866 resultados para Social impacts
Depuis plusieurs années, l’enseignement des sciences joue un rôle de 2e plan, après le français et les mathématiques, chez plusieurs enseignants du primaire (Lenoir, 2000). Peinant à établir des liens entre les savoirs à enseigner et la réalité quotidienne, ces enseignants ayant souvent une formation lacunaire semblent rechercher de nouveaux outils didactiques efficaces. À cet effet, l’intégration de pratiques sociales de référence (Martinand, 1986) aux situations d’apprentissage peut constituer une pratique innovante favorisant la transposition didactique des savoirs disciplinaires. Misant sur l’intérêt grandissant des Québécois pour la cuisine, cette recherche tente de déterminer l’impact d’une formation continue établissant des liens entre les sciences et les pratiques culinaires sur l’enseignement des sciences au primaire. Pour cette étude de cas descriptive, six enseignants du primaire ont participé à deux rencontres de formation durant lesquelles elles ont expérimenté une situation d’apprentissage et d’évaluation (SAÉ) intégrant des activités culinaires. À la suite d’une période de mise à l’essai de cette SAÉ en classe, les sujets ont été interviewés afin d’établir les apprentissages réalisés durant la formation et de dresser une liste des avantages et des obstacles associés à l’utilisation d’activités culinaires pour enseigner les sciences. De plus, les suggestions émises visant l’amélioration de la SAÉ (rapport bilan écrit) ont permis de mettre en relief la prédominance de préoccupations de nature pédagogique, organisationnelle et socioaffective chez les sujets de l’échantillon. Cette recherche entraîne des retombées pour les didacticiens puisqu’elle fournit des données supplémentaires pouvant contribuer à améliorer la qualité du matériel didactique mis à la disposition des praticiens. De plus, la SAÉ développée pour cette étude constitue un outil didactique novateur pouvant être utilisé par les enseignants du primaire.
Cette étude a eu l’objectif d’analyser et d’identifier les différentes visions de la revitalisation du Parc Municipal Américo Renné Giannetti, à Belo Horizonte (Brésil), dans le contexte de transformations spatiales de la ville pour la Coupe du monde arrivée en 2014. Pour le développement de cette recherche, on a utilisé des démarches distinctes. La première a consisté à faire un abordage sur les projets de restructurations urbaines pour les évènements internationaux qui en transformant certains espaces (comme les parcs urbains et certaines aires historiques) tentent à dynamiser l’entrepreneuriat urbain en transformant ces espaces, les villes et les pays hôtes en « produits » consommés par un public très spécifique. Les autres étapes ont consisté à démontrer le rôle social du Parc Municipal ainsi qu’à présenter les observations de terrain et les entrevues avec les différents acteurs engagés dans la revitalisation du parc central de Belo Horizonte. L’analyse des différentes visions du projet nous a conduits à conclure que la revitalisation du parc pour la Coupe du monde a eu des enjeux politiques, touristiques, en répondant aussi les intérêts du secteur privé. Dans ce contexte les répercutions sociales sont inévitables vu qu’en répondant le besoin de certains citoyens, la transformation de l’espace entraine des exclusions et réaffirme la ségrégation dans le milieu.
The objectives of the present study are to provide a systematic descriptive documentation of the nature of air pollution of the Cochin industrial agglomeration, estimate the willingness to pay for morbidity reduction due to air pollution in observed and hypothetical markets and to estimate the value of welfare loss in the purchase of property due to reduced air quality. This study is an attempt to examine economic impacts of air pollution on the human health and property values in the industrial capital of Kerala. The process of industrialization in Kerala and the increase in air pollution created damages to human, natural and economic resources in the state. The study documents the extent of air pollution and applied econometric approaches to estimate economic impacts of air pollution on human health and property values. The Important sources of air pollution identified in Cochin are emissions from industries and automobiles.
