405 resultados para Sharipo, Lema de


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Dentro del conjunto de actividades y exposiciones que, agrupadas bajo el lema de "El Legado Andalusí", han tenido lugar durante la pasada primavera y verano en varias ciudades andaluzas, se encuentra la dedicada a la "Música y Poesía del sur de Al-Andalus" y ubicada en los Reales Alcázares de Sevilla.


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El pasado mes de Diciembre tuvimos el privilegio de ser invitados por el RVO holandés (organismo homólogo al Instituto de Comercio Exterior –ICEX- español) a participar en un recorrido de una semana por los Países Bajos bajo el lema “El sector lácteo holandés: Presente y futuro”. En este recorrido, magníficamente organizado por Peter Stoel, de la Netherlands Enterprise Agency, participamos 25 personas, de 19 países diferentes, vinculadas a distintos medios de prensa y televisión relacionados con el sector agrario. Ello dio pie a un intenso intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos, pues la procedencia de los participantes fue realmente diversa; Argentina, Bélgica, Brasil, China, Corea, Croacia, España, Estonia, India, Kenia, Letonia, Lituania, México, Pakistán, Polonia, Rumanía, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudáfrica y Turquía.


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Sign.: [Calderon]8, A-Q8


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The backdrop of actual problematic about the implementation of Information Technology (IT) services management in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) will be described. It will be exposed the reasons why reaching a maturity/capability level through well-known standards or the implementation of good software engineering practices by means of IT infrastructure Library are really difficult to achieve by SMEs. Also, the solutions to the exposed problems will be explained. Also master thesis goals are presented in terms of: purpose, research questions, research goals, objectives and scope. Finally, thesis structure is described.


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Cuando la separación física entre el sistema local y remoto es relativamente corta, el retardo no es perceptible; sin embargo, cuando el manipulador local y el manipulador remoto se encuentran a una distancia lejana uno del otro, el retardo de tiempo ya no es insignificante e influye negativamente en la realización de la tarea. El retardo de tiempo en un sistema de control introduce un atraso de fase que a su vez degrada el rendimiento del sistema y puede causar inestabilidad. Los sistemas de teleoperación pueden sacar provecho de la posibilidad de estar presente en dos lugares simultáneamente, sin embargo, el uso de Internet y otras redes de conmutación de paquetes, tales como Internet2, impone retardos de tiempo variables, haciendo que los esquemas de control ya establecidos elaboren soluciones para hacer frente a inestabilidades causadas por estos retardos de tiempo variables. En este trabajo de tesis se presenta el modelado y análisis de un sistema de teloperación bilateral no lineal de n grados de libertad controlado por convergencia de estado. La comunicación entre el sitio local y remoto se realiza mediante un canal de comunicación con retardo de tiempo. El análisis presentado en este trabajo considera que el retardo puede ser constante o variable. Los principales objetivos de este trabajo son; 1) Desarrollar una arquitectura de control no lineal garantizando la estabilidad del sistema teleoperado, 2) Evaluar la estabilidad del sistema considerando el retardo en la comunicación, y 3) Implementación de los algoritmos desarrollados para probar el desempeño de los mismos en un sistema experimental de 3 grados de libertad. A través de la teoría de Estabilidad de Lyapunov y el funcional Lyapunov-Krasovskii, se demuestra que el sistema de lazo cerrado es asintóticamente estable. Estas conclusiones de estabilidad se han obtenido mediante la integración de la función de Lyapunov y aplicando el Lema de Barbalat. Se