1000 resultados para Sistema aquífero - Luz de Tavira


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Currently the organizations are passing for continuous cycles of changes due to necessity of survival in the work market. The administration of the future points a way to the organizations of today and tomorrow, the search of the competitiveness from loyalty and motivation of its staff. Of this form, the model of the Auditoria do Sistema Humano (ASH), developed for Spanish researchers and that now it is being applied in Brazil, contemplates a series of dimensions about Human Resources management quality in the companies and the organizational effectiveness, such as the environment where the company is inserted, the strategies, the organizational drawing, the psychological and psychosocial processes, e the reached results. In this direction, the present research analyzed the factors of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, making, also, a relation of causality between the same ones. The quantitative-descriptive research had as population the employees of twenty three nourishing industries of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), registered in the Federacy of the Industries of the state. The collection of the data occurred for the months of October of 2005 and March of 2006, by means of the application of questionnaire of model ASH. The sample was composed for 197 employees, however it was observed presence of five outliers, that they had been excluded from the analysis of the data. To extract the dimensions of the satisfaction and the commitment and identification the factorial analysis was used, with extraction method of principal components, rotation Varimax and normalization Kaiser. The gotten dimensions had been evaluated with the calculation of the coefficient Alpha of Cronbach. The factorial analysis of the pointers of the organizational commitment and identification had extracted ten factors. Of these, four had gotten significance of the analyses inside: affective commitment, values commitment, continuance commitment and necessity commitment. The result of the analysis of the pointers of job satisfaction indicated four factors: extrinsic, motivations, relation with the friends and auto-accomplishment. To deal with the data the relation between job satisfaction and organizational commitment it was used technique of multiple regression. The correlation between commitment and satisfaction was satisfactory, detaching the affective commitment with bigger index of correlation, followed of the affective one


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Neste estudo, foram examinadas as relações existentes entre a motivação e a satisfação do trabalhador no espaço laboral. O estudo empírico foi conduzido em uma única etapa, por meio da qual buscou-se conhecer as dimensões latentes identificadas e, a partir das dimensões validadas, buscou-se estabelecer relações com características motivacionais, como antecedentes, e satisfação pelo trabalho realizado, como conseqüência do atendimento das necessidades manifestadas pelo trabalhador. Foram entrevistados 38 (trinta e oito) funcionários da empresa Água Mineral Cristalina, incluindo-se os que ocupam cargos de chefia. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, foi utilizada parte do complexo da Auditoria do Sistema Humano ASH, criado por Quijano (1999), que se trata de um modelo de pesquisa na área de Psicologia Social, incluindo a Administração de Recursos Humanos, que analisa os processos psicológicos e psicossociais nas organizações. Para esta pesquisa, foram utilizados dois formulários sugeridos pelo autor citado, (anexos 01 e 02). O primeiro denomina-se condições para a motivação , com 15 (quinze) questões do tipo likert. O segundo, "trabalho bem feito e satisfação de necessidades", tem 22 (vinte e duas) questões, também do tipo likert. O instrumento foi respondido por colaboradores, independente da posição hierárquica, em aproximadamente 10 (dez) a 15 (quinze) minutos. A aplicação foi realizada diretamente pelo pesquisador nas unidades de produção e de administração da empresa. Por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais, foi estabelecido um modelo de relações causais entre as dimensões latentes relacionadas à motivação e o desempenho do empregado quando tem satisfeitas as suas necessidades. Quanto ao tratamento dos dados, este ocorreu de forma quantitativa. Quanto à análise, aconteceu após os dados terem sido tratados. Nesta pesquisa, os dados foram analisados por meio de estatísticas descritivas, atualizando-se os recursos de softwares específicos como Statistic ou SPSS Statistic Package for Social Sciences. Usou-se a técnica de Análise de Regressão, na qual foi utilizado o método STEPWISE que inclui na equação de explicação de uma variável dependente somente aquelas que auxiliam ou incrementam sua explicação. Como variáveis dependentes, foram utilizadas as variáveis do formulário "trabalho bem feito e satisfação de necessidades" e como variável independe as variáveis do questionário "condições para motivação". Sob o ponto de vista prático, este estudo mostrou que um determinado conjunto de características motivacionais influi positivamente na satisfação do trabalhador, que poderá realizar um trabalho bem feito; do lado teórico, a pesquisa verificou explicitamente a hipótese de que os aspectos motivacionais contribuem para que o empregado, sentindo-se satisfeito, desempenhe melhor as atribuições que lhe são conferidas


