998 resultados para Selective Uptake


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The relative levels of different sigma factors dictate the expression profile of a bacterium. Extracytoplasmic function sigma factors synchronize the transcriptional profile with environmental conditions. The cellular concentration of free extracytoplasmic function sigma factors is regulated by the localization of this protein in a sigma/anti-sigma complex. Anti-sigma factors are multi-domain proteins with a receptor to sense environmental stimuli and a conserved anti-sigma domain (ASD) that binds a sigma factor. Here we describe the structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis anti-sigma(D) (RsdA) in complex with the -35 promoter binding domain of sigma(D) (sigma(D)(4)). We note distinct conformational features that enable the release of sigma(D) by the selective proteolysis of the ASD in RsdA. The structural and biochemical features of the sigma(D)/RsdA complex provide a basis to reconcile diverse regulatory mechanisms that govern sigma/anti-sigma interactions despite high overall structural similarity. Multiple regulatory mechanisms embedded in an ASD scaffold thus provide an elegant route to rapidly re-engineer the expression profile of a bacterium in response to an environmental stimulus.


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The structure and photophysical properties of a new triad (borane-bithiophene-BODIPY) 1 have been investigated. Triad 1 exhibits unprecedented tricolour emission when excited at the borane centred high energy absorption band and also acts as a selective fluorescent and colorimetric sensor for fluoride ions with ratiometric response. The experimental results are supported by computational studies.


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We report selective optical reflectance in an aluminium (Al) coated flexible carbon nanotube (CNT) thin film over a wide range of wavelengths (500-2500 nm). Selective-wavelength surface is achieved by coating CNT surfaces with Al thin film that presented a maximum optical reflectivity of similar to 65% in the infrared region. However, CNT film alone showed a reflectance of 15-20% over a larger range of wavelengths without any structural modification, which has not been realized so far. Moreover, a tailorable reflectance in CNT is shown to be achieved by tuning various parameters, namely, the porosity of the material, angle of an incident light, and refractive index of the materials. Owing to higher infrared reflectivity and thermal diffusivity, Al coated CNT presents a potential for a high efficiency solar collector. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Four dinucleating bis(thiosemicarbazone) ligands and their zinc complexes have been synthesized and characterized by multinuclear NMR (H-1 and C-13), IR, UV-Vis, ESI-MS and fluorescence spectroscopic techniques. Their purity was assessed by elemental analysis. Cytotoxicity was tested against five human cancer cell lines using the sulphorhodamine B (SRB) assay, where one of the complexes, 1,3-bis{biacetyl-2'-(4 `'-N-pyrrolidinylthiosemicarbazone)-3'-(4 `'-N-pyrrolidinylthiosemicarbazone) zinc(II)} propane (6), was found to be quite cytotoxic against MCF-7 (breast cancer) and HepG2 (hepatoma cancer) cell lines, with a potency similar to that of the well known anticancer drug adriamycin. It is evident from the cellular uptake studies that the uptake is same for the active complex 6 and the inactive complex 8 (1,6-bis{biacetyl- 2'-(4 `'-N-pyrrolidinylthiosemicarbazone)-3'-(4 `'-N-pyrrolidinylthiosemicarbazone) zinc(II)} hexane) in MCF-7 and HepG2 cell lines. In vitro DNA binding and cleavage studies revealed that all complexes bind with DNA through electrostatic interaction, and cause no significant cleavage of DNA. (C) 2'13 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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In this article, we present the discovery of a metallo-organogel derived from a Tb3+ salt and sodium deoxycholate (NaDCh) in methanol. The gel was made luminescent through sensitization of Tb3+ by doping with 2,3-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN) in micromolar concentrations. Rheological measurements of the mechanical properties of the organogel confirmed the characteristics of a true gel. Significant quenching of Tb3+ luminescence was observed in the deoxycholate gel matrix by 2,4,7-trinitrofluorenone (TNF), but not by several other polynitro aromatics. Microscopic studies (AFM, TEM and SEM) revealed a highly entangled fibrous network. The xerogels retained luminescent properties suggesting the possibility for application in coatings, etc.