demuestra también que se logra sincronizar las posiciones del manipulador local y remoto cuando el operador humano no mueve el manipulador local y el manipulador remoto se mueve libremente. El esquema de control propuesto se ha validado mediante simulación y en forma experimental empleando un sistema de teleoperación real desarrollado en esta tesis doctoral y que consta de un un manipulador serie planar de tres grados de libertad, un manipulador local, PHANTOM Omni, el cual es un dispositivo haptico fabricado que consta de 3 grados de libertad (en fuerza) y que proporciona realimentación de fuerza en los ejes x,y,z. El control en tiempo real se ha diseñado usando el Sistema Operativo en Tiempo Real QuaRC de QUARC en el lado local y el Simulink Real-Time Windows TargetTM en el lado remoto. Para finalizar el resumen se destaca el impacto de esta tesis en el mundo científico a través de los resultados publicados: 2 artículos en revistas con índice de impacto , 1 artículo en una revista indexada en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática, 7 artículos en congresos y ha obtenido un premio en la 9a. Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática, 2010. ABSTRACT When the physical separation between the local and remote system is relatively short, the delay is not noticeable; however, when the local manipulator and the remote manipulator are at a far distance from each other, the time delay is no longer negligible and negatively influences the performance of the task. The time delay in a control system introduces a phase delay which in turn degrades the system performance and cause instability. Teleoperation systems can benefit from the ability to be in two places simultaneously, however, the use of Internet and other packet switched networks, such as Internet2, imposes varying time delays, making established control schemes to develop solutions to address these instabilities caused by different time delays. In this thesis work we present a modeling and analysis of a nonlinear bilateral teloperation system of n degrees of freedom controlled by state convergence strategy. Communication between the local and remote site is via a communication channel with time delay. The analysis presented in this work considers that the time-delay can be constant or variable. The main objectives of this work are; 1) Develop a nonlinear control schemes to ensure the stability of the teleoperated system, 2) Evaluate the system stability considering the delay in communication, and 3) Implementation of algorithms developed to test the performance of the teleoperation system in an experimental system of 3 degrees of freedom. Through the Theory of Stability of Lyapunov and the functional Lyapunov-Krasovskii, one demonstrates that the closed loop system is asymptotically stable.. The conclusions about stability were obtained by integration of the Lyapunov function and applying Barbalat Lemma. It further shows that the positions of the local and remote manipulator are synchronize when the human operator stops applying a constant force and the remote manipulator does not interact with the environment. The proposed control scheme has been validated by means of simulation and in experimental form using a developed system of real teleoperation in this doctoral thesis, which consists of a series planar manipulator of three degrees of freedom, a local manipulator, PHANTOM Omni, which is an haptic device that consists of 3 degrees of freedom (in force) and that provide feeback force in x-axis, and, z. The control in real time has been designed using the Operating system in Real time QuaRC of Quanser in the local side and the Simulink Real-Time Windows Target in the remote side. In order to finalize the summary, the highlights impact of this thesis in the scientific world are shows through the published results: 2 articles in Journals with impact factor, one article in a indexed Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 7 articles in Conferences and has won an award in 9a. Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática, 2010.


