900 resultados para Sheet metal production
Profiting by the increasing availability of laser sources delivering intensities above 10 9 W/cm 2 with pulse energies in the range of several Joules and pulse widths in the range of nanoseconds, laser shock processing (LSP) is being consolidating as an effective technology for the improvement of surface mechanical and corrosion resistance properties of metals and is being developed as a practical process amenable to production engineering. The main acknowledged advantage of the laser shock processing technique consists on its capability of inducing a relatively deep compression residual stresses field into metallic alloy pieces allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly, the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Following a short description of the theoretical/computational and experimental methods developed by the authors for the predictive assessment and experimental implementation of LSP treatments, experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated surface properties modification successfully reached in typical materials (specifically steels and Al and Ti alloys) under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented
The increasing demands in MEMS fabrication are leading to new requirements in production technology. Especially the packaging and assembly require high accuracy in positioning and high reproducibility in combination with low production costs. Conventional assembly technology and mechanical adjustment methods are time consuming and expensive. Each component of the system has to be positioned and fixed. Also adjustment of the parts after joining requires additional mechanical devices that need to be accessible after joining.
The increasing demands in MEMS fabrication are leading to new requirements in production technology. Especially the packaging and assembly require high accuracy in positioning and high reproducibility in combination with low production costs. Conventional assembly technology and mechanical adjustment methods are time consuming and expensive. Each component of the system has to be positioned and fixed. Also adjustment of the parts after joining requires additional mechanical devices that need to be accessible after joining. Accurate positioning of smallest components represents an up-to-date key assignment in micro-manufacturing. It has proven to be more time and cost efficient to initially assemble the components with widened tolerances before precisely micro-adjusting them in a second step.
A presente dissertação teve como objetivo verificar as razões pelas quais a empresa Metal Leve cedeu o controle acionário a uma empresa concorrente de porte internacional e comparar a situação existente à época da sua desnacionalização e o estágio em que se encontra a nova controladora Mahle Metal Leve S. A. em termos de produção e gestão, após a reorganização produtiva. Esse processo de internacionalização produtiva acarretou modificações na empresa ensejando uma reestruturação da produção e da gestão e um novo círculo vicioso, constituindo as bases de um novo crescimento econômico, com um projeto estratégico de longo prazo, associado ao seu poder econômico, a sua capacidade gerencial e a sua tradição. O estudo está fundamentado em um conjunto de informações sobre os dois momentos, focalizando os resultados financeiros, aspectos gerenciais, liderança, capacidade competitiva e a evolução ao longo desses dois momentos comparados. Concluindo que não apenas o fenômeno da globalização da economia internacional tornou inevitável a cessão do controle acionário. Porém, também faltou visão estratégica para perceber as mudanças que inevitavelmente ocorriam a sua volta e que a nova controladora, a Mahler Metal Leve, trouxe uma competência gerencial que resultou em ganhos de produtividade e melhorou sua competitividade
A presente dissertação teve como objetivo verificar as razões pelas quais a empresa Metal Leve cedeu o controle acionário a uma empresa concorrente de porte internacional e comparar a situação existente à época da sua desnacionalização e o estágio em que se encontra a nova controladora Mahle Metal Leve S. A. em termos de produção e gestão, após a reorganização produtiva. Esse processo de internacionalização produtiva acarretou modificações na empresa ensejando uma reestruturação da produção e da gestão e um novo círculo vicioso, constituindo as bases de um novo crescimento econômico, com um projeto estratégico de longo prazo, associado ao seu poder econômico, a sua capacidade gerencial e a sua tradição. O estudo está fundamentado em um conjunto de informações sobre os dois momentos, focalizando os resultados financeiros, aspectos gerenciais, liderança, capacidade competitiva e a evolução ao longo desses dois momentos comparados. Concluindo que não apenas o fenômeno da globalização da economia internacional tornou inevitável a cessão do controle acionário. Porém, também faltou visão estratégica para perceber as mudanças que inevitavelmente ocorriam a sua volta e que a nova controladora, a Mahler Metal Leve, trouxe uma competência gerencial que resultou em ganhos de produtividade e melhorou sua competitividade
Although a functional role in copper binding has been suggested for the prion protein, evidence for binding at affinities characteristic of authentic metal-binding proteins has been lacking. By presentation of copper(II) ions in the presence of the weak chelator glycine, we have now characterized two high-affinity binding sites for divalent transition metals within the human prion protein. One is in the N-terminal octapeptide-repeat segment and has a Kd for copper(II) of 10−14 M, with other metals (Ni2+, Zn2+, and Mn2+) binding three or more orders of magnitude more weakly. However, NMR and fluorescence data reveal a previously unreported second site around histidines 96 and 111, a region of the molecule known to be crucial for prion propagation. The Kd for copper(II) at this site is 4 × 10−14 M, whereas nickel(II), zinc(II), and manganese(II) bind 6, 7, and 10 orders of magnitude more weakly, respectively, regardless of whether the protein is in its oxidized α-helical (α-PrP) or reduced β-sheet (β-PrP) conformation. A role for prion protein (PrP) in copper metabolism or transport seems likely and disturbance of this function may be involved in prion-related neurotoxicity.
