735 resultados para She who remembers survives
Painful total hip replacement remains a challenging problem because of the large amount of possible diagnoses. We report about a 64-year-old female patient who was misdiagnosed during 4 years as psychiatric. She suffered of excruciating left retrotrochanteric pain after the implantation of a cementless total hip replacement and revision because of recurrent hip dislocations. Walking was limited to short distances using two crutches. The work-up at this time included the usual diagnoses and remained unsuccessful. No loosening, infection or malposition of the prosthesis could be found, and she had no neurologic deficits in her operated leg. An MRI was obtained to visualize the retrotrochanteric soft tissues and showed a tight scar surrounding the sciatic nerve, which was also compressed by an adjacent lipoma. Therefore, she was reoperated on to remove the lipoma and the scar tissue around the sciatic nerve. To decrease the risk of recurrent scarring around the sciatic nerve, an adhesion barrier was applied before closure. One year after the operation, the patient has no neurologic deficit, no more pain and is able to walk unlimited distances without crutches. Scar tissue around the sciatic nerve is frequently observed during revision surgery. However, we feel that sciatic nerve entrapment by scar tissue should be a part of the differential diagnosis of painful THR. MRI may be a useful tool to achieve this diagnosis.
Pre-operative assessment and surgical management of patients with non-lesional extratemporal epilepsy remain challenging due to a lack of precise localisation of the epileptic zone. In most cases, invasive recording with depth or subdural electrodes is required. Here, we describe the case of 6.5-year-old girl who underwent comprehensive non-invasive phase I video-EEG investigation for drug-resistant epilepsy, including electric source and nuclear imaging. Left operculo-insular epilepsy was diagnosed. Post-operatively, she developed aphasia which resolved within one year, corroborating the notion of enhanced language plasticity in children. The patient remained seizure-free for more than three years.
Mothers' general anxiety, anxiety about the well-being of the child and psychological stress before prenatal testing was studied by comparing women who conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with women who conceived naturally. Before the first trimester screening test for Down's syndrome, a group of 51 women who conceived through IVF/ICSI and a group of 54 women who conceived spontaneously completed the State Scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (S-Anxiety; Spielberger, 1983), the Fear of Bearing a Physically or Mentally Handicapped Child Subscale of the Pregnancy-related Anxiety Questionnaire (PRAQ-R; Huizink et al., 2004), the Psychological Stress Measure (PSM; Lemyre & Tessier, 1988), and the Prenatal Psychosocial Profile (PPP; Curry, Campbell, & Christian, 1994). Women who conceived through IVF/ICSI had more elevated levels of general anxiety and psychological stress than the women who conceived naturally; however, no difference was observed between the two groups for anxiety specifically related to the health of the child. These results underline the need to monitor women's emotional state after conception via IVF/ICSI-when counseling usually ends-and around the time of the first trimester screening. Counseling might thus be extended.
A guide for women who are preparing to enter the workforce. Produced by the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women.
OBJECTIVES: We compared androgen and gonadotropin values in HIV-infected men who did and did not develop lipoatrophy on combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). METHODS: From a population of 136 treatment-naïve male Caucasians under successful zidovudine/lamivudine-based cART, the 10 patients developing lipoatrophy (cases) were compared with 87 randomly chosen controls. Plasma levels of free testosterone (fT), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone (LH) were measured at baseline and after 2 years of cART. RESULTS: At baseline, 60% of the cases and 71% of the controls showed abnormally low fT values. LH levels were normal or low in 67 and 94% of the patients, respectively, indicating a disturbance of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. fT levels did not significantly change after 2 years of cART. Cases showed a significant increase in LH levels, while controls showed a significant increase in DHEA levels. In a multivariate logistic regression model, lipoatrophy was associated with higher baseline DHEA levels (P=0.04), an increase in LH levels during cART (P=0.001), a lower body mass index and greater age. CONCLUSIONS: Hypogonadism is present in the majority of HIV-infected patients. The development of cART-related lipoatrophy is associated with an increase in LH and a lack of increase in DHEA levels.