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Existe normalmente el propósito de obtener la mejor solución posible cuando se plantea un problema estructural, entendiendo como mejor la solución que cumpliendo los requisitos estructurales, de uso, etc., tiene un coste físico menor. En una primera aproximación se puede representar el coste físico por medio del peso propio de la estructura, lo que permite plantear la búsqueda de la mejor solución como la de menor peso. Desde un punto de vista práctico, la obtención de buenas soluciones—es decir, soluciones cuyo coste sea solo ligeramente mayor que el de la mejor solución— es una tarea tan importante como la obtención de óptimos absolutos, algo en general difícilmente abordable. Para disponer de una medida de la eficiencia que haga posible la comparación entre soluciones se propone la siguiente definición de rendimiento estructural: la razón entre la carga útil que hay que soportar y la carga total que hay que contabilizar (la suma de la carga útil y el peso propio). La forma estructural puede considerarse compuesta por cuatro conceptos, que junto con el material, definen una estructura: tamaño, esquema, proporción, y grueso.Galileo (1638) propuso la existencia de un tamaño insuperable para cada problema estructural— el tamaño para el que el peso propio agota una estructura para un esquema y proporción dados—. Dicho tamaño, o alcance estructural, será distinto para cada material utilizado; la única información necesaria del material para su determinación es la razón entre su resistencia y su peso especifico, una magnitud a la que denominamos alcance del material. En estructuras de tamaño muy pequeño en relación con su alcance estructural la anterior definición de rendimiento es inútil. En este caso —estructuras de “talla nula” en las que el peso propio es despreciable frente a la carga útil— se propone como medida del coste la magnitud adimensional que denominamos número de Michell, que se deriva de la “cantidad” introducida por A. G. M. Michell en su artículo seminal de 1904, desarrollado a partir de un lema de J. C. Maxwell de 1870. A finales del siglo pasado, R. Aroca combino las teorías de Galileo y de Maxwell y Michell, proponiendo una regla de diseño de fácil aplicación (regla GA), que permite la estimación del alcance y del rendimiento de una forma estructural. En el presente trabajo se estudia la eficiencia de estructuras trianguladas en problemas estructurales de flexión, teniendo en cuenta la influencia del tamaño. Por un lado, en el caso de estructuras de tamaño nulo se exploran esquemas cercanos al optimo mediante diversos métodos de minoración, con el objetivo de obtener formas cuyo coste (medido con su numero deMichell) sea muy próximo al del optimo absoluto pero obteniendo una reducción importante de su complejidad. Por otro lado, se presenta un método para determinar el alcance estructural de estructuras trianguladas (teniendo en cuenta el efecto local de las flexiones en los elementos de dichas estructuras), comparando su resultado con el obtenido al aplicar la regla GA, mostrando las condiciones en las que es de aplicación. Por último se identifican las líneas de investigación futura: la medida de la complejidad; la contabilidad del coste de las cimentaciones y la extensión de los métodos de minoración cuando se tiene en cuenta el peso propio. ABSTRACT When a structural problem is posed, the intention is usually to obtain the best solution, understanding this as the solution that fulfilling the different requirements: structural, use, etc., has the lowest physical cost. In a first approximation, the physical cost can be represented by the self-weight of the structure; this allows to consider the search of the best solution as the one with the lowest self-weight. But, from a practical point of view, obtaining good solutions—i.e. solutions with higher although comparable physical cost than the optimum— can be as important as finding the optimal ones, because this is, generally, a not affordable task. In order to have a measure of the efficiency that allows the comparison between different solutions, a definition of structural efficiency is proposed: the ratio between the useful load and the total load —i.e. the useful load plus the self-weight resulting of the structural sizing—. The structural form can be considered to be formed by four concepts, which together with its material, completely define a particular structure. These are: Size, Schema, Slenderness or Proportion, and Thickness. Galileo (1638) postulated the existence of an insurmountable size for structural problems—the size for which a structure with a given schema and a given slenderness, is only able to resist its self-weight—. Such size, or structural scope will be different for every different used material; the only needed information about the material to determine such size is the ratio between its allowable stress and its specific weight: a characteristic length that we name material structural scope. The definition of efficiency given above is not useful for structures that have a small size in comparison with the insurmountable size. In this case—structures with null size, inwhich the self-weight is negligible in comparisonwith the useful load—we use as measure of the cost the dimensionless magnitude that we call Michell’s number, an amount derived from the “quantity” introduced by A. G. M. Michell in his seminal article published in 1904, developed out of a result from J. C.Maxwell of 1870. R. Aroca joined the theories of Galileo and the theories of Maxwell and Michell, obtaining some design rules of direct application (that we denominate “GA rule”), that allow the estimation of the structural scope and the efficiency of a structural schema. In this work the efficiency of truss-like structures resolving bending problems is studied, taking into consideration the influence of the size. On the one hand, in the case of structures with null size, near-optimal layouts are explored using several minimization methods, in order to obtain forms with cost near to the absolute optimum but with a significant reduction of the complexity. On the other hand, a method for the determination of the insurmountable size for truss-like structures is shown, having into account local bending effects. The results are checked with the GA rule, showing the conditions in which it is applicable. Finally, some directions for future research are proposed: the measure of the complexity, the cost of foundations and the extension of optimization methods having into account the self-weight.


