940 resultados para Sense developing way


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This paper reviews research published in recent years concerning the effects of zinc deficiency, its consequences, and possible solutions. Zinc is an essential trace element necessary for over 300 zinc metalloenzymes and required for normal nucleic acid, protein, and membrane metabolism. Zinc deficiency is one of the ten biggest factors contributing to burden of disease in developing countries. Populations in South Asia, South East Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa are at greatest risk of zinc deficiency. Zinc intakes are inadequate for about a third of the population and stunting affects 40% of preschool children. In Pakistan, zinc deficiency is an emerging health problem as about 20.6% children are found in the levels of zinc, below 60 μg/dL. Signs and symptoms caused by zinc deficiency are poor appetite, weight loss, and poor growth in childhood, delayed healing of wounds, taste abnormalities, and mental lethargy. As body stores of zinc decline, these symptoms worsen and are accompanied by diarrhea, recurrent infection, and dermatitis. Daily zinc requirements for an adult are 12-16 mg/day. Iron, calcium and phytates inhibit the absorption of zinc therefore simultaneous administration should not be prescribed. Zinc deficiency and its effects are well known but the ways it can help in treatment of different diseases is yet to be discovered. Improving zinc intakes through dietary improvements is a complex task that requires considerable time and effort. The use of zinc supplements, dietary modification, and fortifying foods with zinc are the best techniques to combat its deficiency.


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Educational institutions recognised that the distance education mode is a preferred way to combine study with life, family and work commitments for distance learners. Distance education has played an important role in the provision of educational equity for distance learners who live in remote Australian communities. Engaging students and academic staff will always enhance student-learning outcomes to ensure a positive experience in distance education. It can be effectively achieved through collaborative learning. In distance education, academic staff and students face a number of challenges such as lack of student motivation, high student attrition rates, and a sense of isolation from a university community. Collaborative learning experience will enhance learner-staff and learner-learner interactions in distance learning, which can be achieved through developing a learning process. The learning process for distance learners involves student-learning strategy, Staff interactive sessions, peer-to-peer support, e-assessment, and self-realization of graduate learning outcomes. This distance learning process is confined for Deakin University learning environment, however the expectations is that the distance learning will be more mainstream in future of learning and teaching in Australian institutions. The focus of this research is to analyse and share collaborative learning experience of distance learners (off-campus) students in project management unit. It helps to analyse the barriers in distance education and finding ways to initiate collaborative programs in future. It also helps to fulfil the distance learners’ expectations on program delivery.


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This research aims to enrich the understanding of the constitution of a sense of belonging to an aboriginal community in Montreal. It has been demonstrated that there is indeed a social cohesion in Montreal based on the collective aboriginal ethnic identity, or aboriginality. This cohesion is supported by aboriginal organizations and associations, whise approaches and engagements have a direct impact on their inclusion into the community. These institutions are considered as the source of communitarian social bond in the city. By the empowerment of a shared aboriginal identity, the representation of community interests, the integration in the urban life, the service delivery to members of the middle class and the creation of secured spaces dedicated to their cultural heritage, aboriginal associations are creating social ties to the community. On the other hand, some problems like the lack of communication between organizations, their hermetic nature, their excessive bureaucratic methods, the way women in the community monopolize the institutions, the presence of non-aboriginal people as well as the gang phenomenon are all experienced in the organizations. These problems produce harmful consequences on the member’s relations to the communitarian system and reduce their participation and attendance. Also, the social bond within the native community is weakened by various factors outside the grasp of the institutions. Some internal discriminations and stereotypes, sometimes tied to the use of administrative indicators of the Canadian Aboriginal Law, the lack of a native district in Montreal, and the different socio-economic members’ situations create divisions and affect the community spirit. This thesis focuses on the native community construction in an urban area through its institutional sphere, which differs from other studies on urban Natives. The objective is to understand the urban realities and the way the urban native communities are developing themselves.