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En este texto investigativo se realiza una avaluación financiera del proyecto Sistema Policultivo Bocachico – Tilapia Roja. Para llevar a cabo la investigación radica que en el momento en que se realizó el primer prototipo del Policultivo, no se tuvieron en cuenta aspectos de carácter financiero; además durante el proceso de estudio hemos aprendido elementos que ayudarían a mejorar el análisis financiero y económico del proyecto Policultivo. Con el estudio, los piscicultores e inversionistas dispondrán de unas herramientas calificadas y cualificadas que les permitan no sólo saber y estudiar el costo del montaje técnico de un policultivo, nociones de la piscicultura y cultivo de especies, sino, especialmente, conocer a través del uso de la metodología investigativa de la evaluación de proyectos, las fuentes más convenientes para el financiamiento, el potencial del negocio, un sostenido estudio de mercado y la generación de valor que representa el esfuerzo económico. Y por último distinguir el aporte eficaz que genera el proyecto en materia de desarrollo local o regional al contribuir con la generación de empleo, bienestar y al satisfacer ciertas necesidades sociales. Se pudo determinar que la producción y comercialización de Bocachico y Tilapia Roja mediante el Sistema Policultivos es factible, ya que mejora considerablemente los rendimientos de producción por unidad de área, y se aprovechan de la mejor manera los recursos disponibles. En el análisis se detectó que existe un gran potencial de demanda y de mercado, eficiente uso de los recursos financieros, técnicos, administrativos, legal, humanos, físicos y de infraestructura acorde con las necesidades del proyecto; y con una evaluación financiera que demuestra que el proyecto Sistema Policultivos es viable, rentable y se justifica realizar la inversión para desarrollarlo.


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Tesis (Ingeniero(a) en Automaziación).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Programa de Ingeniería en Automatización, 2014


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Este texto pretende desarrollar una propuesta de interpretación restrictiva de la aplicación del sistema de circunstancias de agravación de la responsabilidad en el Derecho penal colombiano, con especial acento en las circunstancias genéricas de agravación punitiva, teniendo como referente interpretativo el principio constitucional de non bis in ídem


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O presente trabalho possuiu como tema um estudo a respeito da percepção dos bibliotecários do Sistema de Bibliotecas (SIB) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) quanto ao Sistema de Administração de Bibliotecas (ARGO). Convém dizer que na atualidade falar dos sistemas informatizados é buscar caminhos para um suporte melhor a informação e ampliar o acesso para os usuários. Assim, o objetivo geral deste trabalho foi investigar a percepção dos bibliotecários quanto ao sistema de administração de bibliotecas ARGO. Sendo os objetivos específicos identificar os bibliotecários que atuam junto ao sistema; conhecer a opinião dos pesquisados sobre o sistema utilizado; refletir, a luz da literatura sobre os resultados da pesquisa; e apresentar a direção do SIB os resultados, de modo a colaborar com o Sistema. Foi utilizado como metodologia uma pesquisa exploratória, quali-quantitativa e também um estudo de caso. Entre os principais resultados se destaca que o sistema não possui os atributos necessários para um bom funcionamento. Nas considerações se observou que durante um tempo o ARGO atendeu as necessidades da instituição, mas devido ao grande crescimento da universidade e do volume de trabalho, ele deixou a desejar.