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Global carbon budget studies indicate that the terrestrial ecosystems have remained a large sink for carbon despite widespread deforestation activities. CO2 fertilization, N deposition and re-growth of mid-latitude forests are believed to be key drivers for land carbon uptake. In this study, we assess the importance of N deposition by performing idealized near-equilibrium simulations using the Community Land Model 4.0 (CLM4). In our equilibrium simulations, only 12-17% of the deposited nitrogen is assimilated into the ecosystem and the corresponding carbon uptake can be inferred from a C : N ratio of 20 : 1. We calculate the sensitivity of the terrestrial biosphere for CO2 fertilization, climate warming and N deposition as changes in total ecosystem carbon for unit changes in global mean atmospheric CO2 concentration, global mean temperature and Tera grams of nitrogen deposition per year, respectively. Based on these sensitivities, it is estimated that about 242 PgC could have been taken up by land due to the CO2 fertilization effect and an additional 175 PgC taken up as a result of the increased N deposition since the pre-industrial period. Because of climate warming, the terrestrial ecosystem could have lost about 152 PgC during the same period. Therefore, since pre-industrial times terrestrial carbon losses due to warming may have been more or less compensated by effects of increased N deposition, whereas the effect of CO2 fertilization is approximately indicative of the current increase in terrestrial carbon stock. Our simulations also suggest that the sensitivity of carbon storage to increased N deposition decreases beyond current levels, indicating that climate warming effects on carbon storage may overwhelm N deposition effects in the future.


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Microbially induced selective flocculation of hematite from kaolinite has been demonstrated using Bacillus subtilis. Growth of bacterial cells in the presence of kaolinite resulted in enhanced production of extracellular proteins while that of hematite promoted significant secretion of exopolysaccharides. Bacterial cells were adapted to grow in the presence of the minerals and use of hematite-grown and kaolinite-grown cells and their metabolic products in the selective flocculation of hematite and dispersion of kaolinite illustrated. Bacterial cells and extracellular polysaccharides exhibited higher surface affinity towards hematite, rendering it hydrophilic; while significant protein adsorption enhanced surface hydrophobicity of kaolinite. Bacterial interaction with hematite and kaolinite resulted in significant surface chemical changes on the minerals. Due to higher surface affinity towards extracellular proteins, zeta potentials of kaolinite shifted in the positive direction, while those of hematite shifted in the negative direction due to higher adsorption of extracellular polysaccharides. Bacterial interaction promoted selective flocculation of only hematite, while kaolinite was efficiently dispersed. Mineral-specific stress proteins were generated on growing B. subtilis in the presence of kaolinite. Interfacial aspects of microbe-mineral interactions are illustrated to explain microbially-induced selective flocculation of hematite from kaolinite with relevance to clay and iron ore beneficiation. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The selective flotation of sphalerite from a sphalerite-galena mineral mixture has been achieved using cells and extracellular secretions of Bacillus megaterium after adaptation to the chosen minerals. The extracellular secretions obtained after thermolysis of bacterial cells adapted to sphalerite yield the highest flotation recovery of sphalerite with a selectivity index value of 24.5, in comparison to the other cellular and extra-cellular bio-reagents studied. The protein profile for the unadapted and mineral-adapted cells has been found to differ distinctly, attesting to variation in the yield and nature of extra-cellular polymeric substances (EPS). The changes induced in the bacterial cell wall components after adaptation to sphalerite or galena with respect to the contents of phosphate, uronic acid and acetylated sugars of B. megaterium have been quantified. The role of the dissolved metal ions from the minerals as well as that of the constituents of extracellular secretions in modulating the surface charge of the bacterial cells as well as the minerals under study has been confirmed using various enzymatic treatments of the bacterial cells. It has been demonstrated that the induction of additional molecular weight protein fractions as well as the higher amount of extracellular proteins and phosphate secreted after adaptation to sphalerite vis-A-vis galena are contributory factors for the selective separation of sphalerite from galena. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Selective detection of nitro-aromatic compounds (NACs) at nanomolar concentration is achieved for the first time in multiple media including water, micelles or in organogels as well as using test strips. Mechanism of interaction of NACs with highly fluorescent p-phenylenevinylene-based molecules has been described as the electron transfer phenomenon from the electron-rich chromophoric probe to the electron deficient NACs. The selectivity in sensing is guided by the pK(a) of the probes as well as the NACs under consideration. TNP-induced selective gel-to-sol transition in THF medium is also observed through the reorganization of molecular self-assembly and the portable test trips are made successfully for rapid on-site detection purpose.


