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This paper analyses the optimal worksharing discount granted to mailers and entrants in a liberalized sector when there is asymmetric information about the Post Office's cost. When the regulator is unable to ascertain which part of total cost of sorting has to be attributed to each sorting facility, the optimal 'accesss discount' given to the entrants is set in a pro-competitive way, thus facilitating the entry of firms that are less afficient than the Post Office. Howerver, with the same asymmetry of information, the optimal 'worksharing discount' given to the mailers is set to favor the Post Office, even when it is less efficient than the mailers in providing the sorting.
PURPOSE: Small intestinal submucosa is a xenogenic, acellular, collagen rich membrane with inherent growth factors that has previously been shown to promote in vivo bladder regeneration. We evaluate in vitro use of small intestinal submucosa to support the individual and combined growth of bladder urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells for potential use in tissue engineering techniques, and in vitro study of the cellular mechanisms involved in bladder regeneration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Primary cultures of human bladder urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells were established using standard enzymatic digestion or explant techniques. Cultured cells were then seeded on small intestinal submucosa at a density of 1 x 105 cells per cm.2, incubated and harvested at 3, 7, 14 and 28 days. The 5 separate culture methods evaluated were urothelial cells seeded alone on the mucosal surface of small intestinal submucosa, smooth muscle cells seeded alone on the mucosal surface, layered coculture of smooth muscle cells seeded on the mucosal surface followed by urothelial cells 1 hour later, sandwich coculture of smooth muscle cells seeded on the serosal surface followed by seeding of urothelial cells on the mucosal surface 24 hours later, and mixed coculture of urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells mixed and seeded together on the mucosal surface. Following harvesting at the designated time points small intestinal submucosa cell constructs were formalin fixed and processed for routine histology including Masson trichrome staining. Specific cell growth characteristics were studied with particular attention to cell morphology, cell proliferation and layering, cell sorting, presence of a pseudostratified urothelium and matrix penetrance. To aid in the identification of smooth muscle cells and urothelial cells in the coculture groups, immunohistochemical analysis was performed with antibodies to alpha-smooth muscle actin and cytokeratins AE1/AE3. RESULTS: Progressive 3-dimensional growth of urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells occurred in vitro on small intestinal submucosa. When seeded alone urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells grew in several layers with minimal to no matrix penetration. In contrast, layered, mixed and sandwich coculture methods demonstrated significant enhancement of smooth muscle cell penetration of the membrane. The layered and sandwich coculture techniques resulted in organized cell sorting, formation of a well-defined pseudostratified urothelium and multilayered smooth muscle cells with enhanced matrix penetration. With the mixed coculture technique there was no evidence of cell sorting although matrix penetrance by the smooth muscle cells was evident. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells maintain the expression of the phenotypic markers of differentiation alpha-smooth muscle actin and cytokeratins AE1/AE3. CONCLUSIONS: Small intestinal submucosa supports the 3-dimensional growth of human bladder cells in vitro. Successful combined growth of bladder cells on small intestinal submucosa with different seeding techniques has important future clinical implications with respect to tissue engineering technology. The results of our study demonstrate that there are important smooth muscle cell-epithelial cell interactions involved in determining the type of in vitro cell growth that occurs on small intestinal submucosa. Small intestinal submucosa is a valuable tool for in vitro study of the cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions that are involved in regeneration and various disease processes of the bladder.
