321 resultados para Sesquiterpene lactone


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A new polyketide, spongosoritin A, with a rare vinylagous alpha,beta-unsaturated gamma-lactone moiety was isolated from a Fijian marine sponge, Spongosorites sp., and the structure assigned by detailed spectroscopic analysis.


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Aim: Concentrations of antimicrobials below minimum inhibitory concentration (subMIC) may reduce the production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa of virulence factors such as elastase. We sought to determine whether the reduction in elastase production may be mediated by a reduction in acyl-homoserine lactones. Methods: Pseudomonas aeruginosa in broth was exposed to three conditions for ceftazidime and tobramycin: control, 6% MIC and 25% MIC. Elastase was assayed using elastin congo red. N-(3-Oxododecanoyl)-homoserine lactone (C12-HSL) and N-butyryl-homoserine lactone (C4-HSL) were assayed using biosensor Escherichia coli. Results: Elastase was unchanged with ceftazidime. Elastase was reduced by 16% at 6% MIC tobramycin and reduced by 70% at 25% MIC tobramycin (P


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Ginger oil, obtained by steam distillation of the rhizome of Zingiber officinale Roscoe, is used in the beverage and fragrance industries. Ginger oil displays considerable compositional diversity, but is typically characterized by a high content of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, including zingiberene, arcurcumene, beta-bisabolene, and beta-sesquiphellandrene. Australian ginger oil has a reputation for possessing a particular lemony aroma, due to its high content of the isomers neral and geranial, often collectively referred to as citral. Fresh rhizomes of 17 clones of Australian ginger, including commercial cultivars and experimental tetraploid clones, were steam distilled 7 weeks post-harvest, and the resulting oils were analyzed by GC-MS. The essential oils of 16 of the 17 clones, including the tetraploid clones and their parent cultivar, were found to be of substantially similar composition. These oils were characterized by very high citral levels (51-71%) and relatively low levels of the sesquiterpene hydrocarbons typical of ginger oil. The citral levels of most of these oils exceeded those previously reported for ginger oils. The neral-to-geranial ratio was shown to be remarkably constant (0.61 +/- 0.01) across all 17 clones. One clone, the cultivar Jamaican, yielded oil with a substantially different composition, lower citral content and higher levels of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. Because this cultivar also contains significantly higher concentrations of pungent gingerols, it possesses unique aroma and flavor characteristics, which should be of commercial interest.


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Metallocene catalyzed linear low density polyethylene (m-LLDPE) is a new generation of olefin copolymer. Based on the more recently developed metallocene-type catalysts, m-LLDPE can be synthesized with exactly controlled short chain branches and stereo-regular microstructure. The unique properties of these polymers have led to their applications in many areas. As a result, it is important to have a good understanding of the oxidation mechanism of m-LLDPE during melt processing in order to develop more effective stabilisation systems and continue to increase the performance of the material. The primary objectives of this work were, firstly, to investigate the oxidative degradation mechanisms of m-LLDPE polymers having different comonomer (I-octene) content during melt processing. Secondly, to examine the effectiveness of some commercial antioxidants on the stabilisation of m-LLDPE melt. A Ziegler-polymerized LLDPE (z-LLDPE) based on the same comonomer was chosen and processed under the same conditions for comparison with the metallocene polymers. The LLDPE polymers were processed using an internal mixer (torque rheometer, TR) and a co-rotating twin-screw extruder (TSE). The effects of processing variables (time, temperature) on the rheological (MI, MWD, rheometry) and molecular (unsaturation type and content, carbonyl compounds, chain branching) characteristics of the processed polymers were examined. It was found that the catalyst type (metallocene or Ziegler) and comonomer content of the polymers have great impact on their oxidative degradation behavior (crosslinking or chain scission) during melt processing. The metallocene polymers mainly underwent chain scission at lower temperature (<220°C) but crosslinking became predominant at higher temperature for both TR and TSE processed polymers. Generally, the more comonomers the m-LLDPE contains, a larger extent of chain scission can be expected. In contrast, crosslinking reactions were shown to be always dominant in the case of the Ziegler LLDPE. Furthermore, it is clear that the molecular weight distribution (MWD) of all LLDPE became broader after processing and tended generally to be broader at elevated temperatures and more extrusion passes. So, it can be concluded that crosslinking and chain scission are temperature dependent and occur simultaneously as competing reactions during melt processing. Vinyl is considered to be the most important unsaturated group leading to polymer crosslinking as its concentration in all the LLDPE decreased after processing. Carbonyl compounds were produced during LLDPE melt processing and ketones were shown to be the most imp0l1ant carbonyl-containing products in all processed polymers. The carbonyl concentration generally increased with temperature and extrusion passes, and the higher carbonyl content fonned in processed z-LLDPE and m-LLDPE polymers having higher comonomer content indicates their higher susceptibility of oxidative degradation. Hindered phenol and lactone antioxidants were shown to be effective in the stabilization of m-LLDPE melt when they were singly used in TSE extrusion. The combination of hindered phenol and phosphite has synergistic effect on m-LLDPE stabilization and the phenol-phosphite-Iactone mixture imparted the polymers with good stability during extrusion, especially for m-LLDPE with higher comonomer content.