Tourism is an industry which is heavily dependent on marketing. Mouth to mouth communication has played a major role in shaping a number of destinations.This is particularly true in modern parlance.This is social networking phenomenon which is fast spreading over the internet .Many sites provide visitors a lot of freedom to express their views.Promotion of a destination depends lot on conversation and exchange of information over these social networks.This paper analyses the social networking sites their contribution to marketing tourism and hoapitality .The negetive impacts phenomena are also discussed
Esta tesis muestra una experiencia diferente y exitosa de inclusión a la sociedad mediante la práctica de Capoeira la cual se convirtió en una vía de integración social de jóvenes en condiciones de vulnerabilidad. Se trabajó con un grupo de jóvenes capoeiristas pertenecientes a dos barrios vulnerables de Bogotá: el barrio El Paraíso y Mirador Alto, localizados en la localidad 19 de Ciudad Bolívar con el fin de determinar las transformaciones que tuvieron con la práctica de Capoeira. Estos aspectos se analizaron mediante entrevistas, diario de campo y observación participativa que permitieron identificar las siguientes categorías: antes y después de la Capoeira, lazos débiles y fuertes, percepción y uso de la ciudad, capital social individual y colectivo. Se encontró que la Capoeira incide en la apropiación de diferentes escenarios de la ciudad, en la interacción con personas que tienen otros tipos de capitales, y en la relación con diferentes organismos del Estado y con ONG´s, lo cual influye en las expectativas de vida y en la forma en cómo ellos perciben la realidad.
El territorio, como una representación de la sociedad, manifiesta relaciones poder y situaciones de confrontación entre las clases sociales que lo habitan, consolidando escenarios funcionales a éstas. A continuación se analiza la forma en la que incide la producción social del territorio en el ordenamiento territorial, en el caso de la transformación del Parque de la 93. La ordenación del territorio no surge de manera espontánea, sino que responde a unos intereses por localizar espacios de producción y consumo para incidir directamente en el proceso de acumulación de capital. Se utiliza el materialismo histórico como la herramienta fundamental de análisis, pues éste ubica la lucha de clases en el centro de la discusión, expresando la relación entre los intereses de la clase dominante respecto a un territorio y las necesidades de ordenamiento territorial para construir espacios que propicien la acumulación de capital.
Partiendo de la importancia que ha adquirido la Responsabilidad Social (RS) a nivel mundial y bajo el entendimiento que la cadena de suministro es de importancia para la efectiva ejecución de una política de RS de cualquier organización, en el presente trabajo se pretende realizar un diagnóstico de la RS de los contratistas que tienen potenciales impactos en los asuntos considerados pertinentes por Equión Energía según los lineamientos de la norma ISO 26000. El proceso se centra en Equión Energía, organización petrolera radicada en Colombia con operación de proyectos de exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos en el departamento de Casanare. Para el desarrollo de las actividades la empresa, Equión cuenta con aproximadamente 150 organizaciones contratistas a nivel internacional y nacional. Mediante la realización del diagnóstico a una muestra representativa del grupo de contratistas, el estudio servirá como insumo para definir una ruta de ajuste gradual para promover la RS en la cadena de suministro de Equión. El fin último del ajuste es mejorar la gestión de la RS en los procesos de compras y contratación, contribuyendo así, con el cumplimiento de la misión y visión de la compañía donde se espera que la organización contribuya con el desarrollo sostenible de la región donde opera y del país.
La autora sostiene que, dadas las condiciones usualmente impuestas por los países industrializados acreedores, el pago de la deuda externa es inviable para el Ecuador. Si se consideran aspectos económicos, sociales yambientales, se puede apreciar que el actual servicio de la deuda genera una balanza de pagos insostenible, deterioro de la capacidad productiva local. aumento de la precariedad del mercado laboral, incremento de la extrema pobreza y una presión insoportable sobre los recursos naturales. Mediante un análisis de ciertos indicadores selectos, la autora establece las relaciones existentes entre el ajuste para servir a la deuda, el deterioro de las condiciones de vida, el impacto en la agricultura y los recursos naturales y la dinámica de los procesos migratorios.