Summary : The skin is a complex organ that protects the body against entry of pathogens and supplies a relatively dry and impermeable barrier to water loss. This barrier function is mainly provided by the epidermis, which is the outermost layer of the skin. Serine proteases are involved in skin physiology and it is known that mutations or alterations in their expression can lead to skin diseases. In order to investigate the importance of the regulated expression of CAPI/Prss8, a membrane bound serine protease expressed in the epidermis, we developed transgenic mice ectopically expressing CAPI/Prss8 in the skin. These animals exhibited a phenotype characterized by scaly skin, epidermal hypertrophy, inflammation and scratching behavior. This phenotype could be completely abolished in mice lacking the proteinase activated receptor 2 (PAR2) revealing PAR2 as a potential in vivo downstream target of CAP 1 /Prss8. We could also provide evidence of a CAP1 /Prss8 function independent of its catalytic activity. Additionally, mice ectopically expressing PAR2 in the skin developed a skin phenotype very similar to CAPI/Prss8 transgenic animals, supporting the hypothesis of PAR2 activation by CAPI/Prss8. We could furthermore demonstrate an inhibitory effect of the serine protease inhibitor nexin-I on CAPI/Prss8, since nexin-1 transgenic expression negated the skin phenotype observed in CAPI/Prss8 transgenic mice. CAP1/Prss8 and PAR2 transgenic animals, and the understanding of the interaction between CAPl/Prss8 and PAR2, can be helpful in developing potential CAPI/Prss8 and PAR2 inhibitory molecules that may be used as drugs to treat ichthyoses-like skin diseases. Résumé : La peau est un organe complexe qui protège le corps contre l'entrée des pathogènes et forme une barrière imperméable qui empêche la déshydratation. Cette fonction de barrière est surtout fournie par l'épiderme, la couche la plus superficielle de la peau. Le bon fonctionnement de cet organe est permis, entre autres, par les protéases à sérine qui sont des enzymes dont l'altération peut causer des maladies de la peau. Pour étudier l'importance de la régulation de CAP1/Prss8, une protéase à sérine exprimée au niveau de l'épiderme, des souris génétiquement modifiées, dans lesquelles CAP1/Prss8 est exprimé d'une manière ectopique dans la peau, ont été générées. Les animaux transgéniques pour CAP1/Prss8 présentent une peau squameuse, un épiderme hypertrophique, des processus inflammatoires et se grattent. Ce phénotype a pu être complètement guéri lorsque le gène de PAR2, un récepteur qui règle l'activité des cellules de l'épiderme, est inactivé chez la souris. Ceci montre que PAR2 est une cible de CAP1/Prss8 dans le système étudié. Des études expérimentales suggèrent de plus que l'effet de CAP1/Prss8 dans ce modèle ne dépend pas de son activité enzymatique. En dernière analyse, il a été démontré que l'expression transgénique de nexin-1, un inhibiteur des protéases à sérine exprimé dans la peau, a la capacité d'améliorer la peau squameuse et l'épiderme hypertrophique causés par CAP1/Prss8 transgénique. Les animaux transgéniques pour CAP1/Prss8 et PAR2, et la compréhension du mécanisme d'interaction entre eux, pourraient aider à développer et à tester des molécules inhibitrices de CAP1 /Prss8 et PARI qui pourraient alors être utilisées comme médicaments pour traiter des maladies de la peau comme les ichthyoses.
Ion channels and transporters play a critical role in ion and fluid homeostasis and thus in normal animal physiology and pathology. Tight regulation of these transmembrane proteins is therefore essential. In recent years, many studies have focused their attention on the role of the ubiquitin system in regulating ion channels and transporters, initialed by the discoveries of the role of this system in processing of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator (CFTR), and in regulating endocytosis of the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) by the Nedd4 family of ubiquitin ligases (mainly Nedd4-2). In this review, we discuss the role of the ubiquitin system in ER Associated Degradation (ERAD) of ion channels, and in the regulation of endocytosis and lysosomal sorting of ion channels and transporters, focusing primarily in mammalian cells. We also briefly discuss the role of ubiquitin like molecules (such as SUMO) in such regulation, for which much less is known so far.