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Autophagy is one of the major immune mechanisms engaged to clear intracellular infectious agents. However, several pathogens have evolved strategies to evade autophagy. Here, we demonstrated that Mycobacteria, Shigella, and Listeria but not Klebsiella, Staphylococcus, and Escherichia inhibit IFNG-induced autophagy in macrophages by evoking selective and robust activation of WNT and SHH pathways via MTOR. Utilization of gain- or loss-of-function analyses as well as mir155-null macrophages emphasized the role of MTOR-responsive epigenetic modifications in the induction of Mir155 and Mir31. Importantly, cellular levels of PP2A, a phosphatase, were regulated by Mir155 and Mir31 to fine-tune autophagy. Diminished expression of PP2A led to inhibition of GSK3B, thus facilitating the prolonged activation of WNT and SHH signaling pathways. Sustained WNT and SHH signaling effectuated the expression of anti-inflammatory lipoxygenases, which in tandem inhibited IFNG-induced JAK-STAT signaling and contributed to evasion of autophagy. Altogether, these results established a role for new host factors and inhibitory mechanisms employed by the pathogens to limit autophagy, which could be targeted for therapeutic interventions.


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Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) enzyme involves in GMP biosynthesis pathway. Type I hIMPDH is expressed at lower levels in all cells, whereas type II is especially observed in acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia cancer cells, and 10 ns simulation of the IMP-NAD(+) complex structures (PDB ID. 1B3O and 1JCN) have revealed the presence of a few conserved hydrophilic centers near carboxamide group of NAD(+). Three conserved water molecules (W1, W, and W1 `) in di-nucleotide binding pocket of enzyme have played a significant role in the recognition of carboxamide group (of NAD(+)) to D274 and H93 residues. Based on H-bonding interaction of conserved hydrophilic (water molecular) centers within IMP-NAD(+)-enzyme complexes and their recognition to NAD(+), some covalent modification at carboxamide group of di-nucleotide (NAD(+)) has been made by substituting the -CONH(2)group by -CONHNH2 (carboxyl hydrazide group) using water mimic inhibitor design protocol. The modeled structure of modified ligand may, though, be useful for the development of antileukemic agent or it could be act as better inhibitor for hIMPDH-II.


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The tunable optical properties of the bulk structure of carbon nanotubes (CNT) were recently revealed as a perfect black body material, optically reflective mirror and solar absorber. The present study demonstrates an enhanced optical reflectance of up to similar to 15% over a broad wavelength range in the near infrared region followed by a mechanical modification of the surface of a bulk CNT structure, which can be accounted for due to the grating-like surface abnormalities. In response to the specific arrangement of the so-formed bent tips of the CNT, a selective reflectance is achieved and results in reflecting only a dominant component of the polarized ight, which has not been realized so far. Modulation of this selective-optical reflectance can be achieved by ontrolling the degree of tip bending of the nanotubes, thus opening up avenues for the construction of novel dynamic light polarizers and absorbers.


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A variety of aliphatic and aromatic ketoaldehydes were reduced to the corresponding ketoalcohols with a mixture of sodium borohydride (1.2 equivalents) and sodium carbonate (sixfold molar excess) in water. Reactions were performed at room temperatures over (typically) 2 h, and yields of isolated products generally ranged from 70% to 85%. A biscarbonate-borane complex, (BH3)(2)CO2](2-) 2Na(+), possibly formed from the reagent mixture, is likely the active reductant. The moderated reactivity of this acylborane species would explain the chemoselectivity observed in the reactions. The readily available reagents and the mild aqueous conditions make for ease of operation and environmental compatibility, and make a useful addition to available methodology.


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In eubacteria, RecA is essential for recombinational DNA repair and for stalled replication forks to resume DNA synthesis. Recent work has implicated a role for RecA in the development of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria. Consequently, our goal is to identify and characterize small-molecule inhibitors that target RecA both in vitro and in vivo. We employed ATPase, DNA strand exchange and LexA cleavage assays to elucidate the inhibitory effects of suramin on Mycobacterium tuberculosis RecA. To gain insights into the mechanism of suramin action, we directly visualized the structure of RecA nucleoprotein filaments by atomic force microscopy. To determine the specificity of suramin action in vivo, we investigated its effect on the SOS response by pull-down and western blot assays as well as for its antibacterial activity. We show that suramin is a potent inhibitor of DNA strand exchange and ATPase activities of bacterial RecA proteins with IC50 values in the low micromolar range. Additional evidence shows that suramin inhibits RecA-catalysed proteolytic cleavage of the LexA repressor. The mechanism underlying such inhibitory actions of suramin involves its ability to disassemble RecA-single-stranded DNA filaments. Notably, suramin abolished ciprofloxacin-induced recA gene expression and the SOS response and augmented the bactericidal action of ciprofloxacin. Our findings suggest a strategy to chemically disrupt the vital processes controlled by RecA and hence the promise of small molecules for use against drug-susceptible as well as drug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis for better infection control and the development of new therapies.