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A presente pesquisa está vinculada à linha Educação Ambiental: Ensino e Formação de Educadores(as) (EAEFE), do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Ambiental - PPGEA/FURG. O estudo foi realizado com cinco tutoras a distância que atuaram no curso de Especialização em Educação de Jovens e Adultos na Diversidade, oferecido na modalidade a distância pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG, a partir do Programa Universidade Aberta do Brasil, entre os anos de 2010 e 2012. A pesquisa buscou compreender que sentidos atribuem ao trabalho de tutoria, realizado no referido curso de especialização, os tutores a distância que dele fizeram parte. Assim, justifica-se por propor debate acerca da situação a que estão sujeitos esses profissionais, estando inseridos em um contexto de exploração, terceirização e prestação de serviços em educação, visto que a Educação a Distância, que não é institucionalizada, contribui para a manutenção do Sistema Capitalista, reproduzindo a precarização do trabalho docente. Este estudo caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa qualitativa, sendo os dados produzidos por meio de diálogo dirigido com questões que versavam a respeito das experiências das tutoras com a Tutoria a Distância. Para realizar a análise dos dados coletados, foi utilizada a Análise Textual Discursiva (ATD) (Moraes e Galiazzi, 2007), metodologia que possibilitou a compreensão dos discursos dos sujeitos. Os diálogos traçados entre os relatos das tutoras e teóricos como Antunes (2009), Mattar (2012), Loureiro (2004), entre outros, possibilitaram a construção de compreensões sobre o trabalho dos tutores no contexto do Modo de Produção Capitalista, vinculando, assim, a pesquisa ao campo de discussões da Educação Ambiental. Neste estudo, três categorias emergiram do processo de análise, denominadas: Tutoria a distância - questões que influenciam as condições de trabalho; Os sentidos do tempo na Tutoria a Distância - limites do tempo dentro e fora do trabalho; Tutoria a distância e o relacionamento com os estudantes - desafios do trabalho e da aprendizagem na EaD. Nesse sentido, foram tecidas reflexões sobre o trabalho na sociedade capitalista a partir da teoria marxista e suas relações com a organização da Educação a Distância, pensando na posição que ela assume no cenário educacional brasileiro e considerando as implicações do modo de produção capitalista na organização do trabalho da tutoria em EaD. Nas três categorias, os sujeitos elencaram desafios, dificuldades e as satisfações relacionadas com as experiências vivenciadas na tutoria a distância. Os resultados mostraram que os sujeitos da pesquisa consideram-se pertencentes ao processo de aprendizagem, desempenhando ações educativas que as caracterizam como professoras, pois como tutoras desempenham funções docentes no processo de formação dos educandos. Também fica evidente que as tutoras não identificam o trabalho na tutoria como um trabalho precarizado, embora essa atividade esteja constituída na lógica de exploração e terceirização da mão de obra trabalhadora. Além disso, houve a confirmação de que a realização das atividades de tutoria intensifica a jornada de trabalho e de que ele é organizado em cima do tempo livre das tutoras.


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The soil macrofauna (organisms ≥ 2.0 mm) main function is to act indirectly on the decomposition of organic matter and control the population of microorganisms. This study aims to evaluate the density and richness of coprphilic dung beetles at different levels of nitrogen fertilization and grazing pressure on Crop-Livestock Integration System (ILP) and his opposition to morphotypes present in the native forests of the region. Was used a rural area in Abelardo Luz city, western state of Santa Catarina, on the border of southwest of Paraná, 26° 31' 18.8832" south latitude and 52° 15' 3.4986' west longitude and elevation 862 m for the installation of the experiment, which is already carried out the activity of agriculture and livestock. The study is part of the Integrated Project of Long Duration GISPA UTFPR Group, which evaluates the grazing pressure and time of fertilization deployed in April 2013. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design in a 2x2 factorial arrangement with three replications. The factors were "Nitrogen Application" (NP = N in the pasture and NG = N applied in corn) and "Height Grazing" (high and low). The native forest, which provided the parameters for assessing the degree of conservation, lies 700 meters northeast of the experimental area. Modified pitfall traps were used at ground level, on the bait trap and covered together to prevent dehydration. They were carried out 36 collections in bushland, within one year from 26 April 2013, in which we obtained a total of 16,301 individuals and 28 morphotypes. In ILP area specimens were collected from June to September 2014, totaling 23 collections, 74,586 individuals and 30 morphotypes. To carry out the statistics and faunal analysis, GENES programs were used, ANAFAU, NTIA/EMBRAPA and SigmaPlot version 12.5. Most of the correlations observed (90%) between the variables of insects and environmental conditions was significant. The largest number of insects was directly related to the temperature rise. There was a positive correlation between the application of nitrogen and the occurrence of coprophilous. There was a positive correlation between the number of insects and low grazing height. It was also found that some of the insects migrate from the culture to the area of native forest after reaching their peak population. The great similarity of results observed in the native forest and the ILP System indicates the ecological benefits of adopting this technology.