An assessment of wood workers' exposure to airborne cultivable bacteria, fungi, inhalable endotoxins and inhalable organic dust was performed at 12 sawmills that process mainly coniferous wood species. In each plant, samples were collected at four or five different work sites (debarking, sawing, sorting, planing and sawing cockpit) and the efficiency of sampling devices (impinger or filter) for determining endotoxins levels was evaluated. Results show that fungi are present in very high concentrations (up to 35 000 CFU m(-3)) in all sawmills. We also find that there are more bioaerosols at the sorting work site (mean +/- SD: 7723 +/- 9919 CFU m(-3) for total bacteria, 614 +/- 902 CFU m(-3) for Gram-negative, 19 438 +/- 14 246 CFU m(-3) for fungi, 7.0 +/- 9.0 EU m(-3) for endotoxin and 2.9 +/- 4.8 g m(-3) for dust) than at the sawing station (mean +/- SD: 1938 +/- 2478 CFU m(-3) for total bacteria, 141 +/- 206 CFU m(-3) for Gram-negative, 12 207 +/- 10 008 CFU m(-3) for fungi, 2.1 +/- 1.9 EU m(-3) for endotoxin and 0.75 +/- 0.49 mg m(-3) for dust). At the same time, the species composition and concentration of airborne Gram-negative bacteria were studied. Penicillinium sp. were the predominant fungi, while Bacillus sp. and the Pseudomonadacea family were the predominant Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria encountered, respectively. [Authors]
The epithelial Na(+) channel ENaC is a key player in the maintenance of whole body Na(+) balance, and consequently of blood pressure. It is tightly regulated by numerous signaling pathways including ubiquitylation via the ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4-2. This mechanism is itself under the control of several kinases, which phosphorylate Nedd4-2, thereby interfering with ENaC/Nedd4-2 interaction, or by Usp2-45, which binds to and deubiquitylates ENaC. Another, different regulatory mechanism concerns the proteolytic activation of ENaC, during which the channel is cleaved on its luminal side by intracellular convertases such as furin, and further activated by extracellular proteases such as CAP-1. This process is regulated as well but the underlying mechanisms are not understood. Previously, evidence was provided that the ubiquitylation status of ENaC may affect the cleavage of the channel. When ubiquitylation of ENaC was reduced, either by co-expressing Usp2-45, or mutating either the ENaC PY-motifs (i.e. the binding sites for Nedd4-2) or intracellular lysines (i.e. ubiquitylation sites), the level of channel cleavage was increased. Here we demonstrate that lysine-mutated ENaC channels are not ubiquitylated at the cell surface, are preferentially cleaved, and Usp2-45 does not affect their cleavage efficiency. We further show by limited proteolysis that the intracellular ubiquitylation status of ENaC affects the extracellular conformation of αENaC, by demonstrating that non-ubiquitylated channels are more efficiently cleaved when treated with extracellularly added trypsin or chymotrypsin. These results present a new paradigm in which an intracellular, post-translational modification (e.g. ubiquitylation) of a transmembrane protein can affect its extracellular conformation.
We use cryo-electron microscopy to compare 3D shapes of 158 bp long DNA minicircles that differ only in the sequence within an 18 bp block containing either a TATA box or a catabolite activator protein binding site. We present a sorting algorithm that correlates the reconstructed shapes and groups them into distinct categories. We conclude that the presence of the TATA box sequence, which is believed to be easily bent, does not significantly affect the observed shapes.
ÁBSTRACT : Mammary gland is composed of two main epithelial cell types, myoepithelial and luminal. The mechanisms involved in determination and maintenance of them remain poorly understood. Notch signaling is known to regulate cell fate determination in other tissues like skin and nervous system. It was also shown that it can act as tumor suppressor or oncogene depending on the tissue type. The mouse models overexpressing active Notch receptors indicated that Notch signaling is oncogenic in the mammary gland. This observation was followed by some descriptive and functional studies in human breast cancer and it was reported that Notch signaling activity or expression of its components are increased in some of the breast tumor samples compared to normal tissue. However, the physiological role of the Notch signaling and its downstream mechanisms in mammary gland is poorly defined. p63, a member of p53 family, has been implicated in the cell fate determination of keratinocytes. Knockout mouse models revealed that p63 is required for the formation of the mammary anlagen in embryo and its ΔN isoform is expressed exclusively in the myoepithelial layer of the adult breast. In order to understand its function in normal breast epithelial cells, I activated Notch signaling by expression of Notch1 intracellular domain (NICD) in normal primary human breast epithelial cells (HBECs). In this context, NICD reduced growth of HBECs and led to downmodulation of extracellular matrix-receptor interaction network (ECM) components as well as ΔNp63. Expression of ΔNp63 together with NICD partially rescued Notch induced growth reduction, which