975 resultados para Shallow-water Crinoids
Petrographic descriptions and stable oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of microsamples of Campanian-age sediment gravity-flow deposits from Northeast Providence Channel, Bahamas, indicate deep-marine cementation of shallow-marine skeletal grains that were transported to the channel during the Late Cretaceous. Shallow-marine components are represented by mollusks, especially rudists, and shallow-water benthic foraminifers as well as sparse echinoderm and algal grains. The sole evidence of diagenesis in shallow-marine environments consists of micrite envelopes around skeletal grains. Shallow-marine skeletal grains have mean stable isotope values of -3.1 per mil d18O and +2.6 per mil d13C. The d18O values are consistent with precipitation in equilibrium with warm (20°-30°C), shallow-marine water. Deep-marine components are represented by equant calcite spar cements and rip-up clasts of slope sediments. Spar cements, exhibiting hexagonal morphology with scalenohedral terminations, most commonly occur as thin isopachous linings in the abundant porosity. Deep-marine cements have mean stable isotope values of - 1.1 per mil d18O and +2.7 per mil d13C. Deep-marine cements are 18O-enriched relative to shallow-marine skeletal grains, consistent with precipitation in equilibrium with colder (10°-20°C), deep-marine waters. The cement .source during lithification appears to have been dissolution of aragonite and high-magnesium calcite skeletal grains, which made up part of the transported sediment. Interbedded periplatform ooze remains uncemented, or poorly cemented, probably because of lower permeability. Equant spar cements that occur in gravity-flow deposits recovered from Hole 634A have stable isotope compositions similar to spars in Lower and mid-Cretaceous shallow-water limestones exposed on the Bahama Escarpment, to Campanian-Paleocene deep-marine hardgrounds recovered during DSDP Leg 15 in the Caribbean, and to spars in Aptian-Albian talus deposits at the base of the Campeche Escarpment recovered during DSDP Leg 77.
Manganese nodules containing up to 22 percent manganese oxide were found in Green Bay and the western and northern parts of Lake Michigan. The chemical composition of these nodules resembles that of shallow-water lacustrine and marine nodules. The manganese content of interstitial water is in some places enriched as much as 4000 times over that of lake water.
Laminated lake sediments from the Dead Sea basin provide high-resolution records of climatic variability in the eastern Mediterranean region, which is especially sensitive to changing climatic conditions. In this study, we aim on detailed reconstruction of climatic fluctuations and related changes in the frequency of flood and dust deposition events at ca. 3300 and especially at 2800 cal. yr BP from high-resolution sediment records of the Dead Sea basin. A ca. 4-m-thick, mostly varved sediment section from the western margin of the Dead Sea (DSEn - Ein Gedi profile) was analysed and correlated to the new International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project core 5017-1 from the deep basin. To detect even single event layers, we applied a multi-proxy approach of high-resolution microscopic thin section analyses, micro-X-ray fluorescence (µ-XRF) element scanning and magnetic susceptibility measurements, supported by grain size data and palynological analyses. Based on radiocarbon and varve dating, two pronounced dry periods were detected at ~3500-3300 and ~3000-2400 cal. yr BP which are differently expressed in the sediment records. In the shallow-water core (DSEn), the older dry period is characterised by a thick sand deposit, whereas the sedimentological change at 2800 cal. yr BP is less pronounced and characterised mainly by an enhanced frequency of coarse detrital layers interpreted as erosion events. In the 5017-1 deep-basin core, both dry periods are depicted by halite deposits. The onset of the younger dry period coincides with the Homeric Grand Solar Minimum at ca. 2800 cal. yr BP. Our results suggest that during this period, the Dead Sea region experienced an overall dry climate, superimposed by an increased occurrence of flash floods caused by a change in synoptic weather patterns.
We are investigating the late Holocene rise in CO2 by performing four experiments with the climate-carbon-cycle model CLIMBER2-LPJ. Apart from the deep sea sediments, important carbon cycle processes considered are carbon uptake or release by the vegetation, carbon uptake by peatlands, and CO 2 release due to shallow water sedimentation of CaCO3. Ice core data of atmospheric CO2 between 8 ka BP and preindustrial climate can only be reproduced if CO2 outgassing due to shallow water sedimentation of CaCO3 is considered. In this case the model displays an increase of nearly 20 ppmv CO2 between 8 ka BP and present day. Model configurations that do not contain this forcing show a slight decrease in atmospheric CO2. We can therefore explain the late Holocene rise in CO2 by invoking natural forcing factors only, and anthropogenic forcing is not required to understand preindustrial CO2 dynamics.
