935 resultados para Songs (High voice) with lute.


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This paper presents a novel topology to generate high voltage with utilization of slow and fast power switches. New concepts used in this topology include numbers of diode-capacitor units in parallel with resonant circuits which are connected to a positive buck-boost converter. The resonant circuit reverses the voltage polarity of the capacitors. This configuration has capability of generating a flexible high voltage with certain number of capacitors. The advantage of this topology is to use slow switches, less number of diodes and capacitors compare to Marx generator. Simulations have been performed to verify the proposed topology.


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Many studies focused on the development of crash prediction models have resulted in aggregate crash prediction models to quantify the safety effects of geometric, traffic, and environmental factors on the expected number of total, fatal, injury, and/or property damage crashes at specific locations. Crash prediction models focused on predicting different crash types, however, have rarely been developed. Crash type models are useful for at least three reasons. The first is motivated by the need to identify sites that are high risk with respect to specific crash types but that may not be revealed through crash totals. Second, countermeasures are likely to affect only a subset of all crashes—usually called target crashes—and so examination of crash types will lead to improved ability to identify effective countermeasures. Finally, there is a priori reason to believe that different crash types (e.g., rear-end, angle, etc.) are associated with road geometry, the environment, and traffic variables in different ways and as a result justify the estimation of individual predictive models. The objectives of this paper are to (1) demonstrate that different crash types are associated to predictor variables in different ways (as theorized) and (2) show that estimation of crash type models may lead to greater insights regarding crash occurrence and countermeasure effectiveness. This paper first describes the estimation results of crash prediction models for angle, head-on, rear-end, sideswipe (same direction and opposite direction), and pedestrian-involved crash types. Serving as a basis for comparison, a crash prediction model is estimated for total crashes. Based on 837 motor vehicle crashes collected on two-lane rural intersections in the state of Georgia, six prediction models are estimated resulting in two Poisson (P) models and four NB (NB) models. The analysis reveals that factors such as the annual average daily traffic, the presence of turning lanes, and the number of driveways have a positive association with each type of crash, whereas median widths and the presence of lighting are negatively associated. For the best fitting models covariates are related to crash types in different ways, suggesting that crash types are associated with different precrash conditions and that modeling total crash frequency may not be helpful for identifying specific countermeasures.


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This study used the Australian Environmental Health Risk Assessment Framework to assess the human health risk of dioxin exposure through foods for local residents in two wards of Bien Hoa City, Vietnam. These wards are known hot-spots for dioxin and a range of stakeholders from central government to local levels were involved in this process. Publications on dioxin characteristics and toxicity were reviewed and dioxin concentrations in local soil, mud, foods, milk and blood samples were used as data for this risk assessment. A food frequency survey of 400 randomly selected households in these wards was conducted to provide data for exposure assessment. Results showed that local residents who had consumed locally cultivated foods, especially fresh water fish and bottom-feeding fish, free-ranging chicken, duck, and beef were at a very high risk, with their daily dioxin intake far exceeding the tolerable daily intake recommended by the WHO. Based on the results of this assessment, a multifaceted risk management program was developed and has been recognized as the first public health program ever to have been implemented in Vietnam to reduce the risks of dioxin exposure at dioxin hot-spots.


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Evasive change-of-direction manoeuvres (agility skills) are a fundamental ability in rugby union. In this study, we explored the attributes of agility skill execution as they relate to effective attacking strategies in rugby union. Seven Super 14 games were coded using variables that assessed team patterns and individual movement characteristics during attacking ball carries. The results indicated that tackle-breaks are a key determinant of try-scoring ability and team success in rugby union. The ability of the attacking ball carrier to receive the ball at high speed with at least two body lengths from the defence line against an isolated defender promoted tackle-breaks. Furthermore, the execution of a side-step evasive manoeuvre at a change of direction angle of 20–60° and a distance of one to two body lengths from the defence, and then straightening the running line following the initial direction change at an angle of 20–60°, was associated with tackle-breaks. This study provides critical insight regarding the attributes of agility skill execution that are associated with effective ball carries in rugby union.


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Higher order spectral analysis is used to investigate nonlinearities in time series of voltages measured from a realization of Chua's circuit. For period-doubled limit cycles, quadratic and cubic nonlinear interactions result in phase coupling and energy exchange between increasing numbers of triads and quartets of Fourier components as the nonlinearity of the system is increased. For circuit parameters that result in a chaotic Rossler-type attractor, bicoherence and tricoherence spectra indicate that both quadratic and cubic nonlinear interactions are important to the dynamics. When the circuit exhibits a double-scroll chaotic attractor the bispectrum is zero, but the tricoherences are high, consistent with the importance of higher-than-second order nonlinear interactions during chaos associated with the double scroll.


