959 resultados para Soils, Salts in


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Thirteen main landform units are distinguished for the whole of the forested Amazon region, each with its specific soil pattern and vegetation structure. These landform-soil-vegetation units are delineated on a small-scale map and illustrated by a schematic cross-section. Floristic diversity of the gamma type is to be highest on the steepland-and-valley complexes of the Andean fringe, on the crystalline shield uplands, on the inselberg complexes, and on the eutric variant of the western sedimentary plains. Endemism is expected to be highest on the sandy plains, and parts of the table lands and inselberg complexes. Speciation, linked to the concept of forest refuge areas, is likely to be highest on the sandstone table lands, on the stretches of Amazon planalto, and in the areas of relict valleys, in view of the prolonged geomorphological stability of these units.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of biosurfactants and organic matter amendments on the bioremediation of diesel contaminated soil. Two strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with the ability to produce biosurfactant were isolated from a water and soil sample in Co. Sligo. The first strain, Isolate A, produced a biosurfactant which contained four rhamnose containing compounds, when grown in proteose peptone glucose ammonium salts medium with glucose as the carbon source. Two of the components were identified as rhamnolipid 1 and 2 whilst the other two components were unidentified. The second strain, Isolate GO, when grown in similar conditions produced a biosurfactant which contained only rhamnolipid 2. The type of aeration system used had a significant effect on the abiotic removal of diesel from soil. Forced aeration at a rate of 120L 02/kg soil/ hour resulted in the greatest removal. Over a 112 day incubation period this type o f aeration resulted in the removal o f 48% o f total hexane extractable material. In relation to bioremediation of the diesel contaminated sandy soil, amending the soil with two inorganic nutrients, KH2PO4 and NÜ4N03, significantly enhanced the removal of diesel, especially the «- alkanes, when compared to an unamended control. The biosurfactant from Isolate A and a biosurfactant produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCIMB 8628 (a known biosurfactant producer), when applied at a concentration of three times their critical micelle concentration, had a neutral effect on the biodégradation o f diesel contaminated sandy soil, even in the presence o f inorganic nutrients. It was deduced that the main reason for this neutral effect was because they were both readily biodegraded by the indigenous microorganisms. The most significant removal of diesel occurred when the soils were amended with two organic materials plus the inorganic nutrients. Amendment of the diesel contaminated soil with spent brewery grain (SBG) removed significantly more diesel than amendment with dried molassed sugar beet pulp (DMSBP). After a 108 day incubation period, amendment of the diesel contaminated soil with DMSBP plus inorganic nutrients and SBG plus inorganic nutrients resulted in 72 and 89% removal of diesel range organics (DRO), in comparison to 41% removal of DRO in an inorganic nutrient amended control. The first order kinetic model described the degradation of the different diesel components with high correlation and was used to calculate Vi lives. The V2 life, of the total «-alkanes in the diesel was reduced from 40 days in the control to 8.5 and 5.1 days in the presence of DMSBP and SBG, respectively. The V2 life o f the unresolved complex mixture (UCM) in the diesel contaminated soil was also significantly reduced in the presence o f the two organics. DMSBP and SBG addition reduced UCM V2 life to 86 and 43 days, respectively, compared to 153 days in the control. The component of diesel whose removal was enhanced the greatest through the organic material amendments was the isoprenoid, pristane, a compound which until recently was thought to be nonbiodegradable and was used as an inert biomarker in oil degradation studies. The V2 life of pristane was reduced from 533 days in the nutrient amended control to 49.5 and 19.5 days in DMSBP and SBG amended soils. These results indicate that the addition o f the DMSBP and SBG to diesel contaminated soil stimulated diesel biodégradation, probably by enhancing the indigenous diesel degrading microbial population to degrade diesel hydrocarbons, whilst the addition o f biosurfactants had no enhanced effect on the bioremediation process.