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Japan is an important ally of the United States–the world’s third biggest economy, and one of the regional great powers in Asia. Making sense of Japan’s foreign and security policies is crucial for the future of peace and stability in Northeast Asia, where the possible sources of conflict such as territorial disputes or the disputes over Japan’s war legacy issues are observed.^ This dissertation explored Japan’s foreign and security policies based on Japan’s identities and unconscious ideologies. It employed an analysis of selected Japanese films from the late 1940s to the late 1950s, as well as from the late 1990s to the mid-2000s. The analysis demonstrated that Japan’s foreign and security policies could be understood in terms of a broader social narrative that was visible in Japanese popular cultural products, including films and literatures. Narratives of Japanese families from the patriarch’s point of view, for example, had constantly shaped Japan’s foreign and security policies. As a result, the world was ordered hierarchically in the eyes of the Japan Self. In the 1950s, Japan tenaciously constructed close but asymmetrical security relations with the U.S. in which Japan willingly subjugated itself to the U.S. In the 2000s, Japan again constructed close relations with the U.S. by doing its best to support American responses to the 9/11 terrorist attacks by mobilizing Japan’s SDFs in the way Japan had never done in the past.^ The concepts of identity and unconscious ideology are helpful in understanding how Japan’s own understanding of self, of others, and of the world have shaped its own behaviors. These concepts also enable Japan to reevaluate its own behaviors reflexively, which departs from existing alternative approaches. This study provided a critical analytical explanation of the dynamics at work in Japan’s sense of identity, particularly with regard to its foreign and security policies.^


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This research aims to enrich the understanding of the constitution of a sense of belonging to an aboriginal community in Montreal. It has been demonstrated that there is indeed a social cohesion in Montreal based on the collective aboriginal ethnic identity, or aboriginality. This cohesion is supported by aboriginal organizations and associations, whise approaches and engagements have a direct impact on their inclusion into the community. These institutions are considered as the source of communitarian social bond in the city. By the empowerment of a shared aboriginal identity, the representation of community interests, the integration in the urban life, the service delivery to members of the middle class and the creation of secured spaces dedicated to their cultural heritage, aboriginal associations are creating social ties to the community. On the other hand, some problems like the lack of communication between organizations, their hermetic nature, their excessive bureaucratic methods, the way women in the community monopolize the institutions, the presence of non-aboriginal people as well as the gang phenomenon are all experienced in the organizations. These problems produce harmful consequences on the member’s relations to the communitarian system and reduce their participation and attendance. Also, the social bond within the native community is weakened by various factors outside the grasp of the institutions. Some internal discriminations and stereotypes, sometimes tied to the use of administrative indicators of the Canadian Aboriginal Law, the lack of a native district in Montreal, and the different socio-economic members’ situations create divisions and affect the community spirit. This thesis focuses on the native community construction in an urban area through its institutional sphere, which differs from other studies on urban Natives. The objective is to understand the urban realities and the way the urban native communities are developing themselves.


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A distinct metonymic pattern was discovered in the course of conducting a corpus-based study of figurative uses of WORD. The pattern involved examples such as Not one word of it made any sense and I agree with every word. It was labelled ‘hyperbolic synecdoche’, defined as a case in which a lexeme which typically refers to part of an entity (a) is used to stand for the whole entity and (b) is described with reference to the end point on a scale. Specifically, the speaker/writer selects the perspective of a lower-level unit (such as word for ‘utterance’), which is quantified as NOTHING or ALL, thus forming a subset of ‘extreme case formulations’. Hyperbolic synecdoche was found to exhibit a restricted range of lexicogrammatical patterns involving word, with the negated NOTHING patterns being considerably more common than the ALL patterns. The phenomenon was shown to be common in metonymic uses in general, constituting one-fifth of all cases of metonymy in word. The examples of hyperbolic synecdoche were found not to be covered by the oftquoted ‘abbreviation’ rationale for metonymy; instead, they represent a more roundabout way of expression. It is shown that other cases of hyperbolic synecdoche exist outside of word and the domain of communication (such as ‘time’ and ‘money’).


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Purpose: Disasters provide physical, social, economic, political and environmental development windows of opportunity particularly through housing and infrastructure reconstruction. The reconstruction process should not be neglected due to the opportunistic nature of facilitating innovation in development. In this respect, post-disaster "infrastructure" reconstruction plays a critical role in development discourse and is often essential to sustain recovery after major disasters. However, reconstruction following a natural disaster is a complicated problem involving social, economic, cultural, environmental, psychological, and technological aspects. There are significant development benefits of well-developed "Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Strategies" and, for many reasons, the concept of DRR can be more easily promoted following a disaster. In this respect, a research study was conducted to investigate the effects of integrating DRR strategies into infrastructure reconstruction on enhancing the socio-economic development process from a qualitative stance. The purpose of this paper is to document part of this research study; it proposes an approach that can be used to assess the influence of the application of the DRR concept into infrastructure reconstruction on socio-economic development. Design/methodology/approach: The research methodology included a critical literature review. Findings: This paper suggests that the best way to assess the influence of integrating DRR strategies practices into infrastructure reconstruction on socio-economic development is to assess the level of impact that DRR strategies has on overcoming various factors that form vulnerabilities. Having assessed this, the next step is to assess the influence of overcoming the factors that form vulnerabilities on achieving performance targets of socio-economic development. Originality/value: This paper primarily presents a framework for the concept of socio-economic development and a modelled classification of DRR practices.


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The field of disaster loss assessment attempts to provide comprehensive estimates of the cost of disasters. Assessment of intangibles remains a major weakness. Existing costing frameworks have acknowledged losses to cultural – as distinct from economic, social, human or environmental – capital. However, theinclusion of cultural line items has usually been conducted in an ad hoc and under-theorised way, withlittle empirical evidence. This paper presents the possibility of using cultural capital itself as an overarchingcategory for specifically cultural losses. It further focuses on the specific concept of sense of place asone area that has been neglected even in frameworks that consider other kinds of intangibles, and argues,on both theoretical and pragmatic grounds, that a collective or shared sense of place can be subsumedwithin cultural capital loss estimates. Christchurch provides an illustration of the idea as relevant andcomparable empirical material is available from before and since the 2011 earthquake.


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Scuba diving allows for underwater visitation of cultural and natural resources. Underwater routes can be used as a tool for guided and supervised underwater visits. Two scuba diving routes were implemented in the Algarve (South of Portugal), the "B24" and "Poco" diving sites. The perceptions of scuba divers regarding several aspects of the routes and the existing support infrastructures were studied following a survey carried out through face-to-face interviews from 2008 to 2012. Divers profile and their perceptions were analysed using 246 valid questionnaires. Divers were mainly Portuguese, over 30 years old and with more than 12 years of formal education. Some of the support infrastructures did not achieve a "good" or "acceptable" grade. This should be carefully considered by diving operators and managers, because perceptions tend to circulate throughout the diving tourists. All features of interpretative slates were graded as highly satisfactory. Overall, diver satisfaction increased slightly after route implementation, with an average ranking of "good". These findings support the implementation of underwater routes as a way to promote diving activity, and to increase divers' environmental education and awareness. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Entrepreneurship education has emerged as one popular research domain in academic fields given its aim at enhancing and developing certain entrepreneurial qualities of undergraduates that change their state of behavior, even their entrepreneurial inclination and finally may result in the formation of new businesses as well as new job opportunities. This study attempts to investigate the Colombian student´s entrepreneurial qualities and the influence of entrepreneurial education during their studies.


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En principio, la realización de este proyecto conllevo al desarrollo de mis habilidades y conocimientos adquiridos durante la carrera de administración de Negocios Internacionales. Así mismo, me permitió tener una visión más cercana sobre el proceso de comercio exterior, con el trabajo a diario en Procolombia, empresa en la que realizo mi pasantía, el hacer investigaciones de mercado, el contacto con empresarios exportadores de panela, trabajar con expertos de la empresa en el sector panelero, las diversas capacitaciones en temas de comercio exterior, identificación de mercados potenciales y asuntos legales de la exportación, enriqueció la información y construcción de mi proyecto. El mercado de los endulzantes naturales a nivel mundial, según estudios de Euromonitor Internacional ha venido tenido un protagonismo cada vez más importante en diversos mercados, especialmente en Estados Unidos y Europa. Así, cada vez existe un mayor número de personas que se abstienen del consumo del azúcar refinado, pues temen del padecimiento de enfermedades como la obesidad o el cáncer a causa de productos fabricados con químicos. De esta manera, las tendencias de consumo se encaminan hacia la búsqueda por parte de las personas por alimentos naturales, dentro de los cuales se encuentran los endulzantes sin químicos que aportan un alto valor nutricional. En este sentido, la unión Europea se convierte en un mercado atractivo para la exportación de endulzantes naturales, esto debido a las tendencias de los europeos hacia el consumo de alimentos saludables según lo afirma un estudio de mercado del Ministry of foreign affairs (CBI). De esta manera, el país con mayores índices de consumo de alimentos orgánicos es Alemania, sumado a ello en los hábitos de consumo son importantes los endulzantes pues la ingesta de té y café es alta, haciéndose mayor en época de invierno.


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El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de tener una visión completa de las teorías del liderazgo, teniendo de este una concepción como proceso y poder examinar las diversas formas de aplicación en las organizaciones contemporáneas. El tema es enfocado desde la perspectiva organizacional, un mundo igualmente complejo, sin desconocer su importancia en otros ámbitos como la educación, la política o la dirección del estado. Su enfoque tiene que ver con el estudio académico del cual es la culminación y se enmarca dentro de la perspectiva constitucional de la Carta Política Colombiana que reconoce la importancia capital que tienen la actividad económica y la iniciativa privada en la constitución de empresas. Las diversas visiones del liderazgo han sido aplicadas de distintas maneras en las organizaciones contemporáneas y han generado diversos resultados. Hoy, no es posible pensar en una organización que no haya definido su forma de liderazgo y en consecuencia, confluyen en el campo empresarial multitud de teorías, sin que pueda afirmarse que una sola de ellas permita el manejo adecuado y el cumplimiento de los objetivos misionales. Por esta razón se ha llegado a concebir el liderazgo como una función compleja, en un mundo donde las organizaciones mismas se caracterizan no solo por la complejidad de sus acciones y de su conformación, sino también porque esta característica pertenece también al mundo de la globalización. Las organizaciones concebidas como máquinas que en sentido metafórico logran reconstituirse sus estructuras a medida que están en interacción con otras en el mundo globalizado. Adaptarse a las cambiantes circunstancias hace de las organizaciones conglomerados en permanente dinámica y evolución. En este ámbito puede decirse que el liderazgo es también complejo y que es el liderazgo transformacional el que más se acerca al sentido de la complejidad.


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Como resultado de la Misión Empresarial Caribe realizada por la Escuela de Administración de la Universidad del Rosario en abril de 2016, se realizó el presente documento donde se plantea una propuesta de mejora para el proceso de empaque de BanaFruts S.A.S. mediante el uso de teorías administrativas enfocadas a la gestión de calidad del producto como: Teoría de Restricciones, Kaizen y Cero defectos. La propuesta consiste en tener un proceso de control de calidad mucho menos repetitivo y más eficiente a lo largo del empaque del producto, donde solo los operarios de desmane se deberán encargar de definir cuáles bananos cumplen o no con las especificaciones de DOLE en esa etapa y además se aseguren de cumplir con nuevos límites de saturación de los frutos en las piscinas. Éstos se encontrarán en donde se alcanza el 90% de la capacidad de cada tanque. Para el de desmane estará a una altura de 0.54m; y para el de saneo estará a una altura de 0.49m. Así se actuará der manera preventiva y no reactiva como sucede actualmente, garantizando que los bananos no se lastimen y se reduzca el exceso de revisión a lo largo del proceso. Este cambio de gestión de calidad permitirá en primera instancia que los trabajadores en etapas diferentes a las de desmane se enfoquen en una sola tarea y no tengan que volver a verificar los aspectos de calidad del producto, seguido de un aumento de productividad en el procesamiento de los bananos por parte de éstos. Adicionalmente, se hace énfasis en la importancia de la mejora continua del proceso en general para asegurar un incremento gradual en la productividad. Para esto se propone un nuevo modelo de gestión de los recursos humanos donde los operarios serán más proactivos, tendrán una mayor participación en la identificación y solución de problemas y se encargarán de llevar a cabo sus labores de manera más eficiente. En este sentido, las acciones a tomar serán: seleccionar, organizar, limpiar y estandarizar. Finalmente, hay que estandarizar el proceso, es decir que debe existir una revisión continua para no permitir que los errores se repitan. Todas estas acciones estarán a cargo de un equipo líder llamado “Equipo BanaFruts”. Éste tendrá la responsabilidad de acompañar a los trabajadores en la realización de las actividades mencionadas y medir sus resultados.