was correlated with an increase in ECM components. Moreover, silencing ΔNp63 in myoepithelial HBECs reduced growth similar to Notch activation and it led to downregulation of myoepithelial and upregulation of luminal markers. Complementing this observation, forced expression of ONp63 in luminal HBECs induced myoepithelial phenotype and decreased luminal markers. In vivo, by the analysis of a Notch reporter mouse strain, I showed that Notch is activated during puberty specifically at the sites of ductal morphogenesis, terminal end buds. FAGS analysis revealed that it can be detected in two different populations based on CD24 expression (low (lo) or high (high)): at lower levels in CD24lo, which includes stem/progenitor and myoepithelial cells and higher levels in CD24hi, which contains luminal cells. In parallel with in vitro results, the CD24lo mouse mammary epithelial cells displaying Notch activity have lower levels of p63 expression. Furthermore, deletion of RBPjk, the main mediator of Notch signaling, or the overexpression of ΔNp63 inhibited luminal cell lineage in vivo. Another important point revealed by Notch reporter mouse strain is the simultaneous activation of Notch with estrogen signaling during pubertal development. The expression of FOXA1, the mediator of estrogen receptor (ER) transcriptional activity, is correlated with Notch activation in vivo that it is lower in CD24lo than in CD24hi cells. Moreover, FOXA1 is regulated by NICD in vitro supporting the presence of a link between Notch and ER signaling. Taken together, I report that Notch signaling is involved in luminal cell fate determination and its effects are partially mediated through inhibition of ONp63. Besides, ΔNp63 is required for the maintenance and sufficient for the induction of myoepithelial phenotype in HBECs in vitro and is not compatible with luminal lineage in vivo. Based on these results, I propose a model for epithelial cell hierarchy in mammary gland, whereby there are two different types of luminal progenitors, early and late, displaying different levels of Notch activity. Notch signaling contributes to the determination of luminal cell lineage in these two progenitor steps: In "Early Luminal Progenitor" stage, it inhibits myoepithelial fate by decreasing p63 expression, and in "Late Luminal Progenitor" stage, Notch signaling is involved in induction of luminal lineage by acting on ER-FOXA1 axis. It has to be investigated further whether Notch signaling might behave as an oncogene or tumor suppressor depending on which cell type in the epithelial hierarchy it is modulated and which one is more likely to occur in different human breast cancer types. RÉSUMÉ : La glande mammaire est composée de deux types principaux de cellules: les cellules luminales, qui bordent le lumen et les cellules myoépithéliales, qui se trouvent entre la lame basale et les cellules luminales. Les mécanismes intervenant dans leur différenciation et leur maintenance demeurent encore mal compris. La protéine transmembranaire Notch est connue pour déterminer le destin des cellules dans plusieurs types de tissus comme la peau ou le système nerveux. Selon le type de tissu dans lequel se trouve Notch, il agira soit comme un suppresseur de tumeur soit comme un oncogène. A l'aide de modèles de souris surexprimant les récepteurs actifs de Notch, il a été démontré que la voie de signalisation de Notch est oncogénique au niveau de la glande mammaire. Des études descriptives et fonctionnelles dans le cadre du cancer du sein ont permis de mettre en évidence une augmentation de l'activité de Notch ou de l'expression de ces composants dans certains tissus cancéreux. Toutefois, le rôle physiologique de Notch et des mécanismes qu'il active restent méconnus. P63, une protéine membre de la famille p53, est impliquée dans la différenciation des kératinocytes. Le modèle issu de l'étude des souris p63 knockout a révélé que cette protéine est requise pour la formation des primordia mammaires chez l'embryon et que son isoforme ΔNp63 est exclusivement exprimée dans la couche myoépithéliale de la glande mammaire adulte. Dans le but de comprendre les fonctions physiologiques de Notch, je l'ai activé en exprimant le domaine intracellulaire de Notch 1 (NICD) dans des cellules épithéliales primaires de glande mammaire humaine (HBECs). Le NICD a alors réduit la croissance des HBECs et conduit à la régulation négative non seulement de p63 mais également des composants du réseau d'interaction des récepteurs de la matrice extracellulaire (ECM). En exprimant conjointement ΔNp63 et NICD, il est apparu que la réduction de croissance induite par Notch était partiellement compensée, et qu'il y avait également une augmentation des composants ECM. De plus, lorsque ΔNp63 a été inactivé dans les cellules HBECs myoépithéliales, une réduction de croissance cellulaire identique à celle provoquée par l'activation de Notch a pu être mise en évidence, de même qu'une régulation négative des marqueurs myoépithéliaux ainsi qu'une augmentation des marqueurs luminaux. Afin de compléter ces informations, l'expression de ΔNp63 a été forcée dans les HBECs luminales, ce qui a induit un phénotype myoépithélial et une diminution des marqueurs lumineux. In vivo, par l'analyse de souris ayant un gène rapporteur de l'activité