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Sequencing of Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) processes related to their order of implementation is one of the pending issues in the ITIL handbooks. Other frameworks and process models related to service management (e.g., COBIT, COSO and CMMI-SVC) are quite well described in the literature and their handbooks. However, the identifi cation of the fi rst process to be implemented has not been deeply analysed in the previous frameworks and models, and it is also a complex question to answer for organizations, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Moreover, SMEs are the organizations that have the largest presence in the world economy; offi cial data of General Business Directory, show that their range of presence in different countries around the world is between 93% and 99%, and the average of employment contribution is around 60%. Consequently, the improvement of information technology service management is of vital importance to accomplish in this type of enterprises. This research has focused on two surveys that aim at helping SMEs to select the ITIL process by which starting the implementation of ITIL. In the fi rst survey, data were gathered through a questionnaire to SMEs registered in the region of Madrid. The second survey obtained data from experts and enterprises in countries as Spain, Ecuador, Chile, Luxembourg, Colombia, Norway, El Salvador, and Venezuela. Finally, the results of both surveys show that the tendency for starting an ITIL implementation in SMEs points to one of the processes included in the Service Operation.


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Reproducción digital de los originales conservados en colecciones particulares y en la Casa de la cultura de Elda (Alicante)


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Viñeta xil. en port. con el lema I.H.S. de los jesuitas


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The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) encoded nuclear antigen (EBNA) 1 is expressed in latently infected B lymphocytes that persist for life in healthy virus carriers and is the only viral protein regularly detected in all EBV associated malignancies. The Gly-Ala repeat domain of EBNA1 was shown to inhibit in cis the presentation of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I restricted cytotoxic T cell epitopes from EBNA4. It appears that the majority of antigens presented via the MHC I pathway are subject to ATP-dependent ubiquitination and degradation by the proteasome. We have investigated the influence of the repeat on this process by comparing the degradation of EBNA1, EBNA4, and Gly-Ala containing EBNA4 chimeras in a cell-free system. EBNA4 was efficiently degraded in an ATP/ubiquitin/proteasome-dependent fashion whereas EBNA1 was resistant to degradation. Processing of EBNA1 was restored by deletion of the Gly-Ala domain whereas insertion of Gly-Ala repeats of various lengths and in different positions prevented the degradation of EBNA4 without appreciable effect on ubiquitination. Inhibition was also achieved by insertion of a Pro-Ala coding sequence. The results suggest that the repeat may affect MHC I restricted responses by inhibiting antigen processing via the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway. The presence of regularly interspersed Ala residues appears to be important for the effect.


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We reported recently that the human opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PA14 kills Caenorhabditis elegans and that many P. aeruginosa virulence factors (genes) required for maximum virulence in mouse pathogenicity are also required for maximum killing of C. elegans. Here we report that among eight P. aeruginosa PA14 TnphoA mutants isolated that exhibited reduced killing of C. elegans, at least five also exhibited reduced virulence in mice. Three of the TnphoA mutants corresponded to the known virulence-related genes lasR, gacA, and lemA. Three of the mutants corresponded to known genes (aefA from Escherichia coli, pstP from Azotobacter vinelandii, and mtrR from Neisseria gonorrhoeae) that had not been shown previously to play a role in pathogenesis, and two of the mutants contained TnphoA inserted into novel sequences. These data indicate that the killing of C. elegans by P. aeruginosa can be exploited to identify novel P. aeruginosa virulence factors important for mammalian pathogenesis.


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The expression of at least 24 distinct genes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 is under direct control of the "ferric uptake regulator" (Fur). Novel targets of the Fur protein were isolated in a powerful SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment)-like cycle selection consisting of in vitro DNA-Fur interaction, binding to anti-Fur antibody, purification on protein G, and PCR amplification. DNA fragments obtained after at least three exponential enrichment cycles were cloned and subjected to DNA mobility-shift assays and DNase I footprint analyses to verify the specific interaction with the Fur protein in vitro. Iron-dependent expression of the corresponding genes in vivo was monitored by RNase protection analysis. In total, 20 different DNA fragments were identified which represent actual Pseudomonas iron-regulated genes (PIGs). While four PIGs are identical to already known genes (pfeR, pvdS, tonB, and fumC, respectively), 16 PIGs represent previously unknown genes. Homology studies of the putative proteins encoded by the PIGs allowed us to speculate about their possible function. Two PIG products were highly similar to siderophore receptors from various species, and three PIG products were significantly homologous to alternative sigma factors. Furthermore, homologs of the Escherichia coli ORF1-tolQ, nuoA, stringent starvation protein Ssp, and of a two-component regulatory system similar to the Pseudomonas syringae LemA sensor kinase were identified. The putative gene products of seven additional PIGs did not show significant homologies to any known proteins. The PIGs were mapped on the P.aeruginosa chromosome. Their possible role in iron metabolism and virulence of P. aeruginosa is discussed.


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En la presente comunicación acometemos (o tratamos) una de las posibles lecturas, a la luz del lema de la VII BIAU, "Arquitectura para la integración ciudadana", de este panorama de obras, saludable ejercicio aún pendiente y, en nuestra opinión, necesario e inaplazable tanto para el cumplimiento cabal de los objetivos de la BIAU ("la formación de un pensamiento crítico" y "articular un espacio permanente de reflexión y debate promoviendo el interés y la participación") como para la toma de decisiones futuras que se desprendan en consecuencia. La pertinencia de nuestra aportación se fundamenta, además, en que tanto la muestra como el catálogo y la propia exposición oral del representante del jurado internacional de obras, presentan el Panorama Iberoamericano de Obras de la VII BIAU bajo el formato de un listado ordenado alfabéticamente por países, sin ulteriores reflexiones, en relación, no a su calidad arquitectónica, sino a su capacidad real, efectiva, de construir espacio público y, con él, ciudadanía y de integrar los factores que constituyen las señas de identidad de una comunidad: la geografía, la historia, el paisaje, la cultura...