A powerful and potentially general approach to the targeting and crystallization of proteins on lipid interfaces through coordination of surface histidine residues to lipid-chelated divalent metal ions is presented. This approach, which should be applicable to the crystallization of a wide range of naturally occurring or engineered proteins, is illustrated here by the crystallization of streptavidin on a monolayer of an iminodiacetate-Cu(II) lipid spread at the air-water interface. This method allows control of the protein orientation at interfaces, which is significant for the facile production of highly ordered protein arrays and for electron density mapping in structural analysis of two-dimensional crystals. Binding of native streptavidin to the iminodiacetate-Cu lipids occurs via His-87, located on the protein surface near the biotin binding pocket. The two-dimensional streptavidin crystals show a previously undescribed microscopic shape that differs from that of crystals formed beneath biotinylated lipids.
As chapas de ligas de alumínio trabalháveis são produzidas atualmente por dois processos, o método de vazamento contínuo conhecido TRC (Twin Roll Continous Casting) ou pelo método tradicional de vazamento de placas DC (Direct Chill). A fabricação de ligas de alumínio pelos dois processos confere características microestruturais diferentes quando comparadas entre si, o que se reflete em suas propriedades. Além disto, ocorrem variações microestruturais ao longo da espessura, especialmente nas chapas produzidas pelo processo TRC. Neste sentido, é importante estudar a evolução microestrutural que ocorre durante o seu processamento e sua influência com relação à resistência à corrosão. Dessa forma foi realizado neste trabalho um estudo comparativo do comportamento de corrosão, bem como das microestruturas do alumínio de alta pureza AA1199 (99,995% Al) e das ligas de alumínio AA1050 (Fe+Si0,5%) e AA4006 (Fe+Si1,8%) produzidas pelos processos industriais de lingotamento contínuo e semi-contínuo. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que as microestruturas das ligas AA4006 DC e AA4006 TRC são distintas, sendo observada maior fração volumétrica dos precipitados na liga fabricada pelo processo TRC comparativamente ao DC. Para caracterizar o comportamento de corrosão foram realizados ensaios de Espectroscopia de Impedância Eletroquímica e Polarização Potenciodinâmica, que mostraram a maior resistência à corrosão localizada para a liga fabricada pelo processo TRC em comparação ao processo DC. Além disso, foi verificada, em ordem decrescente, uma maior resistência à corrosão do alumínio AA1050, seguida pela superfície da liga AA4006 e por fim, pelo centro da chapa desta última. Os resultados obtidos por espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica para as ligas AA4006 fabricadas pelo processo TRC apresentaram melhor desempenho que o processo DC, principalmente em intervalos de 2 a 12 horas de imersão na solução de sulfato de sódio contaminada com íons cloreto. Para tempos de imersão acima de 4 horas foi observado comportamento indutivo em baixas frequências para os dois tipos de processamento investigados, o que foi associado à adsorção de espécies químicas, principalmente íons sulfato e oxigênio, na interface metal/óxido. As curvas de polarização anódica mostraram maior resistência à corrosão localizada para a liga fabricada pelo processo viii TRC em comparação ao processo DC. Este comportamento foi associado às diferentes características microestruturais, observadas para liga AA4006 obtida pelos dois processos.
This work reports the synthesis of nanoTiC–graphite composites using mesophase pitch containing titanium as TiC or TiO2 nanoparticles. NanoTiC–graphite composites have been prepared using Ti-doped self-sintering mesophase powders as starting materials without using any binders or a metal carbide-carbon mixing stage. The effect of manufacture variables on the graphite compacts properties was studied. Graphites were characterised using XRD and Raman spectroscopy, SEM and TEM, as well as by their mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. The presence of TiC promotes graphitisation producing materials with larger crystal sizes. The kind of titanium source and mesophase content of the starting pitch affects to the final properties. Mesophase pitch with higher amount of mesophase content produces graphites with higher degree of graphitisation. The incorporation of TiC nanoparticles to the graphites composites improved thermal conductivity more than four times, and mechanical properties are not significantly modified by the presence of TiC.
Low metal content Co and Ni alumina supported catalysts (4.0, 2.5 and 1.0 wt% nominal metal content) have been prepared, characterized (by ICP-OES, TEM, TPR-H2 and TPO) and tested for the CO2 reforming of methane. The objective is to optimize the metal loading in order to have a more efficient system. The selected reaction temperature is 973 K, although some tests at higher reaction temperature have been also performed. The results show that the amount of deposited carbon is noticeably lower than that obtained with the Co and Ni reference catalysts (9 wt%), but the CH4 and CO2 conversions are also lower. Among the catalysts tested, the Co(1) catalyst (the value in brackets corresponds to the nominal wt% loading) is deactivated during the first minutes of reaction because CoAl2O4 is formed, while Ni(1) and Co(2.5) catalysts show a high specific activity for methane conversion, a high stability and a very low carbon deposition.
