953 resultados para Semi-dual income tax


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En el Ecuador, a partir del año 2010, por resolución de la Superintendencia de Compañías, las compañías que se encuentran reguladas por este organismo, deben aplicar de manera obligatoria las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF), cuyo objetivo fundamental es que los Estados Financieros reflejen la realidad de la compañía y puedan ser comparables a nivel mundial, permitiendo una mayor competitividad y mejor toma de decisiones. La exención de la NIIF 1 permite optar en la fecha de transición a las NIIF por la medición de una partida de propiedad, planta y equipo por su Valor Razonable, y utilizar este valor como Costo Atribuido lo que implica contablemente un incremento en el valor tanto del activo como del patrimonio así como el reconocimiento de impuestos diferidos. Las NIIF no están diseñadas para realizar reportes impositivos por lo que la revaluación en los elementos de propiedad, planta y equipo generó implicaciones tributarias en la determinación del Impuesto a la Renta sobre todo en el sector industrial porque las compañías que pertenecen a este sector tienen en sus activos un valor significativo en propiedad, planta y equipo. El presente trabajo de investigación se lo realizó a través de un estudio de caso a una de las compañías objeto de estudio así como también a través de la aplicación de encuestas a las compañías que pertenecen al sector industrial del Cantón Cuenca y del análisis de la información que consta en la página de la Superintendencia de Compañías de dichas compañías.


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In this issue...Copper Guards, International Club, Magma Yearbook, Astrophysics, Roger Pierce, Ed Simonich, Mike Mansfield, M Club, Income Tax, Biology Department


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Resumo: a fraude fiscal é um dos crimes que pode dar origem a um outro crime, o crime de branqueamento de capitais e/ou lavagem de dinheiro, como é mais conhecido por exemplo no Brasil. O branqueamento de capitais é apenas um dos exemplos do branqueamento de vantagens. Toda esta actividade pode ser incluída, em sentido amplo, na chamada corrupção internacional. Quanto mais internacionais forem estas actividades – fraude fiscal e branqueamento de capitais -, mais eficazes serão os seus proveitos. A fraude fiscal é um crime que pode atingir montantes mais elevados no caso de poder ser praticado em cenários internacionais. O branqueamento de capitais é também um crime que pode atingir montantes mais elevados no caso de poder ser praticado em cenários internacionais. Assim, a corrupção internacional em sentido amplo pode ser apelidada como mercado ideal para a criminalidade. Estamos também a falar de multinacionais do crime. § Abstract: tax fraud is a crime that can lead to another crime, the crime of money laundering. Money laundering is just one example of the whitening benefits. All this activity can be included in a broad sense, the international corruption. The more international are these activities - tax evasion and money laundering - the more effective will be the income. Tax fraud is a crime that can achieve higher amounts if it can be practiced in international scenarios. Money laundering is also a crime that can achieve higher amounts if it can be practiced in international scenarios. Thus, the international corruption in the broad sense can be dubbed as ideal market for the crime. We are talking also about transnational crime.


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Objective To model the overall and income specific effect of a 20% tax on sugar sweetened drinks on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the UK. Design Econometric and comparative risk assessment modelling study. Setting United Kingdom. Population Adults aged 16 and over. Intervention A 20% tax on sugar sweetened drinks. Main outcome measures The primary outcomes were the overall and income specific changes in the number and percentage of overweight (body mass index ≥25) and obese (≥30) adults in the UK following the implementation of the tax. Secondary outcomes were the effect by age group (16-29, 30-49, and ≥50 years) and by UK constituent country. The revenue generated from the tax and the income specific changes in weekly expenditure on drinks were also estimated. Results A 20% tax on sugar sweetened drinks was estimated to reduce the number of obese adults in the UK by 1.3% (95% credible interval 0.8% to 1.7%) or 180 000 (110 000 to 247 000) people and the number who are overweight by 0.9% (0.6% to 1.1%) or 285 000 (201 000 to 364 000) people. The predicted reductions in prevalence of obesity for income thirds 1 (lowest income), 2, and 3 (highest income) were 1.3% (0.3% to 2.0%), 0.9% (0.1% to 1.6%), and 2.1% (1.3% to 2.9%). The effect on obesity declined with age. Predicted annual revenue was £276m (£272m to £279m), with estimated increases in total expenditure on drinks for income thirds 1, 2, and 3 of 2.1% (1.4% to 3.0%), 1.7% (1.2% to 2.2%), and 0.8% (0.4% to 1.2%). Conclusions A 20% tax on sugar sweetened drinks would lead to a reduction in the prevalence of obesity in the UK of 1.3% (around 180 000 people). The greatest effects may occur in young people, with no significant differences between income groups. Both effects warrant further exploration. Taxation of sugar sweetened drinks is a promising population measure to target population obesity, particularly among younger adults.


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Butler Stacks copy: Includes appendix and press reviews of author's other works (12 additional pages at end)


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Bibliography: p. 36.


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Examines the European Court of Justice ruling in Test Claimants in the FII Group Litigation v Inland Revenue Commissioners (C-35/11) on whether the differential tax treatment of domestic and foreign-sourced dividends in the UK was compatible with the freedom of establishment and free movement of capital principles. Outlines its guidance on how to assess this compatibility. Considers the ruling's implications for the UK tax system, the relationship between tax sovereignty and the internal market and the third-country dimension of the free movement of capital principle.


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Prior research suggests that book-tax income differences (BTD) relate to both firms' earnings quality and operating performance. In this dissertation, I explore whether and how financial analysts signal the implications of BTD efficiently. This dissertation is comprised of three essays on BTD. The three essays seek to develop a better understanding of how financial analysts utilize information reflected in BTD (derived from the ratio of taxable income to book income). The first essay is a review and discussion of prior research regarding BTD. The second essay of this dissertation investigates the role of BTD in indicating the consensus and dispersion of analyst recommendations. I find that sell recommendations are positively related to BTD. I also document that analyst coverage has a positive effect on the standard deviation of consensus recommendations with respect to BTD. The third essay is an empirical analysis of analysts' forecast optimism, analyst coverage, and BTD. I find a negative association between forecast optimism and BTD. My results are consistent with a larger BTD being associated with less forecast bias. Overall, I interpret the sum of the evidence as being consistent with BTD reflecting information about earnings quality, and consistent with analysts examining and using this information in making decisions regarding both forecasts and recommendations.


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As the Housing Credit Agency responsible for allocating Tax Credits in the State of Iowa, IFA must adopt a written Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP). The purpose of the QAP is to set forth the criteria that IFA will use in evaluating and monitoring Projects submitted to it by the Developer/Ownership Entity for consideration in making an allocation of Tax Credits. The Governor must approve the QAP after the public has had the opportunity to comment through a public hearing.


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As the Housing Credit Agency responsible for allocating Tax Credits in the State of Iowa, IFA must adopt a written Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP). The purpose of the QAP is to set forth the criteria that IFA will use in evaluating and monitoring Projects submitted to it by the Developer/Ownership Entity for consideration in making an allocation of Tax Credits. The Governor must approve the QAP after the public has had the opportunity to comment through a public hearing.