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The proper use of management strategies, such as grazing intensity and nitrogen fertilization are primordial to the success of integrated crop-livestock system. Several studies have demonstrated the influence of grazing intensity and nitrogen fertilization on dynamics of forage production and nutrient cycling. However, most this researches studying these strategies in isolation and little is known about the interaction of these factors in the management of an integrated crop-livestock system. In this context, the aim of this study is to determine the best management strategy involving sward height and nitrogen fertilization, permitting greater forage production and improved efficiency in the use of nitrogen soil by a black oat ‘BRS 139’ plus ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ pasture in integrated crop-livestock system. The experiment was realized in Abelardo Luz – SC, in an area of 14 ha, where has been conducted an experiment in long term with integrated crop-livestock system under no-tillage since 2012. The experimental design is a randomized block design with three replications in a factorial design (2x2), the first factor was the grazing intensity (high and low), characterized by two sward height management (10 and 25 cm), and the second included the time factor application of N in the system: N applied on pasture (N-pasture) and N applied on the culture of grain (N-grain), at dose of 200 kg N ha stocking and variable stocking rate. The previous crop to pasture was corn. The nitrogen fertilization of pasture increased tiller density, forage density, participation of ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ and percentage of ryegrass leaves in forage mass. Forage mass was less at low sward height on average, however the percentage of ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ and rye leaves was greater and dead material was lower in this treatment. With nitrogen fertilization of pasture it was possible to double the amount of forage accumulated in periods with further development of ryegrass, furthermore, the total production of DM was increased in 38.4% and the shoot N concentration in 28.6%. When the nitrogen fertilization is applied in pasture, it is possible to keep black oat ‘BRS 139’ plus ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ pasture with an average sward height of 11 cm. The residual effect of N applied at corn was not sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of pasture and the forage production was affected by periods with N deficiency, while a single application of 200 kg N ha was sufficient to meet the N requirements throughout the forage accumulation period. The black oat ‘BRS 139’ plus ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ pasture is efficient in use and recovery of the nitrogen applied in both treatments of sward height.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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We conducted a field experiment near Abelardo Luz, Santa Catarina, from October 2012 to April 2014, to evaluate the effect interaction of nitrogen fertilization and height of canopy over the N nutrition of corn subsequently grown to pasture. The data belonging to this thesis are related to the first two production cycles obtained in sorghum pasture (2012/2013), oat (2013) and corn crop (2013/2014). In the evaluation of forage sorghum and oat it was used the same experimental design, consisting of randomized complete block in a factorial arrangement (2 x 2) with three replications. The first factor was considered canopy height (Low and High) and the second factor was the fertilization of cover crop pasture (0 and 200 kg N.ha-1). In phase I and II, the combination of factors evaluators were prepared in the same experimental unit. For corn crop the design was a randomized complete block in a factorial design (2X2X4X6) with three replications. Factors considered in corn were: canopy height of pasture (Low and High), nitrogen application times (NG - nitrogen in the grains and NP - nitrogen in pasture), nitrogen fertilization in corn (0, 100, 200 and 300 kg N.ha-1) and time (46, 53, 60, 67, 76 and 103 days after sowing the maize). In phases I and II, in general the use of N in the pasture increased the productive potential of the pasture and animal management and canopy height has changed the dynamics of structural components and botanical pasture. In cold conditions for long periods and not acclimatized plants the adoption of high nitrogen fertilization and height high grazing pasture leave vulnerable to damage caused by the freezing of plants. The anticipation of nitrogen fertilization on pasture positively affects the corn crop by increasing the accumulated dry matter and N content in the plant. Nitrogen nutritional content of corn with the anticipation of fertilization in pasture is suitable for obtaining high crop production in integrated crop-livestock system. When used nitrogen only coverage in corn sufficiency level in the nitrogen nutrition is achieved with the use of 100 kg N.ha-1. With the use of 200 kg N ha -1 NG and NP no difference in nitrogen content and nitrogen nutrition index.