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Due to the great importance of coffee to the Brazilian economy, a good deal of the work carried out in the "Laboratório de Isótopos", E. E. A. "Luiz de Queiroz", Piracicaba, S. Paulo, Brazil, was dedicated to the study of some problems involving that plant. The first one was designed to verify a few aspects of the control of zinc deficiency which is common in many types of soils in Brazil. An experiment conducted in nutrient solution showed that the leaf absorption of the radiozinc was eight times as high as the root uptake; the lower surface of the leaves is particularly suited for this kind of absorption. Among the heavy metal micronutrients, only iron did not affect the absorption of the radiozinc; manganese, copper, and molybdenum brought about a decrease of fifty per cent in total uptake. In another pot experiment in which two soils typical of the coffee growing regions were used, namely, a sandy soil called "arenito de Bauru" and a heavy one, "terra roxa", only O.l and 0.2 per cent of the activity supplied to the roots was recovered", respectively. This indicates that under field conditions the farmer should not attempt to correct zinc deficiency by applying zinc salts to the soil: leaf sprays should be used wherever necessary. In order to find out the most suitable way to supply phosphatic fertilizers to the coffee plant, under normal farm conditions, an experiment with tagged superphosphate was carried out with the following methods of distribution of this material: (1) topdressed in a circular area around the trees; (2) placed in the bottom of a 15 cm deep furrow made around the plant; (3) placed in a semicircular furrow, as in the previous treatment; (4) sprayed directly to the leaves. It was verified that in the first case, circa 10 per cent of the phosphorus in the leaves came from the superphosphate; for the other treatments, the results ware, respectively: 2.4, 1.7, and 38.0 per cent. It is interesting to mention that the first and the last methods of distribution were those less used by the farmers; now they are being introduced in many coffee plantations. In a previous trial it was demonstrated that urea sprays were an adequate way to correct nitrogen deficiency under field conditions. An experiment was then set up in which urea-C14 was used to study the metabolism of this fertilizer in coffee leaves. In was verified that in a 9 hours period circa 95 per cent of the urea supplied to the leaves had been absorbed. The distribution of the nitrogen of the urea was followed by standard chemical procedures. On the other hand the fate of the carbonic moiety was studied with the aid of the radiochromatographic technique. Thus, the incorporation of C14 in aminoacids, sugars and organic acids was ascertained. Data obtained in this work gave a definite support to the idea that in coffee leaves, as in a few other higher plants, a mechanism similar to the urea cycle of animals does exist.


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O atual conhecimento relativo à distribuição em percentagem das várias frações de enxofre nos solos provem principalmente dos estudos dos solos de regiões temperadas. Em vista disso, este estudo foi conduzido para determinar as frações do S e as relações C-N-P-S em alguns solos da região subtropical dos Estados de São Paulo e do Paraná, Brasil, e comparar estes valores nestes solos com aqueles nos solos do Estado de Iowa, dos Estados Unidos da América do Norte. As análises das frações de enxofre nos solos dos dois países, indicaram que os solos do Brasil contem sulfato inorgânico adsorvido. Expressos como percentagem do S total, os solos do Brasil acusaram de 5 a 23% (média 11%) de S-sulfato inorgânico, de 20 a 65% (média 40%) de S-ester sulfato, de 5 a 12% (média 7%) de S-ligado ao Carbono e de 24 a 59% (média 42%) de S orgânico não identificado. As percentagens correspondentes nos solos de Iowa foram de 2 a 8% (média 5%) de S-sulfato inorgânico, de 43 a 60% (média 50%) de S-ester sufato, de 7 a 18% (média 11%) de enxofre ligado ao carbono e de 30 a 39% (média 34%) de S orgânico, não identificado. Outrossim, não foi encontrado o enxofre inorgânico não-sulfato em nenhum dos solos analisados. Houve grandes variações nas relações C, N, Ρ e S entre solos brasileiros quando comparados com aqueles do Iowa.


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A laboratory experiment was carried out to study the effects of chemical and physical characteristics of the soil on the phosphate fixing capacity. One hundred samples collected from various localities were at first characterized chemically and their particlesize distribution determined. They were then tested as to their phosphate fixing capacities. The results obtained were statistically analysed by means of both simple linear and multiple correlation. The following conclusions could be drawn: 1. simple linear regression analysis indicated that % C, exchangeable Al+3, CEC, % clay, pH and % sand were the soil characteristics which significantly affected phosphate fixing capacity of São Paulo State soils; 2. multiple linear regression analysis indicated that % C, exchangeable Mg(+2)9 exchangeable- Al+3 and % clay were the soil characteristics which significantly affected the phosphate fixing capacity of São Paulo State soils; 3. the phosphate phonomena fixing as they occur in the soils of the São Paulo State can be best described by the following equation: Y = -2,266 - 3,484 + 3,514 + 5,559 + 1,005 %C Mg+2 Al+3 % clay exchangeable exchangeable 4. phosphate fixation in the soil is affected by the combined effects of both soil chemical and physical characteristics.