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The two main objectives of the research work conducted were firstly, to investigate the processing and rheological characteristics of a new generation metallocene catalysed linear low density polyethylene (m-LLDPE), in order to establish the thermal oxidative degradation mechanism, and secondly, to examine the role of selected commercial stabilisers on the melt stability of the polymers. The unstabilised m-LLDPE polymer was extruded (pass I) using a twin screw extruder, at different temperatures (210-285°C) and screw speeds (50-20rpm) and was subjected to multiple extrusions (passes, 2-5) carried out under the same processing conditions used in the first pass. A traditional Ziegler/Natta catalysed linear low density polyethylene (z-LLDPE) produced by the same manufacturer was also subjected to a similar processing regime in order to compare the processability and the oxidative degradation mechanism (s) of the new m-LLDPE with that of the more traditional z-LLDPE. The effect of some of the main extrusion characteristics of the polymers (m-LLDPE and z-LLDPE) on their melt rheological behaviour was investigated by examining their melt flow performance monitored at two fixed low shear rate values, and their rheological behaviour investigated over the entire shear rates experienced during extrusion using a twin-bore capillary rheometer. Capillary rheometric measurements, which determine the viscous and elastic properties of polymers, have shown that both polymers are shear thinning but the m-LLDPE has a higher viscosity than z-LLDPE and the extent of reduction in viscosity of the former when the extrusion temperature was increased from 210°C to 285°C was much higher than in the case of the z-LLDPE polymer. This was supplied by the findings that the m-LLDPE polymer required higher power consumption under all extrusion conditions examined. It was fUliher revealed that the m-LLDPE undergoes a higher extent of melt fracture, the onset of which occurs under much lower shear rates than the Ziegler-based polymer and this was attributed to its higher shear viscosity and narrower molecular weight distribution (MWD). Melt flow measurements and GPC have shown that after the first extrusion pass, the initial narrower MWD of m-LLDPE is retained (compared to z-LLDPE), but upon further multiple extrusion passes it undergoes much faster broadening of its MWD which shifts to higher Mw polymer fractions, paliicularly at the high screw speeds. The MWD of z-LLDPE polymer on the other hand shifts towards the lower Mw end. All the evidence suggest therefore the m-LLDPE undergoes predominantly cross-linking reactions under all processing conditions whereas z-LLDPE undergoes both cross-linking and chain scission reactions with the latter occurring predominantly under more severe processing conditions (higher temperatures and screw speeds, 285°CI200rpm). The stabilisation of both polymers with synergistic combinations of a hindered phenol (Irganox 1076) and a phosphite (Weston 399) at low concentrations has shown a high extent of melt stabilisation in both polymers (extrusion temperatures 210-285°C and screw speeds 50-200rpm). The best Irganox 1076/Weston 399 system was found to be at an optimum 1:4 w/w ratio, respectively and was found to be most effective in the z-LLDPE polymer. The melt stabilising effectiveness of a Vitamin E/Ultranox 626 system used at a fraction of the total concentration of Irganox 1076/Weston 399 system was found to be higher in both polymers (under all extrusion conditions). It was found that AOs which operate primarily as alkyl (Re) radical scavengers are the most effective in inhibiting the thermal oxidative degradation of m-LLDPE in the melt; this polymer was shown to degrade in the melt primarily via alky radicals resulting in crosslinking. Metallocene polymers stabilised with single antioxidants of Irganox HP 136 (a lactone) and Irganox E201 (vitamin E) produced the highest extent of melt stability and the least discolouration during processing (260°C/1 OOrpm). Furthermore, synergistic combinations of Irganox HP I 36/Ultranox 626 (XP-60) system produced very high levels of melt and colour stability (comparable to the Vitamin E based systems) in the mLLDPE polymer. The addition of Irganox 1076 to an Irganox HP 136/Ultranox 626 system was found not to result in increasing melt stability but gave rise to increasing discolouration of the m-LLDPE polymer. The blending of a hydroxylamine (lrgastab FS042) with a lactone and Vitamin E (in combination with a phosphite) did not increase melt stability but induced severe discolouration of resultant polymer samples.