de Notch, j'ai démontré que Notch est activé pendant la puberté au niveau des sites de la morphogenèse canalaire, à savoir les bourgeons terminaux. Les analyses par FACS (Fluorescence-activated cell sorting) basées sur l'expression de l'antigène CD24 ont révélé qu'il peut tre détecté dans deux populations différentes : une population qui l'exprime faiblement, qui regroupe les cellules souches/progéniteurs et les cellules myoépithéliales, et une population qui l'exprime fortement qui est composé des cellules luminales. Parallèlement aux résultats in vitro, j'ai mis en évidence un faible niveau d'expression de p63 dans les cellules épithéliales de la glande mammaire de souris, exprimant faiblement l'antigène CD24 et présentant une activité de Notch. De plus, la délétion de RBPjr~, médiateur principal de la signalisation de Notch, ainsi que la surexpression de ΔNp63 in vivo ont inhibé la lignée des cellules luminales. Un autre point important révélé par les souris rapporteur de l'activité de Notch a été l'activation simultanée de Notch et de la signalisation de l'oestrogène pendant le développement pubertaire. L'expression de FOXA1, médiateur de l'activité transcriptionnelle des récepteurs aux oestrogènes (ER), est en corrélation avec l'activation de Notch in vivo, plus basse dans les cellules avec une faible expression de l'antigène CD24 que dans celles avec une forte expression. De plus, FOXA1 est régulé par NICD in vitro confirmant la présence d'un lien entre Notch et la signalisation des ER. En résumé, la signalisation de Notch est impliquée dans la détermination du destin cellulaire des cellules luminales et ses effets sont partiellement modifiés par l'inhibition de ΔNp63. ΔNp63 est requis pour la maintenance et est suffisant pour l'induction du phénotype myoépithéliale dans les HBECs in vitro et ne peut donc pas se trouver dans les cellules luminales in vivo. Basé sur ces résultats, je propose un modèle de hiérarchisation des cellules épithéliales de la glande mammaire, dans lequel sont présents deux types de progéniteurs des cellules luminales exprimant des niveaux différents d'activité de Notch, les progéniteurs lumineux précoces et tardifs. La signalisation de Notch contribue à la différenciation de la lignée cellulaire luminale au niveau de ces deux progéniteurs : dans la forme précoce, il inhibe la différenciation des cellules myoépithéliales en réduisant l'expression de p63 et dans la forme tardive, Notch est impliqué dans l'induction de la lignée luminale en agissant sur l'axe ER-FOXA1. Il serait nécessaire d'investiguer plus loin si le fait que Notch agisse comme oncogène ou suppresseur de tumeur dépend du stade de différenciation de la cellule dans laquelle il est modulé et laquelle de ces deux fonctions il est le plus probable de rencontrer dans les différents types de cancer du sein.
Purpose: Taking advantage of two transgenic lines, glast.DsRed and crx.gfp, that express fluorescent proteins in glial and photoreceptor cells respectively, we investigate the role of glast-positive glial cells (GPCs) in the survival/differentiation/proliferation of age-matched photoreceptor cells. Methods: Primary retinal cells were isolated from newborn transgenic mouse retina (glast.dsRed::crx.gfp) at postnatal day (P0/P1) and propagated in defined medium containing epidermal growth factor (EGF) and fibroblast growth factor 2 (bFGF). By flow-sorting another population of pure GPCs was isolated. Both populations were expanded and analyzed for the presence of specific retinal cell markers. Notably, the primary cell culture collected from the transgenic line glast.dsRed::crx.gfp showed a conspicuous presence of immature photoreceptors growing on top of GPCs. In order to reveal the role of such cells in the survival/differentiation/proliferation of photoreceptors we set up in vitro cultures of retina-derived cells that allowed long-term time-lapse recordings charting every cell division, death and differentiation event. To assess the regenerative potential of GPCs we challenged them with compounds mimicking retinal degeneration (NMU, NMDA, Zaprinast). Mass spectrometry (MS), immunostainings and other molecular approaches were performed to reveal adhesion molecules involved in the relationship between glial cells and photoreceptors. Results: Both primary cell lines were highly homogenous, with an elongated morphology and the majority expressed Müller glia markers (MG) such as glast, blbp, glt-1, vimentin, glutamine synthetase (GS), GFAP, cd44, mash1 and markers of reactive Müller glia such as nestin, pax6. Conversely, none of them were found positive for retinal neuron markers like tuj1, otx2, recoverin. Primary cultures of GPCs show the incapability of glial cells to give rise to photoreceptors in both wild type or degenerative environment. Furthermore, primary cultures of pure GPCs challenged with different compounds did not highlight the production of new glial cell-derived photoreceptors. Adhesion molecules involved in the contact between photoreceptors and glial cells are still under investigation. Conclusions: Primary glia cells do not give rise to photoreceptor cells in wt and degenerative conditions at least in vitro. The roles of glial cells seem to be more linked to the maintenance/proliferation of photoreceptor cells.
