. The results suggest that near-side unsafe pedestrian crossing errors are related to processing speed, whereas far-side errors are related to spatial planning difficulties. Both near-side and far-side crossing errors were related to walking speed and motor initiation measures (specifically motor initiation variability). The salient mobility predictors of unsafe pedestrian crossings determined in the above study were examined in Chapter 3 in conjunction with the presence of a history of falls. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which walking speed (indicated as a salient predictor of unsafe crossings and start-up delay in Chapter 2), and previous falls can be predicted and explained by age-related changes in mobility and cognitive function changes (specifically within participant variability and spatial ability). 53.2% of walking speed variance was found to be predicted by self-rated mobility score, sit-to-stand time, motor initiation, and within participant variability. Although a significant model was not found to predict fall history variance, postural sway and attentional set shifting ability was found to be strongly related to the occurrence of falls within the last year. Next in Chapter 4, unsafe pedestrian crossing behaviour and pedestrian predictors (both mobility and cognitive measures) from Chapter 2 were explored in terms of increasing hemispheric laterality of attentional functions and inter-hemispheric oscillatory beta power changes associated with increasing age. Elevated beta (15-35 Hz) power in the motor cortex prior to movement, and reduced beta power post-movement has been linked to age-related changes in mobility. In addition, increasing recruitment of both hemispheres has been shown to occur and be beneficial to perform similarly to younger adults in cognitive tasks (Cabeza, Anderson, Locantore, & McIntosh, 2002). It has been hypothesised that changes in hemispheric neural beta power may explain the presence of more pedestrian errors at the farside of the road in older adults. The purpose of the study was to determine whether changes in age-related cortical oscillatory beta power and hemispheric laterality are linked to unsafe pedestrian behaviour in older adults. Results indicated that pedestrian errors at the near-side are linked to hemispheric bilateralisation, and neural overcompensation post-movement, 4 whereas far-side unsafe errors are linked to not employing neural compensation methods (hemispheric bilateralisation). Finally, in Chapter 5, fear of falling, life space mobility, and quality of life in old age were examined to determine their relationships with cognition, mobility (including fall history and pedestrian behaviour), and motor initiation. In addition to death and injury, mobility decline (such as pedestrian errors in Chapter 2, and falls in Chapter 3) and cognition can negatively affect quality of life and result in activity avoidance. Further, number of falls in Chapter 3 was not significantly linked to mobility and cognition alone, and may be further explained by a fear of falling. The objective of the above study (Study 2, Chapter 3) was to determine the role of mobility and cognition on fear of falling and life space mobility, and the impact on quality of life measures. Results indicated that missing safe pedestrian crossing gaps (potentially indicating crossing anxiety) and mobility decline were consistent predictors of fear of falling, reduced life space mobility, and quality of life variance. Social community (total number of close family and friends) was also linked to life space mobility and quality of life. Lower cognitive functions (particularly processing speed and reaction time) were found to predict variance in fear of falling and quality of life in old age. Overall, the findings indicated that mobility decline (particularly walking speed or walking difficulty), processing speed, and intra-individual variability in attention (including motor initiation variability) are salient predictors of participant safety (mainly pedestrian crossing errors) and wellbeing with increasing age. More research is required to produce a significant model to explain the number of falls.
In recent years, there has been a growing realisation that beyond the realm of legitimate entrepreneurship is a large, hidden enterprise culture composed of entrepreneurs conducting some or all of their trade off-the-books. Until now, however, few have evaluated how many entrepreneurs start-up their ventures trading off-the-books and why they do so. Reporting face-to-face interviews conducted in Ukraine during 2005-2006 with 331 entrepreneurs, the finding is not only that the vast majority (90%) operate partially or wholly off-the-books, but also that they are not all driven by necessity, as a last resort and as a survival strategy into entrepreneurship. Revealing how many are willing rather than reluctant entrepreneurs; and that even those who were initially reluctant and ventured into it out of necessity, became more willing entrepreneurs over time as their business became established - the paper concludes by discussing the implications of these findings for both further research and public policy. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
A tanulmány azt vizsgálja, hogy milyen vállalkozást szeretnének indítani, honnan szerzik az ötletet és a társakat az egyetemi hallgatók, és milyen módon jelenik meg a vállalati felelősség. Betekintést ad az oktatott vállalkozáskurzusok elérhetőségébe, és a GUESSS adatbázisára építve értékeli a válaszokat. Jelen tanulmány csak a magyar adatok feldolgozását tartalmazza, egyes helyeken nemzetközi kitekintéssel. A szerző a cikk végén szemlélteti, hogyan térnek el vállalkozásindítást gátló tényezők Magyarországon a nemzetközi átlagtól a hallgatók körében. _____ The primary focus of the study, what kind of small business students intend to start, where the ideas come from, and how corporate responsibility present in student plans. It gives some figures about availability of entrepreneurial courses, and based on GUESS database it analyses results. This study is limited to the Hungarian results, with some international outlook. The author at the end of the article, shows how obstacles of start-up are differ from international average.
