996 resultados para Soil profiles
Objective: Our purpose was to examine the effects of daily servings of butter, no-trans-fat margarine and plant sterol margarine, within recommended amounts, on plasma lipids, apolipoproteins (Apos), biomarkers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction, and on the transfer of lipids to HDL particles in free-living subjects with the metabolic syndrome. Methods: This was a randomized, single-blind study where 53 metabolic syndrome subjects (62% women, mean age 54 years) received isocaloric servings of butter, no-trans-fat margarine or plant sterol margarine in addition to their usual diets for 5 weeks. The main outcome measures were plasma lipids, Apo, inflammatory and endothelial dysfunction markers (CRP, IL-6, CD40L or E-selectin), small dense LDL cholesterol concentrations and in vitro radioactive lipid transfer from cholesterol-rich emulsions to HDL. Difference among groups was evaluated by analysis of variance. Results: There was a significant reduction in Apo-B (-10.4 %, P = 0.043) and in the Apo-B/Apo-A-1 ratio (-11.1%, P = 0.034) with plant sterol margarine. No changes in plasma lipids were noticed with butter and no-trans-fat margarine. Transfer rates of lipids to HDL were reduced in the no-trans-fat margarine group: triglycerides -42.0%, (P<0.001 vs butter and sterol margarine) and free cholesterol -16.2% (P = 0.006 vs sterol margarine). No significant effects were noted on the concentrations of inflammatory and endothelial dysfunction markers among the groups. Conclusions: In free-living subjects with the metabolic syndrome consumption of plant sterol and no-trans-fat margarines within recommended amounts reduced, respectively, Apo-B concentrations and the ability of HDL to accept lipids. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010) 64, 1141-1149; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2010.122; published online 21 July 2010
The simultaneous effects of different binary co-cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium lactis with Streptococcus thermophilus and of different prebiotics on the production of fermented milk were investigated in this paper. In particular, we determined and compared the kinetics of acidification of milk either as such or supplemented with 4% (w/w) maltodextrin, oligofructose and polydextrose, as well as the probiotic survival, chemical composition (pH, lactose, lactic acid and protein contents), fatty acids profile and conjugate linoleic acid (CIA) content of fermented milk after storage at 4 degrees C for 24 h. Fermented milk quality was strongly influenced both by the co-culture composition and the selected prebiotic. Depending on the co-culture, prebiotic addition to milk influenced to different extent kinetic acidification parameters. All probiotic counts were stimulated by oligofructose and polydextrose, and among these B. lactis always exhibited the highest counts in all supplemented milk samples. Polydextrose addition led to the highest post-acidification. Although the contents of the main fatty acids were only barely influenced. the highest amounts of conjugated linoleic acid (38% higher than in the control) were found in milk fermented by S. thermophilus-L. acidophilus co-culture and supplemented with maltodextrin. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Members of social insect colonies employ a large variety of chemical signals during their life. Of these, cuticular hydrocarbons are of primary importance for social insects since they allow for the recognition of conspecifics, nestmates and even members of different castes. The objectives of this study were (1) to characterize the variation of the chemical profiles among workers of the stingless bee Melipona marginata, and (2) to investigate the dependence of the chemical profiles on the age and on the behavior of the studied individuals. The results showed that cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of workers were composed of alkanes, alkenes and alkadienes that varied quantitatively and qualitatively according to function of workers in the colony. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Age is a critical determinant of an adult female mosquito's ability to transmit a range of human pathogens. Despite its central importance, relatively few methods exist with which to accurately determine chronological age of field-caught mosquitoes. This fact is a major constraint on our ability to fully understand the relative importance of vector longevity to disease transmission in different ecological contexts. It also limits our ability to evaluate novel disease control strategies that specifically target mosquito longevity. We report the development of a transcriptional profiling approach to determine age of adult female Aedes aegypti under field conditions. We demonstrate that this approach surpasses current cuticular hydrocarbon methods for both accuracy of predicted age as well as the upper limits at which age can be reliably predicted. The method is based on genes that display age-dependent expression in a range of dipteran insects and, as such, is likely to be broadly applicable to other disease vectors.