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Cyclothialidine, a natural product isolated from Streptomyces .filipinensis NR0484, has been proven to be a potent and selective inhibitor of the bacterial enzyme DNA gyrase. Gyrase inhibition results in cell death, the enzyme being the target of several currently used antibiotics. Cyclothialidine showed poor activity against whole bacterial cells, highlighting scope for improvement regarding cell membrane pemeability in order for the full potential of this new class of antibiotics to be realised, Structurally, cyclothialidine contains a 12-membered lactone ring which is partly integrated into a pentapeptide chain, with a substituted aromatic moiety bordering the lactone, Retrosynthetically it can be traced back to cis-3-hydroxyproline, 3,5-dihydroxy-2,6-dimethylbenzoic acid and four commercially available amino acids; two serine, one cysteine and one alanine. In this work, a model of cyclothialidine was synthesised in order to establish the methodology for more complex compounds. Analogues with hydroxy, dihydroxy and dihydroxymethyl substituted aromatic moieties were then prepared to ensure successful protection methods could be performed and the pharmacophore synthesised. The key aromatic moiety, 2,6-dimethyl-3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid was produced via two successive Mannich reaction/reduction steps. Acid protection using 4-nitrobenzyl bromide and TBDMS hydroxyl protection followed by bromination of one methyl afforded the desired intermediate. Reaction with a serine/cysteine dipeptide, followed by deprotection and cyclisation under Mitsunobu conditions lead to the 12-membered lactone. An amine substituted aromatic analogue and also replacement of the cysteine sulphur by oxygen were attempted but without success. In an effort to improve cell permeability, a conjugate was synthesised between the pharmacophore and a cholesterol moiety. It was hoped the steroid fragment would serve to increase potency by escorting the molecule through the lipid environment of the cell membrane. The pharmacophore and conjugate were tested against a variety of bacterial strains but the conjugate failed to improve activity.


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The melt stabilising efficiency of antioxidants with different structures based on hindered phenols, phosphite esters, phosphonite and a lactone was examined during multi-pass extrusions at 265 °C in three metallocene ethylene-1-octene copolymers (m-LLDPE) having different extent of short chain branching (SCB) and one Zeigler copolymer (z-LLDPE) containing the same level of SCB corresponding to one of the m-LLDPE polymers. The effect of the different antioxidants, when used separately and in combination, was investigated by characterising the changes in the polymer's rheological behaviour, colour formation and structural changes based on unsaturated groups and carbonyl content during five multi-pass extrusions. The results showed that all stabilisation systems examined offered higher efficiency in the metallocene polymers compared to the Zeigler. The effect of the extent of SCB in the metallocene polymers on the stabilising efficacy of the antioxidant systems was also examined, and it was shown that it had a significant effect, with both single and combinations of antioxidants giving higher efficiency in the m-LLDPE polymer containing higher extent of SCB. The presence of the lactone HP136 in mixtures containing hindered phenol–phosphite antioxidant systems gave a higher melt stabilisation efficiency than in its absence and this has been attributed to a co-operative antioxidant reaction steps that take place between the antioxidants resulting in the possible regeneration of the lactone antioxidant through a redox reaction. In all the metallocene PE polymers examined, the biologically hindered phenol, Irganox E, was shown to be more effective than the conventionally hindered phenol Irganox 1076, when examined alone or in combination with phosphite esters.