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Psychoanalysis and related psychodynamic psychotherapies have historically had a limited engagement with substance use and antisocial personality disorders. This in part reflects an early preoccupation with ‘transference neuroses’ and in part reflects later de-emphasis of diagnosis and focus on therapeutic process. Nonetheless, psychoanalytic perspectives can usefully inform thinking about approaches to treatment of such disorders and there are psychoanalytic constructs that have specific relevance to their treatment. This paper reviews some prominent strands of psychoanalytic thinking as they pertain to the treatment of substance abuse and antisocial personality disorders. It is argued that, while Freudian formulations lead to a primarily pessimistic view of the prospect of treatment of such disorders, both the British object relations and the North American self psychology traditions suggest potentially productive approaches. Finally the limited empirical evidence from brief psychodynamically informed treatments of substance use disorders is reviewed. It is concluded that such treatments are not demonstrably effective but that, since no form of psychotherapy has established high efficacy with substance use disorders, brief psychdynamic therapies are not necessarily of lesser value than other treatments and may have specific value for particular individuals and in particular treatment contexts.


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Brisbane, the capital city of Queensland, has catapulted from a small, provincial town to a larger metropolis within two decades from the inception of urban renewal in 1992. Once a low-density suburban city, its inner-city and some suburban areas are now medium to high density, with the rise in apartment buildings creating new and denser modes of living. This article suggests that urbanism demands different habits of living from suburbanism and examines the relationship between the material and representational city to explore the ways in which promotions of the “new” Brisbane during its early urban renewal period reproduces the ethos of suburban living.


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Purpose Virally mediated head and neck cancers (VMHNC) often present with nodal involvement and are highly radioresponsive, meaning that treatment plan adaptation during radiotherapy (RT) in a subset of patients is required. We sought to determine potential risk profiles and a corresponding adaptive treatment strategy for these patients. Methodology 121 patients with virally mediated, node positive nasopharyngeal (Epstein Barr Virus positive) or oropharyngeal (Human Papillomavirus positive) cancers, receiving curative intent RT were reviewed. The type, frequency and timing of adaptive interventions, including source-to-skin distance (SSD) corrections, re-scanning and re-planning, were evaluated. Patients were reviewed based on the maximum size of the dominant node to assess the need for plan adaptation. Results Forty-six patients (38%) required plan adaptation during treatment. The median fraction at which the adaptive intervention occurred was 26 for SSD corrections and 22 for re-planning CTs. A trend toward 3 risk profile groupings was discovered: 1) Low risk with minimal need (< 10%) for adaptive intervention (dominant pre-treatment nodal size of ≤ 35 mm), 2) Intermediate risk with possible need (< 20%) for adaptive intervention (dominant pre-treatment nodal size of 36 mm – 45 mm) and 3) High-risk with increased likelihood (> 50%) for adaptive intervention (dominant pre-treatment nodal size of ≥ 46 mm). Conclusion In this study, patients with VMHNC and a maximum dominant nodal size of > 46 mm were identified at a higher risk of requiring re-planning during a course of definitive RT. Findings will be tested in a future prospective adaptive RT study.


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A series of copolymers of trimethylene carbonate (TMC) and l-lactide (LLA) were synthesized and evaluated as scaffolds for the production of artificial blood vessels. The polymers were end-functionalized with acrylate, cast into films, and cross-linked using UV light. The mechanical, degradation, and biocompatibility properties were evaluated. High TMC polymers showed mechanical properties comparable to human arteries (Young’s moduli of 1.2–1.8 MPa and high elasticity with repeated cycling at 10% strain). Over 84 days degradation in PBS, the modulus and material strength decreased gradually. The polymers were nontoxic and showed good cell adhesion and proliferation over 7 days using human mesenchymal stem cells. When implanted into the rat peritoneal cavity, the polymers elicited formation of tissue capsules composed of myofibroblasts, resembling immature vascular smooth muscle cells. Thus, these polymers showed properties which were tunable and favorable for vascular tissue engineering, specifically, the growth of artificial blood vessels in vivo.


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The University of Queensland UltraCommuter concept is an ultra- light, low-drag, hybrid-electric sports coupe designed to minimize energy consumption and environmental impact while enhancing the performance, styling, features and convenience that motorists enjoy. This paper presents a detailed simulation study of the vehicle's performance and fuel economy using ADVISOR, including a detailed description of the component models and parameters assumed. Results from the study include predictions of a 0-100 kph acceleration time of ≺9s, and top speed of 170 kph, an electrical energy consumption of ≺67 Wh/km in ZEV mode and a petrol-equivalent fuel consumption of ≺2.5 L/100 km in charge-sustaining HEV mode. Overall, the results of the ADVISOR modelling confirm the UltraCommuter's potential to achieve high performance with high efficiency, and the authors look forward to a confirmation of these estimates following completion of the vehicle.