A hydraulic jump is the transition from a supercritical open channel flow to a subcritical regime. It is characterised by a highly turbulent flow with macro-scale vortices, some kinetic energy dissipation and a bubbly two-phase flow structure. New air-water flow measurements were performed in hydraulic jump flows for a range of inflow Froude numbers. The experiments were conducted in a large-size facility using two types of phase-detection intrusive probes: i.e., single-tip and double-tip conductivity probes. These were complemented by some measurements of free-surface fluctuations using ultrasonic displacement meters. The present study was focused on the turbulence characteristics of hydraulic jumps with partially-developed inflow conditions. The void fraction measurements showed the presence of an advective diffusion shear layer in which the void fractions profiles matched closely an analytical solution of the advective diffusion equation for air bubbles. The present results highlighted some influence of the inflow Froude number onto the air bubble entrainment process. At the largest Froude numbers, the advected air bubbles were more thoroughly dispersed vertically, and larger amount of air bubbles were detected in the turbulent shear layer. In the air-water mixing layer, the maximum void fraction and bubble count rate data showed some longitudinal decay function in the flow direction. Such trends were previously reported in the literature. The measurements of interfacial velocity and turbulence level distributions provided new information on the turbulent velocity field in the highly-aerated shear region. The present data suggested some longitudinal decay of the turbulence intensity. The velocity profiles tended to follow a wall jet flow pattern. The air–water turbulent time and length scales were deduced from some auto- and cross-correlation analyses based upon the method of CHANSON (2006,2007). The results provided the integral turbulent time and length scales of the eddy structures advecting the air bubbles in the developing shear layer. The experimental data showed that the auto-correlation time scale Txx was larger than the transverse cross-correlation time scale Txz. The integral turbulence length scale Lxz was a function of the inflow conditions, of the streamwise position (x-x1)/d1 and vertical elevation y/d1. Herein the dimensionless integral turbulent length scale Lxz/d1 was closely related to the inflow depth: i.e., Lxz/d1 = 0.2 to 0.8, with Lxz increasing towards the free-surface. The free-surface fluctuations measurements showed large turbulent fluctuations that reflected the dynamic, unsteady structure of the hydraulic jumps. A linear relationship was found between the normalized maximum free-surface fluctuation and the inflow Froude number.
The use of 'balanced' Ca, Mg, and K ratios, as prescribed by the basic cation saturation ratio (BCSR) concept, is still used by some private soil-testing laboratories for the interpretation of soil analytical data. This review aims to examine the suitability of the BCSR concept as a method for the interpretation of soil analytical data. According to the BCSR concept, maximum plant growth will be achieved only when the soil’s exchangeable Ca, Mg, and K concentrations are approximately 65 % Ca, 10 % Mg, and 5 % K (termed the ‘ideal soil’). This ‘ideal soil’ was originally proposed by Firman Bear and co-workers in New Jersey (USA) during the 1940s as a method of reducing luxury K uptake by alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). At about the same time, William Albrecht, working in Missouri (USA), concluded through his own investigations that plants require a soil with a high Ca saturation for optimal growth. Whilst it now appears that several of Albrecht’s experiments were fundamentally flawed, the BCSR (‘balanced soil’) concept has been widely promoted, suggesting that the prescribed cationic ratios provide optimum chemical, physical, and biological soil properties. Our examination of data from numerous studies (particularly those of Albrecht and Bear, themselves) would suggest that, within the ranges commonly found in soils, the chemical, physical, and biological fertility of a soil is generally not influenced by the ratios of Ca, Mg, and K. The data do not support the claims of the BCSR, and continued promotion of the BCSR will result in the inefficient use of resources in agriculture and horticulture.
This book provides a way for farmers in developing countries to benefit from scientific knowledge on plant nutrition and soil fertility. Specifically, it will help farmers recognise and deal with shortages or excesses of chemical elements.