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The aim of this study was firstly to identify active molecules in herbs, that are traditionally used for the treatment of snake bite, such as Curcuma antinaia, Curcuma contravenenum, Andrographis paniculata, and Tanacetum parthenium; secondly to test similar structurally related molecules and finally to prepare and evaluate an efficient formulation against Ophiophagus hannah venom intoxification. Three labdane based compounds, including labdane dialdehyde, labdane lactone, and labdane trialdehyde and two lactones including 14-deoxy-11,12-didehydroandrographolide and parthenolide were isolated by column chromatography and characterised. Using the isolated rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm preparation, the antagonistic effect of crude extracts, isolated compounds and prepared formulations were measured in vitro on the inhibition of the neuromuscular transmission. Inhibition on muscle contraction, produced by the 5 μg/mL venom, was reversed by test agents in organ bath preparations. A labdane trialdehyde, isolated from C. contravenenum, was identified as the best antagonising agent in the low micromolar range. Tests on formulations of the most potent C. contravenenum extract showed, that the suppository with witepsol H15 was an effective medicine against O. hannah venom. This study elucidated the active compounds, accounting for the antivenin activity of traditionally used herbs and suggested the most suitable formulation, which may help to develop potent medicines for the treatment of snake bite in the future.


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Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cav.) Blake (Myrtaceae) was imported into Florida from Australia over a century ago as a landscape plant. A favorable climate and periodic wildfires helped M. quinquenervia thrive; it now occupies about 200,000 hectares in southern Florida. A biological control (i.e., biocontrol) program against M. quinquenervia has been initiated, but not all biocontrol releases are successful. Some scientists have argued that poor biocontrol agent success may relate to genetic differences among populations of invasive weeds. I tested this premise by determining (1) the number and origins of M. quinquenervia introductions into Florida, (2) whether multiple introduction events resulted in the partitioning of Florida's M. quinquenervia populations into discrete biotypes, and (3) whether Oxyops vitiosa, an Australia snout beetle imported to control this weed, might discriminate among putative M. quinquenervia biotypes. Careful scrutiny of early horticultural catalogs and USDA plant introduction records suggested at least six distinct introduction events. Allozyme analyses indicated that the pattern of these introductions, and the subsequent redistribution of progeny, has resulted in geographic structuring of the populations in southern Florida. For example, trees on Florida's Gulf Coast had a greater effective number of alleles and exhibited greater heterozygosity than trees on the Atlantic Coast. Essential oil yields from M. quinquenervia leaves followed a similar trend; Gulf Coast trees yielded nearly twice as much oil as Atlantic Coast trees when both were grown in a common garden. These differences were partially explained by the predominance of a chemical phenotype (chemotype) very rich in the sesquiterpene (E)-nerolidol in M. quinquenervia trees from the Gulf Coast, but rich in a mixture of the monoterpene 1,8-cineole and the sesquiterpene viridiflorol in trees from the Atlantic Coast. Performance of O. vitiosa differed dramatically in laboratory studies depending on the chemotype of the foliage they were fed. Larval survivorship was four-fold greater on the (E)-nerolidol chemotype. Growth was also greater, with adult O. vitiosa gaining nearly 50% more biomass on the (E)-nerolidol plants than on the second chemotype. The results of this study thus confirmed the premise that plant genotype can affect the population dynamics of insects released as weed biocontrols. ^


