779 resultados para Social support
This study examined the utility of a stress and coping model of adjustment to HIV/AIDS. A total of 114 HN-infected gay or bisexual men were interviewed and they completed self-administered scales. Predictors included illness variables (disease stage and number of symptoms), coping resources (optimism and social support), appraisal (threat, challenge, and controllability), and coping strategies (problem-and emotion-focused). Adjustment outcomes were depression, global distress, social adjustment, and subjective health status. Results from hierarchical regression analyses indicated that better adjustment was related to an asymptomatic illness stage, fewer HN-related symptoms, greater social support, challenge and controllability appraisals, problem-focused coping, and lower threat appraisals and reliance on emotion focused coping. There was limited support for the stress-buffering effects of optimism. Findings support the utility of a stress and coping model of adjustment to HIV/AIDS.
It has long been recognized that loss and its associated grief are important elements of many adverse life events that affect the entire global population: death, disability, traumatic events, abuse., terminal and chronic illness, aging, addiction, unemployment, relationship breakdown, war, migration, and educational failure. While there is significant empirical evidence of the potential deleterious effects of specific situations of loss across the global community, systematic discussion concerning the common elements of loss that are associated with adverse life situations in general has been limited. This review of the theoretical and empirical literature concerning various losses and the recommendations for care of those affected by such losses identifies common aspects of situations of loss and common recommendations in the care of those confronted by such losses. These common themes of loss are described by simple summary statements that can be communicated to a broad audience, hence enhancing community education and, potentially, community-wide mental health promotion.
Shiftwork is a major source of stress for many worker's. This study highlights the role that organizational and psychosocial variables play in alleviating the negative health effects of 10 and 14-h shifts. It examines the direct and mediated effects of coping strategies, social support and control of shifts on work/non-work conflict and subjective health. Participants are 60 ambulance workers, aged 22 to SS years. A structural equation model with good fit demonstrates complex effects of social support from various sources (supervisors, co-workers and family), coping and control on work/non-work conflict and subjective health., Conceptually, the research contributes to the development of a theoretical framework that can assist in explaining how key psychosocial and organizational variables influence the psychological and physical symptoms experienced by shiftworkers. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Development of a self-report measure of stress specific to HIV/AIDS is needed to advance our understanding of the role of stress in adaptation to HIV/AIDS: hence, the aim of this study was the development of the HIV/AIDS Stress Scale. A total of 132 homosexual/bisexual men with HIV/AIDS v ere interviewed and completed the HIV/AIDS Stress Scale and measures of coping strategies, appraisal, social support and adjustment (global distress, depression, social adjustment, number of HIV symptoms, and subjective health status) at three time points. Thirty-nine primary caregivers were interviewed and completed measures of stress and adjustment. Exploratory factor analyses of the HIV/AIDS Stress Scale items revealed three factors: Social, Instrumental and Emotional/Existential Stress. Factors had adequate internal reliabilities and were stable over 12 months. Construct validation data are consistent with recent stress/coping research that links higher levels of stress with more HIV symptoms. reliance on emotion-focused coping, lower social support, poorer levels of adjustment and higher levels of caregiver stress. Results extend this research by revealing new differential relations between various stress dimensions and stress/coping variables. Convergent validation data suggest that the HIV/AIDS Stress Scale shares conceptual similarity with threat appraisal. and differs from control liability and challenge appraisals. The HIV/AIDS Stress Scale shows potential for the elucidation of the role of stress in coping and adaptation to HIV/AIDS and disease progression in both research and clinical applications.
Research has indicated a weak relationship between the degree of physical problems and quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The importance of adaptive psychological functioning to maintain optimum quality of life has long been recognized, but there is a lack of empirical evidence concerning the nature of psychological factors involved in adjustment to COPD. Ninety-two males completed questionnaires to determine their coping strategies, levels of self-efficacy of symptom management and social support. Adjustment was measured in terms of depression, anxiety and quality of life. Symptom severity, socioeconomic status, duration of disease and age, which have been demonstrated to be of consequence in COPD, were used as control variables in hierarchical multiple regression analyses. Higher levels of catastrophic withdrawal coping strategies and lower levels of self-efficacy of symptom management were associated with higher levels of depression, anxiety and a reduced quality of life. Higher levels of positive social support were linked to lower levels of depression and anxiety, while higher levels of negative social support were linked to higher levels of depression and anxiety. To maximize quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, psychological factors need to be carefully assessed and addressed.
With loss permeating the lives of all people throughout the entire life span and its potential for serious long-term deleterious effects, providing effective care for those experiencing situations of loss would be an important element of any preventive community-based mental health promotion approach. The low use of mental health services by those confronted with loss, and the lack of such services in many areas, makes it imperative to enhance the competency of the broader community to provide appropriate care during times of loss. Contributory to such care is a sound knowledge of the literature concerning loss and grieving. The broken leg analogy of grief presented in this article integrates the traditional and emerging grief theories and empirical evidence into an analogy of grieving that can be easily communicated to the general community, is relevant to many losses. and vet upholds the differing positions concerning grieving held by various schools of psychiatric thought.