ABSTRACT Preservation of mangroves, a very significant ecosystem from a social, economic, and environmental viewpoint, requires knowledge on soil composition, genesis, morphology, and classification. These aspects are of paramount importance to understand the dynamics of sustainability and preservation of this natural resource. In this study mangrove soils in the Subaé river basin were described and classified and inorganic waste concentrations evaluated. Seven pedons of mangrove soil were chosen, five under fluvial influence and two under marine influence and analyzed for morphology. Samples of horizons and layers were collected for physical and chemical analyses, including heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Mn, Zn, and Fe). The moist soils were suboxidic, with Eh values below 350 mV. The pH level of the pedons under fluvial influence ranged from moderately acid to alkaline, while the pH in pedons under marine influence was around 7.0 throughout the profile. The concentration of cations in the sorting complex for all pedons, independent of fluvial or marine influence, indicated the following order: Na+>Mg2+>Ca2+>K+. Mangrove soils from the Subaé river basin under fluvial and marine influence had different morphological, physical, and chemical characteristics. The highest Pb and Cd concentrations were found in the pedons under fluvial influence, perhaps due to their closeness to the mining company Plumbum, while the concentrations in pedon P7 were lowest, due to greater distance from the factory. For containing at least one metal above the reference levels established by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (United States Environmental Protection Agency), the pedons were classified as potentially toxic. The soils were classified as Gleissolos Tiomórficos Órticos (sálicos) sódico neofluvissólico in according to the Brazilian Soil Classification System, indicating potential toxicity and very poor drainage, except for pedon P7, which was classified in the same subgroup as the others, but different in that the metal concentrations met acceptable standards.
This paper analyses the optimal worksharing discount granted to mailers and entrants in a liberalized sector when there is asymmetric information about the Post Office's cost. When the regulator is unable to ascertain which part of total cost of sorting has to be attributed to each sorting facility, the optimal 'accesss discount' given to the entrants is set in a pro-competitive way, thus facilitating the entry of firms that are less afficient than the Post Office. Howerver, with the same asymmetry of information, the optimal 'worksharing discount' given to the mailers is set to favor the Post Office, even when it is less efficient than the mailers in providing the sorting.
Cospeciation between host-parasite species is generally thought to result in mirror-image congruent phylogenies. Incongruence can be explained by mechanisms such as host switching, duplication, failure to speciate and sorting events. To investigate the level of association in the host-parasite relationship between Spinturnicid mites and their bat hosts, we constructed the phylogenetic tree of the genus Spinturnix (Acari, Mesostigmata) and compared it to the host phylogeny. We sequenced 938bp of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA and Cytochrome Oxydase subunit I (COI) genes among eleven morphospecies of Spinturnix collected on 20 European Vespertilionid and Rhinolophid bat species. Phylogenetic reconstruction of hosts and parasites showed statistical evidence for cospeciation and suggested that their evolutionary history involved also failure to speciate events and host switches. The latter seem to be mainly promoted by similar roosting habits of the host. As currently understood, host associations of Spinturnicid mites likely results from a complex interaction between the phylogenetic history of the host and the behaviour and the ecology of both parasite and host.