This article presents the notion of the postmodern midwife, defining her as one who takes a relativistic stance toward bio-medicine and other knowledge systems, alternative and indigenous, moving fluidly between them to serve the women she attends. She is locally and globally aware, culturally competent, and politically engaged, working with the resources at hand to preserve midwifery in the interests of women. Her informed relativism is most accessible to professional midwives but is also beginning to characterize some savvy traditional midwives in various countries. Thus the concept of the postmodern midwife can serve as a bridge across the ethnic, racial, and status gaps that divide the professional from the traditional midwife, and as an analytical focal point for understanding how the members of each group negotiate their identities and their roles in a changing world.
L’èxit escolar i personal dels nens i nenes escolaritzats en les primeres etapes de l’ensenyament obligatori passa per l’entesa de les seves famílies amb el professorat de les escoles a les que van i pel suport que els ofereixi l’entorn social en que estan immersos. Per entendre’s uns i altres els cal establir vies de comunicació eficients que permetin arribar al coneixement i al treball mutu. El projecte ACOFES (Anàlisi de la Comunicació Família-Escola-Serveis socio-educatius) ha buscat respostes a aquesta qüestió al voltant de cinc eixos: 1.Com es comuniquen els tres agents educatius que intervenen en l’èxit escolar: famílies, professorat i serveis socioeducatius municipals; 2.Quines són les vies de comunicació que fan servir i quina la seva eficàcia; 3.Què pensen les famílies, què necessiten a què es poden o volen comprometre’s respecte a l’escola i a l’educació dels seus fills i filles; 4.Què pensa el professorat de la comunicació amb les famílies, què necessiten com a professionals i a què pot o vol comprometre’s; 5.Quins són aquells factors que poden influir de forma més rellevant en la millora de les possibilitats d’èxit de tot l’alumnat fent, en darrer lloc, noves propostes d’intervenció en particular per ajudar a solventar les necessitats específiques de l’alumnat procedent d’altres cultures que s’escolaritzen a Catalunya.
Specialised plant cell types often locally modify their cell walls as part of a developmental program, as do cells that are challenged by particular environmental conditions. Modifications can include deposition of secondary cellulose, callose, cutin, suberin or lignin. Although the biosyntheses of cell wall components are more and more understood, little is known about the mechanisms that control localised deposition of wall materials. During metaxylem vessel differentiation, site-specific cell wall deposition is locally prevented by the microtubule depolymerising protein MIDD1, which disassembles the cytoskeleton and precludes the cellulose synthase complex from depositing cellulose. As a result, metaxylem vessel secondary cell wall appears pitted. How MIDD1 is tethered at the plasma membrane and how other cell wall polymers are locally deposited remain elusive. Casparian strips in the root endodermis represent a further example of local cell wall deposition. The recent discovery of the Casparian Strip membrane domain Proteins (CASPs), which are located at the plasma membrane and are important for the site-specific deposition of lignin during Casparian strip development, establishes the root endodermis as an attractive model system to study the mechanisms of localised cell wall modifications. How secondary modifications are modulated and monitored during development or in response to environmental changes is another question that still misses a complete picture.
This paper describes behavioural surveillance for HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI) among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Europe, focusing on the methods and indicators used. In August 2008, questionnaires were sent to European Union Member States and European Free Trade Association countries seeking information on behavioural surveillance activities among eight population groups including MSM. Thirty-one countries were invited to take part in the survey and 27 returned a questionnaire on MSM. Of these 27 countries, 14 reported that there was a system of behavioural surveillance among MSM in their country while another four countries had conducted behavioural surveys of some kind in this subpopulation. In the absence of a sampling frame, all European countries used convenience samples for behavioural surveillance among MSM. Most European countries used the Internet for recruiting and surveying MSM for behavioural surveillance reflecting increasing use of the Internet by MSM for meeting sexual partners. While there was a general consensus about the main behavioural indicators (unprotected anal intercourse, condom use, number of partners, HIV testing), there was considerable diversity between countries in the specific indicators used. We suggest that European countries reach an agreement on a core set of indicators. In addition we recommend that the process of harmonising HIV and STI behavioural surveillance among MSM in Europe continues.