The contribution of demographic, injury, pre-morbid, and parent factors to a child's functional outcome at 6 months post-burn injury was examined. Sixty-eight children, aged 5-14 years with percent total body surface area (%TBSA) burns ranging from
Perceived stress as a predictor of the self-reported new diagnosis of symptomatic CHD in older women
This article describes one aspect of a prospective cohort study of 10,432 women aged between 70 and 75 years. After a 3-year period, 503 women self-reported a new diagnosis by a doctor of angina or myocardial infarction (symptomatic coronary heart disease [CHD]). Time one psychosocial variables (Duke Social Support Index, time pressure, Perceived Stress Scale, Mental Health Index, having a partner, educational attainment, and location of residence) were analyzed using univariate binary logistic regression for their ability to predict subsequent symptomatic CHD. Of these variables, the Duke Social Support Index, Perceived Stress Scale and the Mental Health Index were found to be significant predictors of symptomatic CHID diagnosis. Only the Perceived Stress Scale, however, proved to be a significant independent predictor. After controlling for time one nonpsychosocial variables, as well as the frequency of family doctor visits, perceived stress remained a significant predictor of the new diagnosis of symptomatic CHD in this cohort of older women over a 3-year period.
Objectives: To describe what is known of quality of life for colorectal cancer patients, to review what has been done in the Australian setting and to identify emerging directions for future research to address current gaps in knowledge. Method: A literature search (using Medline, PsychInfo, CINAHL and Sociological Abstracts) was conducted and 41 articles identified for review. Results: Three key areas relating to quality of life in colorectal cancer patients emerged from the literature review: the definition and measurement of quality of life; predictors of quality of life; and the relationship of quality of life to survival. Results of existing studies are inconsistent in relation to quality of life over time and its relationship to survival. Small sample sizes and methodological limitations make interpretation difficult. Conclusions: There is a need for large-scale, longitudinal, population-based studies describing the quality of life experienced by colorectal cancer patients and its determinants. Measurement and simultaneous adjustment for potential confounding factors would productively advance knowledge in this area, as would an analysis of the economic cost of morbidity to the community and an assessment of the cost effectiveness of proposed interventions. Implications: As the Australian population ages, the prevalence of colorectal cancer within the community will increase. This burden of disease presents as a priority area for public health research. An improved understanding of quality of life and its predictors will inform the development and design of supportive interventions for those affected by the disease.
Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar a forma????o de consensos sociais e pol??ticos para a reforma do Estado e de seu aparelho em n??vel estadual, conforme a governabilidade democr??tica. Optou-se por uma pesquisa sobre a privatiza????o das Centrais El??tricas Mato- Grossenses S.A. (Cemat), considerada representativa tanto da reforma empreendida pelo Estado de Mato Grosso quanto das dificuldades do setor el??trico em n??vel nacional. O referencial metodol??gico dessa pesquisa ?? composto de um problema e de quatro hip??teses de trabalho. Trata-se de estudo de caso da esp??cie ???provas de plausibilidade???, em que, por uma aplica????o iterativa, apresenta-se uma proposi????o te??rica inicial e, em seguida, as conclus??es da pesquisa s??o comparadas, o que permite sua revis??o e compara????o. Para tanto, descrevem-se a privatiza????o da Cemat e os problemas da desestatiza????o do setor el??trico brasileiro no seu conjunto. Por fim, na conclus??o, verifica-se a validade das hip??teses e fazem-se algumas considera????es finais sobre a pesquisa.
O objetivo desse artigo ?? investigar como a ren??ncia fiscal ?? utilizada na ??rea de museus. A fundamenta????o te??rica faz breve apresenta????o da literatura sobre implementa????o e descreve o uso da ren??ncia fiscal na ??rea de museus mediante an??lise de seis vari??veis: incentivos, autonomia, informa????o, apoio institucional, apoio social e etapas e tempo. A metodologia utilizada foi a an??lise documental e entrevistas. A an??lise foi feita com ajuda do programa NVIVO9. As principais conclus??es s??o que embora haja incentivos e autonomia em graus suficientes para permitir boa implementa????o via ren??ncia fiscal, h?? quest??es informacionais e referentes ??s etapas e tempo que dificultam sua implementa????o. Al??m disso, a ren??ncia fiscal ?? concentradora, desigual e apresenta baixa participa????o de empresas do setor privado. Esses problemas parecem diminuir a capacidade de a implementa????o de museus mediante o uso da ren??ncia fiscal alcan??ar os efeitos almejados.