Abstract. The ability of 2 Rapid Bioassessment Protocols (RBPs) to assess stream water quality was compared in 2 Mediterranean-climate regions. The most commonly used RBPs in South Africa (SAprotocol) and the Iberian Peninsula (IB-protocol) are both multihabitat, field-based methods that use macroinvertebrates. Both methods use preassigned sensitivity weightings to calculate metrics and biotic indices. The SA- and IB-protocols differ with respect to sampling equipment (mesh size: 1000 lm vs 250 300 lm, respectively), segregation of habitats (substrate vs flow-type), and sampling and sorting procedures (variable time and intensity). Sampling was undertaken at 6 sites in South Africa and 5 sites in the Iberian Peninsula. Forty-four and 51 macroinvertebrate families were recorded in South Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, respectively; 77.3% of South African families and 74.5% of Iberian Peninsula families were found using both protocols. Estimates of community similarity compared between the 2 protocols were .60% similar among sites in South Africa and .54% similar among sites in the Iberian Peninsula (BrayCurtis similarity), and no significant differences were found between protocols (Multiresponse Permutation Procedure). Ordination based on Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling grouped macroinvertebrate samples on the basis of site rather than protocol. Biotic indices generated with the 2 protocols at each site did not differ. Thus, both RBPs produced equivalent results, and both were able to distinguish between biotic communities (mountain streams vs foothills) and detect water-quality impairment, regardless of differences in sampling equipment, segregation of habitats, and sampling and sorting procedures. Our results indicate that sampling a single habitat may be sufficient for assessing water quality, but a multihabitat approach to sampling is recommended where intrinsic variability of macroinvertebrate assemblages is high (e.g., in undisturbed sites in regions with Mediterranean climates). The RBP of choice should depend on whether the objective is routine biomonitoring of water quality or autecological or faunistic studies.
The identification of genetic causes for Mendelian disorders has been based on the collection of multi-incident families, linkage analysis, and sequencing of genes in candidate intervals. This study describes the application of next-generation sequencing technologies to a Swiss kindred presenting with autosomal-dominant, late-onset Parkinson disease (PD). The family has tremor-predominant dopa-responsive parkinsonism with a mean onset of 50.6 ± 7.3 years. Exome analysis suggests that an aspartic-acid-to-asparagine mutation within vacuolar protein sorting 35 (VPS35 c.1858G>A; p.Asp620Asn) is the genetic determinant of disease. VPS35 is a central component of the retromer cargo-recognition complex, is critical for endosome-trans-golgi trafficking and membrane-protein recycling, and is evolutionarily highly conserved. VPS35 c.1858G>A was found in all affected members of the Swiss kindred and in three more families and one patient with sporadic PD, but it was not observed in 3,309 controls. Further sequencing of familial affected probands revealed only one other missense variant, VPS35 c.946C>T; (p.Pro316Ser), in a pedigree with one unaffected and two affected carriers, and thus the pathogenicity of this mutation remains uncertain. Retromer-mediated sorting and transport is best characterized for acid hydrolase receptors. However, the complex has many types of cargo and is involved in a diverse array of biologic pathways from developmental Wnt signaling to lysosome biogenesis. Our study implicates disruption of VPS35 and retromer-mediated trans-membrane protein sorting, rescue, and recycling in the neurodegenerative process leading to PD.
Regulation of renal Na(+) transport is essential for controlling blood pressure, as well as Na(+) and K(+) homeostasis. Aldosterone stimulates Na(+) reabsorption by the Na(+)-Cl(-) cotransporter (NCC) in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and by the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) in the late DCT, connecting tubule, and collecting duct. Aldosterone increases ENaC expression by inhibiting the channel's ubiquitylation and degradation; aldosterone promotes serum-glucocorticoid-regulated kinase SGK1-mediated phosphorylation of the ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4-2 on serine 328, which prevents the Nedd4-2/ENaC interaction. It is important to note that aldosterone increases NCC protein expression by an unknown post-translational mechanism. Here, we present evidence that Nedd4-2 coimmunoprecipitated with NCC and stimulated NCC ubiquitylation at the surface of transfected HEK293 cells. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, coexpression of NCC with wild-type Nedd4-2, but not its catalytically inactive mutant, strongly decreased NCC activity and surface expression. SGK1 prevented this inhibition in a kinase-dependent manner. Furthermore, deficiency of Nedd4-2 in the renal tubules of mice and in cultured mDCT(15) cells upregulated NCC. In contrast to ENaC, Nedd4-2-mediated inhibition of NCC did not require the PY-like motif of NCC. Moreover, the mutation of Nedd4-2 at either serine 328 or 222 did not affect SGK1 action, and mutation at both sites enhanced Nedd4-2 activity and abolished SGK1-dependent inhibition. Taken together, these results suggest that aldosterone modulates NCC protein expression via a pathway involving SGK1 and Nedd4-2 and provides an explanation for the well-known aldosterone-induced increase in NCC protein expression.