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This work involves the organization and content perspectives on Enterprise Content Management (ECM) framework. The case study at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte was based on ECM model to analyse the information management provided by the three main administrative systems: The Integrated Management of Academic Activities (SIGAA), Integrated System of Inheritance, and Contracts Administration (SIPAC) and the Integrated System for Administration and Human Resources (SIGRH). A case study protocol was designed to provide greater reliability to research process. Four propositions were examined in order to reach the specific objectives of identification and evaluation of ECM components from UFRN perspective. The preliminary phase provided the guidelines for the data collection. In total, 75 individuals were interviewed. Interviews with four managers directly involved on systems design were recorded (average duration of 90 minutes). The 70 remaining individuals were approached in random way in UFRN s units, including teachers, administrative-technical employees and students. The results showed the presence of many ECM elements in the management of UFRN administrative information. The technological component with higher presence was "management of web content / collaboration". But initiatives of other components (e.g. email and document management) were found and are in continuous improvement. The assessment made use of eQual 4.0 to examine the effectiveness of applications under three factors: usability, quality of information and offered service. In general, the quality offered by the systems was very good and walk side by side with the obtained benefits of ECM strategy adoption in the context of the whole institution


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The Solidary Economy is an area that has shown unusual traits to what is preached in the traditional economic organizations, even organizations that have very similar principles, as some cooperatives. This trait is approaching the concept of isonomy proposed by Ramos (1989). Given this context, and the notion that the isonomy is like a ideal type, the objective this work was to evidence particulars of isonomic environment the in economic and solidarity experiences, taking as an empirical research area the Grupo de Mulheres Decididas a Vencer, considered a solidary economic enterprise. For this, we used the descriptive-exploratory research of qualitative nature, where the object of such research is the know enterprise, therefore, also characterized as a case study, which were taken as research subjects six associates, they being the most active in the enterprise. From the five categories that characterize isonomy - minimum standards prescribing, self-gratifying activity, activities undertaken as a vocation, wide system of making decision and primaries interpersonal relations - and from the traits of a solidary economic enterprise the data analysis was built, through content analysis, specifically the categorial analysis. Given this context and reality in which it is Grupo de Mulheres Decididas a Vencer, with minimal rules and procedures for conducting activities, comparing them to a therapy, women choosing to insert in that environment, faced with a democratic space and unfettered bureaucracy in professional interpersonal relationships, in others words, an organizational space where they were shown signs of substantive rationality was possible to conclude that the Group will share experiences and characteristics of isonomy. This disclosure meets the multidimensional social that presupposes Paraecomomic Paradigm, enabling man to enter in different social environments of the economy in order to search for self-actualization


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Chromobacterium violaceum is a free-living bacillus, Gram-negative commonly found in water and sand of tropical and subtropical regions. One of its main characteristic it's the ability to produce the purple pigment named violacein, that shows countless biological activities. In 2003, the genome of this organism was totally sequenced and revealed important informations about the physiology of this bacteria. However, few post-genomics studies had been accomplished. This work evaluated the protein profile of C. violaceum cultivated in LB medium at 28ºC that allowed the identification and characterization of proteins related to a possible secretion system that wasn't identified and characterized yet in C. violaceum, to the quorum sensing system, to regulatory process of transcription and translation, stress adaptation and biotechnological potential. Moreover, the response of the bacteria to UVC radiation was evaluated. The comparison of the protein profile, analyzed through 2-D electrophoresis, of the control group versus the treatment group allowed the identification of 52 proteins that arose after stress induction. The obtained results enable the elaboration of a stress response pathway in C. violaceum generated by the UVC light. This pathway, that seems to be a general stress response, involves the expression of proteins related to cellular division, purine and pirimidine metabolism, heat chock or chaperones, energy supply, regulation of biofilm formation, transport, regulation of lytic cycle of bacteriophages, besides proteins that show undefined function. Despite the response present similarities with the classic SOS response of E. coli, we still cannot assert that C. violaceum shows a SOS-like response, mainly due to the absence of characterization of a LexA-like protein in this organism