A stratégiai gondolkodásmód a szervezetben működő egyének olyan kognitív sémáinak összessége, melyek alapjaiban befolyásolják a szervezet üzleti lehetőségeivel kapcsolatos feltevéseiket, valamint ezáltal a vállalati stratégiát és innovációt. Jelen tanulmány egy koncepcióalkotó munka, mely négy alapvető stratégiai gondolkodásmódot azonosít, amelyek mindegyike sajátos módon kapcsolódik az innovációhoz. Későbbi empirikus vizsgálathoz kapcsolódóan három feltevést azonosít, melyek a következőek: 1. Minél dinamikusabb a vállalat stratégiai gondolkodásmódja, annál radikálisabb innovációs kezdeményezéseket támogat. 2. Időben a vállalatok (a stabilitásra való törekvésük miatt) a statikusabb stratégiai gondolkodásmód felé mozdulnak el. 3. Minél konzisztensebb a vállalat stratégiai gondolkodásmódja, annál nagyobb mértékben kerül megvalósításra a tervezett stratégia. _____ Strategic mindset is the sum of those cognitive patterns of a group of individuals in an organization which fundamentally influence their assumptions about business opportunities. Four types of strategic mindsets can be distinguished which fundamentally influence the strategy and innovation capability of the firm. This paper is a conceptual framework which describes three assumptions such as 1. the more dynamic strategic mindset results the more radical innovation strategy; 2. in time strategic mindsets become more static; and 3. the more consistent strategic mindsets inside the firm, the greater possibility of the intended strategy is implemented. By this way it is a first step of a future research examining why start-up companies can lose their innovation capability and why large firms can keep it?
Magyarország 2006-ban csatlakozott a Szt. Gallen-i Egyetem (Svájc) által koordinált (GUESSS Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey) kutatáshoz, amely a hallgatók vállalkozásindítással kapcsolatos elképzeléseit és vállalkozási tevékenységét kérdőíves adatfelvétel segítségével vizsgálja. Az online megkérdezésnek köszönhetően Magyarország esetében 2011-ben 5 677 hallgató válaszai alapján értékelhették a szerzők a hallgatók vállalkozásindítási szándékát és azok legfontosabb alakító tényezőit. A kutatás nemzetközi jellegének köszönhetően eredményeik összevethetők a nemzetközi tapasztalatokkal is. A tanulmány bemutatja a nemzetközi kutatás célját, elméleti hátterét, a kérdőívet és a kérdezés folyamatát. A magyar adatbázis legfontosabb jellemzői mellett a szerzők ismertetik a vállalkozásindítási szándék, a főiskolai-egyetemi környezet nemzetközi összehasonlító adatait. _______ Hungary joined the GUESSS (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey) research project organized and led by the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland in 2006. GUESSS evaluated students’ entrepreneurial intentions and activities with the help of a questionnaire. In 2011 an online survey was conducted in Hungary, addressing 5.677 students. The students’ responses regarding their business start-up activities and intentions as well as the most important factors shaping them were evaluated. The international nature of the research allowed the authors’ to compare Hungarian results to international practices. This paper describes the purpose of the international research, its theoretical background, the questionnaire and the interview process. Apart from presenting the most important features of the Hungarian data set, they describe the start-up intentions, the university and college environment and compare them to the international data.
Legyen az mérnöki tervezői folyamat, orvostudomány, üzlet, építészet vagy festészet nem azzal foglalkozik, hogy mi szükséges, hanem hogy mi lehetséges: röviden designnal (Simon, 1996). A design tehát alkotói magatartás, kreatív tervezés, tervezőművészet. Ehhez társul a kommunikáció, a tervezői, alkotói, kreatív kapcsolatteremtés, úgy az önreflexió, mint az interhumánus fenomén szintjén. Így hát a designkommunikáció egy olyan kapcsolatteremtési szemléletet képvisel, amely HÍD-ként jelenik meg a különböző diszciplínák, a társadalom és a gazdaság jelenségei között. Módszerével valósidejű kapcsolatot lehet teremteni oktatás, kutatás és vállalkozás között. Az élethosszig tartó tanulás a ma vezetője és tervezője számára egyaránt evidencia. A tanulás lehetőségét a saját területről, diszciplínából, komfort zónából való kilépés teremtheti meg: olyan helyzetekből, ahol a tervező tanul a menedzsertől, a vezető a művésztől, a közgazdász a mérnöktől és mindezt úgy, hogy az egyetemi évek a valódi karrier (identitás, inkubáció, akceleráció, start-up, vállalkozás, önálló vezérfonal stb.), azaz az életpálya-építés integráns részévé válnak. A szerzők interdiszciplináris megközelítésű cikkükben bemutatják, hogy a ma vállalatvezetője hogyan működhet designerként. Tanulmányuk szemlélete kettős: a tervezőművész és a közgazdász diaglógusa: ötvözi a rigorózus tudományos irodalomfeldolgozás retorikáját és a gyakorlati tervezői és vezetői párbeszéd érveléstechnikáját. A közvetlenül adaptálható elméleti keretek bemutatása mellett, felvázolják egy olyan képzési program koncepcióját, melynek célja vezető-tervezői/tervező-vezetői kompetenciák átadása.