A basaltic sequence of Eocene submarine-erupted pyroclastic sediments totals at least 388 m at DSDP Site 253 on the Ninetyeast Ridge. These fossiliferous hyaloclastic sediments have been erupted and fragmented by explosive volcanism (hydroexplosions) in shallow water. The occurrence of interbedded basaltic ash-fall tuffs within the younger horizons of the hyaloclastic sequence marks the emergence of some Ninetyeast Ridge volcanic vents above sea level. Considerable textural variation allows subdivision of the sequence into six informal lithostratigraphic units. Hydrothermal and diagenetic alteration has caused the complete replacement of all original glass by smectites, and the introduction of abundant zeolite and calcite cements. The major and trace element contents of the hyaloclastites vary due to the alteration, and the admixture of biogenous calcite. On a calcium carbonate-free basis systematic variations are recognisable. Mg, Ni, Cr and Cu are enriched, and Li and Zn depleted in the three older units relative to the younger three. The chemical variability is reflected by the development of saponite in the older part of the sequence and montmorillonite in the younger; and by the presence of a quartz-normative basalt flow occurring in Unit II, in contrast to the Mg-rich highly olivine-normative basalt at the base of the sequence. The younger and older parts of the sequence therefore appear to have been derived from magmas of different chemistry. The sequence, like other basaltic rocks recovered from the Ninetyeast Ridge, is enriched in the light relative to the heavy rare earth elements (REE) although the REE contents vary unsystematically with depth, probably because of the high-temperature subaqueous alteration and the presence of biogenous calcite. This REE data indicates that the Ninetyeast Ridge volcanism was different from that which produces mid-ocean ridge basalts.
Deep sea drilling on four seamounts in the Emperor Seamount chain revealed that Paleogene shallow-water carbonate sediments of the "bryozoan-algal" facies crown the basalt edifices. According to the biofacies model of Schlanger and Konishi (1966, 1975), this bryozoan- algal assemblage suggests that the seamounts formed in cooler, more northerly waters than those presently occupied by the island of Hawaii; i.e., the paleolatitudes of formation were greater than 20 °N. Moving southward toward the youngest member of the seamount chain, a facies gradient indicative of warmer waters was observed. This gradient is interpreted as a reflection of a northward shift in isotherms during the time span in which the seamounts were progressively formed (Savin et al., 1975). On all seamounts, sedimentation at the drilling sites occurred in a high-energy environment with water depths of approximately 20 meters. Early-stage carbonate diagenesis began in the phreatic zone in the presence of meteoric water, but proceeded after subsidence of the seamounts into intermediate sea waters, where the bulk, stable isotopic composition was determined. The subsidence into intermediate waters was rapid, and permitted establishment of an isotopic equilibrium which, like the facies gradient, reflects the northward shift in isotherms during the Paleogene. Calcite and zeolite cements comprise the later-stage diagenesis, and originated from solutions arising from the hydrolysis of the underlying basalt. In conclusion, the results of this study of the shallow-water carbonate sediments are not inconsistent with a paleolatitude of formation for Suiko Seamount (Site 433) of 26.9 ±3.5 °N, as determined by paleomagnetic measurements (Kono, 1980).
At Site 585 in the East Mariana Basin, a 900-m section of Aptian-Albian to Recent sediments was recovered. The upper 590 m are pelagic components (carbonate, siliceous, and clay); small-scale graded sequences and laminations are common. The underlying sediments are volcaniclastic sandstones with a large proportion of shallow-water carbonate debris; sedimentary structures including complete Bouma sequences, cross-laminae, and scouring are common. These structures indicate that the entire section was deposited by turbidity currents. The change in lithology upward in the section reflects the evolution of the surrounding seamounts, from their growth stages during the middle of the Cretaceous to the later subsidence phases. Several black layers containing pyritized organic debris and associated turbidite structures were cored near the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary; this material has been transported from the flanks of the seamounts where it was deposited within a shallow anoxic zone. Seismic data extends the stratigraphy across the entire Basin, showing the reflectors onlapping the seamounts, and indicating at least 1200 m of sediment at Site 585. The crust is placed at 6900 m after correcting for sediment loading, and the subsidence curve indicates that the Basin has been deeper than 5500 m since before the Aptian.
Broken Ridge, in the eastern Indian Ocean, is a shallow-water volcanic platform which formed during the Early to middle Cretaceous at which time it comprised the northern portion of the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau. Rifting during the middle Eocene and subsequent seafloor spreading has moved Broken Ridge about 20?N to its present location. The sedimentary section of Broken Ridge includes Turonian-lower Eocene limestone and chalk with volcanic ash, an interval of detrital sands and gravels associated with middle Eocene rifting and uplift, and a middle-late Oligocene unconformity overlain by a thin section of Neogene-Holocene pelagic calcareous ooze. This paper summarizes the available post-cruise biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic data for the Cretaceous-Paleogene section on Broken Ridge. The synthesis of this information permits a more precise interpretation of the timing of events in the history of Broken Ridge, in particular the timing and duration of the middle Eocene rifting event. Paleontologic data support rapid flexural uplift of Broken Ridge in response to mechanical rather than thermal forces. Other highlights of the section include a complete Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary and an opportunity for first-order correlation of Paleogene diatom stratigraphy with that of the calcareous groups.