Bulk density of undisturbed soil samples can be measured using computed tomography (CT) techniques with a spatial resolution of about 1 mm. However, this technique may not be readily accessible. On the other hand, x-ray radiographs have only been considered as qualitative images to describe morphological features. A calibration procedure was set up to generate two-dimensional, high-resolution bulk density images from x-ray radiographs made with a conventional x-ray diffraction apparatus. Test bricks were made to assess the accuracy of the method. Slices of impregnated soil samples were made using hardsetting seedbeds that had been gamma scanned at 5-mm depth increments in a previous study. The calibration procedure involved three stages: (i) calibration of the image grey levels in terms of glass thickness using a staircase made from glass cover slips, (ii) measurement of ratio between the soil and resin mass attenuation coefficients and the glass mass attenuation coefficient, using compacted bricks of known thickness and bulk density, and (iii) image correction accounting for the heterogeneity of the irradiation field. The procedure was simple, rapid, and the equipment was easily accessible. The accuracy of the bulk density determination was good (mean relative error 0.015), The bulk density images showed a good spatial resolution, so that many structural details could be observed. The depth functions were consistent with both the global shrinkage and the gamma probe data previously obtained. The suggested method would be easily applied to the new fuzzy set approach of soil structure, which requires generation of bulk density images. Also, it would be an invaluable tool for studies requiring high-resolution bulk density measurement, such as studies on soil surface crusts.
The moving finite element collocation method proposed by Kill et al. (1995) Chem. Engng Sci. 51 (4), 2793-2799 for solution of problems with steep gradients is further developed to solve transient problems arising in the field of adsorption. The technique is applied to a model of adsorption in solids with bidisperse pore structures. Numerical solutions were found to match the analytical solution when it exists (i.e. when the adsorption isotherm is linear). The method is simple yet sufficiently accurate for use in adsorption problems, where global collocation methods fail. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two geographically distinct silcrete associations are present in southern Australia, inland and eastern; these were sampled in central South Australia and central Victoria, respectively, At each site, both silicified and immediately adjacent unsilicified parent material were collected. Analytical data from these pairs were used to construct isocons, assuming Zr immobility, and to calculate the volume change and amount of silica introduced during silicification, These results, together with whole-rock oxygen isotope compositions, were used to determine the delta(18)O of th, introduced silica, The results show that the eastern silcretes in central Victoria are probably linked genetically to the associated basalts, weathering of which supplied the introduced silica, This conclusion is based on the close spatial connection between the two, as well as the substantial amount of introduced silica in the silcretes (greater than in the inland silcretes), resulting in volume increases in some eastern silcretes, Oxygen isotopic calculations for the silcretes indicate that the silica precipitated from groundwaters at temperatures slightly higher than present conditions. Silcrete formation apparently occurred during the Miocene and Pliocene (basalts in Victoria younger than Pliocene lack associated silcrete) and may reflect the much wetter climate in southeastern Australia at that time. The inland silcretes of central South Australia can be divided into pedogenic (the most common) and groundwater varieties. The pedogenic silcretes, which show typical soil features like columnar and nodular textures, contain moderate amounts of introduced silica that precipitated by evaporation from saline groundwaters, For the groundwater silcretes, which have massive textures and formed at or close to the water table, insufficient data are available to determine the mode of formation. The inland pedogenic silcretes have probably been farming from the Eocene-Miocene to the present, implying that conditions of seasonally high evaporation have occurred in central Australia during this time period. Thus silcrete formation depends on a complex interplay between climate and silica supply, and it is impossible to generalize that the presence of silcrete is indicative of a particular climate. Likewise, the elemental composition of silcretes, particularly Ti content, is not necessarily of climatic significance, Nevertheless, detailed geochemical and oxygen isotopic studies of a silcrete and its parent material can elucidate the mechanisms of silcrete formation, and if evaporation is indicated as a major factor in silcrete formation, then the climate at the time was likely to have been at least seasonally arid.
A multisegment percolation system (MSPS) consisting of 25 individual collection wells was constructed to study the effects of localised soil heterogeneities on the transport of solutes in the vadose zone. In particular, this paper discusses the transport of water and nutrients (NO3-, Cl-, PO43-) through structurally stable, free-draining agricultural soil from Victoria, Australia. A solution of nutrients was irrigated onto the surface of a large undisturbed soil core over a 12-h period. This was followed by a continuous irrigation of distilled water at a fate which did not cause pending for a further 18 days. During this time, the volume of leachate and the concentration of nutrients in the leachate of each well were measured. Very significant variation in drainage patterns across a small spatial scale was observed. Leaching of nitrate-nitrogen and chloride from the core occurred two days after initial application. However, less than 1% of the total applied phosphate-phosphorus leached from the soil during the 18-day experiment, indicating strong adsorption. Our experiments indicate considerable heterogeneity in water flow patterns and solute leaching on a small spatial scale. These results have significant ramifications for modelling solute transport and predicting nutrient loadings on a larger scale.