954 resultados para Spinal nerve ligation
PURPOSE: 1. Identify differences in optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) as an indirect measure of intracranial pressure (ICP) in glaucoma patients and a healthy population. 2. Identify variables that may correlate with ONSD in primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and normal tension glaucoma (NTG) patients. METHODS: Patients with NTG (n = 46) and POAG (n = 61), and healthy controls (n = 42) underwent B-scan ultrasound measurement of ONSD by an observer masked to the patient diagnosis. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured in all groups, with additional central corneal thickness (CCT) and visual field defect measurements in glaucomatous patients. Only one eye per patient was selected. Kruskal-Wallis or Mann-Whitney were used to compare the different variables between the diagnostic groups. Spearman correlations were used to explore relationships among these variables. RESULTS: ONSD was not significantly different between healthy, NTG and POAG patients (6.09 ± 0.78, 6.03 ± 0.69, and 5.71 ± 0.83 respectively; p = 0.08). Visual field damage and CCT were not correlated with ONSD in either of the glaucoma groups (POAG, p = 0.31 and 0.44; NTG, p = 0.48 and 0.90 respectively). However, ONSD did correlate with IOP in NTG patients (r = 0.53, p < 0.001), while it did not in POAG patients and healthy controls (p = 0.86, p = 0.46 respectively). Patient's age did not relate to ONSD in any of the groups (p > 0.25 in all groups). CONCLUSIONS: Indirect measurements of ICP by ultrasound assessment of the ONSD may provide further insights into the retrolaminar pressure component in glaucoma. The correlation of ONSD with IOP solely in NTG patients suggests that the translaminar pressure gradient may be of particular importance in this type of glaucoma.
BACKGROUND: Schwannomas of the abducens nerve are extremely rare tumors. The tumor may be located within the cavernous sinus or more often at the prepontine region. However, literature research has identified only one case of isolated schwannoma of the orbit, arising from the terminal branches of the abducens nerve to the lateral rectus muscle. This is only the second report of an abducens nerve schwannoma located entirely intraconal. CASE DESCRIPTION: We report a case of an intraorbital abducens nerve schwannoma in a 42-year-old man with no signs of neurofibromatosis. The lesion resulted in progressive diplopia and focal abducens palsy. The clinical, radiologic, and pathologic features are presented. RESULTS: We point the particular aspects and discuss the possible treatments and approaches to preserve nerve function. CONCLUSIONS: Being a benign lesion, one of the goals has always been total removal. The knowledge of the correct anatomic features made us believe that the VI nerve function could be preserved. Our case is the first example of a total removal with eye abduction preserved. Because of that, we believe that it is reasonable to aim for these goals in future cases.
Introduction: Paediatric patients who undergo posterior spinal fusion surgery to correct scoliosis often require multiple blood transfusions. Tranexamic acid is a synthetic antifibrinolytic drug that reduces transfusion requirements in scoliosis surgery (1),(2),(3). Methods: To evaluate the efficacy of prophylactic tranexamic acid (TA) (initial dose of 10mg/kg and infusion of 1mg.kg(-1).h(-1)) in reducing perioperative blood transfusion requirements, we reviewed patients files and compared the amount of blood lost and blood transfused in the perioperative period of 12 patients (54.5%) that received TA and 10 patients (45.5%) who did not received TA. T-Student test was applied. Results: The average difference of blood losses (2,67 +/- 6,06ml) and blood transfused (212,9 +/- 101,1ml) between the two groups was not statistically significant (p>0.05). No thrombotic complications were detected in either group. Discussion: Results of the current study showed that prophylactic low dose of TA did not have a significant effect in the management of intraoperative blood loss and transfusion requirements in children undergoing scoliosis surgery. It is important to emphasize that our study is retrospective and that the size of the sample is small. Further studies are needed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of TA on paediatric scoliosis surgery.
Introduction: Sciatic nerve variations are relatively common. These variations are often very significant in several fields of Medicine. The purpose of this paper is to present two such variants and discuss their clinical implications. Material and Methods: Three Caucasian cadavers with no prior history of lower limb trauma or surgery were dissected and found to present anatomical variants of the sciatic nerve. Results: In all cases the sciatic nerve divided above the popliteal fossa. In two cases (cadavers 1 and 2) it divided on both sides in the inferior portion of the gluteal region in its two terminal branches: the common fibular and the tibial nerves. In another case (cadaver 3) the sciatic nerve was found to divide inside the pelvis just before coursing the greater sciatic notch. The common fibular nerve exited the pelvis above the pyriformis muscle and then passed along its posterior aspect, while the tibial nerve coursed deep to the pyriformis muscle. Discussion: According to the literature, the anatomical variant described in cadaver 3 is considered relatively rare. This variant can predispose to nerve entrapment and thus to the pyriformis syndrome, sciatica and coccygodynia. The high division of the sciatic nerve, as presented in cadavers 1 and 2, can make popliteal nerve blocks partially ineffective. Conclusion: The anatomical variants associated with a high division of the sciatic nerve, must always be born in mind, as they are relatively prevalent, and have important clinical implications, namely in Anesthesiology, Neurology, Sports Medicine and Surgery.