Este trabalho analisa alguns aspectos das amizades de adolescentes acometidos por diabetes e câncer, incluindo o histórico da reação ao diagnóstico, além do companheirismo, auto-revelação e intimidade, apoio social, conflito e expectativas da amizade. Três participantes com diabetes e três amigos, e três adolescentes que tiveram câncer e três amigos, foram entrevistados. Essas amizades se assemelham, em grande parte, àquelas não marcadas por uma doença crônica, especialmente em relação ao companheirismo e à presença de conflitos. Por outro lado, o diabetes ou o câncer parecem afetar aspectos da amizade, principalmente na consideração do apoio social, que se dá forma assimétrica. A auto-revelação e a intimidade sofrem restrições em relação a conteúdos ligados à enfermidade. As expectativas de amizade dão ênfase ao apoio social. Os dados ainda sugerem que afastamento ou aproximação dos amigos pode resultar da identificação de uma doença como câncer ou diabetes.
Objetivo: Investigar a avaliação de mães de recém-nascidos pré-termo (RNPT) egressos de unidades de terapia intensiva neonatal (UTIN) quanto à interação mãe-bebê e uso de chupeta nos primeiros dois anos. Método: O planejamento do estudo longitudinal foi baseado na Teoria Bioecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano, com foco nos processos proximais (PP), utilizando entrevistas gravadas com 62 mães de RNPT no contexto da UTIN e 33 aos seis, 12, 18 e 24 meses de idade do bebê, considerando Grupo-A (chupeta) e Grupo-B (não usou chupeta). Resultados: A vivência em UTIN foi considerada evento impactante na vida das mães, mas expectativas futuras para a relação mãe-bebê foram positivas. A tentativa de oferta da chupeta foi 96,2% e seu uso aos seis meses foi 50% (n=52), significativamente associado com prematuridade pela relação peso/idade-gestacional (p-valor=0,044), dificuldades para estabelecer aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) (p=0,012) e primiparidade (p=0,02). Apresentaram relação com menor frequência de chupeta: AME ≥3 meses (p=0,026) e tempo de aleitamento materno ≥6 meses. A chupeta configurou-se como uma das representações sociais sobre objetos de bebê, elaboradas pelas participantes aos 12 meses de idade do bebê. CaracterÃsticas de temperamento calmo/tranquilo da mãe foram mais frequentes no Grupo-A e o temperamento nervoso/agitado/irritado no Grupo-B (p-valor=0,041). No Grupo-A predominou o temperamento do bebê calmo/fácil-de-cuidar/independente, enquanto no Grupo-B as caracterÃsticas de temperamento agitado/bagunceiro/teimoso/agressivo (p-valor=0,026), associado também à necessidade de várias tentativas de oferta da chupeta (p-valor=0,006). No Grupo-A, o número de pessoas para apoio social foi uma ou duas (77,8%), enquanto no Grupo-B foram três a sete (66,7%), p-valor=0,001. A contribuição da chupeta como auxiliar nos PP foi indiferente para mães que controlavam o hábito, enquanto o uso irrestrito facilitava a resolução do choro, liberando a mãe para outras tarefas, atuando como limitador dos PP. A análise da evolução e complexidade dos PP demonstrou não haver interferência pelo uso da chupeta, tendo sido mais efetivos quando as mães tinham maior escolaridade e nas classes econômicas A e B. Conclusão: Aspectos culturais influenciaram na oferta da chupeta, mas sua aceitação ocorreu principalmente em RNPT pequeno para idade gestacional, diante das dificuldades para AME, menor extensão do apoio social e temperamento do bebê calmo/fácil-de-cuidar/independente, também associado à aceitação mais fácil da chupeta. O uso irrestrito da chupeta demonstrou atuar como limitador dos processos proximais.
O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a estrutura fatorial da Escala Modos de Enfrentamento de Problemas - EMEP, na versão adaptada para a população brasileira por Gimenes e Queiroz (1997), para mensurar estratégias de enfrentamento em relação a estressores especÃficos. A amostra foi composta por 409 adultos de ambos os sexos, onde 252 consideraram como estressor um problema atual que estivesse ocasionando estresse, enquanto 157 foram pessoas portadoras de enfermidades crônicas, que responderam à escala com base no problema de saúde que estavam apresentando. Foram extraÃdos quatro fatores pelo método dos eixos principais, rotação ortogonal: estratégias de enfrentamento focalizadas no problema, estratégias de enfrentamento focalizadas na emoção, práticas religiosas/pensamento fantasioso e busca de suporte social. A análise dos achados nas duas sub-amostras, diferenciadas quanto aos estressores dominantes, sugere possibilidades positivas de aplicação em contextos de pesquisa e de intervenção profissional, em especial a atuação clÃnica voltada para manejo do estresse junto a diferentes clientelas. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT