875 resultados para Segmentation Ability
Dans la dernière décennie, une abondante littérature a documenté la situation des Rroms d'Europe Centrale et de l'Est, où a émergé une nouvelle élite politiquement activiste. Mais chez les Tsiganes d'Europe de l'Ouest, l’activisme politique d’une élite semblait absent. Cette étude de terrain a été réalisée chez Gitans de Perpignan, à la recherche d’une action et d’une élite politique chez ce groupe, dans le contexte culturel d’une société segmentaire à pouvoir diffus, frappée d’exclusion par la société majoritaire. En effet, je propose que le concept de société segmentaire puisse s’appliquer aux Gitans, et que l’exclusion des Gitans par les païos (non Gitans) constitue un déni de la réalité relationnelle des Gitans avec la majorité païa. Enfin, l’enquête a révélé la position de «médiateurs culturels» des différents agents qui interviennent entre le monde des Gitans et celui des païos. C’est à travers le rôle de «médiateurs culturels» qu’émerge peut-être une élite politique.
A partir des résultats d’une enquête effectuée en 2005 sur un échantillon de 203 dirigeants publics, une typologie floue de trois profils a été dégagée en vue de concevoir un système d’affectation des dirigeants en fonction de leur style du leadership, sens du travail, et leurs préoccupations de gestion des ressources humaines. En se basant sur cette typologie floue, des techniques empruntées à l’intelligence artificielle ont été appliquées pour apprendre des règles de classification. Ces techniques sont au nombre de quatre : le réseau neuronal (Neural Network), l’algorithme génétique (Genetic Algorithm), l’arbre de décision (Decision Tree) et la théorie des ensembles approximatifs (Rough Sets). Les résultats de l’étude ainsi que ses perspectives seront présentées et discutés tout au long de cette communication.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Les systèmes statistiques de traduction automatique ont pour tâche la traduction d’une langue source vers une langue cible. Dans la plupart des systèmes de traduction de référence, l'unité de base considérée dans l'analyse textuelle est la forme telle qu’observée dans un texte. Une telle conception permet d’obtenir une bonne performance quand il s'agit de traduire entre deux langues morphologiquement pauvres. Toutefois, ceci n'est plus vrai lorsqu’il s’agit de traduire vers une langue morphologiquement riche (ou complexe). Le but de notre travail est de développer un système statistique de traduction automatique comme solution pour relever les défis soulevés par la complexité morphologique. Dans ce mémoire, nous examinons, dans un premier temps, un certain nombre de méthodes considérées comme des extensions aux systèmes de traduction traditionnels et nous évaluons leurs performances. Cette évaluation est faite par rapport aux systèmes à l’état de l’art (système de référence) et ceci dans des tâches de traduction anglais-inuktitut et anglais-finnois. Nous développons ensuite un nouvel algorithme de segmentation qui prend en compte les informations provenant de la paire de langues objet de la traduction. Cet algorithme de segmentation est ensuite intégré dans le modèle de traduction à base d’unités lexicales « Phrase-Based Models » pour former notre système de traduction à base de séquences de segments. Enfin, nous combinons le système obtenu avec des algorithmes de post-traitement pour obtenir un système de traduction complet. Les résultats des expériences réalisées dans ce mémoire montrent que le système de traduction à base de séquences de segments proposé permet d’obtenir des améliorations significatives au niveau de la qualité de la traduction en terme de le métrique d’évaluation BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) et qui sert à évaluer. Plus particulièrement, notre approche de segmentation réussie à améliorer légèrement la qualité de la traduction par rapport au système de référence et une amélioration significative de la qualité de la traduction est observée par rapport aux techniques de prétraitement de base (baseline).
Les néphropaties (maladie des tissus rénaux) postradiques constituent l'un des facteurs limitants pour l'élaboration des plans de traitement lors des radiothérapies abdominales. Le processus actuel, qui consiste à évaluer la fonctionnalité relative des reins grâce à une scintigraphie gamma deux dimensions, ne permet pas d'identifier les portions fonctionnelles qui pourraient être évitées lors de l' élaboration des plans de traitement. Une méthode permettant de cartographier la fonctionnalité rénale en trois dimensions et d'extraire un contour fonctionnel utilisable lors de la planification a été développée à partir de CT double énergie injectés à l'iode. La concentration en produit de contraste est considérée reliée à la fonctionnalité rénale. La technique utilisée repose sur la décomposition à trois matériaux permettant de reconstruire des images en concentration d'iode. Un algorithme de segmentation semi-automatisé basé sur la déformation hiérarchique et anamorphique de surfaces permet ensuite d'extraire le contour fonctionnel des reins. Les premiers résultats obtenus avec des images patient démontrent qu'une utilisation en clinique est envisageable et pourra être bénéfique.
Background: Campylobacter jejuni is responsible for human foodborne enteritis. This bacterium is a remarkable colonizer of the chicken gut, with some strains outcompeting others for colonization. To better understand this phenomenon, the objective of this study was to extensively characterize the phenotypic performance of C. jejuni chicken strains and associate their gut colonizing ability with specific genes. Results: C. jejuni isolates (n = 45) previously analyzed for the presence of chicken colonization associated genes were further characterized for phenotypic properties influencing colonization: autoagglutination and chemotaxis as well as adhesion to and invasion of primary chicken caecal cells. This allowed strains to be ranked according to their in vitro performance. After their in vitro capacity to outcompete was demonstrated in vivo, strains were then typed by comparative genomic fingerprinting (CGF). In vitro phenotypical properties displayed a linear variability among the tested strains. Strains possessing higher scores for phenotypical properties were able to outcompete others during chicken colonization trials. When the gene content of strains was compared, some were associated with different phenotypical scores and thus with different outcompeting capacities. Use of CGF profiles showed an extensive genetic variability among the studied strains and suggested that the outcompeting capacity is not predictable by CGF profile. Conclusion: This study revealed a wide array of phenotypes present in C. jejuni strains, even though they were all recovered from chicken caecum. Each strain was classified according to its in vitro competitive potential and its capacity to compete for chicken gut colonization was associated with specific genes. This study also exposed the disparity existing between genetic typing and phenotypical behavior of C. jejuni strains.
Le foie est un organe vital ayant une capacité de régénération exceptionnelle et un rôle crucial dans le fonctionnement de l’organisme. L’évaluation du volume du foie est un outil important pouvant être utilisé comme marqueur biologique de sévérité de maladies hépatiques. La volumétrie du foie est indiquée avant les hépatectomies majeures, l’embolisation de la veine porte et la transplantation. La méthode la plus répandue sur la base d'examens de tomodensitométrie (TDM) et d'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) consiste à délimiter le contour du foie sur plusieurs coupes consécutives, un processus appelé la «segmentation». Nous présentons la conception et la stratégie de validation pour une méthode de segmentation semi-automatisée développée à notre institution. Notre méthode représente une approche basée sur un modèle utilisant l’interpolation variationnelle de forme ainsi que l’optimisation de maillages de Laplace. La méthode a été conçue afin d’être compatible avec la TDM ainsi que l' IRM. Nous avons évalué la répétabilité, la fiabilité ainsi que l’efficacité de notre méthode semi-automatisée de segmentation avec deux études transversales conçues rétrospectivement. Les résultats de nos études de validation suggèrent que la méthode de segmentation confère une fiabilité et répétabilité comparables à la segmentation manuelle. De plus, cette méthode diminue de façon significative le temps d’interaction, la rendant ainsi adaptée à la pratique clinique courante. D’autres études pourraient incorporer la volumétrie afin de déterminer des marqueurs biologiques de maladie hépatique basés sur le volume tels que la présence de stéatose, de fer, ou encore la mesure de fibrose par unité de volume.
The research problem selected for this study is one of the important issues in the field of financial market and its marketing dimensions on which researchers and academicians encourage more research studies. This research study may be relevant considering its significance in terms of some possible findings which may be useful to Fls in framing successful market segmentation approach to turn their dissatisfied and ‘merely' satisfied customers into ‘delighted’ customers, which in turn can result in better savings mobilisation. The household segments may also be benefited from the research findings if they bring about an attitudinal change in their savings behaviour. The importance of the study may be briefly highlighted in the following points. The research study examines existing theories on market segmentation by Fls and the findings might supplement the existing theories on this topic. The study brings to light certain clues to strengthen market segmentation approach of Fls.The study throws light on the existing beliefs and perceptions on customer behaviour which may be useful in effecting some positive changes in market segmentation approach by Fls. The study suggests certain relationship between market segmentation variables and customer behaviour in the context of marketing of financial products by Fls. The study supplements the existing knowledge on different dimension of market segmentation in the financial market which might encourage future research in the field.
The work is intended to study the following important aspects of document image processing and develop new methods. (1) Segmentation ofdocument images using adaptive interval valued neuro-fuzzy method. (2) Improving the segmentation procedure using Simulated Annealing technique. (3) Development of optimized compression algorithms using Genetic Algorithm and parallel Genetic Algorithm (4) Feature extraction of document images (5) Development of IV fuzzy rules. This work also helps for feature extraction and foreground and background identification. The proposed work incorporates Evolutionary and hybrid methods for segmentation and compression of document images. A study of different neural networks used in image processing, the study of developments in the area of fuzzy logic etc is carried out in this work
Cerebral glioma is the most prevalent primary brain tumor, which are classified broadly into low and high grades according to the degree of malignancy. High grade gliomas are highly malignant which possess a poor prognosis, and the patients survive less than eighteen months after diagnosis. Low grade gliomas are slow growing, least malignant and has better response to therapy. To date, histological grading is used as the standard technique for diagnosis, treatment planning and survival prediction. The main objective of this thesis is to propose novel methods for automatic extraction of low and high grade glioma and other brain tissues, grade detection techniques for glioma using conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modalities and 3D modelling of glioma from segmented tumor slices in order to assess the growth rate of tumors. Two new methods are developed for extracting tumor regions, of which the second method, named as Adaptive Gray level Algebraic set Segmentation Algorithm (AGASA) can also extract white matter and grey matter from T1 FLAIR an T2 weighted images. The methods were validated with manual Ground truth images, which showed promising results. The developed methods were compared with widely used Fuzzy c-means clustering technique and the robustness of the algorithm with respect to noise is also checked for different noise levels. Image texture can provide significant information on the (ab)normality of tissue, and this thesis expands this idea to tumour texture grading and detection. Based on the thresholds of discriminant first order and gray level cooccurrence matrix based second order statistical features three feature sets were formulated and a decision system was developed for grade detection of glioma from conventional T2 weighted MRI modality.The quantitative performance analysis using ROC curve showed 99.03% accuracy for distinguishing between advanced (aggressive) and early stage (non-aggressive) malignant glioma. The developed brain texture analysis techniques can improve the physician’s ability to detect and analyse pathologies leading to a more reliable diagnosis and treatment of disease. The segmented tumors were also used for volumetric modelling of tumors which can provide an idea of the growth rate of tumor; this can be used for assessing response to therapy and patient prognosis.
This paper presents methods for moving object detection in airborne video surveillance. The motion segmentation in the above scenario is usually difficult because of small size of the object, motion of camera, and inconsistency in detected object shape etc. Here we present a motion segmentation system for moving camera video, based on background subtraction. An adaptive background building is used to take advantage of creation of background based on most recent frame. Our proposed system suggests CPU efficient alternative for conventional batch processing based background subtraction systems. We further refine the segmented motion by meanshift based mode association.
This paper describes a novel framework for automatic segmentation of primary tumors and its boundary from brain MRIs using morphological filtering techniques. This method uses T2 weighted and T1 FLAIR images. This approach is very simple, more accurate and less time consuming than existing methods. This method is tested by fifty patients of different tumor types, shapes, image intensities, sizes and produced better results. The results were validated with ground truth images by the radiologist. Segmentation of the tumor and boundary detection is important because it can be used for surgical planning, treatment planning, textural analysis, 3-Dimensional modeling and volumetric analysis
This work presents an efficient method for volume rendering of glioma tumors from segmented 2D MRI Datasets with user interactive control, by replacing manual segmentation required in the state of art methods. The most common primary brain tumors are gliomas, evolving from the cerebral supportive cells. For clinical follow-up, the evaluation of the pre- operative tumor volume is essential. Tumor portions were automatically segmented from 2D MR images using morphological filtering techniques. These seg- mented tumor slices were propagated and modeled with the software package. The 3D modeled tumor consists of gray level values of the original image with exact tumor boundary. Axial slices of FLAIR and T2 weighted images were used for extracting tumors. Volumetric assessment of tumor volume with manual segmentation of its outlines is a time-consuming proc- ess and is prone to error. These defects are overcome in this method. Authors verified the performance of our method on several sets of MRI scans. The 3D modeling was also done using segmented 2D slices with the help of a medical software package called 3D DOCTOR for verification purposes. The results were validated with the ground truth models by the Radi- ologist.
Kerala, a classic ecotourism destination in India, provides significant opportunities for livelihood options to the people who depend on the resources from the forest and those who live in difficult terrains. This article analyses the socio-demographic, psychographic and travel behavior patterns and its sub-characteristics in the background of foreign and domestic tourists. The data source for the article has been obtained from a primary survey of 350 randomly chosen tourists, 175 each from domestic and foreign tourists, visiting Kerala’s ecotourists destinations during August-December 2010-11. Several socio-demographic, psychographic and life style factors have been identified based on the inference from field survey. There is considerable divergence in most of the factors identified in the case of domestic and international tourists. Post-trip attributes like satisfaction and intentions to return show that the ecotourism destinations in Kerala have significant potential that can help communities in the region.
Summary: Productivity and forage quality of legume-grass swards are important factors for successful arable farming in both organic and conventional farming systems. For these objectives the botanical composition of the swards is of particular importance, especially, the content of legumes due to their ability to fix airborne nitrogen. As it can vary considerably within a field, a non-destructive detection method while doing other tasks would facilitate a more targeted sward management and could predict the nitrogen supply of the soil for the subsequent crop. This study was undertaken to explore the potential of digital image analysis (DIA) for a non destructive prediction of legume dry matter (DM) contribution of legume-grass mixtures. For this purpose an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, comprising a sample size of 64 experimental swards such as pure swards of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) as well as binary mixtures of each legume with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Growth stages ranged from tillering to heading and the proportion of legumes from 0 to 80 %. Based on digital sward images three steps were considered in order to estimate the legume contribution (% of DM): i) The development of a digital image analysis (DIA) procedure in order to estimate legume coverage (% of area). ii) The description of the relationship between legume coverage (% area) and legume contribution (% of DM) derived from digital analysis of legume coverage related to the green area in a digital image. iii) The estimation of the legume DM contribution with the findings of i) and ii). i) In order to evaluate the most suitable approach for the estimation of legume coverage by means of DIA different tools were tested. Morphological operators such as erode and dilate support the differentiation of objects of different shape by shrinking and dilating objects (Soille, 1999). When applied to digital images of legume-grass mixtures thin grass leaves were removed whereas rounder clover leaves were left. After this process legume leaves were identified by threshold segmentation. The segmentation of greyscale images turned out to be not applicable since the segmentation between legumes and bare soil failed. The advanced procedure comprising morphological operators and HSL colour information could determine bare soil areas in young and open swards very accurately. Also legume specific HSL thresholds allowed for precise estimations of legume coverage across a wide range from 11.8 - 72.4 %. Based on this legume specific DIA procedure estimated legume coverage showed good correlations with the measured values across the whole range of sward ages (R2 0.96, SE 4.7 %). A wide range of form parameters (i.e. size, breadth, rectangularity, and circularity of areas) was tested across all sward types, but none did improve prediction accuracy of legume coverage significantly. ii) Using measured reference data of legume coverage and contribution, in a first approach a common relationship based on all three legumes and sward ages of 35, 49 and 63 days was found with R2 0.90. This relationship was improved by a legume-specific approach of only 49- and 63-d old swards (R2 0.94, 0.96 and 0.97 for red clover, white clover, and lucerne, respectively) since differing structural attributes of the legume species influence the relationship between these two parameters. In a second approach biomass was included in the model in order to allow for different structures of swards of different ages. Hence, a model was developed, providing a close look on the relationship between legume coverage in binary legume-ryegrass communities and the legume contribution: At the same level of legume coverage, legume contribution decreased with increased total biomass. This phenomenon may be caused by more non-leguminous biomass covered by legume leaves at high levels of total biomass. Additionally, values of legume contribution and coverage were transformed to the logit-scale in order to avoid problems with heteroscedasticity and negative predictions. The resulting relationships between the measured legume contribution and the calculated legume contribution indicated a high model accuracy for all legume species (R2 0.93, 0.97, 0.98 with SE 4.81, 3.22, 3.07 % of DM for red clover, white clover, and lucerne swards, respectively). The validation of the model by using digital images collected over field grown swards with biomass ranges considering the scope of the model shows, that the model is able to predict legume contribution for most common legume-grass swards (Frame, 1992; Ledgard and Steele, 1992; Loges, 1998). iii) An advanced procedure for the determination of legume DM contribution by DIA is suggested, which comprises the inclusion of morphological operators and HSL colour information in the analysis of images and which applies an advanced function to predict legume DM contribution from legume coverage by considering total sward biomass. Low residuals between measured and calculated values of legume dry matter contribution were found for the separate legume species (R2 0.90, 0.94, 0.93 with SE 5.89, 4.31, 5.52 % of DM for red clover, white clover, and lucerne swards, respectively). The introduced DIA procedure provides a rapid and precise estimation of legume DM contribution for different legume species across a wide range of sward ages. Further research is needed in order to adapt the procedure to field scale, dealing with differing light effects and potentially higher swards. The integration of total biomass into the model for determining legume contribution does not necessarily reduce its applicability in practice as a combined estimation of total biomass and legume coverage by field spectroscopy (Biewer et al. 2009) and DIA, respectively, may allow for an accurate prediction of the legume contribution in legume-grass mixtures.