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Quorum sensing (QS) is a population-dependent signaling process bacteria use to control multiple processes including virulence, critical for establishing infection. There are two major pathways of QS systems. Type 1 is species specific or intra-species communication in which N-acylhomoserine lactones (Gram-negative bacteria) or oligopeptides (Gram-positive bacteria) are employed as signaling molecules (autoinducer one). Type 2 is inter-species communication in which S-4,5-dihydroxy-2,3-pentanedione (DPD) or its borate esters are used as signaling molecules. The DPD is biosynthesized by LuxS enzyme from S-ribosylhomocysteine (SRH). Recent increase in prevalence of bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics emphasizes the need for the development of new generation of antibacterial agents. Interruption of QS by small molecules is one of the viable options as it does not affect bacterial growth but only virulence, leading to less incidence of microbial resistance. Thus, in this work, inhibitors of both N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) mediated intra-species and LuxS enzyme, involved in inter-species QS are targeted. The γ-lactam and their reduced cyclic azahemiacetal analogs, bearing the additional alkylthiomethyl substituent, were designed and synthesized targeting AHL mediated QS systems in P. aeruginosa and Vibrio harveyi. The γ-lactams with nonylthio or dodecylthio chains acted as inhibitors of las signaling in P. aeruginosa with moderate potency. The cyclic azahemiacetal with shorter propylthio or hexylthio substituent were found to strongly inhibit both las and rhl signaling in P. aeruginosa at higher concentrations. However, lactam and their azahemiacetal analogs were found to be inactive in V. harveyi QS systems. The 4-aza-S-ribosyl-L-homocysteine (4-aza-SRH) analogs and 2-deoxy-2-substituted-S-ribosyl-L-homocysteine analogs were designed and synthesized targeting Bacillus subtilis LuxS enzyme. The 4-aza-SRH analogs in which oxygen in ribose ring is replaced by nitrogen were further modified at anomeric position to produce pyrrolidine, lactam, nitrone, imine and hemiaminal analogs. Pyrrolidine and lactam analogs which lack anomeric hydroxyl, acted as competitive inhibitors of LuxS enzyme with KI value of 49 and 37 µM respectively. The 2,3-dideoxy lactam analogs were devoid of activity. Such findings attested the significance of hydroxyl groups for LuxS binding and activity. Hemiaminal analog of SRH was found to be a time-dependent inhibitor with IC50 value of 60 µM.


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Fungal pathogen Candida albicans causes serious nosocomial infections in patients, in part, due to formation of drug-resistant biofilms. Protein kinases (PK) and transcription factors (TF) mediate signal transduction and transcription of proteins involved in biofilm development. To discover biofilm-related PKs, a collection of 63 C. albicans PK mutants was screened twice independently with microtiter plate-based biofilm assay (XTT). Thirty-eight (60%) mutants showed different degrees of biofilm impairment with the poor biofilm formers additionally possessing filamentation defects. Most of these genes were already known to encode proteins associated with Candida morphology and biofilms but VPS15, PKH3, PGA43, IME2 and CEX1, were firstly associated with both processes in this study. Previous studies of Holcombe et al. (2010) had shown that bacterial pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa can impair C. albicans filamentation and biofilm development. To investigate their interaction, the good biofilm former PK mutants of C. albicans were assessed for their response to P. aeruginosa supernatants derived from two strains, wildtype PAO1 and homoserine lactone (HSL)-free mutant ΔQS, without finding any nonresponsive mutants. This suggested that none of the PKs in this study was implicated in Candida-Pseudomonas signaling. To screen promoter sequences for overrepresented TFs across C. albicans gene sets significantly up/downregulated in presence of bacterial supernatants from Holcombe et al. (2010) study, TFbsST database was created online. The TFbsST database integrates experimentally verified TFs of Candida to analyse promoter sequences for TF binding sites. In silico studies predicted that Efg1p was overrepresented in C. albicans and C. parapsilosis RBT family genes.


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The chemical composition of surface associated metabolites of two Fucus species (Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus) was analysed by means of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to describe temporal patterns in chemical surface composition. Method: The two perennial brown macroalgae F. vesiculosus and F. serratus were sampled monthly at Bülk, outer Kiel Fjord, Germany (54°27'21 N / 10°11'57 E) over an entire year (August 2012 - July 2013). Per month and species six non-fertile Fucus individuals were collected from mixed stands at a depth of 0.5 m under mid water level. For surface extraction approx. 50 g of the upper 5-10 cm apical thalli tips were cut off per species. The surface extraction of Fucus was performed according to the protocol of de Nys and co-workers (1998) with minor modifications (see Rickert et al. 2015). GC/EI-MS measurements were performed with a Waters GCT premier (Waters, Manchester, UK) coupled to an Agilent 6890N GC equipped with a DB-5 ms 30 m column (0.25 mm internal diameter, 0.25 mM film thickness, Agilent, USA). The inlet temperature was maintained at 250°C and samples were injected in split 10 mode. He carrier gas flow was adjusted to 1 ml min-1. Alkanes were used for referencing of retention times. For further details (GC-MS sample preparation and analysis) see the related publication (Rickert et al. submitted to PLOS ONE).