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As a rule, soils of the subtropical and tropical regions, in which rainfall is not limiting, are acidic, and low in phosphorus, and, to a less extent, in other macro and micronutrients as well, such a sulfur, boron and zinc. The establishment of a permanent agricultural prac. tice therefore, demands relatively high usage of liming and phosphatic fertilization, to begin with. Several approaches, not mutually exclusive, could be used in order to increase the efficiency of utilization of soil and fertilizer phosphorus so that, goal of diminishing costs of production is reached. The use of liming materials bringing up pH to 6.0-6.5 causes the conversion of iron and aluminum phosphates to more available calcium phosphates; on the other hand, by raising calcium saturation in the exchange complex, it improves the development and operation if the root system which allows c or a higher utilization of all soil nutrients, including phosphorus, and helps of stand water deficits which may occur. The role of mycorrhizal fungi should be considered as a way of increasing soil and fertilizer P utilization, as well as the limitations thereof. Screening of and breeding for varieties with higher efficiency of uptake and utilization of soil and fertilizer phosphorus leads to a reduction in cost of inputs and to higher benefit/cost ratios. Corrective fertilization using ground rock phosphate helps to saturate the fixation power of the soil thereby reducing, as a consequence, the need for phosphorus in the maintenance fertilization. Maintenance fertilization, in which soluble phos-phatic sources are used, could be improved by several means whose performance has been proved: limimg, granula tion, placement, use of magnesium salts. Last, cost of phosphate fertilization could be further reduced, without impairing yields, through impairing yields, through changes in technology designed to obtain products better adapted to local conditions and to the availability or raw materials and energy sources.


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Oolitic carbonates belonging to the Hauptrogenstein Formation of Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) age have been shown to be anomalously enriched in cadmium (Cd) throughout the Jura Mountains. Soils associated with this type of rock substratum may be naturally polluted with regards to Cd. At Schleifenberg (Canton Basel Land, Switzerland) the Hauptrogenstein Formation is almost entirely exposed along a trail on its SW flank. Cadmium concentrations were systematically measured throughout this formation and Cd enrichments in rocks are shown to occur to a maximum content of 4.9 mg kg(-1). We investigated associated soils, which cover the entire outcrop, and show that they have been formed through the weathering of the underlying bedrock and through the uptake of colluvial limestone fragments from the same and older formations. Cadmium contents in the soils reach a maximum value of 2.0 mg kg(-1), thereby exceeding the official Swiss indicative guideline value for soils fixed at 0.8 mg.kg(-1). Mineralogical analyses on the soils and associated bedrock suggest that no allochthonous component related to aeolian transport is present. Sequential extractions applied to selected soil samples show that about half of the Cd resides in the carbonate fraction coming from the fractured parent-rock, while the Cd released from the weathered carbonates is associated either with organic matter (over 10%) or with Fe and Mn-oxihydroxides (approximately 30%). No exchangeable Cd phase was found and this, together with the buffer capacity of this calcareous soil, suggests that the amount of mobile Cd is quite negligible in this soil, which also greatly reduces the amount of bioavailable


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Designation of Co-benefits and Its Implication for Policy: Water Quality versus Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Soils, The


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A procedure was developed for determining 241Pu activity in environmental samples. This beta emitter isotope of plutonium was measured by ultra low level liquid scintillation, after several separation and purification steps that involved the use of a highly selective extraction chromatographic resin (Eichrom-TEVA). Due to the lack of reference material for 241Pu, the method was nevertheless validated using four IAEA reference sediments with information values for 241Pu. Next, the method was used to determine the 241Pu activity in alpine soils of Switzerland and France. The 241Pu/239,240Pu and 238Pu/239,240Pu activity ratios confirmed that Pu contamination in the tested alpine soils originated mainly from global fallout from nuclear weapon tests conducted in the fifties and sixties. Estimation of the date of the contamination, using the 241Pu/241Am age-dating method, further confirmed this origin. However, the 241Pu/241Am dating method was limited to samples where Pu-Am fractionation was insignificant. If any, the contribution of the Chernobyl accident is negligible.