The constant increase in the production of electronic devices implies the need for an appropriate management of a growing number of waste electrical and electronic equipment. Thermal treatments represent an interesting alternative to recycle this kind of waste, but particular attention has to be paid to the potential emissions of toxic by-products. In this study, the emissions from thermal degradation of printed circuit boards (with and without metals) have been studied using a laboratory scale reactor, under oxidizing and inert atmosphere at 600 and 850 °C. Apart from carbon oxides, HBr was the main decomposition product, followed by high amounts of methane, ethylene, propylene, phenol and benzene. The maximum formation of PAHs was found in pyrolysis at 850 °C, naphthalene being the most abundant. High levels of 2-, 4-, 2,4-, 2,6- and 2,4,6-bromophenols were found, especially at 600 °C. Emissions of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs were quite low and much lower than that of PBDD/Fs, due to the higher bromine content of the samples. Combustion at 600 °C was the run with the highest PBDD/F formation: the total content of eleven 2,3,7,8-substituted congeners (tetra- through heptaBDD/Fs) was 7240 and 3250 ng WHO2005-TEQ/kg sample, corresponding to the sample with and without metals, respectively.
High intensity ultrasound can be used for the production of novel nanomaterials, including metal oxides. According to previous works in this field, the most notable effects are consequence of acoustic cavitation. In this context, we have studied the preparation of different materials in the presence of ultrasound, including N-doped TiO2 nanopowder, NiTiO3 nanorods and MnOx thin films. Ultrasound did not show a significant effect in all the cases. Exclusively for NiTiO3 nanorods a reduction of the final particle size occurs upon ultrasonic irradiation. From these results, it can be concluded that the ultrasound irradiation does not always play a key role during the synthesis of metal oxides. The effects seem to be particularly relevant in those cases where mass transport is highly hindered and in those procedures that require the rupture of nanoparticle aggregates to obtain a homogenous dispersion.
In this study, we examine the performance of Cu2O and Cu2O/ZnO surfaces in a filter-press electrochemical cell for the continuous electroreduction of CO2 into methanol. The electrodes are prepared by airbrushing the metal particles onto a porous carbon paper and then are electrochemically characterized by cyclic voltammetry analyses. Particular emphasis is placed on evaluating and comparing the methanol production and Faradaic efficiencies at different loadings of Cu2O particles (0.5, 1 and 1.8 mg cm−2), Cu2O/ZnO weight ratios (1:0.5, 1:1 and 1:2) and electrolyte flow rates (1, 2 and 3 ml min−1 cm−2). The electrodes including ZnO in their catalytic surface were stable after 5 h, in contrast with Cu2O-deposited carbon papers that present strong deactivation with time. The maximum methanol formation rate and Faradaic efficiency for Cu2O/ZnO (1:1)-based electrodes, at an applied potential of −1.3 V vs. Ag/AgCl, were r = 3.17 × 10−5 mol m−2 s−1 and FE = 17.7 %, respectively. Consequently, the use of Cu2O–ZnO mixtures may be of application for the continuous electrochemical formation of methanol, although further research is still required in order to develop highly active, selective and stable catalysts the electroreduction of CO2 to methanol.
CeO2-, ZrO2-, and La2O3-supported Rh-Pt catalysts were tested to assess their ability to catalyze the steam reforming of ethanol (SRE) for H2 production. SRE activity tests were performed using EtOH:H2O:N2 (molar ratio 1:3:51) at a gaseous space velocity of 70,600 h−1 between 400 and 700 °C at atmospheric pressure. The SRE stability of the catalysts was tested at 700 °C for 27 h time on stream under the same conditions. RhPt/CeO2, which showed the best performance in the stability test, also produced the highest H2 yield above 600 °C, followed by RhPt/La2O3 and RhPt/ZrO2. The fresh and aged catalysts were characterized by TEM, XPS, and TGA. The higher H2 selectivity of RhPt/CeO2 was ascribed to the formation of small (~5 nm) and stable particles probably consistent of Rh-Pt alloys with a Pt surface enrichment. Both metals were oxidized and acted as an almost constant active phase during the stability test owing to strong metal-support interactions, as well as the superior oxygen mobility of the support. The TGA results confirmed the absence of carbonaceous residues in all the aged catalysts.
The development of electrochemical processes for the conversion of CO2 into value-added products allows innovative carbon capture & utilization (CCU) instead of carbon capture & storage (CCS). In addition, coupling this conversion with renewable energy sources would make it possible to chemically store electricity from these intermittent renewable sources. The electroreduction of CO2 to formate in aqueous solution has been performed using Sn particles deposited over a carbon support. The effect of the particle size and Sn metal loading has been evaluated using cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The selected electrode has been tested on an experimental filter-press type cell system for continuous and single pass CO2 electroreduction to obtain formate as main product at ambient pressure and temperature. Experimental results show that using electrodes with 0.75 mg Sn cm−2, 150 nm Sn particles, and working at a current density of 90 mA cm−2, it is possible to achieve rates of formate production over 3.2 mmol m−2 s−1 and faradaic efficiencies around 70% for 90 min of continuous operation. These experimental conditions allow formate concentrations of about 1.5 g L−1 to be obtained on a continuous mode and with a single pass of catholyte through the cell.