This dissertation is one of the earliest to systematically apply and empirically test the resource-based view (RBV) in the context of nascent social ventures in a large scale study. Social ventures are entrepreneurial ventures organized as nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid organizations whose primary purpose is to address unmet social needs and create social value. Nascent social ventures face resource gaps and engage in partnerships or alliances as one means to access external resources. These partnerships with different sectors facilitate social venture innovative and earned income strategies, and assist in the development of adequate heterogeneous resource conditions that impact competitive advantage. Competitive advantage in the context of nascent social ventures is achieved through the creation of value and the achievement of venture development activities and launching. The relationships between partnerships, heterogeneous resource conditions, strategies, and competitive advantage are analyzed in the context of nascent social ventures that participated in business plan competitions. A content analysis of 179 social venture business plans and an exploratory follow-up survey of 72 of these ventures are used to analyze these relationships using regression, ANOVA, correlations, t-tests, and non-parametric statistics. The findings suggest a significant positive relationship between competitive advantage and partnership diversity, heterogeneous resource conditions, social innovation, and earned income. Social capital is the type of resource most significantly related to competitive advantage. Founder previous start-up experience, client location, and business plan completeness are also found to be significant in the relationship between partnership diversity and competitive advantage. Finally the findings suggest that hybrid social ventures create a greater competitive advantage than nonprofit or for-profit social ventures. Consequently, this dissertation not only provides academics further insight into the factors that impact nascent social value creation, venture development, and ability to launch, but also offers practitioners guidance on how best to organize certain processes to create a competitive advantage. As a result more insight is gained into the nascent social venture creation process and how these ventures can have a greater impact on society.
Government call centers (311) were first created to reduce the volume of non-emergency calls that were being placed to emergency 911 call centers. The number of 311 call centers increased from 57 in 2008 to about 300 in 2013. Considering that there are over 2,700 municipal government units across the United States, the adoption rate of the 311 centers is arguably low in the country. This dissertation is an examination of the adoption of 311 call centers by municipal governments. My focus is specifically on why municipal governments adopt 311 and identifying which barriers result in the non-adoption of 311 call centers. This dissertation is possibly the first study to examine the adoption of 311 call centers in the United States. The dissertation study has identified several significant factors in the adoption and non-adoption of 311 government call centers. The following factors were significant in the adoption of 311 government call centers: managerial support, financial constraints, organizational responsiveness, strategic plan placement, and technology champion. The following factors were significant barriers that resulted in the non-adoption of a 311 government call center; no demand from citizens, start up costs, annual operating costs, unavailability of funding, and no obvious need for one.If local government entities that do not have a 311 government call center decide to adopt one, this study will help them identify the conditions that need to be in place for successful adoption to occur. Local government officials would first need to address the barriers in setting up the 311 call centers.
Questa tesi si basa su una raccolta e una successiva elaborazione di dati effettuata su Crowdcube, la piattaforma di crowdfunding di investimento leader a livello mondiale, con lo scopo di analizzare il fenomeno dell’equity-crowdfunding in tutte le sue diverse caratteristiche. Attraverso gli strumenti grafici e computazionali, si studierà un campione di circa 100 progetti, con l’obiettivo finale di individuare e studiare “i fattori critici di successo”, derivanti dalle correlazioni tra caratteristiche dei progetti presentati e successo ottenuto da questi ultimi nell’ottica di finanziamenti ricevuti. L’importanza di questo studio è data dalla necessità dei progettisti che presentano le campagne di crowdfunding di capire come poter rassicurare e convincere gli investitori, in modo da avere una raccolta fondi di successo. L’analisi sarà arricchita da tabelle, istogrammi e grafici, con lo scopo di supportare l’esplicazione dei vari concetti e delineare eventuali trend.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Funded by College of Life Science and Medicine, University of Aberdeen, UK This work was funded by a start-up grant from the College of Life Science and Medicine, University of Aberdeen, UK. I am grateful to J. Bähler, E. Hartsuiker, F. Klein, J. Kohli, K. Nasmyth, M. C. Whitby, the Leibniz Institute – German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DMSZ) and the National BioResource Project Japan (NBRP) for providing materials used in this study. I thank Alistair J. P. Brown and Takashi Kubota for critically reading this manuscript.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Funded by College of Life Science and Medicine, University of Aberdeen, UK This work was funded by a start-up grant from the College of Life Science and Medicine, University of Aberdeen, UK. I am grateful to J. Bähler, E. Hartsuiker, F. Klein, J. Kohli, K. Nasmyth, M. C. Whitby, the Leibniz Institute – German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DMSZ) and the National BioResource Project Japan (NBRP) for providing materials used in this study. I thank Alistair J. P. Brown and Takashi Kubota for critically reading this manuscript.
10 pages, 5 figures, conference or other essential info Acknowledgments LK and JCS were supported by Blue Brain Project. P.D. and R.L. were supported in part by the Blue Brain Project and by the start-up grant of KH. Partial support for P.D. has been provided by the Advanced Grant of the European Research Council GUDHI (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions). MS was supported by the SNF NCCR ”Synapsy”.