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El trabajo tiene por objetivo general establecer la escala compartida de valores humanos que prevalece en el seno del Sistema Nacional de Orquestas y Coros Juveniles e Infantiles de Venezuela tomando como referencia a sus cinco agrupaciones más importantes. Para lograrlo, desarrolla en su marco teórico la definición de valores humanos, tomando como referencia fundamental el trabajo de Schwartz et al. (2012). Igualmente, hace una revisión sobre las investigaciones realizadas en torno a los valores del venezolano, para posteriormente considerar la temática de los valores y la música. Se desarrolla luego un perfil sobre el Sistema Nacional de Orquestas y Coros Juveniles e Infantiles de Venezuela, explicando sus orígenes y su funcionamiento. Posteriormente, se establecen los aspectos metodológicos del trabajo: Se considera un trabajo descriptivo, de metodología cuantitativa, sin dejar de lado aspectos cualitativos. Se estableció una muestra de 199 músicos entre las 5 principales agrupaciones de la organización, tomando en cuenta un intervalo de confianza del 95%, con un error muestral de 6%. En tal sentido, se encuestaron un total de 306 sujetos, a los cuales se les aplicó la versión revisada del Personal Values Questionnaire (PVQ-R) desarrollado por Shalom Schwartz, además de un grupo de preguntas de carácter demográfico y una pregunta abierta sobre lo más importante que consideraban que habían obtenido de El Sistema. De las 306 respuestas obtenidas, 233 cumplieron con los criterios para ser consideradas válidas para establecer la escala de valores. Para el análisis de la pregunta abierta, se tomaron en cuenta todas las respuestas obtenidas. En cuanto a los resultados, el valor más importante para estos músicos resultó ser la Seguridad-personal. Este resultado, a todas luces parece ser un sesgo motivado por la marcada situación de violencia que se vive en Venezuela. Los cinco valores más importantes después de este son: Benevolencia-confiabilidad, Autodirección-acción, Benevolencia-cuidado, Autodirección-pensamiento y Universalismo-interés. Los cuales se mantuvieron presentes, aunque en diversos órdenes, en 26 de las 32 categorías de análisis creadas para la pesquisa. En el extremo contrario, contrastando con lo planteado por la literatura escrita sobre los valores de los venezolanos, la presente investigación determinó que los músicos de El Sistema no tienen interés en el poder, y esto se confirmó en la totalidad de las categorías mencionadas. De esta manera, a la luz de la investigación realizada, el músico formado por el Sistema Nacional de Orquestas y Coros Juveniles e Infantiles de Venezuela aparece como un sujeto con alto sentido de afiliación, que valora su libertad para actuar y pensar y que está siempre dispuesto para su agrupación musical. Si bien le preocupan los problemas del mundo, su anclaje fundamental está en su grupo inmediato. Se siente, además, completamente alejado del poder. Tiene poco interés en dirigir a los demás y, prácticamente, no está interesado en acumular bienes o fortuna. Esta visión de mundo la asume en un entorno profundamente violento, de permanente riesgo, lo cual le hace tomar su Seguridad-personal como su mayor prioridad. Por otra parte, a partir de las respuestas a la pregunta abierta incluida en el instrumento, se determinó una serie de principios-guía que representan el sustrato de la cultura de El Sistema como microsociedad. Entre otros, resaltan la afiliación, la excelencia, el trabajo en equipo, la disciplina, el logro y el formar a las nuevas generaciones.