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The antimicrobial activity of atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma has been exhaustively characterised, however elucidation of the interactions between biomolecules produced and utilised by bacteria and short plasma exposures are required for optimisation and clinical translation of cold plasma technology. This study characterizes the effects of non-thermal plasma exposure on acyl homoserine lactone (AHL)-dependent quorum sensing (QS). Plasma exposure of AHLs reduced the ability of such molecules to elicit a QS response in bacterial reporter strains in a dose-dependent manner. Short exposures (30-60 s) produce of a series of secondary compounds capable of eliciting a QS response, followed by the complete loss of AHL-dependent signalling following longer exposures. UPLC-MS analysis confirmed the time-dependent degradation of AHL molecules and their conversion into a series of by-products. FT-IR analysis of plasma-exposed AHLs highlighted the appearance of an OH group. In vivo assessment of the exposure of AHLs to plasma was examined using a standard in vivo model. Lettuce leaves injected with the rhlI/lasI mutant PAO-MW1 alongside plasma treated N-butyryl-homoserine lactone and n-(3-oxo-dodecanoyl)-homoserine lactone, exhibited marked attenuation of virulence. This study highlights the capacity of atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma to modify and degrade AHL autoinducers thereby attenuating QS-dependent virulence in P. aeruginosa.


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A novel processing method for the fast and economic production of hollow ceramic components has been developed by combining in situ coagulation moulding with a modified version of the technique of rotary moulding[Binner, J. G. P., Al-Dawery, I. A., Tari, G. and Yan, Y., Rotary casting technique. UK Patent application No. 0506349.0, March 2005], the latter being adapted from the polymer industry. The process was found to require a high solids content suspension, hence development work was performed in this direction though in the end a new, commercial suspension was utilised. Of the three forming routes of gel casting, direct coagulation casting and in situ coagulation moulding, the latter was found to be the most promising for the new process of rotary moulding of ceramics. Due to the low value of clay-based ceramics, a new low cost coagulant was identified and the effect of lactone concentration and temperature on setting time determined. Following substantial optimisation work, it was found that a two-speed approach to multi-axial rotation was the most successful; medium sized cream jugs could be produced in just 7 min. With respect to mould materials, the porous resin normally used for pressure casting of sanitary ware was found to be the best option, though since this is quite expensive conventional plaster-of-paris moulds were found to be a suitable material to enable companies, particularly SMEs, to become familiar with the technology whilst avoiding high costs for trials. The processed articles could be successfully fired and glazed using gas-fired kilns with no sign of any black cores. Major advantages of the process include the ability to precisely calculate the amount of ceramic slip required, eliminating either slip wastage or the need to pour used slip back into the virgin material as currently happens with slip casting. In addition, since the precursor suspension has a very high solids content, the time and energy required to dry the green product and associated moulds has been considerably reduced. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tasmannia lanceolata, commonly known as Tasmanian pepper leaf or mountain pepper, is an Australian native plant that produces an essential oil with a characteristic pungent flavor attributed to the sesquiterpene polygodial. The dried and fresh leaves are used in culinary applications. The essential oil is produced by a solvent extraction process, and the resultant concrete is a rich source of the principal pungent molecule polygodial and other volatiles. The Tasmanian pepper leaf extract has broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and is very effective against fungi, especially yeasts. This demonstrates its potential to be used in the food industry as a natural preservative. Indigenous Australians have used Tasmanian pepper leaves for therapeutic purposes; in recent times, it is been used as a flavoring agent and enhancer of pungency in food products. This chapter covers the use of Tasmanian pepper leaf essential oil in food applications, its botanical aspects, and its chemical composition.