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This study examined the association between socio-environmental factors and suicide in Australia. The high risk areas were identified using advanced spatial analysis methods. Higher proportion of Indigenous population, unemployment rate and bigger temperature difference appeared to be among the main socio-environmental drivers of suicide across different places. Both temperature difference and unemployment were positively associated with suicide over time in general. Temperature difference seemed to affect suicide more in months when unemployment rates were high compared with the periods when unemployment rates were low. The findings may provide useful information for determining the socio-environmental impact on suicide and designing effective suicide control and prevention programs.


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Two native copper-containing amine oxidases (EC have been isolated from Rhodococcus opacus and reveal phenotypic plasticity and catalytic activity with respect to structurally diverse natural and synthetic amines. Altering the amine growth substrate has enabled tailored and targeted oxidase upreg-ulation, which with subsequent treatment by precipitation, ion exchange and gel filtration, achieved a 90–150 fold purification. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric and genomic analysis has indicated multiple gene activation with complex biodegradation pathways and regulatory mechanisms. Additional post-purification characterisation has drawn on the use of carbonyl reagent and chelating agent inhibitors. Michaelis–Menten kinetics for common aliphatic and aromatic amine substrates and several structural analogues demonstrated a broad specificity and high affinity with Michaelis constants (K M) ranging from 0.1 to 0.9 mM for C 1 –C 5 aliphatic mono-amines and <0.2 mM for a range of aromatic amines. Potential exploitation of the enzymatic versatility of the two isolated oxidases in biosensing and bioprocessing is discussed.


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Providing culturally appropriate health communication tools at a community level, whilst meeting funding objectives set by Government led initiatives, can be challenging. Literature states that a translational research framework fostering community communication can encourage the development of appropriate communication tools to facilitate transfer of health information between community and researchers. Reflections from initial Need for Feed cooking and nutrition education program trials in remote Indigenous communities across Cape York indicated program resources were neither meeting community nor researchers needs. In response, a translational research framework was modelled with collaborative partnerships formed between researchers and community with the aim of modifying current resources. Local working groups were established to facilitate communication and guide continual remodelling and retrial of resources for successive programs. Feedback from working groups indicated community members wanted resources with more pictures and less words. Partnership with Chronic Disease Resources Online (CDRO) led to the development of pictorial resources including 3 evaluation tools, 27 recipe sets and 10 education support materials. Between June to December 2012 resources were trialled across 4 Cape York communities with 69 school aged children and 4 community elders. Qualitative data has indicated high satisfaction with modified pictorial resources, proving pictorial resources to be an effective and culturally appropriate method to both communicate health messages to community and facilitate flow of evaluation data to researchers. A translational research framework fostering communication between community and researchers can potentially enhance the quality of health communication tools.


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The purpose of the present study was to examine the types of workplace demands and resources experienced by full-time Australian lawyers, and the prevalence of a range of psychological outcomes. The study further focussed on the impact of time-billing targets on lawyers’ experience of these variables. Participants were 384 full-time Australian lawyers who completed an online questionnaire distributed by their Australian State or Territory Law Society. Analysis revealed that emphasis on profits within the workplace was the highest perceived demand, and the perception of social value in their work was the highest available resource. The results indicated that 37% of participants displayed Moderate to Extremely Severe depressive symptoms, and 35% were a positive screen for hazardous or harmful drinking. A series of three multivariate analyses of variance revealed significant differences between non-billers, low-to-moderate billers and high billers, with high billers experiencing greater demands, fewer resources and poorer psychological outcomes. The practical applications of these results for the legal profession are discussed.


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The validity of fatigue protocols involving multi-joint movements, such as stepping, has yet to be clearly defined. Although surface electromyography can monitor the fatigue state of individual muscles, the effects of joint angle and velocity variation on signal parameters are well established. Therefore, the aims of this study were to i) describe sagittal hip and knee kinematics during repetitive stepping ii) identify periods of high inter-trial variability and iii) determine within-test reliability of hip and knee kinematic profiles. A group of healthy men (N = 15) ascended and descended from a knee-high platform wearing a weighted vest (10%BW) for 50 consecutive trials. The hip and knee underwent rapid flexion and extension during step ascent and descent. Variability of hip and knee velocity peaked between 20-40% of the ascent phase and 80-100% of the descent. Significant (p<0.05) reductions in joint range of motion and peak velocity during step ascent were observed, while peak flexion velocity increased during descent. Healthy individuals use complex hip and knee motion to negotiate a knee-high step with kinematic patterns varying across multiple repetitions. These findings have important implications for future studies intending to use repetitive stepping as a fatigue model for the knee extensors and flexors.