This paper analyses the extent to which individual and workplacecharacteristics and regional policies influence the use and duration ofparental leave in Spain. The research is based on a sample of 125,165people, and 6,959 parental leaves stemming from the ‘Sample ofWorking Life Histories’ (SWLH), 2006. The SWLH consists of administrative register data which include information from threedifferent sources: Social Security, Municipality and Income TaxRegisters. We adopt a simultaneous equations approach to analyse theuse (logistic regression) and duration (event history analysis) ofparental leave, which allows us to control for endogeneity and censoredobservations. We argue that the Spanish parental leave scheme increases gender and social inequalities insofar as reinforces genderrole specialization, and only encourages the reconciling of work andfamily life among workers with a good position in the labour market(educated employees with high and stable working status).
The subject of this bachelor's thesis has its origins in the frequently asked question of an author; whether any of their own theatrical techniques correlate with those of any well-known theatrical personality. The aim of this bachelor's thesis, consequently, was to find out the true nature of the author as an actor and theatrical professional. The author started to put together a puzzle, from different fields of acting techniques, and came up with a solid picture. Different acting techniques and the basics of them were clarified and tested in practice. Techniques were reflected on, through great personalities in the field of theatre, via discussion. The selected personalities were Jouko Turkka, Antonin Artaud, Konstantin Stanislavski, Kaisa Korhonen and Bertolt Brecht. The toughness and physicality of acting played a strong role in this thesis. "Black pedagogy" was strongly criticized. The methods of Jouko Turkka were thoroughly investigated and, surprisingly to the author, turned out usable, although the author questioned the brutal ways that Turkka used them. The author carried out some of the physical exercises that corresponded to the different acting methods, and did "human tests" to understand the true meaning of the methods. Antonin Artaud abandoned all of his past life and sacrificed himself to art, which the author refuses to even consider it. The author found a soul-mate in Kaisa Korhonen and agreed with most of her methods. Many people who had worked with Kaisa Korhonen were interviewed to find out if she actually used the techniques. The author debated objectivity with Bertolt Brecht but, whereas Brecht saw it as the basis of everything, the author couldn't even consider it a usable technique. The author also had a discussion with Konstantin Stanislavski concerning the basics of acting, the study of singing, dancing and oral expression, and other beneficial skills. In the end, the author put herself on a plate, chopped herself into tiny pieces, started to study the pieces, and found out how she became as she is.
The association between adiposity measures and dyslipidemia has seldom been assessed in a multipopulational setting. 27 populations from Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada (WHO MONICA project) using health surveys conducted between 1990 and 1997 in adults aged 35-64 years (n = 40,480). Dyslipidemia was defined as the total/HDL cholesterol ratio >6 (men) and >5 (women). Overall prevalence of dyslipidemia was 25% in men and 23% in women. Logistic regression showed that dyslipidemia was strongly associated with body mass index (BMI) in men and with waist circumference (WC) in women, after adjusting for region, age and smoking. Among normal-weight men and women (BMI<25 kg/m(2)), an increase in the odds for being dyslipidemic was observed between lowest and highest WC quartiles (OR = 3.6, p < 0.001). Among obese men (BMI ≥ 30), the corresponding increase was smaller (OR = 1.2, p = 0.036). A similar weakening was observed among women. Classification tree analysis was performed to assign subjects into classes of risk for dyslipidemia. BMI thresholds (25.4 and 29.2 kg/m(2)) in men and WC thresholds (81.7 and 92.6 cm) in women came out at first stages. High WC (>84.8 cm) in normal-weight men, menopause in women and regular smoking further defined subgroups at increased risk. standard categories of BMI and WC, or their combinations, do not lead to optimal risk stratification for dyslipidemia in middle-age adults. Sex-specific adaptations are necessary, in particular by taking into account abdominal obesity in normal-weight men, post-menopausal age in women and regular smoking in both sexes.
Objective: To identify the frequency and intensity of moral distress experienced by nurses, technicians and nursing assistants who worked in hospitals in the South of Rio Grande do Sul State. Method: A survey research was conducted with 334 nursing workers from three institutions, through a questionnaire of moral distress. Constructs were validated through factorial analysis and Cronbach’s alpha: lack of competence of the working team, disrespect to the patient’s autonomy, insufficient working conditions and therapeutic obstinacy. Results: With descriptive statistics and analysis of variance, it was found that nurses and nursing assistants have higher perception of moral distress when compared to nursing technicians. Organizational questions and ways of communication influence lower perception of moral distress.Conclusion: Implementation of actions to favor coping, decision making and autonomy exercise from those workers.