With both climate change and air quality on political and social agendas from local to global scale, the links between these hitherto separate fields are becoming more apparent. Black carbon, largely from combustion processes, scatters and absorbs incoming solar radiation, contributes to poor air quality and induces respiratory and cardiovascular problems. Uncertainties in the amount, location, size and shape of atmospheric black carbon cause large uncertainty in both climate change estimates and toxicology studies alike. Increased research has led to new effects and areas of uncertainty being uncovered. Here we draw together recent results and explore the increasing opportunities for synergistic research that will lead to improved confidence in the impact of black carbon on climate change, air quality and human health. Topics of mutual interest include better information on spatial distribution, size, mixing state and measuring and monitoring. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The terminator gene can render seeds sterile, so forcing farmers to purchase fresh seed every year. It is a technological solution to the problem of market failure that could increase the appropriability of R&D investment more effectively than intellectual property rights legislation or patents. This paper shows that appropriability should be more than tripled and that this leads to greater private R&D investment, which may be expected to double or triple. This would bring open-pollinating varieties into line with F1 hybrids, for which seed cannot be saved. In turn, the increased investment should raise yield increases to levels similar to those for hybrid crops. Thus, there are benefits to set against the possible ecological and environmental costs and the clear distributional and social consequences. The paper discusses the way the seed market is developing, the possible impacts, especially from a developing country viewpoint, and considers the policy changes that are needed.
Mainstream schooling is a key policy in the promotion of social inclusion of young people with learning disabilities. Yet there is limited evidence about the school experience of young people about to leave mainstream as compared with segregated education, and how it impacts on their relative view of self and future aspirations. Sixty young people with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities in their final year of secondary school participated in this study. Twenty-eight individuals came from mainstream schools and 32 attended segregated school. They completed a series of self-report measures on perceptions of stigma, social comparison to a more disabled and non-disabled peer and the likelihood involved in attaining their future goals. The majority of participants from both groups reported experiencing stigmatized treatment in the local area where they lived. The mainstream group reported significant additional stigma at school. In terms of social comparisons, both groups compared themselves positively with a more disabled peer and with a non-disabled peer. While the mainstream pupils had more ambitious work-related aspirations, both groups felt it equally likely that they would attain their future goals. Although the participants from segregated schools came from significantly more deprived areas and had lower scores on tests of cognitive functioning, neither of these factors appeared to have an impact on their experience of stigma, social comparisons or future aspirations. Irrespective of schooling environment, the young people appeared to be able to cope with the threats to their identities and retained a sense of optimism about their future. Nevertheless, negative treatment reported by the children was a serious source of concern and there is a need for schools to promote the emotional well-being of pupils with intellectual disabilities.
This paper explores the impacts of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on children and families in northern Tanzania using the concept of social resilience.1 The study is based on the findings of childfocused research with street children and children and families from HIV/AIDS-affected households. The paper illustrates the coping strategies that children and young people, and parents and caregivers adopt at the household level. In particular, it examines how the burden of care affects different generations of women and highlights their resilience, together with the importance of social networks and the fluidity of movement between rural and urban areas. The research suggests that migrating to urban areas to seek a living in the informal sector represents a survival strategy adopted by some children and young people orphaned by AIDS when their families and communities are unable or unwilling to support them. The paper concludes by exploring parents’, caregivers’, children’s, and young people’s views on the forms of social support that would promote their resilience and thereby help to mitigate the impacts of the epidemic at the household level.
This paper reviews recent research and other literature concerning the planning and development of redundant defence estate. It concentrates on UK sources but includes reference to material from Europe and the North America were it is relevant for comparative purposes. It introduces the topic by providing a brief review of the recent restructuring of the UK defence estate and then proceeds to examine the various planning policy issues generated by this process; the policy frameworks used to guide it; comparable approaches to surplus land disposal and the appraisal of impacts; and ending the main body of the review with an analyse of the economic, social and environmental impacts of military base closure and redevelopment. It concludes that there is a significant body of work focusing on the reuse and redevelopment of redundant defence estate in the UK and abroad, but that much of this work is based on limited research or on personal experience. One particular weakness of the current literature is that it does not fully reflect the institutional difficulties posed by the disposal process and the day-to-day pressures which MOD personnel have to deal with. In doing this, it also under-emphasises the embedded cultures of individuals and professional groups who are required to operationalise the policies, procedures and practices for planning and redeveloping redundant defence estate.