Esta dissertação tem como principal objetivo a criação de uma interface humana, baseada na eletromiografia dos músculos orbicular do olho e frontalis. O algoritmo de programação do microcontrolador ATmega2560 deteta o piscar de olhos voluntário, conta o número de vezes que este acontece e verifica se preenche os requisitos necessários à execução de um comando. Para este efeito foram utilizados elétrodos para a captação do sinal eletromiográfico. O sinal analógico é condicionado pela Shield ECG/EMG da Olimex sendo enviado para o arduíno ATmega2560. Este microcontrolador administra todos os atuadores, dos quais o mais importante é um painel de comandos (quatro comandos diferentes), no qual existe um ponteiro motorizado que indica qual a ação a realizar. O código de execução é extremamente simples: se o utilizador piscar os olhos três vezes, o ponteiro movimenta-se para a secção do painel imediatamente à direita; e se o utilizador piscar os olhos quatro vezes, o ponteiro movimenta-se para a secção do painel imediatamente à esquerda. Os testes realizados com este dispositivo indicam que os utilizadores demoram menos de 10 minutos a aprender a utilizar e executar todos os comandos do painel. Apenas num dos testes realizados o dispositivo não funcionou. Dos utilizadores que realizaram o teste: vários usam óculos; um idoso com graves problemas auditivos, cegueira parcial e dificuldades locomotoras; nenhum foi incapaz de piscar, pelo menos, um dos olhos voluntariamente; e a maioria referiu que, com alguma concentração e principalmente se ouvirem o bip sonoro, a aprendizagem de utilização torna-se muito fácil. Apesar dos limites impostos à concretização de um projeto deste tipo (dos quais se evidenciam as dificuldades em conseguir voluntários com paralisia medular, bem como os limites orçamentais), pode-se afirmar que este dispositivo é eficaz e seria uma mais valia quando implementado num cenário de paralisia medular (total ou parcial). A melhoria de qualidade de vida de um utilizador com estes problemas físicos, ou outros que lhe comprometam a locomoção é garantida. O cenário em que vivem é tremendamente limitado sendo urgente criar soluções para tornar estas vidas mais cómodas. Com os devidos aplicativos, o utilizador poderia abrir portas ou janelas, acender ou apagar luzes, pedir ajuda, ajustar a posição da cama, controlar cadeiras de rodas, entre outros. É neste sentido que surge a minha motivação de criar algo que ajude estas pessoas.
Background: COL11A1 is a large complex gene around 250 kb in length and consisting of 68 exons. Pathogenic mutations in the gene can result in Stickler syndrome, Marshall syndrome or Fibrochondrogenesis. Many of the mutations resulting in either Stickler or Marshall syndrome alter splice sites and result in exon skipping, which because of the exon structure of collagen genes usually leaves the message in-frame. The mutant protein then exerts a dominant negative effect as it co-assembles with other collagen gene products. To date only one large deletion of 40 kb in the COL11A1, which was detected by RT-PCR, has been characterized. However, commonly used screening protocols, utilizing genomic amplification and exon sequencing, are unlikely to detect such large deletions. Consequently the frequency of this type of mutation is unknown. Case presentations: We have used Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) in conjunction with exon amplification and sequencing, to analyze patients with clinical features of Stickler syndrome, and have detected six novel deletions that were not found by exon sequencing alone. Conclusion: Exon deletions appear to represent a significant proportion of type 2 Stickler syndrome. This observation was previously unknown and so diagnostic screening of COL11A1 should include assays capable of detecting both large and small deletions, in addition to exon sequencing.
Introdução: Os drusens do disco ótico são anomalias congénitas do desenvolvimento da cabeça do nervo ótico, correspondendo a depósitos hialinos calcificados, localizados anteriormente à lâmina crivosa. O seu diagnóstico é maioritariamente acidental, em doentes normalmente assintomáticos. Material e Métodos: Os autores apresentam 5 casos clínicos de doentes com idades de apresentação compreendidas entre 6 e 12 anos, observados na Consulta de Oftalmologia Pediátrica e Estrabismo, à qual foram referenciados por diferentes motivos. Resultados: Nos casos clínicos apresentados os motivos de consulta foram diminuição da acuidade visual, estrabismo divergente, cefaleias com suspeita de papiledema e rotina. O exame oftalmológico e os meios complementares de diagnóstico realizados, nomeadamente retinografia, ecografia ocular, tomografia de coerência ótica e campos visuais, contribuíram para o diagnóstico de drusens do nervo ótico. Foram ainda encontrados erros refractivos em 4 dos casos descritos. Conclusão: Salienta-se a importância de uma história clínica e observação detalhadas para o diagnóstico diferencial e despiste de patologias oftalmológicas concomitantes, em doentes com drusens do disco ótico e seus familiares.