The relative abundances of benthic foraminifers from the Oman margin have been analyzed from ODP Sites 725 and 726 near the upper boundary of the oxygen-minimum zone (OMZ) and 728 near the lower boundary. The relative abundance pattern of the benthic foraminiferal species in the two shallow sites show synchronous changes, which, together with variations in the faunal composition, may be attributed to changes in the location of the upper boundary of the OMZ during the last 7 million years. At the deeper site, the relative abundance pattern shows considerable variation in the faunal composition during the last 8 million years. The strong dominance of the shallow-water species Ammonia beccarii during the early Pliocene at Site 728 suggests a water depth less than 400 m during the early Pliocene and subsequent subsidence during the middle and late Pliocene to the present > 1400 m water depth.
The discovery of a neolithic pile field in the shallow water near the eastern shore of the Degersee confirmed earlier palynological and sedimentological studies stating that early man was active in the region since more than 6000 years. The already available off-site data were freshly assessed, completed by additional data from old and new cores and the interpretations revised. A common time scale for the off-site data and the on-site data was obtained by AMS dating of terrestrial macro remains of the neolithic section of off-site core De_I+De_H. The ages can thus be parallelled with AMS ages of construction timber on-site. Pollen analyses from all cores provide a further time scale. The continuously and densely sampled pollen profile of the profundal zone embracing the entire Late glacial and Holocene serves as a reference. From the Boreal onwards the relative ages are transformed by AMS ages and varve counts into calibrated and absolute. A transect cored close to the neolithic pile field across the lake marl-platform demonstrates its geological architecture in the shallow water since the Lateglacial. Studies of the microfabric of thin sections of drilled cores and of box cores from the excavations demonstrate that neolithic settlements now at 2-3,5 m water depth had been erected on lake marl freshly fallen dry, thus indicating earlier lake levels dropped by 1.5-2 m. The neolithic section of the highly resolved off-site profile in the lake=s profundal zone has laminated and calcareous zones alternating with massive ones. Assemblages of diatoms and concentrations of trace elements changing simultaneously characterise the calcareous sections as deposits of low lake levels that lasted between some 40 and more than 300 years. The ages of discovered lake shore dwellings fall into calcareous segments with low lake levels. From the end of the Upper Atlantic period (F VII) appear Secondary Forest Cycles in the beech forest, a man-made sequence of repeated vegetational development with an identical pattern: With a decrease of beech pollen appear pollen of grasses, herbs and cultural indicators. These are suppressed by the light demanding hazel and birch, those again by ash, and finally by the shade demanding beech forming a new pollen peak. Seven main Forest Cycles are identified In the upper Neolithic period each comprising some 250, 450 or 800 years. They are subdivided into subcycles that can be broken down by very dense sampling in even shorter cycles of decadal length. Farming settlers have caused minor patchy clearances of the beech-mixed-forest with the use of fire. The phases of clearance coincide with peaks of charcoal and low stands of the lake levels. The Secondary Forest Cycles and the continuous occurrence of charcoal prove a continued occupation of the region. Together with the repeated restoration of the beech climax forest they point to pulsating occupation probably associated with dynamic demography. The synchronism of the many palynological, sedimentological and archaeological data point to an external forcing as the climate that affects comprehensively all these proxies. The fluctuations of the activity of the sun as manifested in the residual d14C go largely along with the proxies. The initial clearances at the begin of the forest cycles are linked to low lake levels and negative values of d14C that point to dry and warm phases of a more continental climate type. The subcycles exist independent from climatic changes, indicating that early man acted largely independent from external forces.
Lower and Upper Cretaceous sediments of the Maurice Ewing Bank, Site 511 (black shales, mudstones, zeolitic clays, and nannofossil chalk and ooze, 361 m thick) are characterized by an assemblage of planktonic foraminifers of low systematic diversity, including over 50 species. Representatives of Hedbergella, Globigerinelloides, Archaeoglobigerina, Whiteinella, Rugoglobigerina, and Heterohelix are predominant; species of Ticinella, Praeglobotruncana, Globotruncana, Schackoina, and Planoglobulina associated with some interbeds occur in smaller numbers. Planktonic foraminifers enable us to subdivide the Cretaceous sediments into Barremian-Aptian, Albian, upper Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian-Santonian, Santonian, Campanian, and upper Campanian-Maestrichtian intervals. The Lower Cretaceous (Albian) and Upper Cretaceous (upper Cenomanian-Turonian) are separated by a distinct hiatus and unconformity. In the Upper Cretaceous section, a hiatus may be present at the top of the Campanian. The upper Cenomanian-Santonian sediments are reduced in thickness, whereas the Campanian-Maestrichtian interval is expanded. In the Barremian-Aptian black shales, planktonic foraminifers are very rare: they were deposited in shallow water under anoxic conditions. In the Albian, when sedimentation conditions became oxidizing and the depth increased to 200-400 meters, they became more common. By the end of the Upper Cretaceous, depths appear to increase to 2000 meters. In the interbeds of calcareous sediments, planktonic foraminifers are common; in interbeds of zeolitic clays they are rare or absent (dissolution facies). Alternation of these types of sediments is especially characteristic of the Coniacian-lower Campanian, testifying to abrupt CCD fluctuations. The planktonic foraminifers of the Falkland Plateau belong to the Austral Province of the Southern Hemisphere. In their systematic composition they are extremely similar to microfauna of the Boreal Province of the Northern Hemisphere.