The hypoglossal nerve is a pure motor nerve. It provides motor control to the intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles thus being essential for normal tongue movement and coordination. In order to design a useful imaging approach and a working differential diagnosis in cases of hypoglossal nerve damage one has to have a good knowledge of the normal anatomy of the nerve trunk and its main branches. A successful imaging evaluation to hypoglossal diseases always requires high resolution studies due to the small size of the structures being studied. MRI is the preferred modality to directly visualize the nerve, while CT is superior in displaying the bony anatomy of the neurovascular foramina of the skull base. Also, while CT is only able to detect nerve pathology by indirect signs, such as bony expansion of the hypoglossal canal, MRI is able to visualize directly the causative pathological process as in the case of small tumors, or infectious/inflammatory processes affecting the nerve. The easiest way to approach the study of the hypoglossal nerve is to divide it in its main segments: intra-axial, cisternal, skull base and extracranial segment, tailoring the imaging technique to each anatomical area while bearing in mind the main disease entities affecting each segment.
This case report describes the findings of a 27-year-old black male from Bahia, Brazil, who developed facial palsy during the convalescence phase of leptospirosis. The patient recovered without neurological sequel. This work calls attention to a possible association between leptospirosis and facial palsy.
Unlike injury to the peripheral nervous system (PNS), where injured neurons can trigger a regenerative program that leads to axonal elongation and in some cases proper reinnervation, after injury to the central nervous system (CNS) neurons fail to produce the same response. The regenerative program includes the activation of several injury signals that will lead to the expression of genes associated with axonal regeneration. As a consequence, the spawned somatic response will ensure the supply of molecular components required for axonal elongation. The capacity of some neurons to trigger a regenerative response has led to investigate the mechanisms underlying neuronal regeneration. Thus, non-regenerative models (like injury to the CNS) and regenerative models (such as injury to the PNS) were used to understand the differences underlying those two responses to injury. To do so, the regenerative properties of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons were addressed. This particular type of neurons possesses two branches, a central axon, that has a limited capacity to regenerate; and a peripheral axon, where regeneration can occur over long distances. In the first paradigm used to understand the neuronal regeneration mechanisms, we evaluated the activation of injury signals in a non-regenerative model. Injury signals include the positive injury signals, which are described as being enhancers of axonal regeneration by activating several transcription factors. The currently known positive injury signals are ERK, JNK and STAT3. To evaluate whether the lack of regeneration following injury to the central branch of DRG neurons was due to inactivation of these signals, activation of the transcription factors pELK-1, p-c-jun (downstream targets of ERK and JNK, respectively) and pSTAT3 were examined. Results have shown no impairment in the activation of these signals. As a consequence, we further proceed with evaluation of other candidates that could participate in axonal regeneration failure. By comparing the protein profiles that were triggered following either injury to the central branch of DRG neurons or injury to their peripheral branch, we were able to identify high levels of GSK3-β, ROCKII and HSP-40 after injury to the central branch of DRG neurons. While in vitro knockdown of HSP-40 in DRG neurons showed to be toxic for the cells, evaluation of pCRMP2 (a GSK3-β downstream target) and pMLC (a ROCKII downstream target), which are known to impair axonal regeneration, revealed high levels of both proteins following injury to the central branch when comparing with injury to their peripheral one. Altogether, these results suggest that activation of positive injury signals is not sufficient to elicit axonal regeneration; HSP-40 is likely to participate in the cell survival program; whereas GSK3-β and ROCKII activity may condition the regenerative capacity following injury to the nervous system.(...)
INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated the degree of disability, pain levels, muscle strength, and electromyographic function (RMS) in individuals with leprosy. METHODS: We assessed 29 individuals with leprosy showing common peroneal nerve damage and grade 1 or 2 disability who were referred for physiotherapeutic treatment, as well as a control group of 19 healthy participants without leprosy. All subjects underwent analyses of degree of disability, electromyographic tests, voluntary muscle force, and the Visual Analog Pain Scale. RESULTS: McNemar's test found higher levels of grade 2 of disability (Δ = 75.9%; p = 0.0001) among individuals with leprosy. The Mann-Whitney test showed greater pain levels (Δ = 5.0; p = 0.0001) in patients with leprosy who had less extension strength in the right and left extensor hallucis longus muscles (Δ = 1.28, p = 0.0001; Δ = 1.55, p = 0.0001, respectively) and dorsiflexion of the right and left feet (Δ = 1.24, p = 0.0001; Δ = 1.45, p = 0.0001, respectively) than control subjects. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed that the RMS score for dorsiflexion of the right (Δ = 181.66 m·s-2, p = 0.001) and left (Δ = 102.57m·s-2, p = 0.002) feet was lower in patients with leprosy than in control subjects, but intragroup comparisons showed no difference. CONCLUSIONS: Leprosy had a negative influence on all of the study variables, indicating the need for immediate physiotherapeutic intervention in individuals with leprosy. This investigation opens perspectives for future studies that analyze leprosy treatment with physical therapeutic intervention.
Actinomycosis is a rare, chronic, suppurative, granulomatous infection caused by a group of gram-positive anaerobic bacteria belonging to the natural flora of the oral cavity and gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. It may involve several organs. This case study refers to pulmonary actinomycosis with chest wall involvement and cord compression in a 29-year-old male who presented with fever, cough, hemoptysis, neck pain, and paresis and plegia of the lower limbs of 5-month duration.